A Bite of the Apple
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‘wave of essentialism once more sweeping the women’s world’: ‘From the Editors’, in Lisa Appignanesi, Rachel Holmes, and Susie Orbach (eds), Fifty Shades of Feminism (London: Virago, 2013). 244
‘We, all of us, women and men . . .’: Siri Hustvedt, ‘Underground sexism: what was that you just said?’, in ibid. 244
‘A male novelist hardens and dignifies the form . . .’: Aaron Hickling, ‘Siri Hustvedt: I’m writing for my life’, Observer, 3 March 2019. 244
‘the woman writer still risks’: Rachel Cusk, ‘Shakespeare’s daughters’, Guardian, 12 December 2009. 244
‘Male readers . . . rarely use the compliment . . .’: Sarah Churchwell, ‘Pushing back: why it’s time for women to rewrite the story’, Guardian, 17 February 2018. 245
‘There is a difference between a culture . . .’: Enright, ‘Diary’. 246
‘Women have been too dignified and self-effacing . . .’: Elaine Showalter, ‘The female frontier’, Guardian, 9 May 2009. 246
‘Great-novel writing is regarded as a pursuit . . .’: Bryan Appleyard, ‘Twilight of the greats?’, Sunday Times, 30 December 2007. 247
‘I want to work hard and know that my work . . .’: Naomi Alderman, ‘Wild West Video’, in Appignanesi, Holmes, and Orbach (eds), Fifty Shades of Feminism. 248
‘It wasn’t just the language of Leaves of Grass . . .’: Naomi Wolf, Outrages: Sex, Censorship and the Criminalisation of Love (London: Virago, 2019). 250
‘in part an act of submission, akin to generosity or love’: Quoted in Brigitta Olubas, ‘Remembering Shirley Hazzard: “art is the only afterlife of which we have evidence”’, http://theconversation.com/remembering-shirley-hazzard-art-is-the-only-afterlife-of-which-we-have-evidence-70519, 16 December 2016. 250
‘Our world that seems charged with war . . .’: Acceptance speech, Miles Franklin Award, 2004. 251
‘I happen to believe that at its best writing . . .’: Margaret Atwood, ‘An end to an audience?’, public lecture, Dalhousie University, part of the Dorothy J. Killam Lecture Series, 8 October 1980. Reprinted in Second Words: Selected Critical Prose (Toronto: House of Anansi, 1982). 252
‘We write best when we write about . . .’: Sarah Waters, email response to reader via Virago inbox. 254
‘To be human is a very high and complicated privilege’: ‘Marilynne Robinson webchat – your questions answered on Gilead, Trump and the joys of quiet’, Guardian Books blog, 26 January 2018. 254
‘Conviction as to the importance of what one . . .’: Tillie Olsen, Silences (London: Virago, 1980). 257
‘The question is not who influences you . . .’: Mona Simpson, ‘Hilary Mantel, The art of fiction No. 226’, Paris Review, 212 (spring 2015). 257
‘I think we’re genetically programmed to tell stories . . .’: Virago podcast, 26 February 2018. 259
5 Wardour Street ix, 6, 25, 33, 123
41 William IV Street 123
Aaron, Hank 148
Abacus 155, 188
Abbey, Sally 117, 189, 190, 191
Adams, Ruth I’m Not Complaining 79
Adebayo, Diran 157 Some Kind of Black 155
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozie 153
After Noon Plus (Thames Television) 145
Ahmed, Ailah 112–13, 189, 233
Aiken, Joan 89
Akira Press 154
Alderman, Naomi 248 The Power 248
Alderson, Lynn, Sisterwrite 64, 74, 76, 78, 139, 178
Alexander, Sally 27, 43 Becoming a Woman: And Other Essays in 19th and 20th Century Feminist History 94
Her Infinite Variety 173
Ali, Monica 153
Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin 152
Alinejad, Masih The Wind in My Hair: My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran 156
Allen & Unwin 136
Allison and Busby 154
Alther, Lisa 136
Amazones d’Hier 11
Amis, Kingsley 48
Anansi, House of, Toronto 25, 106
Anarchist Feminists 136
André Deutsch 12, 81
Angelou, Maya 52, 65, 102, 126, 139, 142–51, 188, 189, 206 ‘And Still I Rise’ 102
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 14, 142, 143, 144, 151, 210
Annette, Amy 103, 149, 162
Annette, John 58, 78
Annette, Zak 148, 199
Annis, Francesca 173
Anonymous A Woman in Berlin 96
Appignanesi, Lisa 30, 32, 241 Fifty Shades of Feminism (ed.) 244
Mad, Bad and Sad: Women and the Mind Doctors 100
Appignanesi, Richard 30
Appleyard, Bryan 247
Arawadi 154
Arcadia 32
Arsenal Women’s Group 20
Arvon Foundation 164
Athill, Diana 81
Attallah, Naim 64
Atwood, Margaret 65, 72, 83, 105–12, 126, 153, 181, 188, 189, 191, 208, 225, 238, 252–3, 256 on Adrienne Rich 54–5
Alias Grace 110, 111, 189
The Blind Assassin 110, 189
Bluebeard’s Egg 111
and Canada 4, 105, 107
Cat’s Eye 109, 111
The Circle Game 105
The Edible Woman 14, 106, 107
The Handmaid’s Tale 109, 111, 170, 223
The Testaments 109, 111
Lady Oracle 107
Maddadam 204–6
‘On Virago’s 30th Birthday’ 194–5
Oryx and Crake 110, 113, 204
The Robber Bride 109–10
Surfacing 75, 107
Survival 105
‘The Whirlpool Rapids’ 111
Austen, Jane 71
Australian Classics 83
Badran, Margot and Miriam Cooke (eds) Opening the Gates: A Century of Arab Women’s Writing 101
Bailey, Paul 76
Bainbridge, Beryl 240, 252, 257
Baker, Dorothy Cassandra at the Wedding 77
Bakewell, Joan 10, 209
Baldwin, James 145, 151, 210
Bambara, Toni Cade 137
Bamford, David 189
Banyard, Kat The Equality Illusion: The Truth about Men and Women Today 230
Barker, Pat 134, 136, 161, 164–6 The Ghost Road 166
Union Street 164, 166
Barnes, Djuna 84, 257
Barnes, Julian 242
Battle Axe 136
Bawden, Nina 86, 89, 112, 191, 208, 211
Baxter, Sarah 148
BBC TV Virago documentary 122
Beauman, Nicola A Very Great Profession: The Women’s Novel 1914–39 79
Beauman, Sally 76
Bedford, Sybille 76
Beevor, Antony 96
Beginners’ Guides 30
Behn, Aphra 94
Bell, Florence At the Works 26–7
Belle, Jennifer Going Down 191
Belott, Elena Little Girls 31
Benjamin, Jessica 100
Bennett, Catherine 174
Bennett, Jackie (ed) There’s Something About a Convent Girl 99
Berger, John 33 Pig Earth 31
Ways of Seeing 31
Berryman, Tamsyn 187
Best of British 153
Best of Young British Novelists 134
Best of Young British Writers 153
Beswick, Richard 188
Bevan, Aneurin 165
Black Ink 154
Black Lesbian Group (BLG) 141
Black Womantalk 154
Black Women Talk 136
Blackwell’s 136, 138
Blake, William 258
Bloodaxe Books 136
Bloomsbury 107, 110, 130, 184–6
Bogle-L’Ouverture 154
Book Action for Nuclear Disarmament 138
Book Marketing Council 81, 134
Book Trust 155
Booker Prize 110, 153, 166, 199, 225, 237, 239–40, 255
rks 136
Bookplus 136
Boothe, John 12, 41–2
Borogrove Bookshop, Victoria, British Columbia 16
Bostridge, Mark 28, 193–4
Bourke, Joanna Rape: A History from 1860 to the Present 156–7
Bowen, Elizabeth 83, 257
Boycott, Rosie 12, 13, 15, 17
Boyne, John 242
Boyt, Susie 215 My Judy Garland Life 215
Braddon, Mary E. 84
Brandenberg, Gert 137
Breeze, Jean Binta 151
Brettenham House, Lancaster Place 187
Brighton Women and Science Group (ed.) Alice through the Microscope 92
Brilliance 136
Bristol Women’s Studies Group 92
British Book Awards 215
Brittain, Vera 93, 255 Testament of Youth 27, 43
Brontë sisters 160
Brookner, Anita 76, 78
Broughton, Rhoda 84
Bryan, Beverley; Dadzie, Stella; Scafe, Suzanne The Heart of the Race: Black Women’s Lives in Britain 152
Brownmiller, Susan Against our Will: Men, Women and Rape 14, 62
Buford, Bill 134
Burgess, Anthony 86, 243
Busby, Margaret 154, 155 Daughters of Africa (ed.) 231
The New Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Writing by Women of African Descent (ed.) 231
Butalia, Urvashi 136, 137
Butler, Judith 222
Butterworth, Sue 139
Byatt, A. S. 76, 77, 236
Calder, Liz 43, 107, 110, 130, 184–5
Callil, Carmen 193, 260, 261 Bad Faith 249
Chair 124, 126, 180, 182–3
and Chatto & Windus 80, 121, 123, 184, 224
at CVBC 123, 124, 126, 142, 164, 180
Managing Director ix, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17–19, 24–5, 27–9, 33–6, 38–9, 40, 41–2, 43–4, 49, 87–8, 217–18
and publicity 130
and Quartet 12–13, 24
resignation 183–4, 186
and Rothschilds 127, 128
Virago Modern Classics 70, 74–6, 77, 78–9, 87, 107
see also Carmen Callil Publicity Ltd
Cambridge Women’s Liberation Newsletter 11
Cambridge Women’s Studies Group 92
Campbell, Beatrix 43, 53–4, 223 Wigan Pier Revisited 59–60
Campbell, Cheryl 27
Canada x, 11, 16, 25, 105–6, 107 Human Rights Act (1977) 29
Carcanet 183
Carey, John 200
Carmen Callil Publicity Ltd 12, 17, 23
Carpentier, Alejo 31
Carswell, Catherine 83
Carter, Angela 1, 21, 25, 43, 73, 98, 161–5, 166–8, 239 Angela Carter’s Book of Fairy Tales 167
The First Virago Book of Fairy Tales 167
The Magic Toyshop 72, 161
Nights at the Circus 240
Nothing Sacred 162
Perrault’s Fairy Tales 167
The Sadeian Woman 161, 218
The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales 167
Cather, Willa 73, 76, 77, 84, 85, 257
Centerprise Bookshop, Hackney, London 30, 136
Central Books 136
Chamberlain, Mary Fenwomen 23
Change 136
Chatto, Bodley Head and Jonathan Cape Ltd. (CBC) 121, 123
Chatto, Virago, Bodley Head and Cape (CVBC) 123–5, 126, 127, 128, 129, 142, 218
Chatto & Windus 121, 123
Chester, Gail 135
Cheyne Place, Chelsea 23–4
Cholmeley, Jane 139
Cholmondeley, Mary 84
Chopin, Kate 80
Christie, Julie 98
Churchwell, Sarah Careless People: Murder, Mayhem and the Invention of the Great Gatsby 245
City Limits (magazine) 34
Clapp, Susannah 76
Clarke, Desmond 134
Cliff, Michelle 55
Clinton, Bill 144
Co-operative Women’s Guild 26, 27
Coach House, Toronto 25, 106
Coates, Tim 179
Coe, Jonathan 72
Coetzee, J. M. 252
Colette 75
Collector’s Cards 74
Collins, Merle 151
Compendium 139
Compton-Burnett, Ivy 71
Comyns, Barbara 74 The Vet’s Daughter 80
Cooke, Miriam see Badran, Margot and Miriam Cooke (eds)
Cooke, Rachel 72–3 Her Brilliant Career: Ten Extraordinary Women of the Fifties 70
Coonan, Donna 70, 85, 87, 88–9, 189, 191, 192, 253
Cooper, Karen 129
Cottam, Hilary Radical Help: How We Can Remake The Relationships Between Us and Revolutionise the Welfare State 97
Cousins, Jane Make it Happy:What Sex is all About 7, 36
Craigie, Jill 33, 98
Crenshaw, Kimberlé 222
Cross, Amanda 112, 223
Curtis Brown 239
Cusk, Rachel 244, 252
Dadzie, Stella see Bryan, Beverley
Dalley, Jan 184
Dane, Clemence 88
Daraja Press 94–5
Darling, Grace 147
DasGupta, Sayantani 156
Daunt, James 179, 180
Davies, Margaret Llewelyn (ed.) Life as we Have Known It 26
Maternity: Letters from Working Class Women 26
Davies, Robertson 106
Davin, Anna 27, 44
Davis, Angela If They Come in the Morning 14
Dawson, Jeremy 128
Day, Elizabeth 70, 73
de Beauvoir, Simone 28–9 The Second Sex 14
de Lanerolle, Ros 154
de Soissons, Susan 148
Delafield, E. M. 86
Delmar, Rosalind 27, 43
Deraniyagala, Sonali Wave 254
Desai, Kiran 153
Desert Flower Foundation 96–7
Deutsch, André 107
Devlin, Polly 76, 82, 83
Dialogue 155
Dickinson, Emily 102, 119, 133
Dickson, E. Jane 174
Dillons 178, 179
Dillsworth, Elise 155
Dinesen, Isak 257
Dirie, Waris 156 Desert Flower 96–7
Diski, Jenny 236, 252
Diversity in Publishing Network (DIPNet) 155
Dizzy Heights 136
Donoghue, Emma 217 Room 217
Slammerkin 217
Dorling Kindersley 136
Dover Street, Mayfair 69, 123
Doyle, Ursula 112, 189
Drabble, Margaret 71, 76 The Millstone 14
Drake, Barbara Women and Trade Unions 27
Du Maurier, Daphne 86 Rebecca 89
Duffy, Maureen 88
Dunant, Sarah 112, 113–14, 191, 206–8 The Birth of Venus 113, 207
Transgressions 113, 249
War of the Words (ed.) 99
Dundy, Elaine The Dud Avocado 84
Life Itself! 84
Dunn, Nell 76, 86
Dworkin, Andrea 222
Dzodan, Flavia 233
Eddo-Lodge, Renni Why I am No Longer Talking to White People About Race 157
Edmund Gordon 168
Eichborn 96
Einstein for Beginners 31
el Sadaawi, Nawal 136
Eliot, George 114 The Lifted Veil 83
Elliott Advisors 179
Ellmann, Lucy Sweet Desserts 112
Eltahawy, Mona Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution 91
Emecheta, Buchi 153
Emilia Report into the Gender Gap for Authors 238
Enright, Anne 241, 246
Ensler, Eve The Vagina Monologues 225
Ephron, Nora 84
Eric-Udorie, June 91, 103 Can We All Be Feminists? 103, 233
Evaristo, Bernardine 153, 225
Everywoman 11
Fabian Women’s Group 27
Fairbairns, Zoe 134, 136, 137 Stand We at Last 112
Falling Wall Press 136
Faludi, Susan 227–8 Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women 224, 225
Fanon, Frantz 31
Farrell, M. J. 81–2
Fawcett Society 61, 166
Feiffer, Judy 151
Feiffer, Jules 151
Feminism for Beginners 31
Feminist Book Fairs 134, 156–7 see also First International Feminist Book Fair
Feminist Book Week 135, 138
Feminist Review, The 11, 136
Ferrier, Susan 83
Fielding, Helen Bridget Jones’s Diary 225
Fifty Shades of Feminism 156, 230, 244
Figes, Eva 136 Patriarchal Attitudes 14, 48
Figes, Kate 100
First International Feminist Book Fair 135–41, 233
Fitzgerald, Penelope 76
Florence, Peter 147–8
Fontana 136
Foot, Michael 33
Foot, Paul 76
Ford, Richard 242
Forgan, Rosemary (ed) There’s Something About a Convent Girl 99
Forward, Toby 160–1
Foulston, Jill 189
Foyles ix, 70, 178, 179
Frame, Janet 89, 257
Frances-White, Deborah 65 The Guilty Feminist 101, 232
Frank Cass publishers 19
Franklin, Miles 83
Fraser, Sylvia My Father’s House 101
Freeman, Jo ‘The Tyranny of Structurelessness’ 32
Freire, Paulo 31
French, Marilyn The War Against Women 224
The Women’s Room 14, 223
Freud for Beginners 31
Friday, Nancy My Secret Garden: Women’s Sexual Fantasies 23–4
Friedan, Betty 229 The Feminine Mystique 14
Gallant, Mavis 106
GAP (Greater Access to Publishing) 154, 155
Gavron, Bob 24, 125, 127, 180, 182, 183, 185
Gavron, Kate 183, 185
Gay Men’s Press 80