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Play Dirty

Page 11

by Jessie K

  Her Romeo closed the gap between them quickly and dropped to his knees.

  Wherefore art thou Romeo?

  She could hear the husky way his breath poured from his lips, ready to devour her. Lynn took another breath and continued.

  Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

  Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love…

  Matthew grasped her hips and slid her carefully to the edge of her seat. He blew gently on her exposed cunt, and she shuddered but remained silent, swallowing down her arousal.

  And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

  He rewarded her with a slow, long lick. She moaned slightly. He pulled back and stared at her.

  ’Tis but thy name that is the enemy;

  Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

  He returned to her pink wetness. Lynn delivered her lines carefully, slowly leaning against the chair to give him full access to her pussy. He took her greedily, letting her experience the full decimation of the blockade that prevented him from loving her the way she so desperately wanted.

  What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

  By any other name would smell as sweet;

  Matthew’s beautiful curls tickled her thighs in the most perfect, satisfying way, and his tongue made love to her. He nibbled on her clit and sucked deeply. Lynn closed her eyes, trying to still the cresting waves rolling through her, begging for the release she’d long desired.

  So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

  Retain that dear perfection which he owes

  Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

  And for that name which is no part of thee

  Take all myself.

  She exhaled with relief. She made it to the end and could finally enjoy her sexy Romeo between her legs.

  He sucked hard on her clit and pulled back.

  Thou know’st the mask…

  Lynn whimpered and shook her head. No more. God, no more rehearsing, no more lines. Let him destroy her with his tongue, but no more Shakespeare.

  Matthew sat back and stared at her, hard.

  Thou know’st the mask…

  She dropped her head back and sighed. Fine, she would play his games. She would walk to the moon if it meant his face would return between her legs. He handed her the black binder and waited patiently for her to flip to the appropriate page.

  Thou know’st the mask of night is on my face,

  Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek

  For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night

  Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny

  What I have spoke:

  Matthew returned to her waiting cunt, rewarding her lines with a finger inside of her. He tickled her g-spot and added another. Lynn was certain, as the frenzy in her blood grew, there was no way she would survive this. Each stroke, each lick, made her insane with desire. She wanted to throw away the binder, forget this silly girl, and ride his face until she screamed his name. She wanted to feel his scruff against her until she shook and experienced a little death as an orgasm claimed her.

  But every time she paused, each extra breath, caused him to stop. Soon, the growing orgasm took control of her body, unwilling to let her stop. She had to finish this monologue to keep him pressed to her, to let her body explode across his tongue and into his mouth. Stopping meant dying. There was no question.

  In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond,

  And therefore thou mayst think my ‘havior light:

  But trust me, gentleman, I’ll prove more true

  Than those that have more cunning to be strange.

  As Juliet professed her love to Romeo, Lynn professed hers to Matthew. As he licked her hungrily, she grinded against him in gasping poetry. This was her love song, her devotion. And he responded in reverent prayer, her lips moving against hers, cleansing her of her sins. This was more than oral sex, this was an awakening.

  But that thou overheard’st, ere I was ware,

  My true love’s passion…

  His hands dug into her thighs. He was destroying her, but when she lifted her binder to watch him love her with his mouth, she saw the effect of her words on him. His body twisted, thrusting into the air like her mouth was open and waiting, like he needed to be deep within her to be complete.

  Just as her final lines came to pass, watching him lust for her, her body broke and shook. The greedy fingers of an orgasm grasped her and refused to let go as her whole body convulsed. Fireworks shot off behind her eyes as she uttered the words.

  …therefore pardon me,

  And not impute this yielding to light love,

  Which the dark night hath so discovered.

  Lynn collapsed against the back of the chair, panting. Matthew brought over the box of tissues from his desk and cleaned her, his strong hands moving delicately across her most tender spaces. They said nothing as he worked, and she took the time to finally, finally, revel in his touch, breathing softly as he cared for her.

  Finished, he helped her to her feet and pressed his hands to her face. His kiss was gentle but fiery, and she could taste herself on his tongue. Lynn fell into him, curling her fingers in his shirt, and let her lips say everything she could not.

  I missed you. I crave you. I need you. His own answered. I couldn’t stop thinking of you. I dreamt of you. I can’t let you go.

  When they broke apart, he kissed her forehead and nose. “I’m so very proud of you, Lynn.”

  It was the first time she’d heard those words in such a long time. Instead of letting those bastard tears fall, she leapt into his arms and kissed him.


  chapter five

  “Mom?” Lynn twisted her other hand in her hair and tugged. She watched Matthew put his classroom back in working order while all she wanted to do was jump him and repeat their rehearsal session until she couldn’t see straight. “Well, you got quiet, sorry. I know, I know. Work.”

  She leaned against the wall to keep watching her handsome lover work, admiring the way his arms flexed as he hauled desks across the linoleum flooring.

  “You and Dad won’t be home until… no, I know. That’s not what I’m saying. Rehearsal is running late tonight and I wanted to make sure… okay. Okay. Yes, mother. Yes.”

  Matthew hiked up an eyebrow as he gathered his things. Lynn merely rolled her eyes in response and tightened the thin smile across her face.

  “Okay. Bye.” She hit the end button with extra vigor and tossed her phone in her purse. “So, I’m suddenly available all night. If you play your cards right, possibly all weekend.”

  “Are you sure?” He hoisted a messenger bag over his head and adjusted it. He looked so… she didn’t have the word. Scholarly? Adorable? Perfect? “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “In a few short months, it won’t matter anyway.” Lynn shook her head and followed him out of the classroom. Because of the hallway cameras, they kept a respectable distance between their hungry bodies. “Besides, I’m eighteen and legally an adult. What can they do?”

  “Kick you out. Never see you again. Take away your birthday.”

  “Thank you.” Lynn stuck out her tongue. “I’m certain. Believe me, I’ve never been so certain.”

  Boyish. That was the word. In his cream button down with rolled sleeves and brown vest, with his Sperrys and crooked grin, he looked boyish. If he shaved, she’d be willing to bet he’d pull off early twenties. If he didn’t look that much older than her, no one could say anything. Even if they did, she wouldn’t care. He could fuck her on the subway and she’d gleefully let everyone know how little she cared.

  “I’ll meet you at the ferry.” He winked. “Don’t take too long. I know you can’t run in those heels.”

  Lynn snorted. “You know nothing, Jon Snow. Girls are born with that very skill in their DNA. I bet I’ll beat you there.”

  “Wager.” He turned to face her, a thumb hooked casually in his bag strap. “Whoever gets there first, get
s the first orgasm.”

  Lynn couldn’t rip the grin off her face if she wanted. She extended her hand and he shook it. “Deal. Be prepared to lose, Flint.”

  “Win or lose, I’m still coming out on top.” He whistled as he walked away.

  Lynn took an extra minute to appreciate his ass as he walked. It was as cute and well-shaped as the rest of him. And was it her imagination… or had he been doing squats? It was certainly more round than before. The itch to strip him down to nothing sped through her.

  She sprinted down her path through the city, dodging other pedestrians and random hot dog carts. Honestly, win or lose, she didn’t care. He’d already licked her to ecstasy once this evening and she was eager to return the favor.

  And sometime after they’d exhausted themselves, when they were too tired and sweaty to move, she would ask him why he was suddenly so able to make love to her when he couldn’t even look at her during the day. She would tell him it was all worth it, every last second, and she would drop out of school and live in a cardboard box if it meant spending her evenings entwined with him.

  But first, fucking. All the fucking. So much fucking she wouldn’t be able to walk.

  Lynn leapt over curbs and skipped between the crowds. She may as well have been flying. Her body was ready to be mixed up, jettisoned out of this atmosphere of rules and obligations, ready to be destroyed and rebuilt under the tender but demanding hands of Matthew Flint.

  She came to a skidding halt at the steps, having gained so much momentum sprinting through the streets she could barely stop. Matthew grabbed her before she went head first down on the pavement.

  He was cheeky. “I think this means I win.”

  “I thought you were going to win either way?”

  “Now I win even harder.”

  Lynn laughed, giddy and happy and so free. “I don’t even know what that means. But I like it.”

  He grinned and winked. “Oh, you will.”

  They linked arms, skipping down steps and twirling around other travelers. He grabbed her by the waist and danced her through a group of stuffy business suits. Somewhere nearby, someone was jamming out on a cello. They laughed and spun in circles, finally free to enjoy themselves together in the heartbeat of New York City.

  Matthew danced her onto their boat and pulled her in close as the crowds filed in around them, whispering some song she didn’t recognize, while their bodies matched the sway of the current. They pressed cheek-to-cheek and giggled, entranced in their own world, oblivious to everyone around them. Life should be like this every day.

  They took a quick subway ride—no public sex, but only barely—and ran to his apartment, jumping over street grates and stopping only to share heated kisses and perform ridiculous dance steps. Between the laughs and the kisses, the songs and the lights of the theater district slowly coming to life, Lynn was convinced she was living in a dream. One that would end with a lot of delicious sex.

  Call it the best day of her life.

  By the time they reached his walk-up, buttons and zippers were coming undone practically of their own volition. He was as giddy as she, laughing each time they bumped heads and wrestled with one another, trying to strip down before they could reach his bedroom. They spun in one final circle in the middle of his living room and came to a halt under a spinning fan. Matthew cupped her cheeks and kissed her hard.

  “How could you ever stay away?”

  “I was crazy to believe I could.” She kissed back, letting her tongue move in harmony with his. “How could you resist me this long?”

  “I jerked off during all my conference periods.” He had her by the ass, carrying her to his room. “And during lunch. And let’s just say I took a lot of long showers.”

  He set her down on his bed, neatly made, and lit a few candles. Lynn clapped her hands and cooed, “Ambiance.”

  “You were very naughty with that Ophelia monologue, Miss Viggiani.” Matthew was back at her side, hands exploring the bare skin under her dress. “You don’t know what that did to me.”

  “I fucked myself every time I rehearsed at home.” She teased him, lips barely breaking from his. “Every single time.”

  “God.” He groaned and tore her dress over her head. “You are my undoing, you know that?”

  Such a thrill exploded within her, she had to laugh. “I even excused myself from a few classes to pleasure myself, too.” His lips moved from her jaw line to the valley between her breasts and she let out a purr of delight. “You can’t claim any innocence, mister.”

  “Never.” He moved along the swells of her breasts, pausing to inhale deep, his cock leaping against her stomach. “Never. I am the antithesis of innocent with you, Lynn. You should hide from me, because I’m the goddamn big bad wolf, and I will eat your goodies.”

  He flipped her over on the bed and licked down her stomach. His touch was whisper soft but Lynn could feel the dampness between her legs grow. She wiggled against him, desperate for him to get to her cunt faster.

  Matthew stopped at her belly button. “I think.” He kissed her stomach. “We need to have some position reversal.”

  “Oh no!” She squealed and shimmied against him. “God, don’t stop, Matthew. Don’t you dare.”

  His grin was wicked. “As I recall, I licked you to a magnificent orgasm nary an hour ago.”

  “Nary.” She snorted and pushed herself backwards, trying to close the gap between his mouth and her body. “Nary do I care, kind sir.”

  “And I won our bet.”

  “Mmhmm.” She bumped into his headboard. His breath tickled her, but he made no move to dip down and satisfy her growing need. Instead, he sat up. “Where are you going?”

  Matthew hooked his thumbs in his boxers and dropped them to his knees in a single, swift motion. They hung up briefly on his erect cock, bigger than she remembered, standing firm and waiting for her. Lynn was instantly on her knees, licking her lips.

  “I guess I do have to pay up.”

  “You owe me double for all the naughtiness you hurled at me over the last month, Miss Viggiani. That’s a lot of making up to do. And let’s not forget you giving me a fake number.”

  “I did do that.”

  He exhaled heavily as Lynn crawled up to him. He ran a hand through her hair, pulled, and thrust towards her. “You did do that.”

  Lynn arched her back, pushing her ass high into the air, and stuck out a tongue to lick along the length of his cock. Matthew groaned and thrust towards her mouth again, but she didn’t take him right away. Instead she ducked her head and bit his inner thigh. He gasped and thrust towards her again. She bit his other thigh.

  “Naughty kitten.”

  She took all of him in her mouth, stopping when he hit the back of her throat. God, he was huge. She sucked back slowly and took him again. She moved again and again, slow, quick, slow. Above her, he was losing his battle against her. He pulled her hair, tried to thrust into her mouth on his rules, but she refused to play. It was her turn now, and she wanted to savor every drop of him. This cock had ruled her fantasies for weeks and she wasn’t about to let go so quickly.

  Matthew’s panting grew more desperate. She stopped and sat upright, licking her fingers slowly, sucking on the tips. He growled at her.


  Lynn ran her hands across her breasts, cupping them and pressing them together, bending over to give him a better view. She bit her lip and teased her nipples, moaning loudly, arching and rolling against herself. Matthew reached for his cock and she slapped his hands away. She shook a finger at him, then sucked on it and slipped it between her legs.

  Matthew groaned louder, his hips thrusting in the air, his hands tangled in his hair. Lynn wanted to watch him like this forever, want eating away at him, unable to keep himself from her. He made her feel powerful and sexy and desired.

  If the theater could come to life, the manifestation of her personal life savior, it would be Matthew Flint, boxers around his knees, hands in his hair, gr
owling her name.

  She sucked her finger clean and crawled back to him, slowly, back arched, purring like the kitten he’d called her. She let out a hot puff of air against his head, remembering how crazy it made her when he did the same. She did it again and watched him tug at his head, gritting his teeth.

  “Is everything okay, Mr. Flint?” Lynn asked coyly, giving him a single lick across his tip. “You sound upset.”

  “Fuck. Call me Mr. Flint again.”

  She took his length in her hand with slow, firm strokes. “Yes, Mr. Flint. Whatever you want. Do you think if I take this cock in my mouth, you could raise my grade?”

  “I’ll raise something,” he growled again, thrusting into her hand. “But I can’t promise it’s your grade, you dirty little girl.”

  “What if I promise to be a naughty little girl and choke on your cock, Mr. Flint?” She took him in her mouth without sucking, so the heat and dampness of her mouth teased him without ever making full contact. “Would that help my case?”

  His gorgeous mouth formed into a tight O. “Possibly. I’d have to see you make your case, first.”


  Lynn hummed against him and swallowed his magnificent cock between her lips, relishing the silken feel of his skin. Every suck sent him bucking against her, each drag of her teeth made him cry out. She played with him, changing angles when his breathing got too heavy, lapping against the underside of him and then sucking hard.

  It was like an experiment: if she sucked him like this, if she licked him like that, how would he react?

  Matthew was a valiant lover, watching her from above, muttering curses and proclamations of adoration as she made love to his cock. She watched him struggle to keep his wits about him when she took him in the back of her throat. But he was only human, a delicious mortal who couldn’t resist her. With a ragged cry, he thrust into her and filled the back of her throat. Lynn gagged, but quickly recovered, carefully sucking every last drop of cum.

  He bent over her, panting, and kissed her back. “Jesus fuck, Lynn.”

  She cupped his balls with a gentle squeeze and pushed him upright. He kissed her with intensity, licking the remains of his orgasm from her lips. Matthew was like a living flame, ignited by a passion so intense Lynn was certain she would melt.


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