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Incineration (Heart of Stone)

Page 25

by Sidebottom, D H

  Taking a deep breath I persevered “He’s back on the coke” I stated and Kerrie groaned and Kade sighed heavily “And Rebecca is having his baby” I finished to Kerrie’s shocked face and Kades loud growl, luckily nobody else heard it as the band that was entertaining had set up the sound system and the speakers squealed loudly. I glanced at Kade and couldn’t read his expression but his eyes were dark and wild as they pierced me.

  “Fuck Ava!” Kerrie breathed “I am so sorry sweetie. I’m gonna fucking kill him” she puffed “Hey at least you’re gonna make an aunt this time” I laughed cynically and choked at the same time “Oh Ava” she cried sadly and I held my hands up, refusing her pity “No! Don’t Kerrie…I’m sorry, I can’t…I just…” I turned sharply and fled to the house, the need to be alone filling me up.

  I rounded the corner of the house and ran across a lawn, I found myself in an empty and secluded summerhouse. Plonking my backside on a futon I sobbed and pulled at my hair in frustration “Why me you bastard” I screamed into nothing “Why me all the fucking time” I wept into my hands as I felt an arm snake round my shoulder and pull me in. I gasped when I recognised Kades scent; the spice and muskiness of it familiar to my senses.

  “No!” I snapped and pulled away put he was strong and refused to let me free and he pushed my head against his chest “Let it out Ava” he said softly and I pushed at him again “No” I choked but he just held me tighter “Let me Ava” he pleaded and I choked out a sob and buried my face into his chest and cried as he drew lazy circles on my back and rested his chin on the top of my head “Hush Ava, I’m here” he whispered and I gasped as he pulled me further into him and onto his lap. I shook my head rapidly and tried to climb off “No Ava” he ordered sharply and his dominance made me stop and he drew me closer.

  He pushed my head into his chest again and we sat in silence for a long time, I could hear his heavy breathing, inhaling the smell of my hair as I breathed in his scent.

  “Are you okay?” he asked quietly and I nodded “Yes, thank you” I sighed. His finger rested under my chin and he tipped my head back until I was looking up at him. His eyes were wild and intense as they dropped to my mouth and he slid his thumb across my bottom lip as he cocked his head “You’re bleeding” he scowled as he regarded the blood smeared across his thumb. He placed his thumb in his mouth and I gasped at the intense arousal that surged through me, his eyes snapped to mine and his lips parted “Your fucking beautiful” he rasped “I want you Ava” he whispered as his face edged closer to mine “I want to feel you writhing in ecstasy underneath me, sweating and moaning hard as I bury myself in you” he breathed and I groaned and tipped my head back as his lips settled on my neck working their way up to my chin, his hot mouth and tongue pressing into my chilled skin “You taste so good Ava, I knew you would the moment I laid my eyes on you” his mouth was now at the corner of mine as he planted little kisses and I groaned again, swept away in the heat of his passion “God Ava” he breathed between kisses as his hand slid from my waist up to my breast and his fingers traced along the edge of my dress along the swell of my breast “You have such delicate skin, so pale and soft” he murmured and then he held his mouth over mine, his eyes penetrating mine.

  I could feel the heat of his breath whispering over my lips and they parted involuntary as my eyes locked onto his. He brushed against my mouth and then a low growl rumbled through him as his mouth settled over mine.

  I had imaged the kiss would be rough and needy and it shocked me that it was tender and soft, but demanding and controlling at the same time and he tasted so good that as soon as his fingers slid inside my bra and brushed my nipple I writhed against the swell of his erection in his trousers, which made his kiss more intense and insistent, his tongue sliding in and claiming mine in absolute expertise as he ruled me. He pinched my nipple and tugged it hard and I groaned loudly “You like that Ava?” he panted against my lips “Yes” I breathed and my eyes closed as he pulled my dress aside and clamped his mouth over my nipple through my lacy bra “Yes!” I hissed as his teeth grazed the rigid peaks “God, you’re so fucking hot” he murmured in between suckles and his hand rested on the exposed flesh of my thigh, my dress bunched high and he trailed them softly up my skin as he lifted his face to mine and kissed me again.

  My eyes closed again as his fingers nudged my knickers aside and slid into me “Oh Fuck Yeah” I groaned and pushed myself into his hand, he moaned with me as he felt how wet I was “Fuck, you feel good, I can’t wait to taste you” he rasped.

  Kerrie’s face swan into my vision. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AVA????? I gasped and flung myself up “What the hell are we doing?” I cried and he groaned and slid his hands over his face “Calm down” he grated and stood to rearrange his erection, grimacing slightly at the pain of being so hard “No Kade, your fucking married. We shouldn’t be doing this” I slammed and quickly rearranged my dress “Jesus” I yelled, disgusted with myself “Your wife has fucking cancer and we are making out in a fucking summerhouse. That’s a little bit sick, wouldn’t you say?” I shouted and he sighed heavily and nodded, resting his face in his hands “Yeah” was all he said as he walked over to me.

  His hand cupped my face gently “I’m sorry Ava. You just…you do something to me, you know. I can’t get you out of my head” he said softly “But you’re right, we can’t” he whispered as he kissed my forehead and left, calmly closing the door behind him.

  I slumped back down and steadied my breathing “You are a fucking bitch Ava” I snarled to myself and rubbed at my neck and taking a deep breath I left the summerhouse and returned to the crowd.


  I strolled slowly back to the party, still disgusted by my behaviour. The raw sexual attraction between me and Kade was potent but it was something that we had to bury and never act on. Kerrie meant a lot to me, not just because she was Mason’s sister but I actually liked her, she was sweet, honest and genuine and didn’t deserve a cheating husband and an untrustworthy friend along with the torture of chemotherapy.

  I refused to look around for Kade as I spotted Courtney stood with Liv, Nate and another group of people.

  I wandered over and Courtney turned to me and she smiled “Feeling better?” she asked with a sly smile as I reached her and I nodded “Yeah, I’m good” I smiled back and she side huddled me. Liv turned to me smiling “Hey Ava, let me introduce my friend” she grinned and stood back to reveal a tall blond haired girl “Beth, this is Ava” she said and Beth smiled happily to me “Hey Ava, nice to meet you” she grinned and I noticed Kade appear at Nates side “You too Beth” I smiled back “This is my boyfriend Dean” she said as she moved aside to reveal a tall brown haired man and my heart stopped.

  His face swan before me as I heard Beth introduce him to me and I saw the blood drain from his face as he saw me.

  My knees jerked as my hands started to sweat and I started to pant, blood surged through my veins and every single hair on my body stood on end. “Ava?” Courtney panicked, highly aware of the signals of when my rage surfaced.

  I growled loudly, literally growled like a fucking wolf. My eyes glazed over and my shoulders heaved “Oh Shit” I heard Courtney cry as everybody’s eyes snapped to me “Ava please babe, calm down” she begged as she looked between me and Dean.

  I couldn’t remove my eyes from his face as I slowly saw him back off and I took a step towards him, there was no way I was letting him go again

  “OH NO YOU DON’T” I screamed as I charged for him, pure white fury propelling me into him and knocking him to the ground as I heard Courtney desperately trying to get through to me “Somebody grab her, she’ll fucking kill him” she screamed as I heard other peoples shouts. I lashed out and punched him in the face “YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!” I yelled as I landed another forceful fist into his face. His nose splattered and sprayed me with blood and I grabbed his hair and slammed his head down as I continued to scream and rage at him.

  Somebody’s arms circled my w
aist, desperately trying to pull me off but my wrath made it impossible as I pummelled him, my fist smashing repeatedly into his face “I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!” I roared as I scratched and spat at him.

  “Shit! she’s too strong” I heard Kade shout from behind me “I need some help here!” he screamed and I felt another pair of hands grab at me and pull me back “Someone call Mason” I heard Nate shout but I had zoned out and all I could concentrate on was killing this man before me.

  As I was pulled away I broke free and landed some hard kicks into his ribs and stomach as he curled up defensively “Shit Ava, calm down” Nate cried as he tried to grab me again but I reached down and hovered over the pitiful sight of a coward “This one’s for Katie you bastard” I roared and kicked him straight in the mouth, his lips and teeth exploded and he gave out a high pitched squeal

  “Holy Crap!” Kade yelled and tackled me to the ground, straddling me from behind “Get fucking off me!” I bellowed and struggled underneath him “Get off me Kade!” I screamed “Ava, calm down sweetheart…calm down” he lay completely over the top of me, trapping me securely under him as his hand swept my hair away from my sweaty cheek.

  I was laid flat out on my stomach with my face pushed to the side on the ground as Kade held me down with his entire frame, his head resting on mine “Hush Ava” he soothed as he continued to stroke my hair back, rhythmically and tenderly “Ssshhh” he soothed as I struggled to breathe and calm down “Let me go Kade…please” I begged now sobbing with a need to end this bastard.

  Kade let out a heart-breaking sigh at my plea “Ava, calm down” he whispered as he continued to hold me down “But I need to finish him” I sobbed as the adrenaline was bottoming out “For Katie” I begged but he refused to move “I can’t let you go Ava” he said softly, my pleas and sobs tearing at him “Ssshhh Ava” he rasped as I wept and screamed and tried to crawl out from under him, my fingers clawing desperately into the ground “Jesus Ava, stop” he choked out but I sobbed and begged and scratched and clawed but I couldn’t move “Please Kade” I beseeched, my heart breaking at my inability to revenge Katie’s death “Katie” I screamed and cried “Katie”

  I whimpered as I felt Kades weight lift from me and somebody lifting me up and cradling me.

  “Baby…I’m here, Ava” Masons broken voice reached my senses and I looked up at him. His eyes begged at me, the love and distress in them floored me “Katie” I whimpered as I tried to tell him with my eyes and he frowned “What?” he froze as he took a quick glance over at the beaten man, curled into a foetal position and he narrowed his eyes.

  My haze was starting to clear and I could make out Nate and Kade crouched down in front of us “Baby? Is that him?” Mason asked calmly and gently “Yes” I sobbed and I sensed him freeze and the snarl that left his throat made my blood freeze “Mason?” Nate asked cautiously. “Take her and phone Sam and Greg” he ordered to Kade as he shifted me across to Kades lap and he stood and very slowly stalked over to Dean.

  As Mason loomed over him I heard a whimper from Dean and Mason cocked his head, regarding him as though he was prey. He crouched down in front of him, his forearms resting on his powerful thighs “Do you know who she is?” he asked, an eerie calm to his voice that made me shudder and Kades arms tightened round me. Dean gulped but didn’t reply “I SAID DO YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS?” he thundered and Dean nodded rapidly and Mason nodded “Then you know why you are laid here…like this” he sneered and Dean nodded again “Mmmm, well that woman happens to be the woman I love. You cross her and unfortunately for you that means you cross me” Mason stated frankly “I love Ava very much and that means I want to help her get revenge for her friends excruciating death. A death so fucking horrific, that it has plagued her nightmares for 5 fucking years. Do you understand what that means?” he asked serenely, rolling his head around his neck.

  Dean whimpered again and Masons hand shot out and grabbed a fist full of his hair, dragging his face close to Masons “It means your day just got very very bad” he spat and threw him back down as Sam and Greg appeared beside him “Find somewhere for him. Ava will deal with him” he informed them.

  They nodded, lifted Dean and carried him away as Mason came back to me and crouched in front of me “Ava?” he tipped his head and I nodded, still sat on Kades lap with Courtney at my side, holding my hand “You sure?” he asked bluntly, not defining the question but I understood every word “Yes” I replied frankly and he nodded and stood, holding his hand out to me.

  I hesitated, staring at his hand, knowing if I did this then mine and Masons’ relationship would never be the same again. My hand reached out to his and as I placed it into his he wrapped his long fingers around mine and pulled me up, slamming me against his body and hugging me tightly “You’re nearly there baby” he whispered “It’s nearly over Ava” I nodded slowly and then lifted my head “I need to speak with Beth” I said and he frowned but nodded his head.

  I pulled away and looked into the group of stunned party goers “I’m so sorry for spoiling your party Liv” I swallowed heavily but she walked over to me and grabbed my hand “Ava, it’s okay” she said softly and pulled me to one side “I don’t know what this is about Ava but can I tell you something?” she said and I nodded “I had been abused by my ex-husband for several years before I finally took the courage and ended it. We even hired Masons friend to find him last year but unfortunately it wasn’t me that took his life but believe me, I would have done it and I would have smiled happily while I did it, so I’m not going to judge you. We all have different stories Ava, just make sure yours ends the way you want it too, okay. Sometimes all life deals you is shit, you just have to learn to accept the hand you’re given and win…and fucking win good” I looked at her stunned, her words penetrating my soul and giving me courage to do this.

  I sucked my lips between my teeth “I need to…for my friend…for myself” I said slowly and she nodded “I need to talk to Beth” I told her and she nodded “Wait here” she said and walked over to Beth, whispered something in her ear and Beth looked over at me then nodded.

  She walked over to me and frowned “I don’t know him very well Ava but it’s obvious he…he isn’t a very nice guy if it warrants that much hurt, anger and rage” she said quietly and I took her hand “Do you love him?” I asked frankly and she shook her head “We only had a couple of dates, you know”

  I nodded “I needed to be sure” I sighed “What…what did he do?” she asked cautiously and my eyes shot to hers “it’s just…well…I slept with him and Erm…” she seemed to be struggling and I squeezed her hand “if I had known he was…he was…well I wouldn’t have, you know.” she stuttered

  “Beth” I shook my head slightly “I don’t know you very well but I am well aware that you don’t intentionally sleep with rapists and murderers” I felt the need to be honest with her, otherwise her imagination would forever haunt her “Oh Jesus. I’m so sorry” she breathed and I shook my head again “Your friend, the Katie you were screaming for?” she asked and I sighed “He raped me and…set fire to my friend…she died” I choked out and she immediately hugged me close “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Ava” she whispered “You need to end your nightmares” she breathed and I pulled back and regarded her “Thank you” I said softly and she smiled and nodded, took my hand and led me back to Mason who was talking rapidly on his phone.

  As soon as he saw me approach he ended the call and took my hand, sweeping his finger across my jaw and his eyes held mine “Ready?” he asked and I nodded and raised my eyes to the sky as a calm enveloped me, a chapter of my life was coming to an end and I knew right there and then that I needed Mason by my side “You won’t leave me?” I asked him quietly and he cupped my cheek “No baby, I’ll be with you every step, okay?” he promised and I smiled and nodded “Thank you” I whispered as he led me to his car and as I climbed in and sat down, he appeared beside me, crouched down so low I was surprised his knees didn’t snap “Ava, I…I…” he stutte
red but I shook my head “Not now Mason” he nodded “Later though? Please” he practically begged and I nodded. He exhaled heavily and ran his thumb over my bottom lip “Thank you” he whispered and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  Turning to the window I spotted Kades pale face watching me; the distress, longing and admiration blazed from his eyes but as we pulled away he pulled two fingers to his temple and saluted me with a wink, raising a small smile from my lips.

  I closed my eyes and forced myself into my zone as we pulled away from Nates house and made our way towards a deserted warehouse, somewhere in the back of beyond, somewhere I would never return to after today but somewhere I would never forget.


  I walked into the warehouse 20 minutes later and I swear, as I held the gun to his head I saw Katie smiling at me from behind him.

  I shot him with a single bullet to the head and then turned and walked out, never looking back and feeling nothing but numbness. It was the only thing that helped me through it; the detachment and Masons hand in mine, grasping me firmly as I pulled the trigger.

  As I exited the building the door swung closed behind us and the gun slipped from my hand, clattering loudly on the floor as I finally gasped a full breath. Mason lifted me up and placed me gently in the back seat of the car as Sam drove us home.

  I was silent throughout the journey, my hand securely imprisoned in Masons as he cradled me in his lap, frequently placing soft kisses on my forehead and whispering words of love.


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