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Under a Dom's Care

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I can’t offer wine or alcohol but what I can offer you is ice-cream. Lots and lots of ice-cream,” Bella said, kissing her friend’s cheek.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She left her to grab two cartons of ice-cream.

  Bella handed Maya her tub and a spoon and took her seat, listening to her friend. “Do you love him?”

  “I thought I did. How can I love a man who is so bad for me?”

  “I love Jake and we’ve not had sex.” The words blurted out of her mouth before she could stop them. Slapping a hand over her lips, she stared at her friend.

  “You’re in love with him?”

  “Yes, from the first moment he won our bet.”


  With her cheeks probably looking like giant strawberries with how hot they actually felt, she told Maya about the orgasm and the bet.

  “I even tried to throw him at my sister. I’m so pleased I didn’t. I love him, Maya, and now I’m afraid of losing him.” Her lip wobbled and she bit it to try to contain the fear coursing through her body. “Shit, I’m sorry. We were talking about you and Chris.”

  “No, I don’t care about him. This is important. You’re in love and you want to spend the rest of your life with Jake?”

  “Yes.” She scooped up some more ice-cream. “I’m completely insane.”

  “No, you’re not. There was a time you were convinced you didn’t need a man to keep you happy.”

  She swiped the tears off her cheeks before they got chance to fall. “Crap, I’m getting all emotional.”

  “You need to tell Jake how you feel,” Maya said, sitting beside her.

  “What if he doesn’t feel the same way?”

  “Then it’s his loss, not yours,” Maya consoled her.

  Eating the ice-cream, they cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. Bella thought about Jake. Should she tell him? Should she leave it?

  When the movie was over, she made up the spare bedroom for Maya to stay in.

  “I won’t disturb you if you and Jake want to do the hanky panky.”

  Shaking her head, laughing, Bella walked downstairs to tidy away the mess they’d created.

  Sitting back on the sofa, she flicked through the television waiting for him to arrive home. Most of the time he woke her up when he got home from work. She needed to tell him how she felt and going to sleep would give her an excuse to chicken out.

  The sound of the key turning in the lock filled her senses. She stood in the entryway as he entered.

  “Hey,” he said, closing the door. “I thought you’d be in bed when I got in. Did you enjoy girls’ night?”

  Say it. Just say it and be done with it.

  “I love you.”

  “What?” he asked.

  She’d all but whispered the words.

  “I love you, Jake. I’m in love with you.” There, they were out there for him to hear. “I don’t expect for you to feel the same or to say something similar. I needed you to know how I feel. I love you.”

  Shut up, Bella, he knows.

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. I don’t want to push you onto any other woman’s arms. The thought of someone else touching you makes me feel sick. I hate the fact when you’re offered to be a full working Dom, you’ll be touching other women.”

  “I was offered my job back tonight.”

  Her gut dropped. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, and I’m so in love with you, which is why I turned it down.”

  Gasping, she looked at him. “What?”

  “I saw Ryan tonight. He offered me my old job back and I turned it down. I’m not touching any other woman but you. The only way I’ll be helping future Doms is if I can have you as my submissive.” He took a step closer into the room. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to demand you start right away.”

  He took hold of her hands and pulled her in close. “You’re in love with me?”

  “Yes, I’m in love with you. I don’t want this to end. I want you to be mine.”

  Jake tucked some hair behind her ear. “Baby, I’m already yours. I’ve been yours from the moment I saw you at Mixer’s. What about the sex?”

  “I’d really like to give that a try. You’re driving me crazy and there’s only so much your fingers and tongue can do.”

  “Eww, you were both being romantic until that bit,” Maya said from the top of the stairs. “I’m going back to bed.”

  “You shouldn’t be listening into other people’s conversations,” Bella shouted, looking over her shoulder.

  “Good night you two. Keep the noise down.”

  “I forgot to mention, Maya is staying. She’s in a bad place right now. Chris is still seeing other women, and he’s broken her heart,” she said.

  “Then it’s his loss. We’re friends, but I have no control over what he does with his dick.”

  She winced.

  “Did you stay up to tell me that?” he asked. “To tell me how much you love me?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to go to bed and chicken out.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Go on up. I’m going to fix myself a sandwich.”

  Nodding, she went to her bedroom. Pulling back the covers, she settled into bed.

  Minutes later, he entered the room. She heard him go to the bathroom then the other side of the bed dipped as he climbed inside.

  “I missed you tonight. I miss you all the time.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “Guess who was at the club tonight,” he said, drawing her against him.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Daisy. She stopped by to say hi and to see how we were getting on.”

  Bella chuckled. Her sister always tried to check on her. “What did she say?”

  “Not a lot to me. I introduced her to a friend and they spoke all night. I was forgotten. I do know she got into her car and was safely taken home by a driver.”

  “Good. I’m pleased you took care of her.”

  He kissed her neck and she melted against him.

  “When it comes to you and your family, I’ll always take care of you.”

  Snuggling up against him, Bella was content with his arms wrapped around her.

  * * * *

  “Maya’s busting my balls for taking that woman’s number. It’s not like I had much of a choice,” Chris said, drinking a beer.

  Jake glanced down at his watch to see he still had two hours left of his shift and it was Friday night. His time was going slower than ever with no hope of it improving. He spotted Daisy in the corner with Nick. The couple looked to be in a deep conversation, which was strange considering the pair barely knew each other.

  This afternoon Jake picked Bella up from work. They’d gone to get her a change of clothes for the weekend along with grocery shopping as they were staying home rather than going out. Neither of them had any plans to visit parents or friends. He was excited to have her all to himself, even though he was working Saturday and Sunday.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Chris asked.

  “You’re being miserable about your pathetic excuse for a life. If you didn’t want the other woman then you shouldn’t have taken the number.” He tapped his hand, signaling for the bartender. “This is his last drink.”

  His friend didn’t argue with him.

  “I fucked up. I’m used to having what I want.”

  “I know. Stop stringing Maya along. Either stop with the other women or stop things with Maya completely.”

  “How do you do it?” Chris asked, staring into his glass.

  “Do what?” Jake checked on the dance floor to make sure the action was above board. He hated it when men took advantage of women or scared them to do what they wanted.

  “Be with one woman without looking at others? I mean, there are so many women out there. Why spoil all the fun with only being with one of them?”

  Jake chuckled. “You can have any woman you wanted and some of them come back for more, right

  Chris nodded his head.

  “Out of all of the women you’ve been with who has stuck around?”


  “None of the women I’ve been with have come back for seconds or thirds. Bella is with me for more. We talk, we have fun. Everything we do is not always about sex. In fact, I’ve not had sex with Bella.”

  “Seriously?” Chris asked, looking mortified.

  “She’s special and when you find that one woman who means more to you than getting a fuck, you’ll stop with all your crazy-assed shit.”

  Ten minutes later, he helped his friend into a cab and turned back toward the club.

  “You’re a good man,” Daisy said, standing outside with her arms folded.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you love my sister?”

  “Yes, I love her. I’ll do anything for her.”

  “You barely know her.”

  “I know enough about her to know I love her and wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”

  Daisy stared at him for several moments without saying a word.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I think you’ll be amazing for her.” She gave him a smile and he watched her climb into the back of a cab.

  “Is that why you keep coming here? To make sure I’m not going to hurt your sister?”

  “Extreme is a sexy club with a lot of women on offer. You’ve not even been tempted by the women throwing themselves at you, have you?”

  He’d not even noticed women were and said as much.

  “See, I’m happy now. Little sister has got a keeper. I’m happy for her and hope some good luck will rub off on me.” Daisy closed the door.

  “Nick’s a good guy.”

  “He’s not for me. I’ll never be a submissive woman and he’s told me all he’s got to offer is training. No thanks.” She waved as the cab pulled away from the curb.

  Entering the club, he zeroed in on Nick. The other man stood against the far wall watching the customers.

  “Your friend packed away?” Nick asked.

  “What are you doing with Daisy?”

  The other man sighed. “Women I’m interested in are no concern of yours.”

  “She’s the older sister of my woman. Daisy concerns me. I know she’s been hurt a lot by men. I don’t want some fucker taking advantage of her goodness,” Jake said, defending her.

  Nick glared at him. “I know who she is, Jake. I know what I’m doing. She thinks she knows what she wants. Do not try to invade other people’s business. Remember what happened last time you jumped to conclusions?”

  His friend’s remarks were like a slap in the face. Jerking away, he apologized and finished doing his shift at the club. The next couple of hours seemed to drag on by. At two he logged himself out of the club saying bye to Jesse and Ryan who were also leaving the club.

  Driving home filled him with excitement, knowing his woman would be waiting for him. He nodded at the guard securing the parking lot. Humming to himself, Jake threw the keys on the counter and saw Bella lying on the sofa with a blanket over her. The credits were playing on a movie. Her snores were light as she slept.

  Jake left her to sleep as he took a quick shower, washing the night’s grime from his body.

  Entering the bedroom, he saw Bella in the doorway, smiling at him.

  “I was hoping to be awake when you got home.”

  She wore a white sheer robe. He gazed up and down her body, wondering what she wore underneath. “You were asleep and it’s—”

  Words stopped as she opened the belt of the robe revealing her creamy flesh for his gaze. She stood before him naked. He’d seen her naked multiple times. This was different. Her hands were clasped together in front of her as she looked at him.

  “Erm, I’m ready, Jake.”

  “You’re ready for what?” His mouth was bone dry.

  The sight of her body made him ache and the tip of his cock peeked out of the bath towel he wore.

  “I want us to make love, Jake.” She took a step closer. “I want us to try again.”

  Reaching out, he cupped the back of her neck, drawing her closer. “Do you even know what you’re saying? Are you dreaming?”

  “No, I’m not dreaming. I love you. I want you. Please, don’t make me beg.”

  “Shut up.” He kissed her lips, silencing her.

  Bella tugged the towel off his hips, wrapping her fingers around his cock. “I’m more than ready for you, Jake.” She kissed him back, sliding her tongue against his lips.

  Groaning, he deepened the kiss knowing he wouldn’t be able to deny her. “Are you sure?”

  She took his hand, placing it between her thighs. Her heat swamped his fingers. Groaning, he walked her backward until she hit the bed. Jake would make tonight explosive for her. There would be no going back.

  * * * *

  Sliding back on the bed, she watched as Jake reached for a foil packet in his drawer. They’d not used one other than the first night they were together. Waiting for him to get home, she’d watched a romantic drama with some steamy sex scenes. From the moment the scenes ended, she wanted Jake. Waiting was no longer suitable to either of them.

  He threw the packet on the bed bedside her.

  “Open your legs. I want to see your creamy cunt.”

  She did as he ordered.

  Jake cursed, gripping his shaft. The way he held his cock made her gasp. He always touched himself with a small bite of pain yet when he touched her, he was always gentle.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.

  Lying against the pillows, she slicked her fingers with her cream, touching her clit.

  “Such a beautiful sight. Push a finger inside.”

  Bella whimpered, falling against the pillows as pleasure washed over her.

  His fingers caressed along the outside of her thigh going inward. She opened her eyes, staring down at where he touched her.

  “You’re so wet. Have you been thinking about me?”

  “Yes. I always think about you.”

  He chuckled.

  She cried out as he took over, pressing two fingers to her clit and pushing her hand out of the way. Jake pinched her nub and the pain spiraled into pleasure.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  Three fingers filled her pussy as his thumb pressed her clit. Bella splintered apart. The orgasm took her completely by surprise.

  “One of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen is watching you orgasm,” he said.

  He pressed his wet fingers to his lips. One by one, he sucked each digit into his mouth, licking her cream off. “You’re so tasty as well.”

  She watched him lick his fingers clean before he reached for the condom.

  Bella couldn’t tear her gaze away as he opened the foil then slide the rubber over his length.

  “You can back out now if you want.”

  “No, I don’t want to back out. Please, Jake, make love to me.”

  He crawled between her legs. She kissed him back when he dropped down to her mouth. His hands and mouth were everywhere. Touching his body, she marveled at the hard planes of flesh beneath her hands.

  This was nothing like their first time. Jake’s kiss was filled with love and hunger whereas last time, he was rushed. This time, Jake made her feel special.

  “Mine,” he said, speaking the words against her lips.

  “Yours. I’ll always be yours.” Gasping, she arched up as he sucked on the flesh of her neck.

  Jake pulled away, gripping his cock. He rubbed the tip through her slit and she cried out when he bumped her clit.

  She screamed his name then tensed as the tip rested at her entrance. When he paused Bella stopped, looking up at him.

  “We can stop now if you want?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t want to stop. Make love to me.”

  “I’m going to go slow.”

  Sinking her fingers into the flesh of his arms, Bella bit her lip to stop herself from calling
out. Inch by glorious inch he slid inside until there was nothing more.

  Her eyes were closed and her body tensed. Part of her expected to feel pain like the first time. His lips played along her face down her neck to suck on her pulse.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m inside.”

  Opening her eyes, she stared up into his intense blue ones. “You’re inside me?”

  His cock jerked. “Yes, I’m inside you.”

  “It didn’t hurt,” she said, gasping.


  Cupping the back of his head, she drew him down to kiss his lips. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “I’m going to make it even better.”

  Jake took hold of her hands, pressing them on either side of the bed. He held her in place then pulled out of her body. His shaft glided out of her pussy. When only the tip remained she whimpered, feeling empty inside.

  “Where are you g—”

  He slammed back inside, plunging deep. He hit a part of her inside that exploded with pleasure and pain and she cried out.

  “I’m going to make love to you and I’m going to fuck you, Bella.”


  With his hands holding her down, Jake fucked her hard, all the time kissing her lips and neck. Every part of her was alive, begging for his body.

  “Please,” she screamed.

  “I know. Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Better than ever before.” He released her hands and gripped her hips. Jake pounded inside her, hitting deep. Each thrust pushed her through a mass of pleasure and pain. She didn’t know which one was stronger, only the feelings she could no longer deny.

  One of his hands left her hips to glide between them. His thrusts eased as he teased her clit “Come for me, Bella.”

  Lifting her pelvis up, she met each one of his thrusts. Gripping his arms, she screamed as her pussy clenched around his cock. “Yes.”

  Jake sent her over the edge into pleasure. Any control he had snapped as he fucked her harder than ever before. Each time his cock entered her, he seemed to hit deeper. Holding onto him, Bella couldn’t believe she’d waited this long to be with him.

  “I love you, Bella.”

  She spoke the words back and he growled, tensing up. His cock jerked within her pussy and the pulses ripped through her core. Minutes passed before he collapsed over her. “Fuck. I’m never letting you go,” he said.


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