Karl Marx

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Karl Marx Page 70

by Jonathan Sperber

  Holy Roman Empire, 4, 7, 8

  Holy Shroud, 10, 19–20

  Hommer, Joseph von, 19

  House of Commons, British, 296, 318, 520, 521

  Hugo, Victor, 116, 536

  human species essence, concept of, 62, 126, 147, 170–71, 176

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 338–39

  Hungary, 194, 237

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 394, 396

  Hyndman, Henry, 478–79, 521

  Illustrated News, 503

  Immandt, Peter, 246, 270, 283

  imperialism, 312, 315, 319, 336, 524

  “Inaugural Address,” see “Address to the Working Class”

  India, 201, 401

  British colonial rule in, 313–18, 436, 559

  uprising of 1857 in, 302

  industrial revolution, xv, 435–36

  Institute of Marxism-Leninism, xiv

  interest rates, 444

  Interior Ministry, French, 150

  Interior Ministry, Prussian, 236

  International Alliance of Socialist Democracy, 373, 505, 513, 516

  International Democratic Congress, 200

  International Institute for Social History, xiv

  International Marx-Engels Foundation, xiv

  International Working Men’s Association (IWMA)(First International), xvi, 331, 337, 356, 365, 369–74, 376, 377, 402, 435, 447, 471, 474, 485, 487, 492, 522, 527, 546–47, 549, 551, 557, 558

  British Federation and, 508–9

  demise of, 515–17

  1870 Congress of, 374

  First Congress of, 358

  general congresses of, 361

  Hague Conference of, 512–15, 535

  “Inaugural Address” and, 356, 390–91

  as Jewish conspiracy, 509–10

  London conference of, 505–8

  Marx-Bakunin conflicts in, 372–73, 502–15

  Marx’s role in, 357–59, 360, 363–64, 368–69, 371, 431

  most effective actions of, 358–59

  New York General Council of, 514–16

  Paris Commune and, 378–80, 382

  People’s Party and, 367–69

  “Introduction to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law” (Marx), 122–26, 149, 172

  Ireland, 88–89, 359, 365, 371–72, 447, 491, 521

  Great Famine of 1846–51 in, 371

  Isaiah, Prophet, 66

  Isle of Wight, 543, 545

  Italian War and the Task of Prussia, The (Lassalle), 339

  Italy, 60, 117, 373, 374, 506, 510–11

  Northern Italian War in, 327–29, 331, 334–35, 339, 362, 364

  Revolution of 1848 in, 195, 237, 241–42

  Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 351

  Jacobi, Abraham, 285

  Jacobins, 35, 120–21, 210, 225, 229, 251, 287, 378, 555, 558

  Jäger, Gustav, 396

  Japan, 319, 522

  Jena, University of, 69–70

  Jesus of Nazareth, 128–29

  Jevons, William Stanley, 460–61

  Jews, Judaism:

  capitalism and, 127, 131–33, 134

  emancipation debate an, 127–32, 134

  Hep Hep riots and, 17–18

  Marx’s identity with, 493, 496–502, 548–49, 553–55

  Napoleon’s infamous decree and, 11–12, 20

  as nation, 5

  Prussia and, 16–17

  race theory and, 410–11

  social Darwinism and, 553

  of Trier, 5–7, 10–13, 16–17

  John, Book of, 29

  Jones, Ernest, 157, 318

  Jude, Der (The Jew), 18

  July Monarchy, 117, 120

  June Days, 226–27

  Jung, Robert, 80–83, 87, 90–91, 96–97, 105, 140

  Junkers, 492

  Justice, 42

  Kant, Immanuel, 8, 49–50, 52, 68, 389, 408

  Karl Marx: Man and Fighter (Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen), xii

  Karl Marx House, xiv

  Kathedersozialisten, 459

  Kautsky, Karl, 524, 550, 552

  Kerr, Alfred, 25

  Kershaw, Ian, xvii

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 40

  Kinkel, Gottfried, xvii, 223, 253, 267, 268–71, 276, 330, 412

  Klüngel, 81, 104

  Koch, Robert, 542–43

  Koehler, Herr, 249

  Kohl, Helmut, xiv

  Komp, Albrecht, 498

  Kossuth, Lajos, xvii, 276–77, 557

  Kovalevsky, Maxim, 460, 532

  Krause, Carl (Charles Fleury), 275

  Kriege, Hermann, 159

  Krosigk, Eduard von, 58

  Kugelmann, Franziska, 110

  Kugelmann, Ludwig, 110, 366, 374, 379–80, 395, 408, 458–59, 475, 477, 538

  labor, 429–30

  alienation of, 145–47

  in Capital, 424–25, 429–30, 432, 538

  division of, 169–70, 538

  mechanization of, 432–33, 439, 441, 443, 451

  labor movement, German, 525–30, 549

  Bismarck and, 526–27

  and creation of German state, 525

  “Critique of the Gotha Program” and, 526–27, 537–38, 558

  French socialists and, 531–32

  IWMA and, see International Working Men’s Association

  Marx and, 355–57, 459–60, 462–63

  Lassalle’s legacy and, 361–62

  Liebknecht and, 140, 363–64, 366–69

  as mass movement, 551–52, 557, 559

  Prussian regime and, 362–63

  revisionism and, 529–30

  trade unions and, 358–59

  Unity Congress and, 525–28

  labor theory of value, 173, 427–30, 444, 460–61, 537

  Lafargue, François, 410

  Lafargue, Laura Marx, xvi, 136, 186, 262, 301, 360–61, 377, 468, 470–71, 472, 481, 484, 488, 512, 545

  Lafargue, Paul, 360–61, 377, 395, 410, 471–72, 484, 488, 510, 531, 540

  Lamartine, Alphonse, 120

  Landor, R., 536

  landowners, 448, 452

  Lange, Friedrich Albert, 395, 416

  Lapínski, Colonel, 412

  Lassalle, Ferdinand, xvi, 256, 309–10, 338, 353–54, 363, 366, 376, 394, 475, 476, 478, 486, 497, 500, 508, 514, 535

  background of, 338–39

  death of, 354–55

  flamboyant personality of, 340–41

  legacy of, 361–62

  on Marx as thinker, 388

  Marx’s Berlin trip and, 342–43

  Marx’s political relationship with, 339–42, 346

  Marx’s Prussian citizenship problem and, 345–46

  Marx-Vogt feud and, 339

  race theory and, 411

  Leaders of Modern Thought, 503–4

  League of Poets, 38

  League of the Just, 156, 158, 161, 179–80, 194, 196, 247

  see also Communist League

  Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre, 120

  Leibnitz, Gottfried von, 19

  Leipzig, Battle of (Battle of the Nations), 14

  Le Lubez, Victor, 355

  Lenger, Friedrich, xvii

  Lenin, V. I., 157, 524, 529, 552

  Leroux, Pierre, 97

  Leske, Karl Julius, 149, 172–73

  Lessing, Gotthold, 91

  Lessner, Friedrich, 284, 546

  Levi, Samuel, 21

  Levine, Norman, 550

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 289

  Lewy, Chaje Lwow, 6

  Lewy, Marx, 6–7, 11

  Liberal Party, British, 506, 507–9, 513, 520–22, 524, 529, 542, 551

  Liberman, Aron, 554

  Liebknecht, Wilhelm, xvi, 246, 330, 332, 335, 342, 354, 375–76, 475, 478, 506, 509, 512, 520–21, 525, 527, 528

  Cologne Communist Trial and, 283–84

  German labor movement and, 140, 363–64, 366–69

  Jenny Marx as portrayed by, 473–74

  Marx recollected by, 140, 320, 469, 488

  at Marx
’s funeral, 546–47

  Life of Jesus Theologically Examined (Strauss), 62, 137

  Lincoln, Abraham, 352

  List, Friedrich, 82

  Liszt, Franz, 40, 121

  Lloyd, Samuel, 265

  Locke, John, 19

  Loers, Vitus, 33–34

  London, England:

  exiles’ plight in, 245–47, 255–56

  Marx’s move to, 243

  Marx’s political exile in, 263–66, 271–72

  Marx’s poverty in, 253–58

  Marx’s residences in, 254–55, 297–98, 350, 540

  police spies in, 275–78

  London Daily Telegraph, 244, 332

  London Stock Exchange, 244

  London World Exhibition of 1862, 348

  Longuet, Charles, 42, 469, 540

  Longuet, Jean-Laurent-Frederick, 540

  Longuet, Jenny Marx, xvi, 121–22, 372, 374–75, 470, 472, 481, 485, 488, 517, 521–22, 539, 545

  Longuet, Marcel, 539

  Louis XIV, King of France, 6–7

  Louis XVI, King of France, 225

  Löwenstamm, Moses, 21

  Lüning, Heinrich, 188

  Luther, Martin, xvii, 95, 287

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 524

  Lwow, Aaron, 6

  Lwow, Joshua Heschel, 6–7

  Lwow, Moses, 6

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 111

  Maenchen-Helfen, Otto, xii

  Maine, Henry, 315

  Malthus, Thomas, 394, 419, 447, 456–57

  Marx’s criticism of, 449–51

  Mannheim Evening News, 185

  Mao Zedong, 559

  March Address of 1850, 247–48, 249, 251–52, 282

  “Marginal Notes on the Program of the German Workers’ Party” (Marx), 526

  marginal utility theory, 422, 460–62, 554

  Marr, Wilhelm, 500

  Marseillaise, 28

  Martí, José, 549

  Marx, Caroline, 23

  Marx, Cerf, 19

  Marx, Edgar, 186, 256, 293–94, 301, 470

  Marx, Eduard, 23

  Marx, Eleanor, xvi, 19, 44, 136, 262, 283, 294, 297, 306, 372, 396, 406, 468, 472–73, 481, 489, 491, 518, 524, 539–40, 541, 546

  Marx, Emilie, 23, 344

  Marx, Franziska, 254, 260–61, 294, 469

  Marx, Heinrich, xvi, 33–34, 37, 40–41, 44, 46, 47–48, 59, 70, 75, 101, 129, 349

  children of, 23–24

  in conversion to Protestantism, 16–19, 20, 62

  death of, 55–56

  Enlightenment ideas and, 19–20

  estate of, 72–73

  law practice of, 20, 23–24

  law studies of, 12–13, 16

  letter to Marx on Hegel, 52–55

  marriage of, 20–21

  Marx’s relationship with, 21–22, 52–55

  Trier Casino episode and, 28–29

  Marx, Heinrich Guido, 254, 260–61, 294, 297

  Marx, Henriette (sister), 23

  Marx, Henriette Presburg (mother), xvi, 44, 47, 256

  children of, 23

  death of, 349–50

  division of Heinrich’s estate and, 72–73

  Jenny Marx’s meeting with, 122

  marriage of, 20–22

  Marx’s 1861 visit with, 344–45

  Marx’s relationship with, 24–25, 71–73, 345, 483

  Marx, Hermann, 23, 37, 57

  Marx, Jenny (daughter), see Longuet, Jenny Marx

  Marx, Jenny von Westphalen, xvi, 57, 155, 198–99, 215, 240, 242, 243, 259, 260, 271, 276, 277, 283, 295, 318, 321, 333, 334, 345, 346, 349–51, 375, 472, 477, 498, 512, 540, 553

  children’s deaths and, 261, 293–94, 301

  death of, 466, 540–41

  Engels’s correspondence with, 480, 483

  Engels’s eulogy for, 541–42, 546–47

  family poverty and, 253–57, 297–99, 348, 481, 483–84

  final days of, 540–41

  health of, 186, 342

  Henriette Marx’s meeting with, 122

  home life of, 488–89

  Liebknecht’s portrayal of, 473–74

  marriage contract of, 109–11

  married life of, 466–68, 481, 556

  Marx’s correspondence with, 44–45, 76–78, 121–22

  Marx’s courtship and engagement of, 41–42, 45–48, 109

  Marx’s illegitimate child and, 263

  Marx’s relationship with, 42, 45–46, 55, 71, 76–78, 106

  obituary of, 42

  Paris sojourn of, 119, 121–22, 134–35, 151

  Marx, Karl:

  alleged anti-Semitism of, 123, 131, 134, 496–97, 555

  anglicization of, 493–94, 495

  Asia interest of, 312–13, 315–20

  baptism of, 23

  Belgium’s expulsion of, 215–16

  in Berlin trip of 1861, 343–46

  at Berlin University, 39–40, 48, 52–53

  birth of, 3, 23

  birthplace of, see Trier, Germany

  at Bonn University, 37–39

  bourgeois lifestyle of, 482–86, 488, 491–92, 501

  Brussels writings of, 161–64

  chess interest of, 490

  childhood of, 24–25

  children of, xvi

  children’s deaths and, 293–94, 469

  classic texts of, xv–xvi

  communist ideas encountered by, 78–79, 96–100

  contemporary perception of, xi–xiii, 555–56

  contemporary relevance of, xviii–xix

  cultural interests of, 489–90

  Darwinism and, 393–96

  daughters’ upbringing and, 469–73

  death of, 545

  doctoral thesis of, 58–59, 66–70

  dueling and brawling of, 38–39, 40, 465–66, 498–99

  Edgar Marx’s death and, 293–94

  education of, 25–27, 29, 33

  1845 England trip of, 155–57

  Engels and, see Engels, Friedrich

  English language skills of, 255, 495

  ethnic identity of, 493–95

  excerpting practice of, 111

  fatherhood and, 468–71

  father’s death and, 55–56

  final travels of, 543–45

  financial problems of, xvi, 26, 37, 54, 57–58, 71–73, 109–10, 122, 155, 186–88, 198–99, 232–33, 238, 242, 253–58, 279, 296–302, 347–50, 369–71, 481, 483–85, 487, 500–501

  first preserved writings of, 29–33

  first theoretical venture of, 111–12

  France’s expulsion of, 150–52

  friendships of, 476–78

  funeral of, 546–47

  gravesite of, 402, 548

  health problems of, 56, 160, 254, 292, 295, 300–301, 327, 347, 349–51, 354, 356, 361, 369, 382–83, 387, 451, 464, 483, 487, 502–3, 517–19, 530, 542–43

  Hegelian ideas and, 49–53

  high culture and, 489–90

  horseriding experience of, 321, 490

  iconic status of, 548–49

  illegitimate child of, 262–63

  inheritance issue and, 56–58, 70–73, 187, 199, 215, 253, 343, 345, 349–50

  irascibility of, 185, 502

  Jenny’s engagement to, 41–42, 44–48, 109

  Jewish identity of, 133–34, 493, 496–502, 548–49, 553–55

  as journalist, 292–302, 303

  languages studied by, 25–26, 27

  legal office held by, 489

  literacy interests of, 48–49, 489

  London residences of, 254–55, 297–98, 350, 540

  marriage contract of, 109–11

  married life of, 466–68, 481, 556

  media interest in, 503–4

  memorial service for, 546–47

  methodology of, 174

  as middle class, 488–89, 491–92

  modern descendants of, 540

  in move to London, 243

  music interest of, 490

  nickname of, 38
/>   obituaries of, 548–49

  Odd Fellows incident and, 494–95

  Paris and worldview of, 119–20, 122–23

  Paris writings of, see Paris manuscripts

  paternal ancestry of, 6–7

  personal conflicts and, 185, 188–89

  personality traits of, 476–77

  police spies and, 275–78

  popular culture interest of, 490

  post doctorate of, 73–74

  private life of, 461, 464, 466–68, 481, 488–89, 490, 493–94, 500–501, 503, 539–40

  pro-terrorism sympathies of, 536–37

  Prussian citizenship of, 185–86, 345–46, 495–96

  public image of, 502–3

  public persona of, 488–89

  public speaking and, 105, 230

  public stature of, 503–4

  race and, 410–14

  in relocation to Paris, 117–20

  rivals and allies of, xvi–xvii

  romantic love and, 466–67

  science and, 392–93

  self-criticism of, 172, 287

  and sense of manhood, 464–66, 468

  social question and, 96–97

  spa treatments sought by, 518

  teaching style of, 26

  university education of, 37–40, 48, 52–53, 105–6

  unpublished work of, 557–58

  in withdrawal from political life, 292, 298

  women’s issues and, 474–76

  working class relationship with, 491–93

  working style of, 387–88, 487–88, 490–91, 500

  writing process of, 487–88

  youthful writings of, 48–49

  Marx, Laura, see Lafargue, Laura Marx

  Marx, Louise, 23, 24–25

  Marx, Mauritz David, 23

  Marx, Samuel, 11–12

  Marx, Sophia, 23, 41

  Marxism, 274

  Darwinism and, 393–95

  Engels and, 550–53

  Hitler as enemy of, 553–54

  as ideology, 551

  as political movement, 551

  revisionism and, 529

  twentieth-century communists and, 559–60

  Marxology, xviii

  materialism, 112, 398, 417

  Mäurer, German, 118

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, xvii, xix, 60–61, 157, 237, 277, 356, 357–58, 373, 503, 549, 557

  MEGA project, xiii–xiv, 137, 164

  Mehring, Franz, 166, 213

  Merkens, Heinrich, 86

  Metternich, Germain, 219

  Mevissen, Gustav, 81, 97

  Meyen, Eduard, 91

  Meyer, Julius, 160, 184

  Michelet, Jules, 116

  Microcosm: Draft of a Physiological Anthropology (Daniels), 392

  middle class, 98–99, 405, 466, 491, 529

  Mill, James, 142, 419, 456–57, 459, 461

  Mill, John Stuart, 155, 265, 419, 428, 438, 451, 456–57, 459, 460, 461

  Miquel, Johannes, 367

  Mirabeau, Comte de, 288

  Mirror of Society, 159

  Moldavia, 117–18

  Moll, Joseph, 156, 196, 215, 228, 230, 246


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