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His New Roommate : Stepbrother Standalone Romance

Page 3

by Vanessa Kinney

  She sipped her water, clearing her throat. “Okay.” She sipped her water again, but this time with defeat.

  “Done. No guys over.”

  And just like that, I got what I wanted.

  “Good girl.”

  There was a moment of silence between us as she finished her breakfast.

  “Also, just so you know, two days a week I work from home. Tuesday and Fridays.”

  She looked at the time, “It’s Wednesday. And it’s 8:45. When do you start work?”


  “Oh. So, you’re late.” She tilted her head.

  “It’s whatever. It’s been years since I’ve been late. It’s not that big of a deal.” I said while walking to my room. “I need to get ready so, please, wash your dishes.”

  She moved toward the sink. I loved seeing her follow my command. Even if it was a meaningless one.

  My phone vibrated. It was a text from Mike.

  Bro, where are you?

  I texted back.

  I’m late. Be there in 30 mins. -Nate.

  I hopped into the shower, washed, rinsed, and then hopped back out. I styled my hair giving it a messy, effortless look. I walked over to my closet and looked at the dozens of suits I could choose from. I went with my favorite navy blue fitted Italian suit, which always seemed to turn heads. Maybe my little sister will take another picture of me. I chuckled to myself. I got out of my room and Lily trying to figure out how to turn on the TV.

  “Why do you have four remotes?” She said angrily while trying to press the power button for the Blu-ray player.

  She looked over at me and did a mini double-take. I saw her blush even though she turned toward the TV to hide it.

  Yep. I still got it.

  I fixed my tie and walked over to her, picking up the remote for the TV. She sniffed the air as I approached, inhaling my cologne. I heard her sigh. She probably didn’t even mean to do it, but my ego flared just a little.

  “This is the TV remote. The one you’re holding is for the Blu-ray player.” I picked up the other two remotes. “This is for the fireplace. And this is for the speakers.”

  She was still blushing, and she was trying so hard not to look me in the eyes.

  “You got it?” I asked her to make sure.

  “Mmm-hmm.” She nodded while I passed her the TV remote.

  “I’ll be home around 5 or 6. You can finish unpacking your “Misc.” box.” I winked at her suggestively and started to turn a different shade of red. The embarrassed shade of red.

  “Here’s $50 if you need it.” I placed the money on the small table next to the couch.

  I walked toward the door, knowing that her eyes were following me.

  I looked over and jokingly said, “Goodbye, sweetheart.” Already, breaking the second rule.

  She scrunched up her face.




  “Mr. Atom.” I heard Mary-Ann address me. “You have three messages. And Samuel and Mike are ready for the meeting.”

  A meeting?

  I grabbed the messages from her desk, “Thank you, Mary-Ann.”

  I walked toward my office door while I heard her yell, “Fix your tie.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I fixed my tie, glancing around at my old co-workers.

  Ever since I had been promoted to Head of Software Development, I had to dress more formally. It felt weird to be one of the only people wearing a suit while everyone else was wearing semi-casual attire. Samuel and Mike were both stared at me as I entered my office.

  “About fucking time!” Mike yelled as he came closer for a hug.

  “I know. I know. I’m kinda late.”

  “Kinda? You’re an hour late.” Samuel corrected me. Fucking Mister Know-it-all. He hasn’t changed a bit since college.

  I took my seat as Mike and Samuel stared me down. They both wanted two different things.

  “We need some changes to the software and website.” He handed me a packet of the statistics. “It seems like the software is freezing 10% of the time when people try to use it on their mobile phone or device. We think the problem, is in the JavaScript code, but that’s for you to find out and fix. I also need update for the new-”

  “Is she hot?” Mike cut Samuel off. “I tried to stalk her online, but she doesn’t show off much of that bod. So, is she?” I could tell this was on his mind the second I walked in. He was grinning from ear to ear to find out what my little sister looked like.

  “First of all, Samuel. You know how much I hate it when you come first thing in the morning and hand me the-,” I looked down at the packet, “Analyzation and Statistics for Better Understanding- oh for fuck's sake, these titles keep getting longer and longer.”

  “Just read the damn packet and get the job done.” he used his stoic voice on me while adjusting his glasses.

  “I always do. And Mike, to answer your question. She’s my stepsister, so I don’t know. I guess she is?” I lied.

  I opened the packet and started skimming the text.

  “Nice,” He nodded. “When are we going to meet lil’ sissy?”

  I got a little annoyed with Mike, but I couldn’t let him know or else he would try to get to Lily to spite me. He was a child like that. He always wanted the toy other kids had.

  “Are you guys still coming over Friday?” I double-checked.

  “Yeah.” They answered simultaneously.

  “So, is that it? This was the meeting you wanted to have. Really?”

  “Yep,” Mike said while getting up. “I just needed to know if your sister was hot.” He laughed.

  Samuel got up and followed Mike to the door. However, Samuel shut the door and sat back down. I looked over at Samuel. He’s going to turn into an A.S.S.

  Aggressive. Samuel. Scolding.

  “Are you fucking serious?” He scolded me.

  I rolled my eyes. This is what I get for having a friend who minored in psychology and thinks he’s top shit. He thinks he knows everything about me.

  “What?” I played stupid, knowing he was going to bring up Lily.

  “You like her.”

  “Who?” I played stupid again, looking over the packet.

  “Don’t play stupid. You know who. Lillian. You came in here way too happy and you got annoyed when Mike asked if she was hot and then called her ‘lil’ sissy’.” He said, imitating Mike’s baby voice.

  How did he do that? How does he always do that? I guess he is pretty good at reading me.

  “I mean wouldn’t anyone get annoyed when someone asks if a family member is hot?”

  “Yes, but I KNOW you don’t consider her family. You’ve told me countless times,” he corrected me.

  I didn’t have anything to say. I paused and tried to collect my lies. “Well- I.” I slammed the packet down. “Fine. I like her.” I gave in.

  “Stop.” He pulled his chair closer to my desk and here came the aggression. “Number one. She is family and she is your sister, legally. Just no. You can’t like her. Period.”

  He inhaled.

  “Number Two. Let’s say if, IF, something happens and it goes south. It will cause problems with your living conditions and then your work, which then affects the company, which then affects ME,” he said while pointing to himself. “Not to mention, it would be really awkward at family parties and just being in the same room with her and your dad and her mom.” He let out a frustrated sigh, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “No. Just N.O. It’s not right.”

  Samuel hesitated for just a moment, “Just stick to one-night-stands.”

  He had always been like this. He would always judge me in a weird caring way. He’s like Dad 2.0. No. He was Dad 1.0. My dad was at least more open minded and understanding than Samuel.

  “Stepsister.” I corrected him.

  “Are you serious?” he sighed. “That’s all you got from my points?”

  “I’ll see what happens.” I shuffled the papers on my desk. “If she likes
me. If we get together. If we go our separate ways. If’s it’s awkward. It’s all hypothetical.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Samuel sloped into his chair, getting into a more relaxed position. “You don’t see nothing wrong with this, Nathaniel?”

  I hate when he uses my full name. I hesitated. I felt a little bad that I didn’t see anything wrong with it, but I couldn't lie to him.

  “Not really,” I confessed. “We aren’t related biologically and we aren’t close. I was only at home with her for two months before I left for college.”

  “You guys are living together now. That’s close enough.” He pushed his glasses up.

  Is it fucked up that I don’t see anything wrong with it?

  I mean I knew her when she was a little girl. She was this skinny little thing who always wanted to hang out with me, but I never did. I saw no point in getting to know her. I wasn’t her real brother. Memories started to flow in. A twisted feeling in my gut started to overtake my body. I began to regret my confession.

  “Nate. Think about it.”

  Samuel got up from the chair and headed toward the door.

  “Oh and by the way. It might be best if Lily isn’t there Friday, especially with Mike coming over.” He closed the door.

  I tried to push aside what Samuel said.

  But it got to me.



  Stairs vs. Tight Short Dress

  I heard the elevator BING from my room. He must be home. I wiped the paint on my paintbrush onto my shirt and opened my door. Wow, my room smells like paint compared to the rest of the apartment. I looked above my bed where I started to paint the same quote from my apartment.

  “If you can’t find a way. Make-”

  Ehh. I’ll get it done this week. It’s taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I didn’t think the paint would be so thin. I already had two coats on it and it was still hard to read. Well, this is what I get for buying cheap paint, but I didn’t want to use all the money Nate gave me.

  I heard Nate playing around with his keys trying to open the door. I grabbed the knob and welcomed him home. He was wearing a black suit today with thin pin stripes. It was just as fitted as the one he had on yesterday. I couldn’t control myself as my cheeks started to turn pink.

  I had a weakness for men in suits. And joggers. And jeans. And tight t-shirts. I guess I just had a weakness for men.

  “You’re home early.”

  “Thanks.” Nate mumbled while looking down at his phone.

  He seemed just as distracted as he was yesterday. He went to work all happy in the morning, but when he came home, he went straight to his office. I only saw him for an hour yesterday for dinner, but he rushed through it and then went straight to the gym. I don’t even know what time he came back.

  He must be stressed from work. He walked passed me and headed toward his office. I went into my room and hopped on my bed to continue the painting.

  I don’t want to do this right now. I looked at the time and it was only 4pm. Urgh. I’m so bored. Maybe I can help him relax. Maybe I could take him out for dinner. I needed an excuse to see the city. I checked my emails. No replies. I sent my resume to over 14 companies, but I haven’t heard back. Fuck this. I slammed my laptop closed. I wanna go out.

  I stormed toward Nate’s office, but delayed the knock. Intimidation spread throughout my body the longer I stared at the door.

  Why am I so nervous?

  I knocked, before I could even think about the answer.

  “Come in.”

  I opened the door and Nate was sitting at his large desk with two computer monitors on it. This was the first time I had been in his office. It was a little smaller then my room. His desk was in the center of the room, flanked by three bookshelves. There was a white couch against the other wall, and two chairs in front of his desk.

  It was amazing how much he liked interior design. He took care of himself, has nice clothes and has a nice clean apartment. My brain started to overfill with stereotypical images of men who were known for being stylish, into décor and clean.


  Is Nate gay?

  “What do you need?

  I forgot why I was in the room.

  “I was wondering. Would you wanna go out for dinner tonight?” Nate’s eyes narrowed, and I started to feel a little foolish, so I just kept talking.

  “You seem a little distracted and I thought it would be a good way to de-stress and relax from work.” I started to play with a small globe he had on this shelf.

  I looked at his table, which was covered with papers and reports.

  “Hmmm.” He stalled. “Yea. Sure, why not.” He stacked the packets on top of each other. He was still wearing his suit, minus the jacket.

  “Okay, great!” I cheered, bouncing from one foot to the other foot. Although, he still looked unhappy.

  “You need to change clothes.” He eyeballed my outfit.

  I was wearing my painting clothes, a long sweater that covered my butt and black leggings.

  “I’ll have you know everyone on the red carpet is wearing this right now.” I giggled.

  He rolled his eyes, but I at least got a faint smile. It’s been over a day since I’ve seen him smile.

  “I know of a good restaurant but you need to dress up in like a casual dress or skirt. No jeans.” He firmly said.

  “Are you ready?” I heard Nate yell. I looked at the time and it was already 5:30. It took me longer than I thought it would to get ready, but I wanted to look good for my first time out in Chicago.

  I pulled my gray dress down trying to make it cover a little more of me. I think it’s too tight and too short. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I used to be so skinny before college.

  “One sec!” I yelled back.

  I quickly looked in my closet, but I couldn’t find anything casual that wasn’t pants related. I started to feel a little anxious with Nate rushing me. I probably shouldn’t be wearing this dress.

  Fuck it. I’ll just wear it. I put on some black heels and pulled my hair over my shoulder. I checked myself in the mirror one more time trying to pull the dress down more.

  Well, I have to work with what I’ve got. I stepped out of the door and Nate was looking down at his phone.

  “About time.” He looked up; his face covered in a full sexy smile. “You clean up nicely.”

  He went back to his phone with a smile. Well, I guess I look better in the dress then I thought I did. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans with a brown shirt and a black leather jacket. He looked really good.

  Really good.

  I caught myself checking him out for too long.

  Stop it. Lillian.

  I forced my head away. I had to remind myself, too often, that he was my stepbrother.

  I walked toward him. “Are you looking up the restaurant?”

  “I made the reservation for 6:00, but I’m following up with the owner to make sure we have a spot.”

  “You know the owner?” I questioned him.

  He chuckled and scratched his head. “Yeah. I’ve been going to this place for about six years with Samuel. Over the years he just started to recognize us.”

  “Who’s Samuel?”

  “He is my best friend from college. And we also work together.”

  “Oh wow. So, you guys are kind of close.”

  “Really close. He’s pretty much my brother- No. He’s more like my second Dad.” He corrected himself.

  He turned around and looked at me. “You might need a jacket.”

  “But it’s really nice outside. I think I’ll be fine.” He raised his eyebrow but didn’t say anything.

  He guided me toward the door. I walked a little bit in front of him while he locked the door. I felt as though I was being watched, but when I looked back he was staring at his phone.

  “The place is only 20 minutes away even with traffic so we’ll make our reservation. I already called the car for us so we should be fine, time

  We got out of the elevator and went outside. It wasn’t too hot or chilly.

  “There’s our car.” He pointed to the black luxury car in front of us.

  We hopped into the car. The smell of leather was strong and comforting.

  “Can you take us to the Rooftop, Kev?” Nate asked the driver.

  “You know the driver?” I whispered to Nate.

  “Oh, yea. He is kind of my personal driver that the company pays for. He’s my ride to and from work.”

  I looked at him. “Seriously?”

  I felt confused with his life style. Only a few days ago, I was eating Ramen and packing up my boxes. I barely had enough things to fill up two boxes.

  “Yeah, I mean it’s not that big of a deal.”

  I was too shy to ask him how much he made so I tried to play it off. “Are you that good at your job?”

  “Umm, I guess. I graduated a semester earlier than I was supposed to because the company I work for now wanted to hire me straight away.”

  I didn’t know that about him. Neither Mom, nor Mickey, had mentioned that.

  “So, you’re a computer genius?”

  He chuckled, “Yeah, kinda. It’s easy and it just makes sense to me. In plus, my Dad got me interested with computers at a young age. When you do something for so long it becomes second nature.”

  “Oh yeah, Mickey used to own a business where he used to build and repaired computers. Right?”

  “Yeah. Dad was more interested with the parts of the computer, and I was more interested with the software and programming.”

  “I didn’t know that. It’s sweet that you got into the same field as your Dad.” My mind went back to something he said. “Wait, so you graduated at 21?”

  “Yep. And then I went back to school and got my masters the next year.” He played it off like it was nothing.

  “Holy crap. I’ve accomplished nothing compared to you.” I felt a little envious of his success.

  He laughed as he stretched out his arm and grabbed me from the side. Nate brought me closer to him, and I breathed in his cologne. I felt safe as I got turned on. My pussy got a little tingle as our bodies touched. I nervously laughed with him. He released me from his tight one arm hug, but still had his arm around my shoulder.


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