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Knowledge Hurts

Page 33

by D. S. Williams

Lucas kissed my forehead. “My turn,” he announced.

  Striker slipped out of the cage and Lucas entered, straightening up inside the enclosed space he glanced at Epi, watching the ancient Warlock complete a new pentagram.

  I anxiously watched the demon forming, it became an Omias, the demon we'd fought in Sfantu Drâghici. When it roared, the tentacles on the jet black head quivered and Lucas leaped at it, throwing a Philaris with stunning precision. The Philaris caught it a heavy blow to the chest, but the toughness of its skin layer guaranteed it wouldn't be enough to return it to the Otherworld.

  It did make the Omias howl in agony and succeeded in antagonizing the enormous creature further. It sped towards Lucas, tossing Conal and Nick away as they endeavored to bite its legs. One massive arm swung towards Lucas, throwing him into the air and he smashed into the cage bars with tremendous force. My heart was in my mouth, but Lucas recovered in a second and ran toward the creature again.

  The Omias had rotated, focusing its attention on Conal and Nick and I was dismayed when Nick was tossed, hitting the cage heavily. He lay motionless for a few seconds before rolling onto his feed, shaking his head and pounding towards the demon once more. Lucas caught up with the Omias from behind, somersaulting over it and clearing its head by a good foot of free air. Dropping to the ground, he smashed the Katchet into its chest. The force of the blow produced a gush of blood, which quickly soaked Lucas. He remained intent on his task, thrusting the blade into the demon's chest for a second time. The Omias disappeared and I breathed easier, thankful that all three men were safe. Lucas swung out of the cage and I wrinkled my nose in disgust as he approached. “Ew. You reek.”

  Lucas grimaced, wiping his face with the sleeve of his t-shirt. “It does smell repulsive. Even worse to me, I imagine, as my sense of smell is heightened.”

  “See, there are some advantages to being human,” I responded smugly.

  William entered the cage after Lucas and managed to defeat the demon Epi created with little trouble. A natural warrior, William was a product of his past in the Army, with tactical experience in warfare. He destroyed the demon in a shorter time than Striker and Lucas, and appeared quite pleased with himself when he finished. “Certainly a challenge, but now we have the use of the weapons, they'll be no problem to us,” he reported.

  “That's good news, excellent, in fact,” Epi agreed, clearly delighted by this report. “Let's call it a day and we'll organize a training plan at the meeting tomorrow morning.”

  Lucas grasped my hand. “Let's go home.”

  “Wait a minute.” I turned back to Epi. “Did you do that job for me?”

  Epi glanced up from creating a tent for Nick and Conal. “No, I haven't done it yet. Your father was deep in conversation with Clinton when I located him - I preferred not to interrupt.”

  My displeasure at this news must have been obvious in my expression because he raised a hand towards me. “Now, Child, don't be impatient. I will do this for you, but you must accept that I will do it when I believe it's the right time. I promise you, it will be today.”

  I flashed him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Epi.”

  We walked back to Zaen together. Lucas offered to carry me but I refused. Getting demon blood all over my beautiful coat was not something I would consider, regardless of how much my knee hurt. I limped slowly through the gates and we split up at our street, with Marianne still teasing me about my teenage admirers.

  Lucas and I strolled leisurely toward our cottage, Lucas matching my dawdling pace. “I think I'll go and shower,” he suggested once we were inside.

  “Excellent idea,” I agreed, wrinkling my nose delicately. “I'm going to make coffee.”

  Lucas went upstairs and I hobbled into the minuscule kitchen. It was basic and clean - with all meals obtainable at the Mess Hall, all we had was a kettle. I made a strong coffee, limping into the living room to sit down and drink it. Being back in our tiny home was wonderful, even better to be with Lucas. Being separated from him for any period of time was too long nowadays.

  The living room was truly tiny, with a petite couch, one chair, a bookcase, a small coffee table and a lamp. Nothing else would fit into the diminutive room. It was pleasantly decorated, with pale yellow walls and white curtains at the windows. The couch was upholstered in a sturdy tan material and the wooden furniture all crafted from light ash. Despite the size, it was comfortable enough for our needs, although the artist in me yearned for something to decorate the walls. With a sense of rueful longing, I considered whether I might get the opportunity to paint again. It had been so long since I'd picked up a brush, sketched anything. There was never enough time.

  Lucas came downstairs as I finished my coffee, in faded jeans and a grey t-shirt, a blue shirt hanging unbuttoned over the top. He dropped onto the couch beside me, stretching his long legs out and slipped his arm around my shoulder. “I've missed you,” he whispered against my ear.

  “I missed you too,” I agreed. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head against his neck.

  We were content to be wrapped in each other's arms, Lucas playing with my hair while I savored his masculine aroma.

  “Why didn't you tell your father how old I really am? When he suggested my age, you merely agreed with him,” Lucas questioned.

  “He was having enough trouble dealing with everything, without me telling him you're one hundred and sixty five.”

  His mouth rose in a little smile. “Not to split hairs, but I'm one hundred and thirty six.”

  “When was your birthday?”

  His expression darkened. “While we were separated.”

  “I'm sorry I wasn't there,” I admitted, downcast by this news. “I wish we hadn't been separated from each other. It feels like I got cheated out of more time.”

  “Charlotte, please don't worry about this age business anymore,” Lucas requested quietly. “I love you, I will continue to love you, and nothing will change that.”

  “But…” Before I could continue, Lucas lowered his head, his mouth searching out mine and I draped my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. I moaned softly when he ran his tongue across my lips, seeking entrance. I opened to him, swept away with desire.

  For the briefest of moments, he released my lips and murmured against my skin. “No more regrets, my love. Only delight at being together. Let's live for the moment.” He kissed me insistently, creating delicious shivers which trembled up my spine. “I want to make love to you,” he whispered huskily. “Do you feel up to it?”

  I was so completely overwhelmed, I couldn't string words together. As an alternative, I could only nod.

  Lucas stood up, running his fingertips down my arms. He scooped me up, holding me against him as he walked upstairs to the bedroom, his mouth never parting from mine. He lowered me carefully onto the floor, reaching for my top and tugging it from my body. I slipped my fingers underneath his t-shirt, his muscled abdomen contracting at my touch. Interspersing our efforts with long kisses, I slipped the shirt from his shoulders and he shrugged it off, dropping it to the floor before he divested himself of the t-shirt in one polished movement. I gazed at his bare chest, the tight muscles in his abdomen and the tendrils of desire ignited into a white hot flame.

  Lucas reached behind me, unclasping the lacy bra and slipping it from my shoulders. I watched him as he undid the button on my jeans, slowly releasing the zipper and dropping to one knee to slide them down my legs. He stood again, supporting me while I stepped out of the denim and then watched me, his breathing heavy as his eyes raked across my body, filled with yearning.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered huskily. And then he pulled me down with him onto the bed, his mouth finding mine and nothing else mattered but being with him, loving him. And I was complete.

  Chapter 39: Confrontation

  “I wonder how many times we can do that before we'll tire of it,” Lucas announced thoughtfully. He was lying on his back, hands tucked behind his head and I lay agains
t his chest, my arm draped over his stomach.

  “Well, I don't know about you, but I don't think I'll ever tire of it.” I was feeling euphoric, positively glowing with the knowledge of Lucas's insatiable desire for me. And my equally insatiable longing for him. He'd awakened sensations I'd never known existed and a profound sense of well-being was making me positively radiant. I rolled over to study his perfect features, leaning against his chest on my forearms. “Why? Are you telling me you've already had enough? You're bored already?”

  His expression implied he thought I was crazy. “Absolutely not. Never. I was merely contemplating whether this glorious expectation I feel when I think about making love to you would fade off, or if every time will be like the most amazing moment of my existence.” He lowered his arms and rubbed my shoulders tenderly. “I wasn't suggesting I didn't want to make love. I doubt another minute of my existence will pass without wanting to be with you, loving you.”

  I entwined my arms around his neck, wanting to feel his skin against mine, to have him loving me and making me forget - if only for a brief time - what my future held. “Lucas, please.” I drew him towards me, my mouth seeking his and he rolled until he I lay beneath him, his eyes dark with lust.

  “I think you're right, love. We'll never tire of this…”


  Much later, Lucas kissed my forehead and slipped from the bed. “I'm going downstairs. Why don't you indulge in a nice long nap? You look exhausted.”

  “That's because you exhaust me,” I mumbled drowsily.

  He smiled, pushing my hair back from my face with a tender movement. “I believe that last time was at your insistence, love.”

  “I've waited a long time. I don't want to miss any opportunities,” I muttered. I closed my eyes, listening sleepily as he dressed and slipped from the room. It took only seconds to fall into a deep sleep, curled against the pillow which was infused with his scent.


  The sound of persistent knocking woke me - snuggled against Lucas's pillow I'd slept soundly until the noise drew me back to alertness. I rolled onto my back and sat up, drawing the sheet over my naked breasts. Darkness had fallen and the room was bathed in shadows from moonlight reaching through the open curtains.

  Lucas's voice floated up the stairwell, his words lost to me. I wondered if it was the Tines coming to visit, but when I heard the other voice I slipped out of bed, scouting around for fresh underwear before pulling on my robe and tying it securely at my waist. In the few seconds it took to get dressed, the volume of voices increased and I swiftly limped downstairs.

  Lucas stood at the open door, with Matt standing on the doorstep. Misaki was on the steps behind Matt, Kazuki snuggled in her arms.

  Lucas heard me approach and glanced up, his eyes hard. “Charlotte, your father would like to speak with you.” His eyes grazed over my skimpy attire and a tiny smile played on his lips.

  Pushing my hair behind my ears, I stopped at Lucas's side. He slipped his arm around my waist protectively. “Hi Matt, Misaki,” I greeted them cautiously.

  Matt inhaled deeply before he spoke. “Charlotte, I… we don't want to leave.”

  I looked at Lucas and he met my gaze evenly. His eyes were impassive, clearly allowing me to make up my own mind about what to do. “Come in,” I invited begrudgingly.

  Lucas indicated the couch, waiting for Matt and Misaki to sit down. He offered me the chair but I settled awkwardly onto the floor in front of it. Lucas sat down and I leaned back between his legs, his hands reassuring on my shoulders. For a few seconds there was an awkward silence.

  “Charlotte, I know what you were planning - having Epi send us back through that portal thing.” Matt's voice was calm, perhaps sounded a little defeated. He smiled faintly as he shook his head. “I'm not an idiot. Being in the Marines for sixteen years, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me.” His eyes met mine and sadness was clearly visible in his. “I know I've made a mess of this, but I'm a little disappointed that you were going to have us leave without even saying goodbye. And worse still, making us forget this ever happened.”

  Lucas's touch against my shoulders was reassuring, his presence giving me confidence. “Matt,” I began, crossing my legs at the ankle and clasping my hands in my lap. “It's been great to meet you, it really has. But the only way this could work is if you accept what I am. What Lucas is. Because he's the most important person in my life and he's a vampire. If you can't accept him and my friends, understand that this is what I am and what I do, a relationship between you and I is impossible.”

  Matt's gaze went from mine to Lucas's and back. “You didn't give me a lot of time, Charlotte.”

  Kazuki was stirring restlessly in his mother's arms, his eyes firmly trained on Lucas. “Wucas! Wucas!” The little boy wriggled to get off Masuki's lap and she released her hold on him, setting him down. He ambled across the floor, bypassing me to get to the object of his desire. “Wucas!” The little boy raised his arms to Lucas, smiling with delight.

  Lucas rubbed his hand over the boy's silky black hair, but made no attempt to pick him up. His focus remained on Matt, a silent question in his eyes.

  “Go ahead, I don't mind,” Matt said quietly. I scrutinized my father's face suspiciously, watching for any reaction when Lucas lifted Kazuki into his arms. Kazuki shrieked with delight and settled happily in Lucas's lap. I was surprised when Matt's face remained composed and calm. Either he'd suddenly come to terms with my situation, or, more likely, was deliberately keeping his expression composed to stop me from losing my temper before we'd had a chance to talk this through. I was betting on the latter scenario.

  Sighing deeply, I turned my attention to the matter at hand. “Matt, I have to be honest with you - I just don't have a lot of spare time to deal with this. Sometime in the next couple of days we'll be attacked. We're fighting a war here and everyone has to work together, whether they like it or not. I thought it would be better if you didn't have to be involved. Sending you home to San Diego, letting you go back to your normal life - it seemed like the kindest thing to do,” I admitted. “Particularly when there seemed to be no way to get you to accept my choices and my life.”

  “But you were going to make us forget about meeting you, Charlotte,” Misaki said. “And that's something neither Matt, nor I would want to lose.”

  I shrugged, uncomfortable with what I'd asked Epi to do. “It isn't what I wanted - but Matt, you painted me into a corner. I cannot and will not leave Zaen. Even if I did, Archangelo can use his abilities to locate me. He sees me in his potion-induced sleep, just as surely as I see him when I have the nightmares. There is nowhere safe for me to hide.” For a second I wondered if Matt and Misaki knew about my bizarre psychic link with Archangelo, but they appeared to understand what I was talking about, so obviously someone had taken the opportunity to fill them in. “And at the moment, I'm the primary target.” Lucas squeezed my shoulder in a gentle grip and I knew he worried about his capability to keep me safe. “It seemed easier for everyone if you didn't remember coming here, didn't know what I'm doing.”

  “Let me try to help, Charlotte,” Matt responded, leaning forward on the couch. “I've got sixteen years experience as a Marine. I've seen active service in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia. My experience could be put to good use, I'm sure of it. I want to help.”

  I turned to Lucas, wanting his guidance on this decision. He smiled warmly and nodded imperceptibly, squeezing my shoulder. Turning back to Matt, I took a deep breath. “You can live amongst my friends? With total acceptance of what they are?”

  He squared his shoulders, his determination apparent. “I will.”

  “You'll accept Lucas?” Narrowing my eyes, I waited for the response.

  Matt glanced at Lucas, his eyes clear and honest. “Yes.”

  I bit my lip nervously. “We're living together.”

  Matt chuckled, the skin around his eyes creasing.
“You're running around in a bathrobe at seven o'clock at night, Charlotte. I'd figured that one out for myself.”

  His reaction startled me for a couple of seconds, then I smiled sheepishly. “And there's something else you should know.”

  “Okay,” he responded evenly.

  “Lucas isn't twenty four. Vampires are immortal.”

  Matt frowned, his head tilting to one side. “So that means?”

  It was hard to keep the smile from blossoming on my face, imagining the reaction I was about to get. “Lucas is one hundred and sixty six. He was born in 1842.”

  It was Misaki who responded, brown eyes twinkling with mischief. “Guess that redefines dating an older man, Charlotte. My parents worried about us dating - and I'm only a decade younger than Matt.”

  Matt's chest heaved, but he surprised me by controlling his reaction. “Charlotte, that's okay.” He met Lucas's gaze, saw the hand Lucas held protective on my shoulder. “I'll admit it isn't what I would have expected - but he seems to have your best interests at heart. If you care for him, and he cares for you - if he treats you well and cherishes you - that's good enough for me.”

  “I love your daughter, Mr. Duncan. There's nothing in this world that would stop me from loving her and I'll do everything within my power to protect her from the dangers she faces,” Lucas responded gravely.

  For a minute, Matt was silent and when he spoke again, his attention was on Lucas, scrutinizing him, sizing him up. “Given that I've just found out you're four times my age - maybe you should call me Matt.”

  “All right, Matt,” Lucas agreed easily and Misaki and I shared a joyful smile.

  Someone knocked at the door and Lucas stood to answer it. “It's Epi,” he announced, lowering the now-sleeping Kazuki carefully onto my lap. “Hold your brother.”

  I was captivated by the little boy nestled against my arm and marveled at the sudden swell of emotion. The knowledge that he was my brother warmed my heart, something I wouldn't have believed possible just a year ago.


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