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Page 6

by Alanna K Puzak

  He tried to come near me and I turned around to face the window again.

  “I am never leaving you again Mel. I know we have barely been together but there is just something in me that tells me I need to be with you. I feel something very deep for you and I want to see where this goes. I mean think about it, we have only had less than a year together, but those movements feel like a lifetime. I have never felt that way before and I want to see where this goes Mel.”

  “I don’t fucking believe you Atlas. This is our line of work. What if you get another job tomorrow and you are gone for years. What then!”

  He forcefully turned me around and slammed me against the window.

  “I am so close to being done with Rio and then I will never leave again!” He took his hands off of my shoulders and kissed me, so passionately, so effortlessly. All I could think was, “finally some answers.”

  While gently slamming me into the windows kissing me with all the passion in the world, that was the moment I felt like we were the only two people who existed. We were more than anything could withhold.

  My arms were around his neck. His one hand slowly went under my butt cheek, lifted me up and pushed me even harder against the window. The other hand pressing against the window like he wanted to break us out. He slowly pulled my pants down to my knees while still holding me against the window. He let his shorts down. The steam from us is making the windows fog and the city lights are getting brighter with the sun setting. Everything at that moment was just perfect.

  While my legs were around his waist tight and my back against the steaming window, he took both of my arms and lifted them into the bloody ropes wrapping them in so I could hold myself up. He aggressively started to lift up my shirt while kissing me. He then rips off his shirt like there was a war on his pecks. Using one hand he twirls me into the window and next thing I know my pants are gone and my legs are around his neck.

  As I am in the complete state of euphoria with this man, he peels my sweating back off the window and falls with me to the cold unwanted floor, I realize he has a bump right above his right arm. He never wears shirts that you can see anything above the elbow, even when we made love before he never bothered to take off his shirt, and finally, I am seeing all of him. “Fuck, is that what I think that is?” I think to myself as I feel him kissing my hip bones making his way back to me.

  He gets up to my neck and his teeth biting while his tongue grazing my skin, I run my hands so hard up his bicep to interlock our hands. Making our arms locked like a braiding and one with each other. He continues to kiss me.

  As I slowly guide his right hand to my chest I look away for a moment, acting like I want him to keep biting my ear. It is, it is the damn branding, exactly what I needed to be looking for.

  He is the one who knew the algorithm, they were right. He is the one working with whoever is behind everything in Rio. God damn it, I have been sitting here questioning myself this whole time and he is really the one who is going to destroy the world.

  I was not going to assume anything quite yet. After all, the melding of our love into one body was just as hot as you could dream it to be. We continued to make love until the moon was frosting the gym with its kiss of light.

  We lay on the floor holding hands and just being with one another.

  That night as I get back to my quarters I texted Radinson, “branding confirmed.”


  A fter that night, things kind of went back to normal.

  We would go to the office, do work for 10 hours, then come home and sneak around to see each other. We tried to keep it as professional as possible at work. James and Victor kept their promise and made it so Atlas and I were partners. This made it easier to report and now I was closer than ever with him.

  We would have been very surprised if anyone had any idea or even a hint about us. We acted like we did not even know each other outside of our missions. We started making a lot of great memories together. Slowly my main mission was disappearing.

  I remember one weekend like it was yesterday, it was the day Atlas told me he loved me. We were heading over to a hotel next to a beach not too close by. We wanted one night where we could just be us without wondering who was watching.

  We had to leave the quarters, both of us claiming to be on separate scouting missions. I was told we would meet five miles west of the main building at a little house in a rundown neighborhood. Atlas pulled up in a silver Nissan GTR R35 and told me we were going to head towards the coast. He was in a white skater shirt and light grey sweatpants. His hair combed back, glasses on, black flip-flops, and his muscles popping out of the shirt. It was a long drive so why not be comfortable.

  He got out took my duffle and put it in the trunk. He swung around and opened the door for me before I could even fully extend my arm.

  “Why, here you go, miss.”

  Gasping, reaching for my neck as if I had pearls to grab, “Oh my, what a gentleman!”

  Both of us giggling as we got in the car and headed off.

  The highway was dark and naked with nothing but the light of stars shining on it. Not a soul in sight.

  I needed to ask him what his family thought he did. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to see more into his heart. So while our fingers were playing the violin with each other I decided to ask him just that.

  His family thinks he is a doctor for the peace core and is always in different countries. I just could not help but giggle when he told me this.

  “Your parents think you, you, are in the peace core!” I said bursting into tears.

  “Yeah, why is that so funny!?!”

  “Well come on, I know you are a sweet loving guy, but you are one of the top hit men for our division. Just kind of the opposite line of work.”

  “Well yeah isn’t that the point.”

  “I guess so.” I just kept giggling biting my lip and holding my hand up to my mouth to try to hide it.

  “Shut up,” he said grabbing my face and kissing me. So I did.

  We finally got to the hotel. We pulled up to this little two-story, shuttered windows, blue trim, paneled, all white house. It was perfect. It sat in the middle of all the little standalone hotel rooms on the beach. I was guessing that this is where we checked in.

  As we pulled up the concrete roundabout with a fountain glistening in the middle, I noticed all of the lights in the windows. It looked so peaceful. Like a house, you would want to die in. Like something you see in an old 90’s lost love story.

  We handed the car over to the valet. As we started walking towards the doors in the crisp ocean air, the sound of the waves started taking over and I just fully entered a dream.

  Atlas walked up to the front to check us in. I scoped out everything, not a camera in sight, not a TV, not a stereo, nothing. They had a record player, an old radio, and everything was 1950’s style beach furniture. I was starting to really like this place. It was a place where we could not be traced even if we wanted to. That is why he picked this place. Finally a place we could truly be alone.

  It’s still killing me that the only reason all of this is happening is because of a lie. I was of course not going to follow the CIA mission. I could not betray the man I loved any longer. I just could not do it. I planned on confessing tonight to him.

  I know it is a long shot but I was hoping that if he really loved me he would understand and we could find a way out, I know I sound like a real bitch, trust me it haunts me every day. I was going to betray the CIA now but as far as they knew I am still on board. I needed to keep every connection I had for as long as I could. I need to find out why the man I love is being hunted, what he has against them, why he needs to be off the grid.

  We got the key to our cot just a few down. The doorman helped us with our bags. He took them and grabbed a lantern and walked us down the beach. The beach was nothing short of a dream. The waves crashing to the shore like music to your ears, the stars so bright, and the moon
kissing every inch of your skin as if it were ready to play. This was a dream come true. I look over at Atlas just staring at the house we are walking to and the doorman helping us. His combed hair glistening with the kiss of light. His body so luxurious beneath that shirt, his fingers intertwined with mine and his thumb tickling mine. This was nothing short of perfect.

  As we were walking by each individual cot the doorman was trying to be extremely polite. He was trying to make small talk so it was not so uncomfortable. He asked how we met, we had to tell them we met on a plane that I was hosting and he was traveling from Egypt to Surat to help the kids. They bought it. They were nice, did not ask too many questions after that bullshit story.

  We just hung out at the house for a little bit and ate a nice home cooked meal from the owner of this little villa. The plan was dinner, dancing at this little bar just a little way down the road, and walk on the beach.

  “We should probably get ready,” Atlas mentioned.

  “Done and done.” I showed him walking out of the bathroom putting my last earring in.

  He grabbed his heart, “Well baby if you didn’t have me speechless before, you do now.”

  I walked up to him grabbed his hand and twirled my dress. The pink lace swirling up to the hip line making him just continue to look up and down. You could tell he did not want to leave at that point.

  He finally changed into his black board shorts and a light grey short sleeve shirt. We were going to a beach bar, no need to get all sorts of fancy.

  As we stepped out of our getaway home you could hear nothing but waves crashing, faint music, and wind so slightly whistling in your ear. He grabbed my hand interlocking one finger with the next. We barely said a word on our way to the bar just enjoying each other’s company.

  A few moments later we walked up to an old shack. It has a wooden bridge leading you to the entryway. The ocean stained wooded door smelling like a faint hurricane with a kiss of a mermaid. We walked in and it was a beautiful Hispanic place. Great salsa music playing from the low-key band in the corner. The tables with candles, chips, salsa, and roses. The white lace table covers, and the lights strung on the bar making everything just that more intimate.

  We sat at a table. I put my elbow on the top and ran my fingers through the back of my neck. “This is just … perfect.”

  “It really is isn’t it?” He grabbed my hands and started to kiss them.

  I turned to watch the band and he waved down the waiter for a couple margaritas. Once the drinks came, they decided to open up the back doors pouring in the sea breeze, the smell of salt, and the luscious background noise of the ocean’s waves kissing the beach.

  After dessert and a few drinks, we were laughing hysterically. Telling childhood stories, firsts, and anything embarrassing we could think of.

  Me laughing so hard I wiped a tear away from my eye before my mascara decided to run.

  “Let’s dance Mel.”

  Giggling still, “What?”

  “Let’s go hot mama!”

  “Oh my goodness Atlas what the hell is up with you?”

  He got up from his chair and went over to the dance floor, “Let’s go pretty lady, dance floor front and center.”

  A great song turned on and he grabbed my hand pulling him closer to me. He spun us around until we reached the middle of the dance floor. From that moment we danced the night away. His hand on my hips, spinning me around and around, him dipping me, us laughing.

  The night was going great.

  We had one big kiss and the band stopped. We started cheering and clapping.

  “I gotta piss.”

  “That’s a little TMI there Atlas.”

  “Oh well, be right back.”

  His drunk ass stumbled to the bathroom and I continued to laugh. That is when my phone rang.

  Smiling so hard I answered.


  “Oh shit. Why hello there Radinson. How can I help you on this pleasant night?”

  “I do not know where the fuck you went but it is taking everything in me not to track you down right now.”

  “Well, sir with all due respect, I needed a breather from everything.” I kindly stated while thinking to myself, “shit is he fucking on to me.”

  “I do not care agent. We just got more information on this case and I have the end of it for you.”

  Finally the end! “What do I need to do to end all of this, sir?”

  “Kill him.”

  “Umm, ex ex excuse me, sir?”

  “We need him off the grid for good agent. He is the key to destruction. We found that they have more of the resources they need to make another to activate the drive. Without him there is nothing. Kill him and burn him to ash. We will take care of the alibi. You have two weeks agent.”

  I hang up the phone barely able to catch my breath. I need to tell Atlas and I need to tell him tonight.

  He came out of the bathroom and ran over. “Are you ok baby?”

  I looked up and put a huge fake smile on. “Of course baby, I am um just not feeling so well. Could we go back to the room?

  “Of course love.”

  As we started walking back everything was numb. I could not acknowledge any of my surroundings. I knew this was about to all end. I could not kill him, I would not kill him.

  Atlas opened the door and there were a million flowers everywhere. The bed, the counters, the floor, the chairs, everywhere!

  I gasped, for real this time. “Where, what?”

  He turned me around, grabbing my shoulders, “I ... wanted to do something nice.”

  As he kissed me, he pushed me into the room closing the door behind him.

  He decided that a bath would be a good way to end the night. Of course, the tub already had rose petals in it. So he decided he was going to run a nice bath for us.

  I was told to go sit on a chair at the table because he was the “man” and needed to take care of his “lady.” Wow, if I wasn’t laughing already I was at that point.

  He came with a glass of wine to the table to just talk before the bath was finished. He had me get up so I could sit on his lap with my legs on either side of him. He wrapped his arms around me and looked deep into my eyes. He put the glass down and ran both hands up my back to my shoulder blades and kissed me. He grabbed me tighter and sighed.

  He pulled back; putting both arms totally around my waist to where he could touch his elbows again, he looked into my eyes again. “I just I ..” He looked into the bathroom, back at me, then back in the bathroom, “OH SHIT!”

  “What?” I mumbled.

  He threw me back on to the table. Mr. Genius had put too much soap into the bathtub and started a bubble flood in the bathroom. I ran laughing to go help him.

  I am laughing and thinking to myself, a 30 something-year-old man can’t run a bath, wow this is great! He can shoot anyone dead middle of the eyes from 200 yards away but he can’t figure out how much bubble soap to put in a bathtub.

  He saw me laughing and took it as the joke I saw it as. He told me to come help. When I got over there he tackled me to the floor and started shoving bubbles on my face and down my dress. I got on top of him and did the same thing to him “How do you like it now!”

  Both of us were laughing, I rolled off of him making both of us layback on the ground. We looked at each other. Still laughing his ass off he came closer to me and started kissing me. Water started soaking our backs as he lifted my hands above me on the ground continually kissing me. He had his knee between my legs and put my hands in his left and now had his right hand running up my leg under my dress.

  “Mel …”


  “Baby …”

  “Yes babe”

  “I … I … I love you”

  My heart dropped to the floor! Atlas told me he loved me! I feel the same way and it is different than anything I have ever felt before. It is deep and pure and 100% what I always thought true love would feel like. I felt more love for him in t
hese past months than I did with Gerald in two years.

  I rolled over on top of him, looked into his eyes, “I love you too!” I slowly put my left leg over to get on him, I started kissing him slowly. Forgetting everything that had just been asked of me to do.

  He sat up, putting his back against the hotel cabinets. He undoes my dress then takes off his shirt. With me wrapped around his waist covered in bubbles, he stands up and brings me to the table, still kissing me. He pushes everything off and lays me down, him following on top.

  Let it happen. The ocean, the candles, the flowers, this was like every girl's dream. He was reading my mind and his body was speaking my dirty fantasies.

  That was not the first time we ever made love but I can’t tell you how special this time felt. To this day I can remember it as though it was yesterday.

  Atlas and I had not been “together” for too long at this point, and that is since the night we met. He really liked things to go weird and go fast. He figured if they went fast he would find out if he liked you faster or if he was wasting his time. I liked that about him. No, I loved that about him.


  O n the way back to drop me off, we stayed very quiet. Played good music. He held my hand and kept it by his mouth the whole ride. Kissing it off and on. Did I just find my prince charming? I knew after this moment everything was going to change. I had to live it up as long as I could so I would have memories to go off of for the future to come.

  We finally got back to our quarters. He dropped me off right where he found me.

  “Well isn’t this nice.”

  “What?” I Asked

  “Instead of picking you up on a corner I am dropping you off at one.” He said trying not to laugh. “Go make me some money.” He said slapping my ass as I started to get out.

  “Oh my goodness.” I just started to laugh and shake my head.

  “Hey Mel.”

  “Yes Atlas.” I said rolling my eyes.

  “I love you baby.”

  I ran to his side of the car grabbing his chin to give him a kiss. “I love you too.”


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