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Page 16

by Sean Liebling

  "But Lord Jack, I have done nothing. The archers were strictly for protection." Jezebel gasped as she held his huge cock by its base and sputtered in protest.

  "Yeah, tell that to the brothel mistress, now if you stop sucking again, I will pull out all of your teeth and fuck your mouth." Jezebel immediately started sucking as hard as she could again.


  Jack smiled in satisfaction as the little conniving bitch continued to please him with her mouth. She was definitely talented and that might earn her a better station in the brothels but a slave for life she would remain. Jack rarely forgave and in this case, it would not happen.

  Pulling his cock from her mouth, he twisted her small, frail body in his arms and rising, bent her over one of the throne arms. Looking down at her tiny ass, he grinned as he spit on the tiny bud of her ass hole, his aim accurate as the glob of spittle rested on its puckered surface. Resting the tip of his large cock against the opening, he leaned over to ask her as she began to shudder under him.

  "Are you ready?" he grinned evilly, as he forced in an inch of cock and listened with glee as she shouted in pain.

  "No no no no. Please not there. Use my pussy, use my mouth, but please not my ass," she wailed as he gripped her by the full head of hair she possessed and not responding to her entreaties, he drove his cock halfway into her ass. The resulting screams that emanated from Jezebel were satisfying but he wasn't done yet. He felt resistance, other than the tight opening and pushed in another two inches, while listening to her wail even louder and marveled that her arms could flap so fast, like a birds. Fast and vicious, he began to fuck her ass hard and had bottomed out by the fourth stroke. The girl under him was rapidly coming apart and the screams went on continuously as the men around him laughed.

  It was customary for a successful invading force to use the women of the city at their whim, preferably highborn women. Their men, forced to watch with blades at their throats were helpless to stop the after action of a victorious invasion and were simply forced to wait until they were finally released when the invading force left after pilfering any obvious valuables. A second, successful invasion always meant the cities inhabitants were put either to the sword, or in the collar. In this case, Jack modified common protocol. Jezebel had betrayed the alliance. That was unforgivable. She and all the highborn would submit to the collar or die. Their peoples however, Jack had a different plan for them.

  He felt himself building to climax and quickly pulled his cock from her bleeding ass and throwing her onto her knees, he shoved its full length into her mouth and down her throat, causing her to gag. Jezebel's makeup was ruined as her tears of pain and anguish ruined that mask she presented to the everyday world. She had not learned her lesson yet, he realized and she would always scheme, but a few years in the brothels catering to the men might teach her humility. He would see, not that he particularly cared one way or the other.

  His cock pulsed and he shot his load of jism into her throat. She seemed eager when she slurped up the overflow and gulped down their contents. She would make a fine addition to the brothels for heavens knew she was a fine looking woman, slave now. As she finished cleaning him off, Griff approached and snapped a collar around her neck and locked it in place. The plan had gone off perfectly. Their friends knew of all the secret passages and where the enemy's men were stationed. The new swords were a wonder to behold and as Andros said, they could cut through stone and steel like warm butter. He smirked as he rose, covered himself and commanded Griff.

  "You're next, take her in the ass, as I think she likes it. I want this to be memorable for her. Then pass her to the men," Jake grinned, as he walked down the dais to the assembled Commanders while he heard Jezebel scream behind him and turning, saw that Griff was having a good time and rooting energetically. As soon as all the men had her, they would attach her to the slave chain that would proceed back to Ashton. Maybe she would survive.

  "Sir," replied the Commander of Stonehall. "We have pacified the city and collared all the highborn, male and female. What are your further commands?"

  "Did we suffer many casualties?" asked Jack.

  "Only a few minor wounds Sir. We were unexpected and almost all their men surrendered. What do we do with them?" Hearing his words, Jack made a motion to draw all around him and the ten other Commanders crowded close. He knew that what he was about to propose was a novel idea, but it was the best way to show strength.

  "We are forming a new alliance, called the Federation. It answers to one, that whom we elect! You men have already sworn your blades to mine and I have replaced your blades with those superior to what you knew. I have powerful, hidden allies that are on our side but we need to conquer this world, form this federation, and you need to trust me. Pass the highborn women to the men and brand them all including Jezebel. I want them used and abused thoroughly this day."

  "Heh, what about your Potentate?" asked the Commander of Raizor, as he fingered his new sword. The abuse of the highborn was a natural, as that was always done when a city was taken. The first thing Jack had completed was to replace their weapons with the new ones from his hidden allies. The men were more than impressed and marveled at not only the toughness, but also the resilience of the blades. They were an instant hit. Behind him Jezebel was screaming even louder, as Griff held her down, doggie style and slammed into her for all he was worth.

  "Hey Griff, gag that bitch will you?" he shouted, before turning back and addressing the men as Jezebel's voice was suddenly muffled. "Ashton's potentate is coming around, a figurehead up until recently, we all know this. However, he recently abstained from drugs and the new federation will consist of autonomous states, each getting one vote in our overall plans, I think that is only fair. Personally, I have no thoughts one way or the others as to who is eventual ruler for a period of time. I do not want the job but do wish to be warlord as I think I am the best suited for it, especially supported by our new allies whom you'll meet soon."The Commanders all looked at each other and eventually all nodded.

  "I want all of you to go out and commander Barshu's guard. Make them swear to the Federation on pain of death. Each of us will leave forty men here as caretakers along with a lieutenant to see to the assimilation into our Federation Alliance. You from Stonehall, You're elected, take one of your lieutenants and put him in charge. Find their treasury because we'll need it. I have a plan for Turnin. Bring whatever administers you need to police this city and if you need help, call on your brothers, us. We'll be there."

  "As you command," replied the man, with a broad smile.

  Jack smiled as Griff approached him while adjusting his skirts and grinned when he saw another man approaching Jezebel, holding her down and about to take her. He again wondered if she would survive. If not, then not. He shrugged as she was just a slave now with no rights.


  "Well, he certainly has a vicious flair about him," remarked Henricus, as he watched the video replay of the scene in Barshu.

  "If you mean, he is a brutal son of a bitch that takes no prisoners, you would be correct," remarked Andros, as he watched the replay with the Captain.

  "Do you really think he is the right choice, Andros?" asked Henricus pensively.

  "He just commanded the troops of eleven cities is there any doubt? Those men would die for him in a heartbeat and the fact he gave the governess of the city over to another, speaks volumes to all present. He trusts them and they trust him. He is a natural leader and men instinctively follow him. Do you think those Commanders, some hundreds of years older than him, decided to follow him out of sheer whim? Not so, Captain. He knows exactly what he is doing, or he is winging it and doing all the right things."

  "Well, his idea of a Federation is not exactly our idea. Our's are elected by planet representatives voting for sector councilors. However, his idea has merit. It makes sense for a single planet. I wonder how long he'll decide on each rulers Federation rule?"

  "Well, I assume that will be voted on
also, what I am sure of is that it will not be a lifetime appointment."

  "How is he adjusting to the ear tachyon communicators?"

  "Like a natural. He did not give it a seconds thought as he stuffed one in his ear. The others trusted him and did the same. We may need to send them more."

  "I have to make a report to the council. I'm actually a day late in doing so. I simply wanted to see how this mission went. What are your recommendations?"

  "The truth! We have a natural leader that three quarters of this continent will want to follow which has never happened before. He will unite the world within the year is my guess. From there we can move forward. These guys are killers with honor and will be a major asset in the control of new worlds."

  "As long as the council will grant them a waiver from human rights violations."

  "You think too much. They will."

  "Better pray they do, because I doubt Paradise will give up their slaves. How many swords can we accommodate in a courier drone?"

  "Roughly a hundred, why?"

  "Fabricate and send them along with the special sheaths, I'm sure Jack will put them to good use. Drop them outside his door there in Barshu, along another package of maybe fifty communicators."

  "You got it Captain!" said Andros, with glee.


  Chapter 17:

  "You say Barshu was taken?" snarled Gur, as he swung around to stare at Jezol, his first advisor.

  "Oh yes, quickly in fact. We do not have the details yet but evidently the Ashton's have perfected metallurgy to the point of creating swords that can cut through steel as easy as a knife through soft butter. I have dispatched more spies to Ashton in hopes of gaining the secrets of their techniques. The city of Barshu didn't stand a chance, as eleven cities in the alliance banded together and handed their ass to them with almost no casualties. As I said, it was quick and reports indicate it was simply a matter of a half hour."

  "Damnit, and Jezebel, what of her?"

  "Collared and currently being passed around to all their men. Stonehall is bringing in administrators to oversee the city and commerce, magisterial duties and so forth and each city has devoted forty men to policing Barshu until it's been assimilated."

  "Well, she did lose after all. That's what happens when plots are discovered. Any idea how they knew she planned the assassination with our guidance?"

  "None, but we are still looking into it."

  "Keep me informed." Gur turned away in fury and exasperation as he drew his sword and killed the closest slave. The girl fell to the ground as her head left her shoulders and bounced along the tiles, splattering blood everywhere and causing him to growl again, "and have someone clean this mess up."

  "Yes Viceroy," muttered Jezol.

  "And have the wall watch posts doubled. I don't want to be surprised like Barshu because if I'm not mistaken, he'll come here next. Be prepared."


  Ivy smiled as she prepared her morning meal. Her master had just reported in and everything was going according to plan. Jack would not be back for days, but she was content with that as she had duties she actually liked. She'd had an eventful and fulfilling morning so far today. Since her master was absent, she had spent her time with the guard and filling their breakfast and then lunch orders. She was also able to talk with them and learn them and their habits.

  She had long ago given up trying to get the guard to behave and put up with their ass slapping and grabbing her in a good natured way. She was rapidly coming to love each and every one of them and serving Conrad was a bright spot of her day. She vowed that if her master ever got rid of her, she would run to him first.

  "Hey Ivy. You haven't been outside the gates recently have you?" Conrad asked as he walked back and forth at the watch gate. His wounds were still healing but he could get around on his own now and was the better for it. She adored him to death and brought him fruit pies every single morning, along with the men he commanded. She enjoyed it, so did they.

  "No master, girl has not been outside in months."

  "Then off we go. Let me arrange an escort but we have a group of Amazon's wanting to trade. They've been down at the docks for close to an hour now. I think it's time we paid them a visit and as a sergeant, I can broker deals or bring our merchants in. Want to come along?"

  "Oh, yes please. I'm so bored."

  "Alright, but be a good girl and obey them. They may fuck with you, but they are free for now and we do not need to be battling them and Turnin at the same time. They do have hundreds of warriors, you know."

  "Oh yes, I know."

  "Then come along," said Conrad, as six guardsmen rode up, their honor guard to wherever they were going.

  "Where are we going?"

  "I already told you, Amazon's are at the docks, at the trading bell. We'll go meet them and see what they want."

  "But there are only six guard!" Ivy exclaimed, in worry.

  "Seven including me and there are only four Amazons. Trust me, they are no match for us." Conrad had nodded at her concern, but dismissed it as he mounted a nearby horse, then pulled Ivy up behind him and rode towards the docks with the men riding alongside and behind. Minutes later, they were coming to a stop and facing the greeting party of tough and proud looking women, dressed in furs and feathers. All bore a plethora of weapons and the expression on their faces were a mix of boredom and anger, as probably their response at the delay to be seen.

  Ivy was struck by the fact their appearance and weapons appeared well cared for, and that uniformly they were clean and appeared intelligent. They stood silently as Conrad slid off his horse, although the other guardsmen did not and then he helped Ivy down, even though she saw him favoring his side. She knew he was in pain, yet said nothing. Now, was not the time. All four turned watchful eyes upon her and she saw herself weighed in their consciousness. Three had haughty condescending expressions directed her way, but the fourth and apparent leader was openly receptive of her presence.

  "What say you Amazons, Greetings Andrea, leader of the Nez Pa Sor tribe."

  "Greetings, Conrad of Ashton. I see you are limping and favoring your side. Did events get a little too rough for you a few days ago when Turnin attacked? We witnessed the raid, but it was a short-lived one. You seem to be recovering nicely."

  "I say, I am curious why you ring the trade bell. What do you need?"

  "Well, besides the usual salt and sugar, we would like a variety of teas and sewing needles also. Perhaps some silk thread if the price is not too dear. We have a wide assortment of furs to pay for our purchases." Andrea beckoned to a skin-covered cart and when the outer covering was removed, showed at least a hundred furs from various breeds of animal.

  "Well, it looks as if the price is right," mused Conrad, as he scratched his chin.

  "Also, a few barrels of whisky, aged and not new; and four stone in jerky, beef preferably. Wait, we also require medical supplies and antibiotics."

  "Oh, anything else? Maybe my first born daughter to join your ranks?" snorted Conrad, as he scowled at the Amazon, who simply smiled at him.

  "Only if you insist, but I won't guarantee she'll survive our training," laughed the leader of the local tribe of Amazons.

  Throughout this short exchange, Ivy had been growing more irritated by the moment. She knew the price of everything they mentioned and the cost far exceeded what this bitch was offering. Far exceeded it and her eyes narrowed, as she placed her hand on Conrad's as he stood relaxed, thumbs hooked into his belt. His quizzical gaze turned to her and she murmured.

  "Master, do I have your permission to draw a weapon and may I borrow your knife?" Up until recently, Ivy had been a thief and was used to traveling between cities. This is not the first time she had dealt with Amazons, nor would it likely be the last. She also knew most of their common laws rather well.

  "Uh, why?"

  "Because, I'm going to stomp this stupid bitch into the ground and get Ashton a better deal." She kept her eyes on the leader of th
e tribe, as the other looked at her in surprise.

  "What? A little flower like you thinks she can take me? What nerve. Is this how you train your slaves, Conrad?" Now the look was directed at the Master beside Ivy and Andrea smiled in glee as Conrad flipped the knife from his belt and presented Ivy with over a foot of steel, hilt first.

  "Don't get hurt, or my ass will be toast. First blood only, girls. Men, notch arrows, if Andrea tries for a killing blow, take all four down without hesitation." Conrad smiled in anticipation, as he knew Ivy's past and relished the coming conflict. The six men in attendance immediately notched arrows, as all others but Andrea, backed away. Their gaze was speculative and they squatted and watched avidly.

  "Girl, you are a slave and as such, I do not need to fight you. I can command you to gut yourself and you would be forced to obey," snapped Andrea.

  "Not so, technically you are all outlaws, by the order of the lands and slaves are not required to obey outlaws, in fact, many cities allow us to fight them," responded Ivy.

  Ivy smiled, as she removed her silks and handed them to Conrad, standing naked before the other woman with only a steel blade in her hand. She was glorious and after kissing Conrad on the cheek, she whispered 'Thank you'. He winked back and mouthed the words, 'kick her ass'. Slowly, naked, she began to circle Andrea in a counter-clockwise rotation. She had noticed the Amazon was right handed and this movement was guaranteed to put her off guard. Besides, Ivy was ambidextrous. She had spent eleven years with a stepfather that attempted to beat her repeatedly every single day and it was only by honing her reflexes that she was even alive. Then, once in the cities, it was actually somewhat tougher to survive and usually she fought daily...with knives and just to keep from being raped by others. This was simple and she grinned as she saw the leader of the Amazons was not even holding her knife correctly for a maximum strike. She decided to taunt her.


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