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Play Dirty

Page 12

by Jessie K

  Their first time together held its own special power, a divine intensity fueled by lust and inherent need. This was different, this was raw lust tinged with a building relationship. Matthew wasn’t her boyfriend, running his hands over her skin and taking her breasts in his mouth with a reverence of devotion. He was her lover. This was worship.

  Matthew laid her down against the nest of pillows and kissed her, no longer fierce, but adoring. His tongue loved her. His lips loved her. His hands down her sides loved her. His kiss moved down her neck, across her collarbone, stealing her breath. Her body moved in motion with his, creating an ocean of sex.

  He cupped her breasts and lavished them with his tongue. Sucking on her pebbled nipples drew moans between her breaths. She lived behind her eyelids, savoring his touch. She stole glances at him, watching his dark curls travel down her body. The difference in sensation surprised her. Behind her eyes, everything was a surprise, thrilling and intense. Watching him, watching someone love her body like this, made her feel strong and sexy. Her heart raced watching his head move down her body.

  Matthew spoke French between her legs. Lynn curled her hands into the pillows, writhing against his tongue, panting his name as he fucked her opening. Burning ribbons of desire wrapped around her brain. She couldn’t see, couldn’t feel, couldn’t live in any other plane of existence except this very one, where Matthew jettisoned her into a world of divine pleasure.

  “Come for me, Lovely.” He hummed against her swollen pussy. “Come for me.”

  Lynn gasped at his naughty demand that her body jumped to obey. Matthew ordered her once more, and Lynn unwound like a spring. She shook and rolled as the heady intoxication of her orgasm overran her, and the only word she could say was, “Yes.”

  He licked her clean, groaning his approval with each tremor pealing from her body as the orgasm subsided. When she was finally still, he crawled up the bed and framed her between his arms. Their tongues swirled together in a heated kiss. Lynn curled against him, savoring the heat from his body and the delicious calm that had overtaken her.

  “That’s my good girl.” He bit her neck and she cried out. “My Juliet knows exactly how to behave.”

  Propped up on one elbow, Matthew nudged her legs apart and stroked her. As his fingers mimicked the motions of his tongue from just moments earlier, Lynn opened up for him, thrusting against him, begging for his touch. He pressed his nose against her cheek and smiled.

  “Are you ready for me again so soon?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “God, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

  On her last yes, he centered his cock against her opening and pushed so his head filled her. Lynn cried out, suddenly so full from his size, from her near-virgin pussy being stretched against him. They lay entwined together as he entered her completely, Lynn shuddering from the pain and pleasure.

  “Stay with me, baby girl.” With his free hand, Matthew turned her cheek so she faced him. They locked eyes as he slowly thrust in and out. If she gasped in pain, he slowed. If she moaned, he gave her more.

  Once she stopped whimpering, and instead moaned against every thrust, Matthew pushed himself upright. He sat on his knees and pulled her legs up to his shoulders. He kissed up both calves and then returned with his tongue. Lynn arched her back, forcing him deeper inside of her, and fondled her tits, loving the extra stimulation and the way it made him look at her. Matthew licked his thumb, rubbed it against her exposed clit, and let out a low, husky laugh as she bucked under him.

  They moved together—faster, deeper, harder, slower. As Matthew’s growls escalated, he pulled out and yanked her backwards. Lynn gave a yelp of surprise when he pulled her to her knees and pressed her head into the duvet. Matthew palmed her ass, spread her cheeks, and rammed his cock into her pussy. He lost all pretense, no longer gentle, but primal and fierce.

  From behind, his huge cock hit nerve endings Lynn had never before felt, and it only took three thrusts for her to cry out in another orgasm. She bit down on the duvet cover and thrust backwards into him, screaming from the intense sensations tripping through her body. Matthew’s grunts grew louder and reminiscent of a caveman. Lynn loved it. She rubbed her swollen cunt against him, pushing harder, and uttering the naughtiest things she could imagine.

  “Shit.” Matthew ripped himself out of her and thick ropes of cum covered her ass and lower back. Lynn could hear him jerking off his cock and she immediately wanted him back in her, fucking her senseless. She was thirsty and he was an overflowing fountain.

  He collapsed against his headboard with a huge smile on his face. Lynn sprawled out on the bed, her cunt glistening, and arched her body towards him, nibbling on her bottom lip. Matthew wiped the sweat from his brow and let out a low whistle.


  “I thought we were just getting started?” Lynn batted her eyelashes and curled two fingers around her clit.

  Matthew tucked an arm behind his head, his tongue flicking along his upper lip as he watched Lynn pleasure herself. “Is this what you did in the girls’ bathroom when you thought of me?”

  Lynn put on her most naughty face and fucked herself slowly with two fingers. She was still so tender from her last orgasm, she moaned loudly at the touch. “You want to see how I did it?”

  He bit his lip and nodded. Lynn closed her eyes with a devilish grin and gave Matthew exactly what he wanted and exactly what her body needed.


  chapter six

  Lynn paced in the senior girls’ dressing room, trying to remember how to perform the simple act of breathing. Maybe her corset was too tight. Or excessive hairspray had soaked up all the oxygen atoms. She couldn’t remember being this nervous before in her life, and that included breaking curfew and sneaking out to NYC for a professional theater audition.


  Lynn’s head snapped towards the sound, praying it was Matthew to offer her one final tidbit of advice and soothe away her frayed nerves. Instead, Dana’s pointy face peeked through the slit in the door.


  Aria rolled her eyes and loudly complained. “This is the dressing room for leads, Dana. Not irrelevant crewmembers. We can’t be interrupted. In case you forgot, we have a show to put on.”

  “Keep it up, Levens, and I’ll board up the Capulet Manor door. Good luck getting off stage without looking like a goddamn idiot.”

  “Isn’t it sad?” Aria flipped her hair and turned to the other girls. “The jealousy of some people. I mean, is it my fault she didn’t audition for the play? Some terrible little groundlings just have to try to snuff out the stars, because we’re too bright and remind them of their horrible shortcomings.”

  “Tzzt tzzt, Levens.” Dana pantomimed a drill. “Lynn! Get over here!”

  Lynn stepped over the girls sprawled out on the floor reciting lines. She ignored the nasty face Aria was shooting her through the make-up mirrors and slipped out of the room, careful to keep her ornate dress from catching in the heavy door.

  Dana hugged her tightly around her neck and kissed her cheek. “I just wanted to remind you that you’re going to do amazing tonight!”

  “I can barely remember how to breathe. How am I supposed to remember my lines?”

  “Whatever. You always panic, and then you always rock it. You had people weeping during dress rehearsals, okay? You are perfect and going to continue being perfect and poor Kirk will suffer while watching you kiss another man. Boy. Whatever.”

  Kirk became Dana’s code word for Matthew, for obvious reasons. Lynn searched through the dimly lit backstage area for sight of him, but only found black clad crewmembers double-checking props and set pieces.

  “What if I suck?” Lynn asked. “I mean, my parents are here, Dana. My freaking parents. Actually showed. Tonight. They’ve never come to anything I’ve done before. If I suck, it’s just going to validate every shitty thing they’ve ever said about my career aspirations.”

  “First, fuck them for saying anything shitty
about you ever. You know I hate them. Second, fuck them for even putting you in this headspace tonight. I totally get you’d want them here, but I wish they would’ve stayed home in their rum baths so you weren’t spazzing. Third, you will not suck. Will. Not. Suck. Say it with me.”

  “But what if I do?”

  Dana widened her eyes and shook Lynn by the shoulders. “I swear, Viggiani, I’m going to kill you. You are the perfect Juliet. Aidan is weirdly the perfect Romeo. Shit, even Aria is like the perfect old nurse hag. This show is probably the best we’ve done in our two years, and you know how I feel about this goddamn play.”


  “I’m so proud of you and I’m so excited to call you my bestie for the restie, because everyone is going to want to touch you to absorb some of your magic when this is all over.”

  Dana kissed her cheek and hugged her again. Lynn hugged her back, just as tightly. “Kill it, Lynn. Kill it so we can go out to dinner and make everyone at Katz’s hate us and then we can all get blitzed and pretend we’re superstars for the night.”

  Lynn sighed. “That really does sound perfect.”

  “Right?” Dana fiddled with her earpiece. “Okay. I’m being called to the light booth. Break a leg tonight, baby girl!”

  “Keep those assholes in the light booth in line tonight!”

  Dana waved her off. “Bitch, please. Do you know who you are talking to?”

  Lynn grinned widely, finally feeling a bit relaxed, or at least less frantic. She turned to go back into the dressing room and collided with a dark body. “Oh, god. Sorry!”

  “Let’s hope you don’t run into everyone on stage, too.” Matthew, that cheeky motherfucker. He pulled her into a dark corner, away from the bustle of backstage, pressed her against the wall, and kissed her. Lynn melted into him, letting his touch ease her nerves. “I just wanted to come wish you luck.”

  “You, of all people, should know how terrible that is!”

  “Oh yeah?” She could see his eyes twinkle despite the darkness engulfing them. “Watch this. Ready? Macbeth.”

  “Oh my God, Matthew.” Lynn hissed, horrified. “Are you trying to destroy my opening night?”

  He kissed her again. “Not at all. You are incredible, Lynn. You don’t need luck or charms or omens. You have some of the biggest acting balls I’ve ever seen. And this whole school is about to get blown away by the sheer force of Madelynn Viggiani.”

  “And you’re assuring me this by cursing me eight ways to Sunday?”

  “Just twice, technically.” He squeezed her hands and backed out of the corner. “You don’t need any of that. You are everything Bill Shakespeare could ever desire in a Juliet. Remember that. Those superstitions are for actors who can’t hold their weight. That is not you, and it will never be you.”

  Lynn’s cheeks hurt from the furious blushing and grinning. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for my leading lady.” He put his hands over his heart. “Now, time for the big pep talk.” He stepped over the assorted props leaned against a wall and clapped his hands, pausing to knock on the senior girls’ dressing room as he went. “Cast and crew meeting!”

  Lynn slipped into the back of the group of senior girls, careful to look like she didn’t just come out of the dark with their very sexy director. Everyone huddled together and the excitement was so palpable, it vibrated through them. People were whispering animatedly and holding hands. Matthew stood in the center of everyone and spun slowly, his hands back over his heart.

  “This is an exceptionally proud moment for me.” His voiced quieted the entire cast and crew. “You have all exceeded my expectations more than I could have ever envisioned. Your passion and dedication to this craft and this legendary production has been nothing shy of epic. The thirst I feel in this crowd is very real.”

  Some scattered laughter made him roll his eyes. “Yes, yes. My euphemisms are hilarious. Before these curtains rise, I want everyone to take a moment to appreciate everything you’ve done here.

  “You built sets out of scrapped wood. You brought to life two-dimensional characters that are over four-hundred years old. You made our principal cry during a dress rehearsal. You’ve learned to fence, you’ve learned to sing in Italian. You’ve learned to shatter that fourth wall and demand the attention of every single person in the audience. I have never been more proud in my life to be a part of a production, and this includes my time Off-Broadway.”

  Lynn dabbed away the tears welling in her eyes, and she noticed several others doing the same. Her feelings, the amazing sex, all of that aside—Matthew breathed life into her little high school theater company and made them feel legit. They weren’t just putting on a high school play, they were actors in a theater. He did that to them.

  “If we have flubs, we have flubs. Every production has hiccups on opening night, no matter how many times we rehearse. Don’t let these stop you from delivering the performance of your lives. You, here, now, are professionals. Professionals never quit—”

  “Goonies never say die!” Someone piped up from the back. Everyone laughed. During a ‘bonding experience,’ he had them all watch The Goonies together, appalled that most of them had never seen it. It turned into a great inside joke.

  “Exactly.” Matthew pointed towards the voice. “Exactly. Everyone, kick ass tonight. You have it in you, and more than that, I know you want to. Am I right?”

  Cheers erupted around them. He laughed and used his hands to gesture them to quiet down.

  “Bring it in, guys. I want the biggest group hug you can give me.”

  They all huddled together, nervous bodies pressed together. In that moment, Lynn didn’t even mind putting an arm around Aria. This was theater, this was her life, this was everything they worked for.

  “Okay, guys. Places!”

  The crowd of black and embellished costumes scattered as everyone prepared for the show. Aria caught Lynn’s hand, causing her to jump slightly.

  “I just wanted to say…” Aria paused to chew on her lip and took a deep breath. “Look, our rivalry goes back for years, and whatever. We will never be BFFs, and that’s fine. But… break a leg tonight.”

  Lynn smiled, and before she could change her mind, hugged her. “You, too, Levens. You’re a great Nurse.”

  “Yeah, well.” Aria pulled away awkwardly, but smiled. “It takes someone with divine talent to make a full body cast of fabric look this goddamn sexy.”

  Lynn nodded. “I’ll see you out there.”

  Aria smiled back, a little tight, but it still wasn’t the usual hate she usually spewed, which was a huge step forward. Lynn took a deep breath and leaned against a wall, running through her lines in her head. She imagined the audience was empty save for one person, sitting dead center in the front row, with a giant smile on his face.

  The whole experience became pure magic. Everyone was on point: every joke was perfectly executed, every fight was immaculate, and the audience responded exactly as they planned. As soon as Lynn took the stage, the theater erupted in applause, like everyone did when she saw Wicked and Ephalba finally graced the stage.

  She felt like the real deal, like a legitimate, professional actress who had arrived. Once those stage lights hit her, all the fear melted away. All her training kicked in, the countless hours of rehearsal and the endless notes from Matthew, and she felt herself no longer as Lynn, but as Juliet. She believed in her words, believed in her truth, and instead of seeing a stage covered in gaff tape, saw Verona and its bloodshed.

  The death scene came entirely too soon, as though someone put the clock on double speed and suddenly threw it on stop. Curtain call felt impossible, there was no way they were already finished, already done telling this magnificent story of two horny teens whose absurd and melodramatic actions united two families, putting to rest a feud that had spanned generations. It was surreal.

  Aidan grasped her hand tightly backstage as they waited their turn to bow. “You were amazing.”

�� She blushed. “So were you!”

  “I’m surprised I didn’t forget any of my lines tonight.” He smiled shyly at her. “I was too busy watching you. That performance was just… wow.”

  Lynn flushed. She squeezed his hand and they walked out together for their turn. The applause was thunderous. She even spied her parents, near the front row, clapping. After putting on what felt like the performance of a lifetime, Lynn no longer had the energy to fight back tears of gratitude, relief, and the overwhelming sense of pride and joy.

  It stayed with her long past the time when the theater cleared out, and the cast met everyone in the lobby to sign programs for the younger kids and hug family members. Lynn was given so many bouquets of flowers she couldn’t hold them all. Her parents hugged her. Her friends told her how they died that she got to kiss Aidan and how she was going to destroy Broadway.

  It stayed with her as the stage itself cleared out, everyone changing back into their regular clothes and making plans for the celebratory dinner out. She felt it as she sat on the edge of the stage, and stared out at the darkened theater, eyes closed, savoring the feeling of total contentment.

  Matthew sat down by her side in the darkened quiet. She knew it was him because she could smell his cologne, and because her body could sense his presence without trying, without seeing. She always knew when he was there.

  “Everyone left. Why are you still here?” He nudged her slightly with his shoulder.

  She smiled at him, eyes still closed. “I just wanted to remember what this felt like for as long as I could.”

  “Ah.” His voice was warm with understanding. “And you should. You deserve to soak up every last second, Lynn. Incredible doesn’t even cover it. You blew your dress rehearsal performances out of the water. I don’t know what you tapped into tonight, but you were a force of pure talent. New York should be terrified of you.”


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