A Bite of the Apple
Page 26
Geller, Jonny 251
Gibbons, Stella 86
Gibson, Graeme 111–12, 206
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 84
Gilot, Françoise Life with Picasso 100
Glendinning, Victoria 76
Godden, Rumer 89
Gollancz, Victor 9, 136
Gordon, Lyndall 212 Divided Lives 213
Lives Like Loaded Guns 102
Gracie, Carrie Equal 232
Graham, Lauren Gilmore Girls (TV series) 101
Talking as Fast As I Can 101
Granada 12, 136
Grant, Linda 116–17, 191, 203, 209 Still Here 116
Upstairs at the Party 248
Granta 134, 153
Greene, Graham 80, 127, 251
Greene, Graham C. 127
Greenham Common Women 98
Greer, Germaine 18, 43, 76, 99–100 The Female Eunuch 12, 15
Gregory, Jane 43
Griffin, Kate 17, 36, 121, 123, 138, 184, 193
Grunfeld, Ernst 24
Guardian Fiction Prize 112, 166
Guy, Rosa 140–1
Hachette 122, 189, 190
Hadley, Tessa 70, 73
Hale, Hilary 187–8
Half the Sky: An Introduction to Women’s Studies 92
Hall, Radclyffe The Well of Loneliness 86
Hamilton, Patrick Gas Light (play) 245
Hamish Hamilton 131, 175, 183, 224
Hamlyn, Paul 24
Han Suyin 88
Hancock, Sheila 173
Hanff, Helene 84 Charing Cross Road ix
Hansberry, Lorraine 257
Hanson, Michele Treasure: The Trials of a Teenage Terror 102
Harlem Writers Group 146
Harman, Harriet 98
Harper & Row 136
Harper’s Bazaar 81
Harrison, Philippa 121, 184–5, 186–7, 188–90, 193, 226, 228
Hart, Josephine 219 Catching Life by the Throat: How to Read Poetry and Why 219
Damage 219
Harvester Press 136
Hatchards 179
Hauptmann, Gaby In Search of an Impotent Man 191
Hay on Wye Literary Festival 147
Hazzard, Shirley 83, 191, 247 The Great Fire 113, 250
Greene on Capri 251
Miles Franklin Award 250–1
Transit of Venus 250
Head, Bessie 85
Hebert, Anne 106
Heffers 138
Heilbrun, Carolyn (as Amanda Cross) 112, 223
Heinemann Education 136
Hellman, Lillian 257
Hensher, Philip 71
Her Infinite Variety 173
Herizons 11
Highsmith, Patricia 84, 89
Hillers, Marta 96
History Workshop Journal 25–6
Hitchens, Christopher 147
HMV Group 179
Hobsbawm, Julia 129, 148
Hodgson, Antonia 102
Hogarth Press 80, 124
Holmes, Rachel Fifty Shades of Feminism (ed.) 244
I Call Myself a Feminist 103
Holroyd, Michael 71
Holtby, Winifred 86
Hornby, Sir Simon 199
Hossain, Attia 85
Housemans 139
Hughes, Dorothy Pitman 12
Hunt, Marsha Joy 155
Hurston, Zora Neale 72, 84, 257 Their Eyes Were Watching God 85
Husain, Mishal 62
Husain, Shahrukh 167
Hustvedt, Siri 244, 247
Hutchinson Education 136
I Call Myself a Feminist 11, 230
ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) 55, 78, 162–3
Ink (newspaper) 18
Inky Fingers 154
International Marxist Group newspaper 31
International PEN 65
Ishiguro, Kazuo 134, 166
Jameson, Storm 74, 80 Company Parade 80
Journey from the North 80
Women Against Men 80
Jenkins, Elizabeth 76, 86 The Tortoise and the Hare 77
Jenkins, Emily Tongue First: Adventures in Physical Culture 191
Jessica Kingsley 189
Jhalak Prize 157, 240
John, Errol Moon on a Rainbow Shawl 147
Johnson, Amryl 151
Jonathan Cape 86, 107
Jones, Gayl Corregidora 85
Jones, Tayari 153
Jordan, Neil Night in Tunisia 31
Journeyman 136
Joyce, James 87
Kali, India 137
Karia Press 154
Karnak House 154
Kay, Jackie 141
Kaysen, Susanna Girl, Interrupted 100
Keane, Danuta 238
Keane, Molly 74, 76, 81–3, 214, 215 Conversation Piece 82
Good Behaviour 81, 83
Loving and Giving 81, 82
as M. J. Farrell 81–2
Time After Time 81
Kennedy, A. L. 15
Kennedy, Helena 147
Kennedy, Margaret 76
Kent, David 188
Keppel, Alice 75
Khan, Rahila 159–60
King, Charlie 190
King, Martin Luther 146, 151
Kingsolver, Barbara 112
Kishwar, Madhu 137
Klein, Melanie 100
Knight, Lynn 17, 36, 86, 121, 124, 181, 193
Knopf 24, 77, 171
Kollontai, Alexandra 33, 40
Korneliussen, Niviaq Crimson 113
Krajeski, Jenna 256
Kuzwayo, Ellen 137
Lacey, Robert 37 Majesty 4
Lang, Andrew 167
Larmore, Phoebe 204–5
Laurence, Margaret 83, 106 The Diviners 16, 83
The Stone Angel 83
Laverty, Maura 83
Lawrence & Wishart 136
Leary, Timothy 29
Leavis, F. R. The Great Tradition 78–9
Lee, Hermione 76, 85, 200
Lee, Jennie 165
Lee, Jessica J. 65
Lehmann, Rosamond 74, 76, 77–8, 134 Invitation to the Waltz 70
The Weather in the Streets 70
Lerner, Betsy 258
Lesbian Landmarks 88
Lesbiennes d’Aujourd’hui 11
Lessing, Doris 41, 199 The Golden Notebook 14
Lester, C. N. Trans Like Me: A Journey for All of Us 231
Letterbox Library 136
Leverson, Ada The Little Ottleys 77
Levine, Ellen 115
Levy, Andrea 153 Small Island 113
Levy, Ariel 190
Liddington, Jill and Jill Norris One Hand Tied Behind Us 94
Little, Brown 52, 121, 155, 184–5, 186–8, 226, 228, 261
Lockerbie, Catherine 173–4
Loomis, Bob 151
Lorde, Audre 54, 140, 141, 233
Lovegrove, Sharmaine 155
Macaulay, Rose 76, 86
McCarthy, Mary 84, 89
McClelland & Stewart 106, 204
McCrindle, Jean Her Infinite Variety 173
McCrum, Robert 115, 240
McCullers, Carson 257
McCullough, Colleen The Thorn Birds 4
McDermid, Anne 239
McDermid, Val 14
McEwan, Ian 134, 166, 242
McIntosh, Mary see Segal, Lynne and Mary McIntosh (eds)
Mackay, Shena 86
Mackenzie, Ursula 190, 193, 228
McLain, Paula The Paris Wife 112
MacLeod, Sheila The Art of Starvation: A Story of Anorexia and Survival 96
Macmillan 136
McMorrough, Fiona 148, 186
McNeil, Gill 186
Maitland, Sara 136
Malcolm X 151
Mamut, Alexander 179
Manchester University Press 136
Mandela Street, Camden Town 128–9, 183
Manning, Olivia 243
Mansfield, Katharine 257
Mantel, Hilary 239, 257
Mao for Beginners 31
/> Maraini, Dacia 136
Marshall, Paule 85
Martin Luther King Award 94
Marx for Beginners 30–1
Maschler, Tom 127
Master, Simon 127–8
Mayor, F. M. 76
Media Diversified 157
Mehta, Sonny 24, 28
Mekhennet, Souad I was Told to Come Alone: Behind the Lines of Jihad 95
Menon, Ritu 137
Mernissi, Fatima Islam and Democracy 101
Messud, Claire The Woman Upstairs 112
Methuen 136
Mew, Charlotte 75
Middlebrook, Diane Wood Suits Me 102
Miles Franklin Award 250–1
Miller, Alice 100 The Drama of Being a Child 223
Miller, Ellen Like Being Killed 191
Miller, William 41
Millett, Kate 223 Sexual Politics 14
Milner, Marion 100
Miner, Valerie 136
Mitchell, Juliet 100
Mitchison, Naomi 83
Mitford, Jessica 144, 147
Mitford, Nancy 75
Molloy, Frances 36
Montefiore, Lucinda 112, 129
Moore, Marianne 219
Moran, Caitlin How to Be a Woman 231
Morrison, Alison 155
Morrison, Toni 142, 152, 154, 170, 171, 202, 210, 247 The Bluest Eye 14
Mosse, Kate 65, 238, 239–40 Becoming a Mother 100
Mosse, Martha 103
Ms. (magazine) 10–11, 111
Mukwege, Denis 256
Munro, Alice 106
Murad, Nadia 256 The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity and My Fight against the Islamic State 256
Murdoch, Iris 257
Namjoshi, Suniti 137
National Book Critics Circle Award 115
National Union of Journalists 129
Nelson, Maggie The Argonauts 171
Nesbit, E. 89
Net Book Agreement 176, 177
New Beacon Books 154
New York Review Books 80
Newton, Nigel 111
Nicholas Treadwell Gallery 136
Nichols, Grace 151 The Fat Black Woman’s Poems 151–2
Nicholson, Mavis 145–6
Nin, Anaïs 257
Nobel Peace Prize 256
Norman, Jessye 150
Norris, Jill see Liddington, Jill and Jill Norris
Norton 136
Nourry, Arnaud 190
Oates, Joyce Carol 237
Obama, Barack 116, 144, 151
Obama, Michelle 150, 151
O’Brien, Kate 83
O’Connor, Flannery 257
O’Faolain, Julia 83
O’Faolain, Nuala 15
Oliphant, Mrs 76, 83
Olivia Olivia 77
Olsen, Tillie 216, 257 Silences 216, 257
Tell Me a Riddle 216
Yonnondio 216
Olufemi, Lola 157 Feminism Interrupted: Disrupting Power 157
Ondaatje, Michael 106, 199, 242
Onlywomen 47, 63, 136
Ono, Yoko Acorn 102
Orange Prize 65, 113, 115, 153, 250 see also The Women’s Prize for Fiction
Orbach, Susie 65, 100, 136, 202 Fat is a Feminist Issue 14, 229
Fifty Shades of Feminism (ed.) 244
Organization of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD) 141
Orwell, George The Road to Wigan Pier 59
Osborne, Frances The Bolter 102
Ottakars 178, 179
Outwrite 11
Owen, Ursula 193 and Chatto & Windus 121, 122
Editorial Director 7, 9, 17, 19–20, 24, 25–6, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 59, 88, 94, 100
Her Infinite Variety 173
and the Labour Party 131, 175
Managing Director 124, 126, 130, 185–6, 217–18
and Maya Angelou 144, 147
Virago Modern Classics 76
Paladin 28
Paley, Grace 53–4, 57–9, 84, 163–4, 170, 237 Enormous Changes at the Last Minute 57
Later the Same Day 57
Little Disturbances of Man 57, 79
Pan 24
Pandora 136
Pankhurst, Emmeline My Own Story 27
Pankhurst, Sylvia 94
Paretsky, Sara 112
Parker, Dorothy 257
Parker, Rozsika Torn in Two 100
Parkin, Jane 129
Parmar, Pratibha 97
Partnoy, Alicia The Little School 101
Patchett, Ann 247
Patel, Smita 129
Peace Book Week 138
Pearce, Mark 162
Penguin 48, 74, 136, 181
Pepe, Victoria 189 et al. (eds) I Call Myself a Feminist: The View from Twenty-Five Women under Thirty 103
Pergamon 136
Persephone 79
Petrie, Ruthie 17, 100, 101, 112, 121, 130, 147, 152, 159–60, 181, 193
Petry, Ann The Street 85
Phipps, Sally Molly Keane: A Life 82, 214–15
Picador 28, 217
Piercy, Marge 136
Pines, Dinora 100
Pipeline books 138
Pluto 48, 136
Pollitt, Katha 57
Pope, Steve 155
Porter, Cathy 40, 69, 94
Porter, Katherine Anne 257
Poultney, Michael 138
Pringle, Alexandra 17, 20, 34–6, 74, 75, 76, 78, 100, 112, 122, 193 at Bloomsbury 107, 110–11
Editorial Director 124, 126, 162, 185
at Hamish Hamilton 131, 175, 183, 224
at Toby Eady’s 183
Proulx, Annie 247
Pulitzer Prize 115
Pulsifer, Gary 31
Pym, Barbara 71, 86, 89
Quartet 12, 14, 23, 24, 64, 136
Quest 11
Quick, Diana 98
Radical Book Fair 135
Random House 127, 128, 144, 151, 174, 180, 183, 184, 186
Rebuck, Gail 183, 184, 185–6
Red Rag 11
Reeves, Maud Pember 94 Round About a Pound a Week 26
Reith Lectures 156
Renault, Mary 86
Revolutionary and Radical Feminist Newsletter 11
Rice, Margery Spring Working-Class Wives 26
Rich, Adrienne 53–4, 91, 140, 223, 234 Diving into the Wreck 54
On Lies, Secrets and Silence 55
Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution 14, 55
Richardson, Dorothy 257 Pilgrimage 86
Richardson, Henry Handel 76, 83, 257
Rifat, Alifa 137
Roberts, Michèle 166, 191 Daughters of the House 199–200
Robinson, Marilynne 114–16, 191, 247, 250, 253, 254–5 Gilead 115
Home 115
Housekeeping 115
Lila 115
Robinson-Patman Act (1936) 177
Roche, Christine I’m Not a Feminist But … 102
Roiphe, Katie The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism 224
Rose, Jacqueline The Haunting of Sylvia Plath 102
Rothschild Ventures 46, 127, 128, 180–1
Routledge 136
Rowbotham, Sheila 43, 94, 98 Hidden from History 14, 26
Rowe, Marsha 12, 13, 17
Rowling, J. K. 65 Harry Potter 209
Rowntree Trust 24
Roy, Arundhati 153
Rushdie, Salman 83, 85, 134, 147, 152–3, 166, 218 Midnight’s Children 153
Russell, Bertrand 40
Russell, Dora The Tamarisk Tree: My School and the Years of War 40
Sackville-West, Vita 75, 76
Saga (magazine) 155
Sandon, Susan 148, 175
Sangam Books 136
Sargood, Corinna 167
Saunders, George 248
Savitt, Sarah 101, 189, 221, 230, 231–2
Scafe, Suzanne see Bryan, Beverley
Schreiner, Olive 76 Women and Labour 27
Schuster, Vivienne 110–11, 204
Scopottone, Sandra 112
cottish & Northern Book Distribution Cooperative 136, 138
Scottish Classics 83
Searle, Chris 33
Segal, Lynne 100, 223
Segal, Lynne and Mary McIntosh (eds) Sex Exposed 99
Seierstad, Åsne 65 The Bookseller of Kabul 101
Seiffert, Rachel 191, 255–6 A Boy in Winter 255
The Dark Room 255
The Long Walk Home 255
Seligman, Ellen 204, 206
Serge, Victor 31
Settle & Bendall 136
Sex Discrimination Act (1975) 29
Shamsie, Kamila 85, 153
Shaw, Fiona 173
Shaw, George Bernard 80
Sheba 48, 63, 135, 136, 142
Shelley, David 190
Shirazi, Manny 136
Showalter, Elaine 43, 227, 246–7 A Literature of Their Own: Brontë to Lessing 71, 102
Shrew 11
Shukla, Nikesh 157
Silgardo, Melanie 129, 186
Silver Moon Bookshop 136, 139
Simpson, Helen 242–3
Sinclair, May 76
Singh, Sunny 157
Sinister Wisdom 11
Sisterbite 139
Sisterwrite 64, 136, 139, 178
Slovo, Gillian 112, 191 The Ice Road 113
Smith, Ali 168 Free Love 112
Like 112
Smith, Barbara 137
Smith, Patti 258 Auguries of Innocence 258
Babel 7
Smith, Stevie 73 The Holiday 75
Me Again: The Uncollected Writings 102
Smith, Zadie 153, 170
Snow, Jon 147, 149
Sontag, Susan 162–3, 164, 165–6
Spain, Nancy 88
Spare Rib 8, 12, 17, 21, 65, 121
Spare Rib Collective 43
Spare Tyre Theatre Company 98
Spark, Muriel 83, 89 Loitering with Intent 240
Spedding, Carole 135
Spencer-Thomas, Fiona 4