Amaze Every Customer Every Time
Page 20
Scandinavian Airlines, 37, 95
Schulein, Mark, 81, 88
Schulze, Horst, 29
Seize the moment strategy, 170
Self-check questions, 170
Self-motivation, 112
Self-promotion, 197–199
Service, customer perception of, 119
Service America (Zemke and Albrecht), 40
Service culture, 5
alignment in creating, 28–29
operationalizing, 28
Service customers, 126
Service recovery, 161
Services, getting familiar with, 183–185
Shadow mentors, 115
Showtime, quality of, 121–123
Social media. See also Facebook; Google +; LinkedIn; Twitter; YouTube
feedback from, 61, 178
Solutions, empowerment in finding, 141–143
Southwest Airlines, 9
putting employees first at, 28
as rock-star airline, 8
Story, telling the, 107–110
Strengths, playing to your, 73–75
Success, factors driving, 67–69
Sullivan, Dan, 92
Surane, John, 157
Team building, Great Alphabet Game in, 98–100
Temporary solution, taking action with acceptable, 159, 160
“Thank you” experience, 186–187
Thank-you notes in building loyalty, 195
Thinking outside of the box, 141
Touch, staying in, with customers, 197–199
Touch points, creating series of regular, 197–199
Training, continuing education programs and, 112–113
Training programs, 98, 125, 148
in building employee-centric businesses, 32
cross-selling and, 144–146
knowledge in creating, 111
Tucci, Kim, 114
Twitter, 95, 227
Uncertainty, 41
Uncommon Service: How to Win by
Putting Customers at the Core of
Your Business (Frei and Morriss), 70
Under-delivering, 163
Unexpected, doing the, 192–193
Uniqueness, celebrating, 98–100
Up-selling, 144–146
Value, knowing, of customers, 63–66
Venhuizen, John, 23, 24, 51, 58, 71
Virtual complaints, 61
Vocabulary, shifting your, 92–94
Wait, managing the, 162–164
Walk the walk management style, 48
Walmart, 12
Wolkowitz, Barry, 50
www.AmazeEvery, 223
YouTube, 111, 227
sending links to how-to videos posted on, 198–199
delivery happiness as mantra of, 30
pizza ordering story at, 107
Zemke, Ron, 40
Ziegler, Brian, 102
Ziegler, David, 73
Ziglar, Zig, 83, 112, 206
* * *
SHEP HYKEN is the founder and Chief Amazement Officer at Shepard Presentations, where he helps companies build loyal relationships with their customers and employees. He is a customer service and experience expert, an award-winning speaker, and a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author.
His articles have appeared in hundreds of publications. He is the author of Moments of Magic, The Loyal Customer, The Cult of the Customer, The Amazement Revolution, and Amaze Every Customer Every Time. His wide variety of clients includes smaller companies with fewer than fifty employees to corporate giants such as AT&T, American Express, General Motors, IBM, Kraft, Marriott, Toyota, Verizon, and many more.
A prolific speaker well known for his content-rich, entertaining and high-energy presentations, Hyken has been inducted into the National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame for lifetime achievement.
Learn more about Shep Hyken’s speaking programs, customer service training programs, and advisory services at
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