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Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Boxed Set - Books 2, 3 and 4

Page 11

by Katrina Kahler

  “I practically begged them to let me go out. Just for Halloween!” Lisa moaned, as she described the conversation she’d had with her parents. “Surely that’s not too much to ask?”

  Even a visit to the local shopping center after school was out of the question unless Lisa was supervised by a family member. She stared at us in disgust, shaking her head at the unfairness of the situation but all we could do was stare back sympathetically, completely at a loss for what we could do or say to help. It really was tough and absolutely the worst position ever for a teenager to be in.

  One thing I was thankful for though, was the fact that Lisa had returned to her usual friendly self and all ill feelings towards me seemed to have been forgotten. Ever since her arrival back at school, I hadn’t mentioned Joe at all and in actual fact, neither had she. So I wondered if she’d lost interest in him, which I desperately hoped was the case. I also hoped never to see or hear from that creep ever again!

  As wonderful as it was to have the old Lisa back, trying to include her in our conversation about Halloween proved to be awkward and for her benefit, we attempted to tone down our enthusiasm a little. But eventually, her interest was diverted to her phone and she spent the remainder of the break looking through her Instagram posts. It was then that we were able to take advantage and continue on with our plans for what we were all convinced was going to be a great night.

  When I glanced at my own phone shortly afterwards to check the Facebook notifications that kept popping up on the screen, I began to realize that the event Matt and I had posted which was invite only, was receiving a much bigger response that we’d ever anticipated. It seemed that a large number of people who we had not actually invited, had heard about the party and were keen to be added to the list.

  Although I was well aware that we should be trying to keep numbers to a minimum, it was hard to refuse the constant requests. Even the really cool kids were asking to come and I couldn’t help but feel secretly pleased that although there were other parties on that night, ours was the one everyone seemed keen to go to. So within no time at all, our list had grown and was much bigger than we had ever planned.

  Matt kept reassuring me that as there was so much going on that night, a lot of people probably wouldn’t even show up. And even if we did end up with a large crowd, Dad was going to be away and didn’t need to be told that detail.

  When Saturday eventually arrived, we spent the day tidying up and preparing for the night ahead. We’d bought a few Halloween decorations and one of Matt’s friends, a boy named Jason, had turned up with a heap of really cool bits and pieces that his family had stored in their garage, which helped to add to the party atmosphere we’d been trying to create. Within a matter of a few hours, the house had been fully transformed and looked amazing. All the while though, I had to keep answering the door to the kids who were walking the streets dressed in Halloween costumes and trick or treating. Luckily, one thing I had stockpiled in large quantities was sweets, and we had plenty to give away.

  There was one issue that continued to concern me though. Becky still hadn’t arrived with the super girl costume she had promised to deliver. Her plan had been to drop it over to my house early that afternoon, but the day was quickly disappearing and there was still no sign of her. And in addition to that, she had not replied to any of my texts.

  But just as it began to get quite late and a slight feeling of panic had taken hold, I heard the doorbell ring for the umpteenth time that day. When I opened the door, I breathed a huge sigh of relief, to find Becky waiting with costume in hand.

  “I’m so sorry, Julia! I’ve had the most hectic afternoon and didn’t have a chance to get here until now. But here’s the outfit. I’m sure you’ll look amazing in it.”

  After a quick hug and repeated words of thanks from me, she rushed off so that she would have enough time to get ready herself. I still had a few last minute things to do though, before I could think about getting dressed and I looked at Matt in frustration as he sat in the middle of the living room floor, fiddling with speaker wires that littered the corner of the room. He’d been determined to set up his new sound system but it was taking him much longer than expected.

  Resisting the temptation to yell at him to hurry, I raced into the kitchen to wash and clear the remains of the lunch dishes that had been left lying all over the benchtop. I then raced up the stairs, fully aware that people would soon be arriving and I hadn’t even had a shower yet.

  Grateful at least to be able to claim the bathroom before Matt, I hurried in there and shut the door. If Matt had beat me to it, I would never have been ready on time.

  However, I soon found that there was one small detail I hadn’t counted on.

  The party…

  When I pulled out the costume that Becky had loaned me, I took a moment to admire the flowing red cape. There was also a bright blue fitted top that was emblazoned with the classic red S symbol complete with a golden background. It was attached to a red, flared skirt and even included a wide, gold belt and long, red boots.

  Thinking myself extremely lucky to wear the same size as Becky, I stepped into the outfit, keen to see how it looked. However, the moment I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I realized instantly that although it fitted me to perfection and really was very flattering, the skirt was very, very short. In fact, it seemed so short that I quickly turned in front of the mirror to check the length at the back, as I was concerned that it may not even cover my underwear.

  But then I remembered the cape, which would obviously hide the costume underneath and when I swung it over my shoulders and fastened the clasp at my throat, I couldn’t resist twirling from side to side to admire the effect it created. It was such a cool outfit and I was so grateful to Becky for lending it to me. In particular, I absolutely adored the red boots. They were made from soft suede fabric that was particularly soft to touch as well as being very comfortable to wear. I considered how great they’d look over jeans during the winter months and made a mental note to ask Becky if I could borrow them in the future.

  However, I still felt very self-conscious as the front of the skirt was completely exposed and although I was tempted to wear it as it was, bare-legged between the hem and the top of the boots, I thought perhaps a pair of leggings or tights worn underneath would be more appropriate. Unsure of which option to take, I glanced again in the mirror and made a quick decision to search my cupboard for something I could put on.

  It soon became clear though, that what I was searching for was nowhere to be found and then I caught sight of the overflowing laundry basket that stood by my door. Remembering in a flash that I’d worn my leggings earlier in the week and they remained unwashed and covered in mud, I cursed myself for being too lazy to do any washing.

  Just then, I heard the doorbell ring and assumed that our first guests must have arrived. Aware that Matt was still in the shower, I had no choice but to head for the door, which meant that I also had to make do with what I was wearing. After another quick peek at my reflection, I made my way down the stairs.

  With Matt in the bathroom still getting himself ready, I knew it was left to me to entertain whoever had arrived and I hoped that the people waiting at the door would be my own friends, rather than his. Sighing in frustration at the music blasting from behind the bathroom door, I thought about the way he always put so much effort into his appearance. It was pretty strange, that between the two of us, he always took the longest to get dressed.

  When I swung open the front door, it was a group of his friends standing there waiting to enter; three raucous boys, dressed in a variety of costumes and clearly ready to party.

  “Hey, Julia,” said a tall, sandy haired boy named Zac, who was known for being a serious flirt.

  Eyeing me up and down, he then blurted, “Awesome outfit! You look hot!”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I invited them in and made my way to the living room, where I was relieved to see the speaker system finally set up and in worki
ng order. I reached for the controls to adjust the volume slightly and then turned to the boys.

  “Have a seat!” I suggested as I turned to face them, only to find each pair of eyes checking out my costume and in particular the length of my skirt.

  Blushing awkwardly, I tried to make conversation. Usually, I was accustomed to Matt’s friends, this group in particular as they were often at our house hanging out after school and on weekends. Over time, I’d become used to their flirty comments and annoying behavior and tended to simply ignore them. But on this occasion, they were making me feel quite uncomfortable.

  I was fully aware that Zac, being the flirt that he was, had a crush on a few different girls including me, and right then he was making that fact pretty obvious. He continued to watch my every move. His unwavering glances as I scattered bowls of crisps and sweets around the room made me feel even more awkward, and I glanced towards the stairway hoping to see my brother appear.

  The issue of having a best friend who liked his sister was one that Matt could not come to terms with and I had heard him on one occasion telling Zac to back off.

  “That would just be weird!” he exclaimed, one afternoon. “There is no way I’m letting you date my sister!”

  Zac could not see the problem, and although I thought he was actually quite good looking, I really wasn’t interested in him in that way at all. So Matt really had nothing to worry about. However, it was quite amusing to see my brother so stirred up over the idea.

  Making themselves comfortable on the sofa, the boys opened the lid of a large cooler box. The interior was full to the brim with various bottles and cans and it was clear by the way they were all fooling around, that they’d already started drinking some time earlier.

  At the sudden sound of the doorbell, I was given an excuse to move away from Zac’s wandering eyes. When I swung the door open, I was faced with a group of guys who I didn’t recognize at all. Hesitating, unsure as to whether I should let them in, I heard one of the boys inside call out in recognition. Relieved to find that they were not total strangers who had decided to gate crash, I ushered them all into the living room to join the others. Then, feeling uncomfortable about being the only girl present amongst so many boys, especially dressed the way I was, I raced up the stairs two at a time to find Matt.

  “Seriously, Matt! I can’t believe you’re still not ready. Hurry up and get downstairs. There’s a group of guys in our living room and I have no idea who they are!”

  “Chill out, Julia! I’m coming!”

  I shook my head in annoyance, waiting for him to finally emerge from the bathroom. But my frustration with my brother abruptly turned to approval the instant that I saw him. He had his hair slicked back with gel but the effect was really cool and I took a moment to admire his good looking features as I pushed him in the direction of the stairs. His outfit, rather than being fancy dress, consisted of fashionable clothes from his cupboard, ones that I had not seen him wear before. I had no idea what his intention was, as far as being in costume, but I didn’t dare mention anything for fear that he would want to go and change.

  When I heard the doorbell sound once more, I rushed to answer it, leaving Matt to greet the boys in the living room and was relieved to find Beth, Becky and several others from our group at school, waiting impatiently to come in. I was so glad to see them there at last and within what seemed a very short time later, it appeared that most of our friends had arrived. Meanwhile, the music had been turned to full volume, the lights dimmed and the party was definitely underway.

  Joining the girls in the kitchen, I watched as they sorted through several drinks they had brought with them and were eagerly pouring into plastic cups. I took a small sip from one that was offered to me but quickly handed it back.

  “OMG, Beth! That is disgusting! What did you put in it?”

  Laughing, Beth ignored my comment and took a huge gulp from her own cup, not even flinching at the foul taste of the concoction. I could see that she was too distracted by a group of guys standing nearby, and I watched with amusement as she stared openly in their direction.

  “Who are they?” she whispered discreetly, indicating the group that had caught her attention. Then without waiting for an answer, she continued, “They’re so good looking!!”

  I grinned back at her, smiling widely in acknowledgement. “But it’s crazy, because I’m not even sure who they are! I’m just hoping they’re Matt’s friends. If not, it means they’re some random guys who just turned up!”

  I had previously mentioned to my brother, the possibility of having people show up uninvited, but he hadn’t seemed too concerned and I’d been so busy with all the preparations to give the issue much thought, hoping that everything would work out as planned.

  Glancing back at the group of boys once more to check whether or not they actually were familiar, I heard a voice that I definitely recognized, calling to us from the opposite direction. Looking up to see who had arrived, I was stunned to find the unexpected figure standing by the kitchen door.

  “Hi girls!”

  Our conversation was quickly forgotten and it was clear by the jaw dropping reactions of everyone there, that no one had anticipated the arrival of the person who stood grinning widely at us from her position in the doorway.

  We’d been so preoccupied that we were caught totally off guard. The sudden appearance of the tall, slender figure dressed in shiny, black leather pants and the most gorgeous leather jacket I’d ever laid eyes on was like an unexpected vision that had been conjured by magic.

  “Lisa!!!” we all screamed in unison.

  With a sly grin, she looked at each of us in turn, taking huge delight in the shocked reaction that was on every face. The sight of our friend looking stunning in her outfit and standing right there beside us in the kitchen had us all squealing with excitement.

  “Lisa, what are you doing here?”

  “It’s so good to see you!!!”

  “What happened?

  “Did your parents change their minds?”

  Amidst laughter and affectionate hugs, Lisa was inundated with questions that we were all desperate to hear the answers to. Her arrival at the party seemed a miraculous event. How she had managed to convince her parents to give her permission, when they’d been so adamant that she would remain at home, was beyond us. And not in a million years did any of us expect the explanation that burst from her lips.

  “I climbed out my bedroom window!”

  She said it so bluntly, as if it were of such little consequence and a completely normal circumstance, that we were completely lost for words. Her response was then followed by a blatant request for someone to pour her a drink.

  “OMG!” Beth remarked for about the fourth time. “You are unbelievable!”

  I watched as, grinning mischievously, she accepted the drink that was handed to her and took a large sip.

  Unable to fully comprehend the simple explanation for her sudden presence, we all began talking at once, the questions pouring forth in quick succession. We wanted a full explanation but as it turned out, her answer was very, very simple.

  “I literally begged my parents to give me permission to come but they refused point blank. There was no way they were going to let me go anywhere. So, I slammed my door shut, locked it from the inside, quickly threw some decent clothes on and climbed out the window! Right now, they think I’m sulking in my room and have probably gone to sleep.”

  My head was reeling with her matter of fact approach to her dilemma. On top of that, I was still trying to fathom the idea of a lock on the inside of her bedroom door. It was a perfect way to ensure privacy and probably every teenager’s dream, but it was something that I had never even considered asking for.

  “Let’s dance!” Lisa’s eager voice broke through my thoughts and, gulping down the remaining contents of her cup, she grabbed my hand and led me into the living room.

  We were followed by the rest of the group and this appeared to be the encourage
ment that others needed because within seconds, the room was full of people dancing.

  As the night wore on, more and more people arrived, although some hadn’t actually been invited. However, I wasn’t too concerned as everyone seemed to be in control.

  Because there were so many people in our house though, I decided to decline offers of more drinks from Beth, who had dragged me into the kitchen on several occasions to refill her cup. As Matt was nowhere to be seen at that stage, I knew that at least one of us really needed to maintain some sort of awareness in order to keep an eye on things.

  Returning to the living room, I was joined by Zac, who had been hovering nearby for most of the night.

  “Come and dance with me, Julia!” he laughed as he grabbed my hand playfully and started swaying to the music.

  Caught up in the party vibe, I danced alongside him, ecstatic that the party had become such a success. Laughing at his attempt to take my hand and spin me in a circle, I pushed him away and continued to dance on my own.

  As I looked around, smiling at the sight of so many friends clearly enjoying themselves, I happened to notice my brother, deep in conversation in the far corner of the room. He was almost hidden from view by the bookcase that stood alongside him but he was so captivated by the girl at his side that he was oblivious to anything else going on. At first, I was not at all sure who had monopolized his attention so completely, and in the darkened room it was hard to make out her face. But when I noticed the shiny leather of her outfit, recognition dawned.

  “Is that Lisa?” I muttered the words disbelievingly as I looked towards them, thinking that surely I must be mistaken.

  When he leaned forward to gently brush the hair from her eyes, her profile came into view, and I watched as she tilted her face towards his. Reeling in shock, I looked on as he bent to kiss her. Then, struggling to fully comprehend the scene in front of me, I stared openly as their mouths connected. Unable to look away, I saw their passionate embrace linger on and on. And abruptly realizing that I was standing stock still, gaping in their direction, I forced myself to look away.


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