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Sugar and Skulls: Rebel Skulls MC Book One

Page 26

by LM Terry

  “Hey,” Dirk crouches down in front of me. “What’s going on?”

  I wipe my tears on the back of my hands. “I don’t know.”

  “Jesse, your dad doesn’t think we are dirty. He thinks I’m too old for you. Period. I think for a brief moment he thought I somehow manipulated you when you were vulnerable, but he’s thought about it. Him and I have even talked about it.”

  “You have?”

  “We have. I don’t know if anyone will ever fully understand just how powerful this is.” He motions between the two of us. “But, we will show them. We are going to live our best life…together.”

  I nod feeling a bit better. “I just don’t want Bill to chase you off.”

  There’s that damn eyebrow.

  “Do you really think I’m a guy who gets chased off?”

  I shake my head no, giggling.

  “I’m the chaser, you’d be wise not to forget that.”

  My arms wrap around his neck as I drop to my knees in front of him, our supper quickly forgotten.

  We spend the rest of the night making love. On the kitchen floor, the couch, the bed, even outside under the light of the moon.

  Chapter Forty-Four



  The smell of bacon wakes me up. My stomach grumbles as I glance at the clock beside the bed. I smile and stretch my aching limbs. I definitely needed a morning of sleeping in, especially after the amazing night I had with Dirk.

  I toss on the clothes I had on yesterday and head down the stairs. When I round the corner my eyes land on my dad, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee. He glances up at me. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  He hops up and heads over to the stove. “I made your favorite, pancakes and bacon.”

  I sit down hesitantly at the table as he sets the plate in front of me. He takes his seat again, picking up his coffee and taking a sip. His eyes meet mine over his cup. “Go, on eat. It’s not getting any warmer.”

  My gaze slides quickly over the room looking for any sign of a struggle. My dad chuckles. I narrow my eyes at him. “You didn’t kill him did you?”

  He laughs and smacks the table with the palm of his hand. “Oh, believe me. If I wanted him dead he would be six feet in the ground already.”

  “So, you don’t want him dead?”

  He reaches over and grabs my hand. “No. Because he makes my baby girl happy.”

  I let out a relieved sigh and pick up my fork. “Oh, good.”

  Digging in, I forget all about Dirk. My dad is a good cook and Dirk and I never did eat our supper last night. I’m starving. My dad watches me chow down, amusement dancing over his handsome face.

  When I’m finished I push my plate to the side and lean back in my chair, rubbing my hand over my belly. “That was amazing. Thanks, dad.”

  Just then, Katie bursts through the door in a bright blue sundress. “Dad, Dirk says he’s ready!” she yells. When she sees us sitting at the table she bounds towards us, curls bouncing over her eyes.

  “Jesse!” She wraps her arms around my neck, squeezing me tight.

  “What are you doing here, little miss?” I kiss her on the cheek as she pulls away.

  She looks at Bill her face turning pink. “I messed up Jesse’s surprise didn’t I?” she asks him sadly.

  He picks her up and sets her on his knee. “You didn’t mess anything up. This is perfect, now we can tell her together.” She claps happily at this.

  “Tell me what?” I ask suspiciously.

  He nudges Katie in the ribs. “Go on, you can tell her.”

  “Today is your wedding day!” she exclaims throwing her arms high in the air. “Ally and I get to be flower girls.”

  My mouth falls open.

  She whispers something in our dad’s ear before bouncing back out the way she came.

  When I don’t say anything, my dad turns to me in concern. “Jesse? This is what you wanted isn’t it?”

  I nod, dumbfounded. “He…he told me you said no.”

  My dad flashes me a white, toothy smile. “I said he couldn’t marry you in Vegas.”

  Oh. Oh.

  That asshole let me believe my dad said no to us getting married.

  He chuckles. “My baby girl deserves better than to be carried off by a cave man in the dead of the night. She deserves flowers, friends and family.”

  My heart melts as I watch my dad’s eyes soften as he speaks. “Oh, dad.”

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing you call me that.”

  “And, I’ll never get tired of saying it.”

  He stands and pulls me with him. He hugs me tight. “I brought you a dress and your girly makeup and things. Go get yourself prettied up. I’ll be right here waiting.”

  I hurry upstairs putting on the white sundress he brought for me. It’s beautiful and simple. I love it.

  When I walk downstairs my dad stands from the couch. I stop in front of him. He swipes at his eyes. “You’re making us all soft.”

  “Maybe all of you were already soft.”

  He guffaws at this. He hands me a bouquet of wildflowers and then tips his elbow out for me to take. I wrap my hand around the soft, worn leather of his Skull’s jacket. He looks down at me. “Ready?”

  I nod, thinking to myself I’ve been dreaming of this day since I was ten years old.

  We walk down the path, the little woodland creatures I painted peek out at us. He squeezes my hand when he notices them. Before long, the path opens to a spectacular view of the Sierra mountains. Our friends are all gathered around. My dad walks us up the isle they have formed.

  When we reach the end, I see Raffe standing, with crutches, by Dirk. He gives me a dazzling smile and winks. Dirk nudges him in the ribs. Raffe only smiles brighter. Then I let my eyes fall on Dirk. Mr. Scary Tattoo Man. The man who stood in front of me and told me it was okay to be mean. It was okay to protect what was mine. The man who saved me by teaching me how to save myself.

  His tongue snakes out to flick his lip ring making me thank Gabriel’s god for giving me such a sexy man. My dad takes my hand and gently places it in Dirk’s. He leans over and whispers, “Take care of my baby girl, Dirk, or I’ll break every bone in your body.”

  “You know I will.”

  “I know. I know.” My dad pats Dirk on the back before going to stand with Candice and the girls.

  I turn towards the minister noticing Dan standing by my side. He blushes and looks towards the sky.

  My eyebrows raise in amusement. “Hey, big guy.”

  “Shut-up, you needed a maid of honor.”

  I smile big. “And, you make such a pretty one.”

  He grumbles before leaning over and giving me a peck on the cheek.

  I snag his hand before he pulls away. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

  His cheeks turn full out crimson. He clears his throat and straightens his jacket.

  The minister begins. I couldn’t tell you what he says because I’m lost in mood ring eyes. The same ones that made my heart gooey all those years ago. Only difference is this time we don’t have to go our separate ways.

  Before I know it, Dirk is kissing me passionately in front of all our friends and family. My dad coughs loudly and Dirk pulls back giving me his trademark smirk. He enjoys making people uncomfortable, especially Bill. That’s okay, I wouldn’t trade this asshole for anyone.

  Good news is we are now one, forever bound to protect what’s ours...together.

  Bad news, well in life there will always be bad news but now that I’ve found my family I will never have to go through it alone.

  The End


  Dirk ~ 5 Years later


  My eyes follow Raffe as he chases his son around the room. Good god that little fuck has a lot of energy. Yeah, you guessed it, I’m still the same fucking asshole I was five years ago.

  Katie and Ally come out from the bedroom where my wife is. “Do you want us to take Jackson for
a little while so you can go see Jesse?” Katie asks Raffe.

  “Yeah, that would be great. Rachel will be here in about thirty minutes.” He pats me on the back as he passes me to go in to see Jess. I watch the girls play with Jackson for a few minutes before heading back into the bedroom.

  We have temporarily moved back into the warehouse because of Jesse’s condition. She wanted to be near her dad. Understandably so. She’s scared. Shit, I’m scared.

  When I open the door, I find Raffe sitting in the chair by the window, Jesse kneeling in front of him with her head in his lap. He runs his fingers through her hair, speaking softly over her. Dan is crouched behind Jesse rubbing her back.

  I flex my fists reminding myself that everyone here loves Jesse. This is innocent. This is innocent. Nope, can’t do it. “Everyone get the fuck out.” I spin towards the older woman in the room, pointing at her. “You too.”

  Jesse chuckles but backs away from Raffe. Dan helps her to her feet. “Why do you have to be such an asshole. That felt good.”

  I narrow my eyes at her and she narrows hers right back.

  Raffe, Dan and the old woman don’t even try to argue with me. They all walk out closing the door behind them.

  Jesse makes her way to the window, pushing the curtain back so she can look down at the lake.

  I wrap my arms around her. She leans back, groaning. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispers.

  “You can do this. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

  She starts to double over in pain, so I brace my hands under her round belly to steady her. “Breathe, baby, breathe through it.”

  After a few minutes she relaxes against me.

  “I need to sit,” she waddles over to the rocking chair. Bill bought an exact replica of the one we have at home. You should see the nursery at our house. One wall is covered in a beautiful sunset. The others are painted with sugar and spice and everything nice. Yes, you guessed it, we are having a girl.

  I’m terrified. That’s putting it mildly. I mean let’s be honest, between my sister and Jesse my track record on keeping girls safe isn’t the best. Jesse tells me it’s nonsense, but I know I should have done better. I could have done better. But, as it happens, I’ve been given another chance. A chance to do better. To be better.

  Don’t think I’m going to change my asshole ways. Not happening. In fact, it will probably get worse. Now that I’m having a daughter myself I understand completely where Bill was coming from. He probably should have killed me.

  I turn when I hear Jesse reading softly to our little girl. She does this every day. She says it will help our baby with early language learning. She’s read every baby book she could get her hands on. Jesse’s going to be an amazing mother.

  I sit down on the bed and watch as she rocks, rubbing one hand over her stomach while holding the book with the other. She’s beautiful. Long dark hair falls around her slim shoulders, the ink on her skin reminding me just how tough my wife is.

  When she winces in pain I rush to her side. “Want me to get the mid-wife?” I ask.

  She drops the book in the chair beside her and leans forward pressing her face in the crook of my neck. “No, not yet,” she pants.

  I reach around and rub her lower back. Man, nobody prepares you to see the woman you love in so much pain. I wanted to have the baby at the hospital but Jesse insisted she wanted a mid-wife so she could give birth with her family close by. She spent so many years alone, how could I deny her.

  We decide to go for a walk down the hall to help things along. I walk behind her, my inked hands bracing her gently under the stomach. Bill watches us pace back and forth. When we head into the bedroom he follows us inside. He closes the door quietly behind him.

  I sit against the headboard and pat the spot between my legs for Jesse. She settles herself, leaning back against me. I continue to rub my hands over her hard stomach. Bill perches on the edge of the bed beside us.

  “I think I owe you both an apology,” he says out of the blue.

  “What? What for?” Jesse asks.

  “I was wrong about the two of you. You are perfect for each other. I didn’t see it then, not even when I gave you my blessing on your wedding day, but I see it now.”

  “Bill, we get it. You don’t have to apologize,” I tell him. “Believe me, I really get it now.”

  He laughs, running his fingers through his beard. “This poor girl isn’t going to have a chance with a boy with an asshole for a grandpa and an even bigger one for a father.”

  Jesse groans in pain as another contraction assaults her. Bill grabs her hand and she squeezes the life out of it. I whisper words of encouragement over her head until it passes.

  “You’re doing so good, baby girl,” Bill says proudly.

  She breathes deeply through her nose. “I don’t want to do this, anymore,” she cries.

  “The baby needs to come out, Jesse. I’ve got you. We're going to get it done,” I tell her softly, rocking her back and forth in my arms.

  She pulls her legs up as another contraction comes fast and hard. “Maybe you should go get the mid-wife now,” I tell Bill.

  “Help me up,” Jesse asks him. As soon as he pulls her to her feet a gush of water soaks her pants.

  “Shit,” she hollers.

  “Hey, look at me.” Bill grabs her chin forcing her face away from the mess now leaking onto the floor. “I know you’re scared but Dirk is going to be right by your side the entire time and the rest of us will be on the other side of that door.”

  She gives him a jerky nod, her body trembling from the shock of labor.

  “This is all a part of it. You’re going to get through it. You’re a Skull don’t forget that.”

  She chuckles lightly before another contraction grips her.

  “Help her out of her pants Dirk. It’s almost time,” he orders. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and a quick hug before rushing out of the room.

  I get Jesse out of her wet pants and settled back onto the bed. The mid-wife laid a waterproof liner on the bed for us. When she checks Jesse’s progress she smiles. “You’re at ten. Ready to push?”

  Jesse shakes her head no. Terrified eyes search for mine. I calmly slide up beside her on the bed. The midwife pushes Jesse’s legs back into her chest. “Okay, Jesse, give me one nice long push.”

  Jesse grabs my hand and I brace an arm behind her back to help her in a more upright position. She grunts and pushes as hard as she can before collapsing back against the pillow.

  “Good job, girl,” the mid-wife praises. “All right here comes another one. Push.”

  Jesse grunts and screams as she pushes with all her might.

  I’m amazed at how strong Jesse is. This is much harder than I had imagined. It’s…it’s simply fucking amazing.

  We go through the process over and over and I watch as my wife grows more exhausted by the minute. I glance at the mid-wife concern etched over my features. Is it normal to take this long? She smiles at me and nods. Okay, she doesn’t look as worried as I’m feeling.

  She looks between Jesse’s legs. “I see a head full of dark hair, Jesse. One more big push.”

  My heart full out stops as Jesse pushes, pushes, pushes and then…

  the most beautiful baby emerges.

  The mid-wife laughs as she grabs our daughter. The baby starts to cry loudly. My eyes reluctantly leave the tiny, gooey bundle to stare admiringly at my wife. She blinks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I did it,” she whispers.

  “You did so good, baby,” I tell her, wiping her sweaty hair away from her face. The mid-wife interrupts us by laying our little girl on Jesse’s chest.

  We both stare down at her. She quiets and blinks at us. “Hey, baby girl, it’s mommy and daddy,” I coo.

  Jesse snickers. “Oh my god. I’m never going to get used to your baby talk.”

  “Tell your mama she better watch her smart mouth or daddy is going to spank her cute little behind.” I tell our
daughter cheerfully in my baby talk. I smile into her cute as fuck, tiny face.

  The mid-wife laughs. “Let me get her cleaned up and then you can feed her.” She takes the baby from my wife’s arms.

  Jesse pulls me down and kisses me softly. “Thank you.”

  When I pull away I ask her what for.

  “For giving me the most precious gift in the world. I promise I will love her fiercely.”

  “I know you will. That’s why I picked you to be mine.”

  The mid-wife walks over and hands me a wiggly bundle. I blink quickly, trying to avoid any tears from forming. I turn away so Jesse can’t see how weak I am over all this. I walk over to the window. The sun is setting, it casts a spectacular pallet of pinks across the sky as if God himself is saying happy birthday to my little girl. “Welcome to the world, Billie Rose.”

  The baby pulls her hand to her mouth sucking wildly at her fist. We decided to name her Billie for Bill. It’s also a strong name for a girl. The Rose will keep her sweet and balanced.

  I walk her over to my wife and set her gently in her arms. She positions the baby to her breast and Billie latches right on. How can she be so hungry already? I brush my hand over her fine baby hair. She has Jesse’s blue-black hair and my blue eyes. I have a feeling I’m going to have to beat the boys off her.

  Once the mid-wife gets everything cleaned up and the baby weighed she leaves the room to let our family take turns seeing our new arrival.

  The first in the room is Bill, Candice, and the girls. Ally and Katie go on and on about being aunts and how they are going to paint her nails and braid her hair. Bill is quiet as he takes everything in. His eyes shine bright with unshed tears as he watches Jesse hold Billie in her arms.

  Before they leave to make room for the next bunch, Bill leans over and whispers something in Jesse’s ear. She laughs and sniffles a little.

  “What did he say?” I ask after he walks out.


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