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His New Roommate : Stepbrother Standalone Romance

Page 4

by Vanessa Kinney

  “What did you major in again?”

  “Marketing and advertising.”

  “Why did I think you were an art student.”

  “Ha. Ha. You’re so funny. I only like to paint as a hobby. Well, if you call it a hobby since I paint the same thing every time.”

  “Yeah, I saw that you are painting a quote. Is it a famous quote?”

  “Hmm. Not really. It’s something my Dad used to say to me.”

  I could see his expression soften. One thing Nate did know about me was that my Dad died a few days after my seventh birthday. When Mickey came into the picture I had a hard time accepting him. I didn’t like the idea that someone was replacing my Dad.

  Nate didn’t say much after that. We sat in silence for the remainder of the drive. I looked out the window watching the building get smaller and watching the people on the street.

  “We’re here.” Nate opened the door.

  The Rooftop was a wooden square building with three levels. It was surrounded by other restaurants and bars. We walked inside and there were several people in the waiting area.

  “Nathaniel. Table for two.”

  The host checked for the spot in her book. “Oh, I see. Umm...we have no spots available indoors. Do you want to go on the roof? It’s just that it’s going to get really cold out there.”

  He looked at me.

  “Yeah, sure. It’s not that cold.” I disregarded the host’s opinion.

  I saw the host roll her eyes. She was about to show us to our table when Nate held up his hand. “I know where to go. Thank you.”

  I followed him to some narrow stairs just wide enough for two people.

  “After you,” Nate let me pass him so I could go up the stairs first.

  Okay, great.

  Stairs and a tight, short dress. This is definitely not going to be a challenge. I pulled my dress as low as it could go. I took my first step and knew this was going to be tough. I kept one hand on the railing and the other hand on my skirt.

  Don’t trip. Don’t flash Nate.

  Don’t trip. Don’t flash Nate.

  Don’t trip. Don’t flash Nate.

  I felt like I was being watched again. I looked over my shoulder, but Nate was on his phone, smiling. I was just being paranoid for no reason. I looked at his phone screen, but saw nothing. His brightness was as low as it could go.

  “Make a right here,” I heard Nate’s voice behind me.

  Oh… More stairs. I pulled my dress down and repeated the challenge.

  Did he make me go up first so he could check me out?

  I quickly looked behind my shoulder to catch him in the act, but Nate was still on his phone. I think there was a part of me that wanted my stepbrother to watch me. He slowly licked his lip, and then followed it up with a bite. Damn. He’s so fucking hot. I felt my pussy pulse for Nate.

  No, stop it, Lillian! I had to remind myself again. Why is it so hard to remember?

  We finally got to the top of the stairs and I felt victorious for not tripping over or flashing Nate. Until, I looked over at the other side of the roof and there it was.






  Movie vs. Level 8

  “There was an elevator???” I shot Nate the bitchiest look I could muster.

  Nate shrugged. “Well now, that’s not very ladylike. I guess I forgot.” A smirk spread across his face as he walked past me heading toward an open table near the edge of the rooftop.

  Is he fucking serious?

  There was no way he forgot, he was just trying to fuck with me. My frustration took hold of me, until my stomach growled. I walked toward the table trying not to overreact to Nate’s stunt, but I couldn’t just let it pass.

  I sat across him, never breaking eye contact with his face.

  His dimples appeared on his faces when he snickered. He looked up at me, “Honestly, I just wanted to watch you struggle with that dress.” Laughing through the sentence.

  “You’re an asshole. Do you know how hard it is to go upstairs while trying not to flash everyone behind you? And WHILE also keeping your balance.” I picked up the menu, and glared at him over the edge.

  “I’m picking the most expensive thing on the menu.”

  “I deserve that.” He chuckled.

  The menu was filled with American cuisine food like hamburgers, french fries, steak, etc. except it was pricier. Everything was organic or from a local farmer.

  “Don’t know what to choose?” He watched my eyes jump across each item on the menu.

  “I’m still angry at you.” I skimmed the menu over again grunting at the options, “But no. I don’t.” I chewed on my lip angrily.

  “You know. You’re cute when you’re mad.” He pulled the menu out of my hand. “I’ll surprise you.”

  “Seriously, ground rule number 2.” I reminded him.

  “Oh come on, that’s a stupid rule and I’m not going to follow it. How about this. We each have one ground rule. Mine is don’t bring guys in the apartment and yours is…”

  I sighed giving into his logic. “Don’t come in my room.”

  I was too hungry to argue with him. I didn’t really care if he broke the second rule, as long as he respected the first one. I just wanted to piss him off after the whole Lieutenant Buzz embarrassment.

  “Attagirl,” he gave my cheek a light pinch.

  I swatted his hand away and he grinned wickedly at me.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment and arousal. “You’re weird.”

  “And you’re hungry.”

  Well, he wasn’t wrong. A strong, cold breeze passed us and I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Nate questioned me while he took off his jacket.

  “No. No. I’m fine,” I lied.

  He placed his jacket over me. His scent and warmth covered my body. I instantly became hot for him.

  “Thanks,” I said sheepishly.

  “Chicago is known for having some bipolar weather, even in the summer. One day it can be snowing the other day it can be 80 degrees. Or it can drop 15 degrees in the span of 20 minutes.” He checked his watch.

  I felt naïve for not taking Nate or the host’s advice. Another gust of wind slapped us. This time it was colder than the last one. The other couple on the roof decided to leave with their food. I burst out laughing.

  “What?” Nate looked over his shoulders.

  “That couple just grabbed their food and left.” The cold was taking over my body again, even with Nate’s jacket.

  He laughed with me, but I could tell he wanted to leave. With each shake, Nate’s muscles started to flex. His biceps looked more defined and his pecs were solid. I started to salivate. I couldn’t tell if it was from Nate or the lack of food. I watched him glance over the edge of the building. He was so fit, unlike me. Then all of a sudden, his nipples perked up and I lost it.

  “W-what. What’s so funny now.”

  I snorted as I pointed at his chest.

  He looked down, “Shut up. It’s cold.” He put his hand out. “Give me my jacket,” he joked.

  “No, it’s mine.” I clenched the jacket in my fists.

  He crossed his arms hiding his perky nipples. “We’re getting our food to go.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I chuckled.

  The elevator dinged and the couple went inside while a skinny waiter came our way.

  “And what will we be having today?” He was probably wondering what we were still doing on the roof.

  Nate pointed at something on the menu and held up the number two with his fingers. He emphasized that we were taking the food to go and need it ASAP. He pulled out his wallet and handed the waiter a hundred dollar bill. The waiter grabbed the money and leaned toward Nate to whisper something.

  “We’ll be waiting down stairs!” Nate yelled at the waiter as he walked away.

  I looked at him shaking my head, “You bribed the waiter?”

, I did. I’m hungry and cold, but I SWEAR that is the first time I ever did that.” He was telling the truth. “Let’s see if it works.”

  I would have scolded him and told him it wasn’t right for the people who ordered something ahead of us, but I was starving.

  “Okay. Okay let’s go.” I charged toward the elevator hugging Nate’s jacket, trying to absorb all the remaining heat inside of it.

  I pressed the button to the first level and turned to Nate who was still crossing his arms to cover his chest. “Does $100 mean like half the time it normally takes. So around 15 minutes?”

  “Nope.” He gave me a mischievous smile.

  Nate went on his phone and texted his driver. The elevator finally came up and Nate and I ran inside. The heat welcomed our cold bodies.

  We only waited five minutes before we heard, “Order for Nathaniel!”

  I looked over at Nate as he nodded with joy.

  “Yep. That’s mine.” He handed the waiter $50 and told him to keep the change.

  The Chicago wind hit us again once we stepped outside. We walked towards the car which was parked a block away since the restaurant and bars next to Rooftop were so crowded. We both sped walk toward the car. The walk felt never ending. The gusts of wind became more frequent, each one more painful than the last.

  We disappeared into the car. Kevin yelled, “No eating!” the second he saw the bag.

  I wanted to yell at Kevin, but I had no energy. I was just happy to be warm.

  “OK,” Nate mumbled while trying to rub his hands together for warmth...

  I started to take off Nate’s jacket. “Woah, nonono. Keep it on.” He fixed the jacket back on my shoulders.

  “This food better be worth it Nate.”

  “It is. It so is.”

  I looked at the bag and pulled of the receipt. “Two Cheeseburgers, cheese fries and angry fries? $42.56. You spent $150 on something that costs $42.56?”

  I shook my head at the outrageous spending. I could never spend that much on food regardless of how hungry I was. But at this moment, I was happy that Nate threw around a little more cash.

  “It’s worth it. I SWEAR!” He was trying to convince me. “You liked the mocha I bought you, right?”

  I nodded. “Okay. Okay. I’ll eat anything right now, as long as it’s meaty and tasty.”

  Nate gave me a devilish smile. It was the same look Mindy gave me whenever I said something borderline dirty.

  “NO! That’s not what I meant! Don’t you dare take it out of context!” I scolded him.

  He burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but when you put long, meaty and tasty in the same sentence a man’s going to think about something else.” He snickered.

  “Oh my god, you’re like a 16-year-old.” I smiled at his laughter.

  “Alright, I’ll act like my 29-year-old self.” Still snickering.

  “I don’t think there’s a difference,” I giggled.

  “Aw, man,” he got serious all of a sudden.


  “I forgot we have to get out of the car again.”

  I grunted. It’s probably a little colder.

  “Shouldn’t you be used to this weather?”

  “Nope. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it and I plan to live here the rest of my life.”

  “Really, you don’t think you’ll ever move?”

  “No.” He looked out the window. “It has everything I need. If you want to change your job. Go ahead! There are so many options. If you want Chinese food or Middle Eastern food just walk down the street.” He paused. “If you want a good fuck just go to a bar and flirt with some girl.” He turned to me. “Everything I need is here.”

  I nodded with him trying to agree with what he said. But I felt a little uncomfortable when he brought up fucking a random girl. I felt almost jealous.

  “We’re here!” Nate exclaimed while reaching to open the door.

  He opened the door and sprinted toward the building. I followed him. The lobby was almost as cold as outside. We stepped into the elevator. I remained silent after he brought up one-night-stands. I didn’t know what to say.

  “You okay?”

  I looked over to him, “Wh-Yeah. Yeah. I’m just hungry.” I lied.


  We headed toward his apartment.

  “I SWEAR this food is going to be worth it!” He fumbled trying to find his key.

  Nate threw the bag on the table and brought over some plates.

  “The burgers are kinda messy.” He grabbed the containers of food and took out one burger.

  “Oh my gosh! That’s huge! I think that’s the biggest burger I’ve seen.”

  His Mindy-like smile appeared on his face again.

  “Stop.” I frowned.

  “The angry fries are yours.” He pointed at the only container that wasn’t open.

  “How did you know I like spicy food.”

  “I have my resources.”

  “Is this resource called Mickey?”


  My mood started to pick up again. I finished my burger and started to devour my fries. Nate was already done with his food.

  “Do you want to watch a movie?”

  My mouth full of fries and I mumbled, “Yeah, sure.”

  “I’m going to change into something more comfortable.” He yelled while heading toward his room.

  I decided change into my pjs. Which included my thin tank top and my booty shorts. I think this tank top is too thin for my stepbrother to see me in. I could clearly see my nipples through the thin material. I threw on a sweater to hide my breasts.

  Nate was already sitting on the couch. He only exchanged his jeans for sweats. He had a blanket next to him and the movie ready to play. The lights were already turned off. I started feeling nervous.

  “Have you seen this movie?”

  I looked over at the TV, “Nope.”

  I stepped over Nate’s legs and sat down next to him.

  “Great. Then I won’t tell you what it’s about.” He grabbed the blanket and threw it over our legs. My body started to get excited with the thought of being under the covers with him. I couldn't help myself.

  We were half way into the movie and Nate struggled to get comfortable. I, too, was uncomfortable, but I didn’t know how to get comfortable without laying on him. Nate moved his arm over me like he did in the car. But this time I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat racing.

  “Are you okay?”

  He didn’t say anything right away. “Yeah,” he sighed, “I’m still worried about work.”

  He started to play with my hair. I could fall asleep right now, but I didn’t want to. Nate slouched down on the couch, my head fell with him. I adjusted my position and wrapped my arm around his waist. I felt his abs press against my arm.

  He is so fucking hot.

  But I should move.

  I looked down. My elbow was only a few inches away from his cock.

  What if I just moved my hand down to his cock? What would he do? Would he be hard?

  I started to drool, as my mind filled thought of my stepbrother’s cock.

  I should probably move.

  He stopped playing with my hair and moved his hand down my side, slowly. He stopped when he reached my hip. He was only a few inches away from my pussy. My mind filled with thoughts of Nate and I on this couch, grabbing his hand and moving it toward my pussy. I would turn to him and beg him to play with me.

  “Please... Nate.” My lip would shake and my eyelashes would flutter.


  I can’t think about that. I should definitely move. But I couldn’t. My body was frozen with delight. I didn’t want to move. I know I should but I didn’t want to.

  It was wrong. But it felt so…right.

  Nate coughed, flexing his abs. A chill rushed through my body. I wanted to rip off his shirt and lick his abs. Nate started to wiggle and I could tell he wasn’t comfortable any more.

sp; “You okay?” I sat up, regretting I had to move.

  “I’m just really uncomfortable.” He said while he sat up on the couch and crossed his arms.

  Did I make him uncomfortable? Did I do something wrong?

  I looked at him and he seemed more stressed than I’ve ever seen him.

  The movie ended the same time Nate jumped up and headed toward his room, but then he stopped. He looked over his shoulder.

  “Tomorrow, I’m working from home, but I’m having two co-workers come over. So, I need you…” he eyeballed me, up and down, “dress appropriately.”

  “What the fuck?” I yelled at him.

  I always got sensitive when someone judged my clothing.

  Nate narrowed down on me, using a harsh voice he said. “I’m serious.”

  He headed toward his door and shut it.

  What the fuck is his problem?

  I don’t care how stressed out he was. He didn’t have to take it out on me and my… clothes. I thought we’d had a good night, and then he turns back to his cold distant self.

  I stormed toward his room, and banged on the door. “We aren’t done talking!”

  I waited for him to come out. I banged again, “Nate!”

  “I’m done talking,” he said behind me.

  I jumped. “Where did you come from?”

  “My room is connected to my bathroom.” His eyes forced on my legs. “We’re done talking.”

  “No, we aren’t. I get that you are stressed from work, but why the hell are you taking it out on me.”

  Nate took one step closer to me, “I’m not taking anything out on you! All I said was dress appropriately.”

  “What? This isn’t appropriate?” I tugged on my sweater and stepped back.

  He was only a few inches away from me. He placed his hand on the door; the heat from his body made me tense up. His eyes were passionately angry and… thirsty. He had something else on his mind.

  Nate grabbed my sweater and pulled me into him. A faint gasp escaped my lungs as our bodies collided.


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