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Page 15

by Sean Liebling

  "Great, show them to the conference chambers. Who's missing?"

  "The queen of Barshu, Jezabel."

  "Well that figures. She's always been a bitch. I suppose she'll be along when she rides through the front gate. It's not like her kingdom is that large anyways. Anything else?"

  Jacks satchel took that moment to start buzzing. He had been carrying it for two days and was almost afraid to open it for fear the communication device or 'droid' as these other called it, would escape. Hurriedly he glanced at Griss, who was eyeing the satchel with a frown on his face.

  "Hold up one, I'll be right back. Ivy, see to Griff's needs. Within reason, of course," said Jack, as he stepped back into his quarters and opened the satchel. "You have lousy timing," he muttered in a low voice, at the gently pulsating object that rested within its confines.

  "I thought it might interest you to know what is going on in the kingdom of Barshu," the return voice was equally soft and barely carried to his ears. Jack recognized it as the first officer of the Odyssey, Andros.

  "Tell me."

  "She is currently plotting with Gur the Viceroy of Turnin and has no intention of showing up. She is crafting a message to coax you into coming to her realm where she will assassinate you. It's all recorded if you care to view the evidence."

  "No need, I'll take your word for it, and thanks, First Officer Andros.

  "Commander, I think during our initial encounter, I sounded less sure than I actually was. I was simply surprised that you caught our drone and it set me off balance. But I have some ideas that may help you."

  "Do you have a solution to over eight thousand Turnin guard?"

  "Not yet, but how would you like to communicate with your own captains and those of your allies, instantly?"

  "Of course, who wouldn't? That might make all the difference when we go against Turnin."

  "Yep. How attached are you to your sword?"

  "Pretty attached as I've had it for over a decade now, why?"

  "I can send you a new one that looks exactly like your current blade but has a molecular edge and is hardened. I know you do not understand what I just said, but what it means is that it will cut through anything with ease, like a hot knife through soft butter, including stone. It will also be unbreakable and the edge never dulls. We can provide the communicators and primitive weapons through a courier drone. The sentries from the Malum will not see it and the tech is low enough or hidden enough you won't get hit with an energy beam."

  "I was kinda worried about that, Andros."

  "Have no fears, we've done this before. Now about your current allies that are there waiting for you. They are all faithful and look up to you. We've spied on all of them and none that we can tell hold any misgivings in their hearts. Only that queen of Barshu has ulterior motives. If I were you, I would not trust her. As I stated, she will try to assassinate you."

  "Ha, I have a plan for that. They are only a half day's ride away. Stay tuned. When do I get my new sword and these commuu... whatever devices?"

  "Communicators." Maybe two hours. I'll send them now."

  "Thank you, Andros," said Jack, as he closed and cinched the flap shut.

  "My pleasure," came the muffled response.

  Walking outside, he saw Griff talking with Ivy. They seemed happy and content, at ease with each other. For a brief moment, Jack felt a twinge of jealousy, then stifled it. Griff was his right hand and no way would the man attempt to acquire Jack's slave, although he would probably take her on if Jack were to perish, him or Conrad that is.

  "You guys ready?"

  "Yes Sir. Ready to go to the conference room?"

  "Not yet, I need to go to the palace real quick to collect the potentate. I distrust him showing up as agreed, but it shouldn't take long."

  "As long as he's not drugged out of his mind," muttered Griff.

  "Well there is that Captain, but be of good cheer. I think fate is smiling on us today."


  Carthius set down his reports for a moment and studied the birds at the feeder just outside his study window. The conference of alliance members was scheduled for right now and he still had not summoned his royal guard. Perhaps it was the fact that he had taken no drugs since the attack of several days ago. He knew he was pissing his life away but thanks to the God's for Jack, who held everything together for him nicely. Even better than his father, was Jack.

  Carthius simply felt sleepy all the time since going straight and sober. He was startled when a loud pounding sounded at his chamber door and he groaned. That would be Jack! He dreaded this meeting, with a passion. His head and belly hurt and his joints were feeling their age of over three hundred years. The pounding came again and he sighed, while shouting.

  "Enter!" Without hesitation, Jack entered and walked up to his writing table.

  "Sir, you are needed in the formal conference room. You're late in fact."

  "Yeah, I know. I just don't feel up to it, Jack."

  "Whether you feel up to it or not, you must show a presence so as not to insult the ambassadors of our allies. Are you on drugs this morning, Sir?"

  "What? Hell no. I gave that up days ago after that attack by Turnin. I haven't even touched a drop of wine since and my new favorite beverage is fruit juice. I have this slave you see, that combines the juices from multiple fruits in one fantastic mixture. It is a truly wonderful exp...."

  "Sir, we must leave now. Please, Sir," said Jack, interrupting the Potentate, who sighed.

  "Will this mean war, Jack?"

  "Yes sir, without a doubt. They are growing bolder by the year and attacking us regularly."

  "Well, I am dressed, so lead the way," Carthius grumbled. Jack did not bother responding, he simply signaled the guard just outside the door to form a protective cordon around the Potentate. Within a short period, they were in the palace conference room. Carthius taking his seat at the head of the table, and Jack was standing directly behind him. Carthius waited until everyone had greeted him and he them, and then began the meeting.

  "The meeting of the alliance is called to order. My Commander and I wished you here to discuss the recent events over the last few days. Five of our cities have been attacked by renegade Turnin guard units," he began.

  "Renegade my ass," sputtered Timone of Stonehall. Stonehall's Ambassador had not said a word, but that cities Commander voiced all of their silent thoughts. Carthius smiled softly and responded.

  "I agree with you, Stonehall. It is high time we did something about the scourge that is called Turnin. To that end, my Commander and trusted confident, requested this meeting. He has my full support, but first let me ask you warriors and Ambassadors. Do you have the authority to commit to a war footing?" Slowly all nodded and Carthius waved his hand at Jack to take the floor.

  "All assembled here have suffered at the hands of Turnin. All have been raided multiple times by supposed renegade guard units. All here have captured enough combatants from those raids, tortured them, and know they are actually regular Guard units. How long will we continue to let this happen?" Jack said vehemently as he leaned over the wide long table with both palms resting on its polished wooden surface. A loud shout of "No More" rang from the assembled guests and Jack smiled viciously.

  "To those assembled here, ask yourself why the Queen of Barshu is not present?" At the multitude of nods, he continued. "It is because she plots against us! She is currently in league with Gur of Turnin. My spies have reported only this day that I will shortly receive a communication requesting my presence to her court for consultation between our cities. My spies also report that this is but a ruse to get me within the royal chamber where I might be assassinated!" A huge shout of disapproval echoed throughout the chamber, as even most of the Ambassadors were now standing, condemnation written strongly upon their faces.

  "Do I go?"

  "No!" the shout was beyond thunderous.

  "I disagree, I think we should all go and I'll tell you why." Jack leaned over the table a
gain and spoke urgently. "Turnin is out to decimate us piecemeal. They are whittling away at our men, but they hold the largest territory by far. Our combined strength barely outnumbers theirs but I have good spies, and we have mapped out four tunnels barely guarded in Barshu, and nine in Turnin, only four of which are guarded. I would say we have a major advantage on our hands." Jack waited silently, as they spoke amongst themselves and then the Ambassador for Bristol asked him.

  "Can you guarantee us victory with minimal casualties? After all, if we are not successful, if the tunnels are a ruse to entrap us, we will be decimated." Jack heard his words and for once in his life he had to take information presented to him on faith. He had no overt reason to trust these Gentes, but he did and while not sure why, they had not lied to him since he learned of them, short as though that might be.

  "My spies are of the highest caliber, Sir. I assure you they do not lie, nor exaggerate. If they say Barshu has four unguarded tunnels and that Turnin has five that remain unguarded, then I have no choice but to believe them. My spies are also acquiring communication devices for all of us that will escape the detection of the Gods. Evidently, they are already in use in a city not far away and we are acquiring some of them. This will allow us to coordinate our attacks in real-time. But really, the question boils down to this. Are we cities that govern our own affairs without interference by others, or are we as sheep, ready for slaughter like that which allows our population and guard to be bled dry! Personally, we will attack Barshu and after them, Turnin. Who's with us!" The last was cried out in a shout as Jack drew his sword and slammed it down on the table, to the ringing cheers of the other Commanders who, at nods from their Ambassadors, drew their own swords also slamming them down, their tips crossing Jacks.

  "Alright. Looks like we're all in. Now who do we elect as Warlord?" he inquired mildly.

  "Jack!" The shout was immense, but only caused Jack to smile wider.


  Chapter 16:

  Queen Jezebel slowly rose from her bath and glanced at her servants. All of her closest servants attended, even those that were male, whom she loved to display her body too. It could be said that she loved her slaves, especially the males, but that would be in error, because she loved her female slaves equally. She liked variety in her sex life and since she was not married, she kept it varied. Although she had struck a compact with Gur of Turnin, she knew the man would not marry her. Privately, she thought he liked boys, but it could be because her kingdom was so small. Hard to tell with that man. While they had performed sex together, each encounter lasted only a few minutes and was remarkably...disappointing.

  "Has the courier been sent to Ashton, requesting the presence of their Commander?"

  "Yes, Milady. As you requested, the courier was dispatched two days ago. I'm sure he's received it by now and may even be on his way."

  Suddenly, a herald entered, the main doors flinging open and hurried to the queen's side as he ignored her naked beauty. "Milady, Sir Jack of Ashton is here at the front gate with a forty man honor guard," he said breathlessly as he bowed low before her.

  "Well he is timely, I'll give him that. Quick, get me the captain of my guard," she commanded.

  "Do you wish to go to the front gate and welcome him?"

  "Hell no, I'm a queen and he is only a Commander," she said hotly, as the Commander of her guard ran up to her while she was getting dressed.

  "Yes Milady," he gasped.

  "See that the archers are positioned in the alcoves. There will be forty of them from Ashton, so make sure we have enough men. I want Jack and his escort taken out immediately."

  "Yes, Milady," he replied with a grimace, but he was a sworn man after all.

  It was almost a half hour later, but Ashton's Commander finally entered her presence with his honor guard, walking with a slight limp. With him were ten other delegates from surrounding cities, an act which surprised her. She thought it was simply an envoy from Ashton but she saw every city around them represented by their Commanders within Jacks retinue. She frowned as she suspected something was amiss. As Ashton's commander came to a stop before her, she asked.

  "Why Jack, what is the meaning of this? I did not know I would be entertaining the entire alliance. I will call my chefs and have more food brought up for the party. Please forgive my discourtesy at the lack of anticipation. However, it is good to see you. How is Ashton after that raid by the renegades? I do hope your casualties were low."

  "Sure Jezebel. We lost two men and quite a few wounded, but they will all recover. There were over a hundred of them and we killed over half. Amazing how poorly trained they were in warfare and no wonder they defected from the Turnin Guard. Personally, I would have put them all back in the beginnings of training because they really sucked. The good news is that Viceroy Gur sent us a token gift as a form of remorse for our losses at errant units of his. It was ten thousand gold crowns and we are already putting it to use."

  "Ahh, as you say. I'm unfamiliar with the renegade units but the regular Turnin guard is quite excellent I've been told. I suppose that any large city has inferior troops that revolt and abandon their home. It is too bad that these things happen and I will talk with Viceroy Gur about it and that is wonderful news on your largess." Jezebel sputtered, as she tried to think of something to say to Jack's nonchalant attitude. She was also at a loss due to his unfamiliar form of address concerning her. In their previous encounters, he always addressed her as Queen Jezebel.

  "Well, nothing can replace the men we lost, but don't worry Jez, I'll be having a conversation with Gur shortly about several things. But, although I thank you for your concern, your interest is needed somewhere else, I'm afraid."

  "Where might that be?" she asked, a bewildered expression upon her face.

  "Jez, I heard that you were plotting my assassination and then that of our Potentate. I will freely admit that I was only somewhat surprised at your actions as I knew just how treacherous a bitch you really are. Still, everything and everyone has an expiration date and unfortunately for you, yours has expired, which is why I brought witnesses." Now, Jack was grinning as he waved his hand at the assembled Commanders of ten other cities all looking at her with disdain.

  "Jack, Jack, I'm sure this is but a simple misunderstanding. Surely I have not plotted against you or your Potentate. I am faithful to the alliance," she whimpered as she tried to shrink back from him, but he had already grabbed her arm. "But you mentioned my interest was needed elsewhere? Were you thinking of a proposal between the two of us?" Desperately, she hoped he would believe her until her men started killing them and smiled sweetly as he pulled her roughly too him. She liked it rough. The rougher the better.

  "Why no, in Ashton's city's brothels of course," grinned Jack, as he shouted. "Take them men!" Immediately swords were drawn and the forty split up, most diving to the right or left and entering the alcoves as the last two placed a heavy oak bar across the door in the barrier holders. Jezebel gaped in shock as Jack grabbed her tightly and holding her close, turned to view the fighting.

  Within minutes, the fighting was over and even though several archers appeared in the upper alcoves, they were quickly cut down by either Jacks men or the other Commanders. They could not shoot, as he held her before him like a shield, his blade drawn and oddly shimmering. She stomped her feet as Jack's host assembled before her again.

  "You will let me go, I have two hundred of the guard outside and they will cut you down like chaff."

  "Oh, I think not. They are all dead or surrendered by now. We came with twenty-two hundred and Ahhhh, we used your hidden tunnels for entry. Hope you don't mind," laughed Jack, as he began to strip her. First her jewelry and then her fine embroidered silks and cloth. In moments, she was naked and shivering from the cold. Before she could respond again, Jack grabbed her by the hair and dragged her over to her throne. Sitting on its cushions, where she normally resided, he pulled out a metal utensil that she eyed awkwardly.

  "Do you
know what this is?" Jack was nothing if not polite and she continued to shiver as she watched him carefully. She had no idea what had gone wrong, only that it had.

  "I think that is something a blacksmith uses. At least it looks like something of the sort."

  "You would be correct. They are called pliers. They remove things, like teeth. You will now suck me and if you bite, I will happily remove all your teeth while you are awake."

  "What? Commander please don't make me do this, I am a Queen after all." The last came out shaky as she was now in shock. Jack wanted Jezebel to use her mouth on him and she was frightened at her new station in life. Not to mention, the degradation of having to perform such an act in public.

  "You heard me and if you don't start within five seconds, I'll start pulling your teeth. Then my men and the men of my allies will have you. After that, you will be shipped to Ashton and the brothels. Your days as queen are over, I'm afraid."

  While Jack talked, he parted his skirts and bared his huge cock to her. With a gulp, she quickly took it in her mouth for she knew he was not kidding in the slightest. What had brought this on, she did not know as it was impossible for him to know about her plans with Gur and the city of Turnin unless there was a spy in Gur's court. She could only hope he was kidding about his men and his cities brothels as she fell to her knees, grasped his cock and began to suck hard upon its length, feeling it harden within her mouth until she could barely hold it. Damn, he was huge. As she continued to suck hard, she listened to him as right now she was scared for her life. For whatever reason, she had been discovered and all she could do now was cover her ass as best she could. If it meant a public display of sex with this Commander, then so be it.

  "You see, Jezebel. I knew of your plans to assassinate me. I expected it actually. None of us trust you and you must realize that," said Jack, as he enjoyed her mouth on him. She was really putting some effort into the act and he appreciated it.


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