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Under a Dom's Care

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She ran her hands over his back.

  “No. You’re not.” He pulled away, resting on his hands. “Marry me?”

  Bella turned, staring in his eyes. Was he joking? “What?”

  “Marry me, Bella. There’s no one else I want. I’m in love with you, and I don’t want to waste another moment with you. Please, marry me.”

  What could she say? Out of all of her friends she never expected to be the one to be offered marriage first. “Yes.”


  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, turning them so she lay over him. Jake pushed some hair off her face, smiling up at her. “You’re going to be my wife?”

  “Yes, I guess I am.”

  She frowned, shaking her hand. Pressing a hand to her face, she tried to hide away. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m embarrassed.”

  “You can be embarrassed all you want. I’ve got my cock inside you and you’ve agreed to be my wife.” He pulled her in close to kiss her lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Are you going to show me your playroom?” she asked, knowing it was the only thing between them. She was curious about his playroom. Since they’d been together he never entered the room.

  “You want to see my room?”


  “I’m not going to lie to you. There have been other women there and I’m going to get rid of everything and buy new,” he said.


  “You, baby, deserve new. You’re going to be my wife and there’s no need for me to keep the old stuff.”

  Touched by his words, she rubbed her nose against his. He eased her off his shaft, and she stared while he removed the condom from his length.

  “You’re turning into a voyeur,” he said.

  “It’s all your fault.”

  Once he cleaned his cock, he took her hand leading her down the hall to the spare room. “I only ever brought women here to train. Yes, I’ve fucked women but none of them meant anything to me the way you do.”

  He opened the door and flicked the switch. The windows were covered in several black blinds, hiding the night and day out. The walls were covered with paddles, floggers and canes. There were a variety of sex toys from clamps to dildos. In the center of the room was a spanking bench. Several hooks were in the ceiling with cuffs hanging down.

  “This is a smaller version of some of the clubs.”

  A metal cage sat in the opposite corner along with a cross.

  “You’re not running away scared,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “I was a virgin but that didn’t mean I wasn’t knowledgeable about such things. I watched a lot of porn and read plenty.”

  Jake kissed her neck. “I don’t want you touching any of this. I’ll buy fresh for you. If this is what you want to explore?”

  “Yes.” An idea struck her, turning in his arms, she stared into his eyes. “I’ve got a spare bedroom in my place with its own lock. You can redo your playroom there and teach me how to be your submissive.”

  “Baby, hold on. When we first met you didn’t think you were submissive.”

  “I was denying it, Jake. This turns me on. I can submit to you and I want to.” She pointed at the bench then at the cross. “I want to show you how much I trust you. Tell me you want that to.”

  He cupped her cheek, smiling down at her. “Baby, you’re something else entirely.”

  Jake kissed her lips, and she felt whole in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  Four weeks later Jake put the finishing touches to the playroom inside Bella’s home. Stepping back he stared at the piece of art he created. The new equipment had cost a decent sum of money, which he didn’t mind. Each new piece was like another step toward his future. The week after he proposed, Jake put a diamond ring on Bella’s finger and then they told her parents.

  Sabrina, Daisy, and Maya were all planning the celebrations. He’d been surprised to learn his woman would have settled for a church in Vegas. Chuckling at her impatience, he put her over his knee that night for her to know not to rush such things.

  His old playroom was empty of all of his toys and they’d been given to Ryan to use at the club. Everything was sterilized and put to use. In the last few weeks he’d taken Bella in hand and started to train her. Thinking about her progress, Jake smiled. She knew how to present herself and had started referring to him as sir. During the day he visited her at the library, proud of her newfound confidence. Bella no longer stayed bound to stacking books but also took time to tell stories to the children.

  Many times he found himself watching her as she read stories. She’d also arranged a book club within the library where once a week people picked a book, read it, and then talked about the plot. He read the book so he got the chance to join in. At the club, he denied the women who begged for him to take them. The only woman he had eyes for was Bella.

  The only problem he saw was his parents. They kept calling, demanding he come and see them. He missed dinner and he wasn’t taking any of their calls. Chris’s family was happy for him on his upcoming nuptials. He doubted his own family would be.

  Kyle and Sabrina had embraced him like a son and he found himself being called by one of them at least once a week. They cared about him like Chris’s family did, whereas his own did not.

  “Wow, this looks amazing, Sir,” Bella said, coming to stand beside him. She’d been baking in the kitchen while he put the finishing touches to their playroom.

  The penthouse apartment in the center of town was rarely used.

  “Hey, baby.” He settled her in front of him. Jake rubbed his cock against her ass. She squirmed but rested in his touch.

  “You look sad again. What’s the matter?” She looked up at him, smiling.

  “My parents keep phoning. They’re not going to let me live my life in peace.”

  “They’re your family.”

  “Bella, baby, they don’t give a fuck about me.” He breathed in her scent, relaxing at the smell. She calmed his nerves in ways years of therapy didn’t.

  “I won’t say anything more about them. Once you meet with them, you can stop worrying about it.”

  He groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” Pushing her through the door, he closed and locked it, pocketing the key.

  She gasped. When he turned around her eyes were wide as she looked at him. “Present to me.”

  Bella fell to her knees, bowing her head and spreading her knees wide. She sat back thrusting her tits up. The jeans and shirt did nothing to hide her body from him.

  Admiring the position she took, he stroked her cheek. “Perfect, pet. How do you like your playroom?”

  She kept her head bowed. “What I saw of it, I think it’s perfect, Sir.”

  His name coming from her lips went straight to his cock. Tilting her head back with a finger underneath her chin, he stared into her eyes. She didn’t fight him. “Get to your feet and have a look around.” Taking a step away from her, he leaned against the far wall watching her.

  The collection was a small one as he didn’t need to practice with everything for the club. Ryan had been more than accommodating, offering them both support during their new relationship. Neither of them needed additional support but if he thought they did, he’d go to Ryan. Jesse had blossomed underneath his care and Jake hoped for Bella to do the same.

  He saw her attention kept going to the spanking bench. She stroked the leather then walked away to touch the toys. When she got to the cuffs in the ceiling, he moved away from the wall.

  “Are you ready to try this out?” he asked, showing her one of the velvet lined cuffs.


  Securing one wrist in the cuff he then secured the other. He went to the wheel at the side and turned it to pull her hands above her head. Jake made sure her legs were still secure on the ground but with her arms out of reach. Bella was open and vulnerable to him.
  He walked around her, running a hand across her body.

  When he stood in front of her, he started to unbutton her shirt, revealing her pale skin to his view.

  “What is your safeword when you want me to stop?” Jake asked.


  “Good. What word do you use when you don’t want me to stop but you’re getting scared?”


  “Good, sub. Now, what word do you use when I’m doing something you love and you want me to continue?”


  Jake nodded. Before he taught her how to present to him, he made sure she knew the safeword system. Her care was his priority. “Where are we now?”


  “Very good.” He left the shirt open and lifted her tits from the confines of her sexy bra. Sucking on her nipples, he watched them tighten. She arched against him and her head fell back. He moved onto the next nipple, lavishing each bud with attention.

  Stepping away, he saw her whimper.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Green. Very green.”

  Chuckling, he went to the far wall where his display of clamps lay. He picked up a simple crocodile set and walked back toward her.

  He cupped the breast, thumbing the nipple until the bud was hard. Securing the clamp on her flesh, he watched her scream. She jerked in the restraints, gasping.

  “Where are you?” he asked, wanting to know she was there every step of the way.


  Jake placed the other clamp on her free nipple. She screamed and her legs crossed. He watched her rub her legs together, trying to get some friction against her clit.

  “Please, I can’t take anymore.”

  Unbuttoning her jeans, he dragged them down her thighs. He slid a leg between, cupping her heat. She was so wet, her panties were soaked.

  “Sir,” she said. “Please.”

  “Don’t start begging unless I ask you.” He checked his watch. In five minutes he’d remove the clamps.

  Tearing off her panties, he slid a finger to her clit, pressing on the button. She screamed and the noise echoed around the room.

  When the time was up, he released each clamp, holding her close as the blood rushed to each tip. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. You’ve been such a good girl.”

  Caressing a hand down her back, he cupped her ass.

  “I love you, Sir.”

  “Baby, you own my fucking heart.” He stroked her face, then took the kiss he wanted. She gave in to him, opening her lips for him.

  He released her, sinking to his knees. Opening her thighs, he stared up at the bare lips of her sex. His mouth watered. The smell of her musk was addictive.

  Jake opened her pussy, revealing the hard nub of her clit. Licking her pussy, he slid his tongue along her slit, going into her pussy and then up to stroke over her nub. With his fingers, he pinched her clit, giving her the right amount of pain to make it perfect.

  She squealed. Her cream spilled out of her core. Jake drank every single drop, relishing the taste.

  Plunging three fingers into her core, he tongued her clit. He was rewarded within a matter of moments as she catapulted into pleasure.

  Jake held her in place until she begged for him to stop. Only when she had her second orgasm did he release her. Unbinding her wrists, he picked her up, settling her on the bench. Without bothering to use a condom, he released his cock, slid the tip through her slit and slammed inside.

  * * * *

  Bella groaned as Jake thrust deep inside her. Their relationship in the last few weeks had taken on a new dimension. She loved him being in charge and each lesson in her training brought them closer together.

  Holding onto him, she stared into his eyes as he pounded inside her.

  “No, I can’t do it like this. You’re going to fall over.” Jake pulled out, spun her so her stomach was leaning against the leather.

  He gripped her hips and drew her ass back. Crying out, Jake filled her with his cock, slamming in deep. From this angle there was nowhere for her to go.




  Jake slapped her ass with each thrust. He divided his attention between each cheek, making them heat under his spanks.

  “Your ass is lovely and pink.”

  “Please,” she said, crying out.

  Another set of spanks hit her ass, making her cry out. The pain only added to her pleasure. She didn’t want it to stop.

  Thrusting back against him, she held on tightly to the bench, feeling his sense of ownership. Jake owned her heart, body, and soul. There was no other man for her.

  His fingers dug into her hips and she knew there would be bruises where he touched her. Jake cried out, slamming in deep. She whimpered and then gasped as his cock jerked. Bella couldn’t believe she felt each pulse of his cum as he emptied inside her.

  When he was finished, the only sounds in the room were their heavy breathing.

  “I didn’t use a condom.”

  “I know, Sir,” she said, pushing hair off her face.

  “I’m not concerned, are you?”

  She shook her head. If he didn’t mind the risk of taking her without protection then she didn’t mind either.

  “Good. I’d take care of you, baby.”

  “I know.” She looked over her shoulder at him. “I trust you.”

  He rubbed her ass, withdrawing from her. She waited as he cleaned her up with some tissue he had stored in the room. When he was finished, he pulled her onto his lap and they sat on the chair looking at the room. “What do you think?” he asked.

  “I think this is perfect.” She rested her head against his chest.

  “Good. You’ll be the only woman in the room.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Bella kissed his lips, smiling. “Mom has arranged for us to test the cake next week.”

  “Next week?”

  “Yeah, she’s narrowed it down to ten kinds. She demands our presence for the testing. Chris is coming as well.” She bit her lip and he frowned.

  “What are you not telling me?” Jake asked, rubbing her knee.

  “Maya’s going to be there. She promised not to cause any problems.”

  “Those two together could cause a fucking apocalypse.” He shook his head. “They trouble me.”

  She rubbed her hands together, nervous about her next question.

  “I’ve told you not to keep anything from me, baby. What is it?”

  “Your parents. Mom and Dad keep asking about them. They’re concerned as they don’t know where to send the invitations.” She heard him sigh and she tensed. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried to tell them not to bug.”

  “It’s not you. I don’t want anyone to meet my family. They’re a fucking menace.”

  “You can’t put them off, Sir.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.

  Jake rubbed the base of her back. “I know. I’ll arrange to have dinner with them.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “Baby, they’ll tear you apart and that I can’t take. I’ll go alone and I promise you, I’ll tell you everything that happens.”

  She nodded. There was no point in arguing with him. Once he saw his parents he might stop being tense and worrying about her.

  “Do you want to back out?” he asked.

  “Of the wedding?”


  “Hell no. If you suggested we go to Vegas I’d book the tickets.” She wrinkled her nose. “I hate being the center of attention. What if I stumble walking down the aisle? I’d hate to embarrass you.”

  “It’s not possible. You’re perfect for me and if you stumble, your father will be there to pick you up. If he can’t do it, I’ll pull you into my arms.”

  “You always know the right thing to say.” She pressed her head to his, comforted by his heat.

  For several minutes they sat in the room in silence. There was no need for words. She basked in the feel of possessi
on. Her ass burned a little from the harsh spanks. She found herself doing everything for him to have a reason to spank her.

  “Beside the cake and dealing with my parents what else do I need to do?” he asked, cutting through her aroused thoughts.

  “Dad wants you to try on a suit for the wedding. He wants you looking like a penguin.”

  He burst out laughing and she joined in along with him.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here and go have some food.” Jake helped her to her feet and she followed him up to the main part of the house. When he disappeared to make a phone call she arranged the salad. A few minutes later she heard yelling coming from the opposite room. She stayed busy, putting together the dressing for their chicken.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it. I’m getting married, and there’s not a thing you can do about it,” Jake yelled.

  Every word out of his mouth sounded violent, harsher somehow.

  Bella finished putting the lunch together and made her way into the sitting room to let him know their food was finished.

  “I’m not going to marry some jumped up fucking slut you’ve picked out for me. I don’t give a shit what you think. This is nothing to do with you.”

  Jake ended the call, throwing the phone against the wall.

  She jumped with a yelp at the act of violence. He spun around to face her.

  “Sorry, baby. I’m going to have to miss lunch. I need to see my parents before they take this too far,” he said, tugging her in close.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “They’ve informed a business associate I’m free to marry his daughter.”

  Bella tensed.

  “Don’t, babe. I promise we’re getting married. I’m not going to be used as a pawn for them to better themselves. It’s not the way I work. They’ll either accept me the way I am, or they get rid of me.”

  “What do you think the

  y’ll do?” She gazed up at him.

  “I hope they disown me, baby. I’m tired of dealing with all their shit. I don’t trust them. I don’t want them in my life, and I certainly don’t want them anywhere near you or any kids we could have.” He cupped her cheeks. “You’re what’s important to me, not them.”


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