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Light as a Feather

Page 7

by Cameron James

  “It’s the prodigy.” Frankie said after Max had let them into the house, he was the first into the living room where I was sat on the couch beside Cameron. “How’s school?” he asked, I began to nod to him. “Has it changed at all?” he asked amused then came to sit beside me, I frowned at him as he hummed, “still have Madame Rose?” he asked, I nodded to him my eyes widening as I did.

  “She scares me.”

  “She still scares me.” Cory said, I turned my head to look at him, “I can still hear her snap when she said my name.” he said shivering lightly. “Corinthian.” He said, then shook his head it made me laugh.

  “She took a liking to calling me Francis.” Frankie said, so I looked back at him. “And it was even better when she used to say it with such dismay.”

  “How could she have possibly said your names with dismay?” I asked, as Cory took the arm chair next to the couch.

  “Madame Rose was never happy.” Cory said, “you get a slight acknowledge if you do something right, but she will still find at least six things wrong with it.” he said, Frankie nodded to him.

  “But if it’s only six that’s when you know you dance well.” Frankie said, I hummed at him. “The first lesson of the year was my favourite, or should I say the first lesson of second year was my favourite. She made us all stand before her and she basically stood and called us out and things she didn’t want to see again.” He said laughing, I nodded.

  “She did that with us. Now apparently I wear contacts.” I said, Cory nodded.

  “We had a few people in our class who had to invest in contacts. They were too scared to defy her.” He said amused as Max reappeared.

  “What did you have to get rid of?” I asked, Frankie looked at Cory as he laughed.

  “Bracelets, and my watch.” He said, “Corinthian there is no need for you to know the time during my lesson. It ends when I say it ends.” He said, I began to laugh covering my mouth when I did.

  “I had to get rid of my clingy boyfriend.” Frankie said grinning at Cory, he pulled his tongue back at him. “She wasn’t amused by his presence outside of our class.” He said, I laughed as I turned to look at Max.

  “I was thinking of ordering take away.” He said, “partly because Cameron hasn’t cooked anything.” He said, Cameron scoffed as he reached into his pocket for his phone, he scrolled through it until he found the take away he and Max frequented at.

  “Tell me about this musical you’re in.” Frankie said as he brought the knives and forks into the living room with him, Cameron followed with plates whilst Max brought in some glasses,

  “Pippin.” Cameron said, as Frankie sat back beside me on the couch. “Opens in December.”

  “And you’re dancing in it?” Cory asked, Max nodded.

  “En pointe too. The director liked that I could, and decided that I must do all dancing en pointe.”

  “And who are you playing?” Cory asked, Cameron looked up at him.

  “I’m the Narrator, probably one of the only none dancing parts.” He said amused,

  “Who’s the lead then?” Frankie asked, Max laughed it seemed happy, Frankie thought this too if his amused frown was anything to go by.

  “Funny that actually.” He said, Frankie nodded as if to say ‘well tell us’, “Because obviously Cameron got the role through auditioning about a year ago, but I got a call in the summer asking if I wanted to dance in the chorus.”

  “Right.” Frankie said,

  “Bear with, the story does have a happy ending.” I said, Frankie laughed.

  “Basically, the person playing the lead suggested me when they were discussing the dancers. His suggestion was so shining they didn’t even feel the need to put me through the audition process.”


  “Sam.” Max agreed, Frankie nodded.

  “Keeping it in the family and all.” Cameron said then stood to the sound of the doorbell.

  “Sam… was your choreographer?” I asked, Max nodded it wasn’t a complete nod, it kind of said ‘ish’.

  “Old friend.” Frankie said, I looked towards him. “We’ve known Sam for years.”

  “Since I did Billy Elliot.” Max added,

  “Sam and Max got quite close.” Frankie teased, I laughed as Max shook his head.

  “He is amazing. Always has been.”

  “He’s a celebrity in Australia, it’s quite weird.” Cory said, “when I was there, they loved him. Musical’s he was in sold out in hours, ballet’s he’d choreographed anything, they were massive.”

  “And of course, Cameron was a huge fan.” Max said, as Cameron walked back in and placed the bags on the table top.

  “Who?” Cameron asked, Max smiled at him.

  “Samuel Bing.” He said, Cameron laughed as he looked at me,

  “Oh god yes. He was my inspiration and teenage crush all in one.” He said happily, “he’s on my list.” He added, as the bags were ripped open and spread out amongst the plates.

  “Your list?” I said, Cameron turned to look at Max who rolled his eyes.

  “It’s not fair, because he’s actually a viable choice.” He said, then sat on the floor behind the coffee table. “His list of people he can sleep with and I can’t get annoyed about it.” he said, I gasped as Cameron laughed.

  “Another is Ashton Kutcher.” He said, as he passed me the fork.

  “Fair.” I said nodding to him.

  I went to bed before Frankie and Cory left, leaving them downstairs talking about everything, and anything. I lay back on my bed feeling as the takeaway sat heavily in my stomach.

  Every time I moved, I felt as everything moved around in my stomach. Until I sat up and my stomach dropped. I rubbed my hand over it a few times then I stood out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked up at the ceiling as I stood by the toilet, then sighed before I threw up. I didn’t sleep when I got back into my bed, I just lay back looking at my ceiling, until there was a knock on my door, I looked towards it.

  “Yes?” I asked, Cameron opened it, he held a glass of water up to me, so I sat up.

  “You okay?” he asked, coming to sit on my bed, he passed me the water then rested the back of his hand on my forehead. I nodded to him as I sipped from the water.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.” I said, “must have ate too much, or something.” I said shaking my head then put my glass onto the bedside cabinet.

  “I’ve left them talking about ballet. A conversation I’m sure you’d fit right into, but I could hear you so I figured I’d come and see if you were okay.” He said, I nodded to him. “It’s not school is it?” he asked, I frowned at him, although I ensured I made it soft. “You’re not worried, or scared about anything? You want to go back on Monday?”

  “Yeah, course I do. I don’t know maybe I got a bad piece of chicken or something. I don’t feel sick anymore.”

  “Okay.” He said softly, then he stood from my bed. “You want to talk though, you can. Yeah?” he said, I smiled at him then nodded.

  “Yeah.” I said.


  Chapter 5

  “Good work first years. You’ve really come on leaps and bounds since your first week.” Arlo said happily after he’d watched our warm up. “Now the exciting part.” He added he sounded very happy with himself, I looked across at Kian as he laughed and leant on the barre. “As you know Christmas is rapidly approaching.”

  “It’s October.” A boy at the front said, Arlo looked amused.

  “Yes, and in ballet world that means Christmas is next week.” He said simply, we all laughed. “Every year we put on a Christmas ballet. This year is no different.” He said, I raised my eyebrow at Kian as he did back.

  “This year we are putting on Matthew Bourne’s Edward Scissorhands.” He said, everyone in the class gasped, “but before your auditions commence, I am here to remind you. Although you will be auditioning with an Edward solo, the main roles will go to Second years. You will be chorus dancers.” He said, most of us nodded, beca
use that was fair. “So, we will begin rehearsing. Your auditions will follow next week, you have a week to perfect this dance. Let’s get started.” He said clapping his hands, so we turned to look at the floor where Arlo stood. He danced through the solo for us, before he began to teach us it.

  “This dance is a Pas De Deux.” Arlo said as we formed lines to practice. “However, it is not in hold. This is danced alongside the female lead; you do not touch at all during this dance.

  You will notice the Edward character never actually touches his ballerina, throughout their Pas De Deux sections, especially. There are lifts but he never actually touches her.”

  “That’s because he has scissors for hands.” Kian said, we all laughed as Arlo did, he pointed at Kian, that was all he needed to do.

  “This is a very beautiful dance, of course, Bourne’s choreography is always beautiful, but if I set the scene for you.” He said, we all tittered as Arlo grinned. “It is snowing. Outside of the house. Edward is craving a statue of an angel. This bit of choreography is not necessary.” He said,

  “He stands strong. His arms raised into fifth.” He said, so we all did, raising out arms into fifth position, “he brings them down before he even thinks about beginning to move, and then, he watches.” He said, as the music worked through, “and now he joins in, with a petit jeté.” He said, then danced through the section of music, he turned to look at us when he finished then started the section again.

  “Extension is important for Edward.” Arlo stated as he watched us dance through the section. “His movements cannot be small. He literally has scissors for hands.” He said as he extended his fingers. “Make sure even the people sat in the gods can see your fingers.” He said, Kian laughed beside me, which made me begin to laugh.

  We got through the entire audition piece as we hit the half way point of the lesson so Arlo split us into two groups of eight, and got us to run through the dance multiple times.

  “Brilliant boys, you’re doing brilliantly.” He said then leant on the barre behind him. “Let me tell you a bit more about this production as we dance.” He said, I smiled as Kian rolled his eyes at me as he stepped into his extension.

  “This will be a spilt production, as there are thirty-two first, and second years. We will have a cast of sixteen each night. The first cast will perform a matinee and an evening, as will the second cast. You boys will be split amongst the chorus unless one of you excels in your audition.” He said, it was clear he thought that unlikely, I decided that was because the second years were so good, not because we were crap.

  “When will auditions be Arlo?” Kian asked, as he continued to dance through, Arlo smiled at him.

  “Next Thursday.” He replied, Kian nodded back, “ensure you do not overwork this dance. We will rehearse it again next week in our lesson, and of course feel free to rehearse it in your own time, but do not get over familiar with this dance. That is how you become complacent, and I will not have any complacent dancers.”

  “It’s easy.” Kian said as he began on his treadmill, I ran alongside him, having now learnt how to turn my own treadmill on, and off. “The Edward solo. I like it but I figure it’s easy.”

  “Nicer problems to have.” I said, Kian laughed. “I like it but it’s a bit boring for me.” I shrugged.

  “Well, you’ll get to have your excitement in Pas De Deux this afternoon.” He said, I laughed, “Abi will definitely put that sense of excitement back into you.” He said, I smirked then shook my head as I laughed.

  “It’s been like six weeks and she despises me.” I stated, “I’ve never known hate to grow in a person so quickly.” I said, then looked back at him as he was laughing.

  “Ever think she hates you so much because she wants to have sex with you.”

  “Give over. I can’t even lift her up, she won’t want to have sex with me.” I said, he titled his head at me in a totally smug way that told me, he thought I was talking sheer bullshit.

  “I think the opposite.”

  “Course you do.” I said, he laughed then lifted his arm to read his watch, he hummed.

  “Want to join me for some lunch, before Pas De Deux?” he said, I hummed. “Okay, I’ll rephrase that. You’re coming with me for lunch.” He said, I rolled my eyes as he slowed down his treadmill, I followed suit.

  I dabbed the back of my neck with my towel as Kian collected his bag, getting his phone out and reading it. “Margo’s in the canteen, come on.” He said, so I followed him. I went to sit beside Margo as Kian went through the food queue. He came back with a quiche,

  “See I thought that looked nice, but I also thought it looked oddly healthy.” Margo said, he laughed as he picked up his fork.

  “Heaven forbid.” He teased, then began to chase her with his fork. She laughed as she jumped off the seat and ran to the dessert section.

  “Well done First Years, you’re beginning to work together beautifully.” Miss Olivia said as she weaved herself amongst us. She nodded to me as she passed me, so I smiled back as I let out a breath and held Abi’s hand above her head as she pirouetted, she went onto the arabesque, barely holding my fingers as I walked around her.

  “And fish dive.” Miss Olivia said, then turned to watch as we all did the lift. I succeeded in that lift, because it was low. It didn’t actually require me to lift her above my shoulders. “Lovely.” Miss Olivia said, she almost sounded amazed, it made me laugh until Abi shot me a look that suggested I shut up. “Please practice through again.” Miss Olivia said, as she turned to look through something.

  “It’s my nineteenth birthday this weekend.” Kian said, I turned my head to look at him as Abi and Margo pirouetted.

  “What are you planning? Night out?”

  “No.” Kian said thoughtfully, “in fact a night in. I thought we could get some drinks in. Watch a film or something of the sort. Nothing to wild.”

  “Shh.” Abi said, I rolled my eyes as I walked around her.

  “Maybe order a pizza.” Kian said, then he tapped my back with his hand, I turned my head. “Oh, and invite Connor.” He said, I laughed.

  “Would you like a side of condoms with that?” I asked, he laughed as I lifted Abi into the fish dive, I began to laugh as Kian over dipped Margo so she could touch the floor, almost falling out of the lift. They were both very amused by it.

  “Kian and Margo.” Miss Olivia said, I looked at her as she was looking back at us in the mirror. “Do I see you, not being sensible?” she said, Kian laughed as Margo did.

  Miss Olivia however did not look impressed, I watched her for a few moments as the music ran through again. She circled her hand, telling us to keep going through it.

  “Connor likes you, a lot.” I said, Kian grinned.

  “Good.” He said quietly, I smirked at Margo as she smirked right back.

  “Less talking. More dancing.” Miss Olivia said, I bit my lip, seeing as Margo and Kian looked at each other and exchanged a mock scared look. I heard Abi hum, I sighed as she went into the arabesque.


  “I have a question for you.” Kian said, as he reappeared from the bathroom, I looked him over trying to figure out why he’d been in there so long.

  It turned out he’d shaved.

  “Go ahead?” I said sitting up from my pillow, and crossing my legs on my bed, he came to sit opposite me on my bed.

  “I was thinking about our deal with sex.” He said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Me and you? You’re great. Very attractive, but I don’t think so.” I said, he laughed it sounded more like a sigh as he leant his head back looking up at the ceiling. “You mean the deal…” I said, as he lowered his head to look at me again, “…Like how we know not to come in.”

  “Yes.” He said, I smirked slightly.

  “Planning on sleeping with my best friend tonight, I see.” I said, he laughed. “Or you better be, you’re not metaphorically cheating on him?”

  “Yes, I plan on sleeping with your best friend to
night.” He said, “and I’m not just throwing it on him out of the blue. We’ve been talking for weeks, since we met.” He said, I nodded to him then I shrugged.

  “I don’t know…” I said, because it had not been a question I’d asked Max and Cameron, it hadn’t occurred to me at all that sex happened in the dorm rooms.

  “I mean we can go cliché and put a tie on the door or something, but then I also don’t want to kick you out tonight just so I can have sex, because that’s not fair.”

  “I’m glad you see that.” I said, he laughed. “I could stay with Margo.” I said, he laughed.

  “And Abi?” he said, I rolled my eyes.

  “I take it Connor’s place isn’t an option?” I said, he frowned at me. “Connor lives alone.” I said,

  “Curfew.” He said, I shrugged.

  “If you don’t come back until the next morning, you’re not breaking curfew.” I said, he laughed. “And maybe if there’s a tie on the door, that means stay out.” I said, raising my arms to him, he smiled slightly.

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for that.” He said amused as he stood from my bed.

  “Hey, I could have sex. You don’t know.” I said, he turned to look at me. “I like girls, and boys. There is range.” I stated, he laughed as he walked back around his bed and picked his phone up, he smiled as it as he typed into it, then he looked up surprised at the knock on the door. I stood and answered it, walking backwards as Margo came into our room.

  “I couldn’t deal anymore. I had to leave her.” Margo said then sat on Kian’s bed. “She was condemning everything. Drinking, eating, having friends.” She said rolling her eyes, “and I’ve had to spend the whole day with her, because it’s a Saturday.” She stated shaking her head, she looked at Kian briefly. “Happy Birthday by the way.” She said, Kian began to nod.

  “Cheers.” He replied, I laughed.

  “Your gift, from me is going to be the copious amount of alcohol I’m going to buy.” She said, “so tell me your spirit.” She declared, I looked at Kian as he smirked.


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