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Bound by Love

Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  “Did you ask to interview him?” Sir asked.

  Brie shook her head. “I wanted to a while ago, but it never panned out.”

  “Interesting…” Sir murmured, staring at the elevator doors.

  Returning to her role, she snuggled against Sir’s arm.

  He smiled down at her and said warmly, “Come, Miss O’Hara.”

  Sir walked her past the Head Trainer’s office, and Brie had to quell her excitement as they continued into the wing reserved for the Dominant classes.

  Although she knew where the classes were, she’d never been allowed on this side of the building. It felt exclusive and almost naughty for her to be here now.

  Lea had been a submissive for the Dominant training course. The fact was, submissives were allowed in the Dominant area; they just weren’t asked to this side of the Center unless there was a reason for it.

  Brie glanced up at Sir, finally understanding what he’d meant in the elevator when he’d mentioned taking her somewhere she’d never been. The man was always surprising her.

  As they continued to walk, she wondered what was behind every closed door they passed. Were the Dominants’ classrooms and practice areas the same as the submissive side, or were they completely different?

  As they were passing by another door, it opened and a student walked out. Brie quickly averted her eyes, looking to the floor, momentarily forgetting she was role playing the confident Scarlett by her Master’s side. She quickly snuck a glance, getting the opportunity to peek into the room before he closed the door behind him.

  Brie had to laugh when she saw rows of desks similar to Mr. Gallant’s classroom. She overheard the instructor’s confident voice ringing through the room: “Safewords protect not only your submissives, but you as a Dominant—” His words were cut short when the door shut.

  She smiled to herself as thoughts of those carefree days under Mr. Gallant’s instruction came to mind. Her life as a submissive had begun in his classroom…

  Brie’s reverie ended when Sir stopped in front of a bright red door. Brie stared at it, taking a moment to put herself in Scarlett’s shoes. Tonight, she was hoping Rhett Butler would do unspeakable things to her during their clandestine meeting at this underground establishment. She knew it was unwise to be alone with him, but she couldn’t resist. The man was impossible and dangerously alluring in his charm.

  Holding her breath, she entered the room, anxious to see what secrets it held. The walls were covered in luxurious curtains of burgundy velvet and braided cord. Her gaze drifted to the antique loveseat set in the middle of the room. Over on the right was a polished wooden bar with large, ornate bottles of various liquors displayed behind it. She was thoroughly enchanted and inspired by the romantic feel of this room.

  She allowed Sir to take her coat off before she headed toward the bar. Taking on the sassiness of Scarlett, she looked back over her shoulder flirtatiously and said, “You really shouldn’t look at a lady that way, Mr. Butler.”

  Taking a line straight from the movie, he replied, “You, my dear, are no lady.”

  “And you, sir, are no gentleman!” she retorted, turning to face him. Following the scene in the movie, she raised her hand as if to slap him across the face.

  But Sir grabbed her wrist firmly and tsked loudly. “Do you know what I do to spoiled little girls?”

  Brie frowned. “I’m no child!”

  The charming smirk returned to his lips as he brazenly looked at her breasts. “I can see that—quite clearly.”

  Brie tried to wrestle her hand from his grip, but he held firm. “Rather than try to fight our mutual attraction, why don’t you give in to it? Have a drink with me.”


  Sir put his finger to her red lips. “There’s no reason to put up pretenses when there’s no one else around.”

  When Brie stopped resisting, he released his hold. She watched in silent adoration as Sir set to work making martinis, his signature drink.

  He looked so incredibly hot dressed as Rhett Butler. The man was every bit as handsome as Clark Gable—even more so, in her eyes. The butterflies started up as she continued to stare at him.

  She was reminded of that first day at the Training Center, when he had spoken to her near the end of class. Sir had been an enigma then and, even now, after all they had been through, he still held a mysterious air.

  She liked that about him.

  Brie licked her lips, watching him intently as those masculine hands shook the tumbler. Her body remembered well just how talented those hands were.

  He poured out the second martini and, with that devilish grin, offered her the glass. “See if that doesn’t help break down your resistance, my dear.”

  Brie took a tentative sip. She smiled, momentarily forgetting her role. “Oh, Sir! I’d forgotten how good your martinis taste.”

  Sir winked, pretending not to hear her slip-up. “There’s nothing wrong with a strong drink to begin a memorable evening together.” He took a long sip himself and stared at her lustfully as he put his glass down on the counter.

  He looked her over with open admiration. “I must say, the gown suits you. The color and style of it gives you an air of innocence, but the bare shoulders and the way the neckline accentuates your…feminine assets are enough to inspire any man.”

  “You are a cad, Mr. Butler. One minute you give me the sweetest compliment, then you go and ruin it by insulting me.”

  Sir picked up his glass, raising an eyebrow. “I must correct you. I only give the highest compliments. I never insult.”

  She said indignantly, “Didn’t your father teach you any manners? There’s a proper way for a gentleman to address a lady.”

  “My father taught me plenty of things, dear Scarlett.”

  Brie’s heart fluttered. Although Scarlett would have certainly given Rhett a snappy retort, she couldn’t help flirting with him. “Such as…?”

  He set her glass on the counter, saying, “He taught me to give a lady exactly what she deserves.” Sir suddenly grabbed her by the back of the neck and kissed her hard on the lips.

  The intensity of the kiss took Brie by surprise, and she stumbled when he let go of her. She was legitimately dazed.

  Oh, Rhett…

  “As you can tell, my daddy taught me well,” he stated with a smirk, picking up her glass and handing it back to her. “Now, drink, my dear.”

  Brie took it from him and sipped absently at her martini, her whole body tingling from that forceful embrace.

  Sir continued to stare at her hungrily. His heated gaze only added fuel to the fire.

  “You look like you could use something, Miss O’Hara,” he growled in a husky voice.

  “What?” she asked, her lips curling into a playful smile.

  “Come over here and find out,” he stated, taking her drink and setting it on the counter before guiding her to the loveseat.

  Brie followed him, her heart racing with anticipation. She was so deep into her character, she actually felt that delicious, nervous fear of physically connecting with someone new.

  Sir sat down and patted the area beside him.

  As she moved to sit down, Brie thought he would kiss her again, but he surprised Brie by grabbing her bodily and throwing her over his knees.

  “What is the meaning of this?” she cried in protest.

  “I’m going to give you a spanking, my dear.”

  His hands began traveling up the inside of her skirt.

  Brie began struggling, knowing Scarlett would never allow such a thing. “Don’t you dare spank me.”

  “Fair warning. If you struggle, you’re only going to make it harder on yourself.” He started tugging on her bloomers.

  “Not my bare bottom!”

  “Yes. I am going to spank your naked ass, and you are going to take it like a good girl.”

  Brie screamed, fighting to keep her modesty.

  He suddenly let her go, and she got back on her feet, backing away from hi
m when he stood up.

  “Have you no shame?” she cried.

  His lustful smile let her know that the games were just beginning. “I’m going to spank you, but not in that damn dress. Take it off.”

  She looked at him indignantly. “I will not take off my dress.”

  “Yes, you will,” he answered. “If you do not, I will rip it off you, and you wouldn’t want to ruin that pretty garment now, would you?”

  Brie glanced at the door. “I’ll run,” she threatened him.

  Sir chuckled. “We both know that’s an idle threat. You want to feel my hand against your skin. I see it in the way you look at me, and I felt it in the way you kissed me.”

  She shook her head.

  He nodded, his charming smirk daring her to disagree. “Enough of these silly pretenses. Take off your dress like a good girl and come over here.”

  Sir sat back down on the loveseat and waited for her.

  Brie was actually trembling, imagining how Scarlett would feel undressing for Rhett under these circumstances. She slowly untied her sash and wrestled with the dress as she lifted it over her head. Once free, she let it fall to the ground and put her hands to her hips in challenge.

  “The hoop skirt and petticoat, too.”

  Brie hesitated, but then stepped out of her skirt and shimmied out of the petticoat, kicking it to the side.

  “That’s much better,” he stated, patting his lap.

  She shook her head, still reluctant to give in.


  The tone in his voice compelled her to obey. She made her way over to him and sighed nervously as she lay across his manly thighs.

  Sir rubbed his palm over her lacy buttocks. “Frilly ass.”

  Brie smiled to herself, remembering that she had asked him to spank her frilly ass in her phone message to him.

  However, Sir was not satisfied with spanking her through the ruffled material and slowly pulled down her bloomers to expose her bare bottom. Her pussy tingled with anticipation.

  “Are you ready for your spanking?”

  She nodded, biting her bottom lip as a small squeak escaped.

  The sound of the first smack echoed in the room.

  Brie squealed, squirming on his lap, having forgotten the sting of a good spanking.

  Sir was sensual about the way he spanked her, rubbing his hand over her skin, teasing it with a gentle caress before raising his hand slowly and making her wait a few seconds before he delivered another smack. Her whole body shivered with delight with each impact.

  He was slow and thoughtful, drawing out this sexual exchange between them, reminding her that he controlled the moment—and her body. Each swat caused her pussy to contract with pleasure.

  The idea that a man could bring her to the verge of climax by simply swatting her bottom with his bare hand remained a wonder to Brie.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, rubbing her pinkening ass.

  She turned her head to look back at him. “Not yet…”

  Sir smiled knowingly, raising his hand to spank her again.

  Brie closed her eyes, acutely aware of his every movement. She reveled in the sound of his hand smacking her skin, the way her skin burned pleasantly with each contact of his hand. He was strategic in the delivery of each spank, varying the intensity so she was continually surprised—sometimes crying out in pain, while other times purring with pleasure.

  Oh, how she marveled at his ability to make touch alone the center focus, bringing her body pleasure with the artful and varied ways he delivered it.

  Brie whimpered when he lifted the material back over her ass. He chuckled. “You are a greedy thing, aren’t you?”

  Brie smiled back at him, answering truthfully. “Yes.”

  Sir pulled her up to him, whispering in her ear, “I love everything about you, woman. Your passion, your mind, your body, your need…all of it.”

  He’d told her those very words once before when they were in Russia, visiting the cabin for the first time. After being accused by Tono’s father of being too ravenous to be satisfied, Sir had restored her confidence by proving daily that he meant those ardent words he’d spoken then.

  They still held power over her today.

  “I love you,” she told him.

  He set her back on the loveseat, looking amused. “One simple spanking and you’re already declaring your love for me?”

  Brie’s answering giggle was cut short when he kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. She instantly melted into his embrace, her body craving the release he could give.

  Sir pulled back and smirked. “You are an eager young thing, aren’t you?”

  “You can’t give me a taste, Mr. Butler, and not expect me to want more.”

  “I thought you might say that,” he stated, getting up and walking over to one of the velvet curtains. He yanked on the material and it came cascading down, revealing a wall of kinky tools.

  Sir walked over to it and pulled on a lever. A section of the wall lowered, becoming a table with attached restraints. He gestured to her to come to him.

  Brie trembled as she approached, reminded of their second night after class, when he had strapped her down to a table.

  “Let me finish undressing you,” he stated.

  Her heart raced as he moved behind her and lightly traced his fingers over her bare shoulders, causing goosebumps on her skin. When he began slowly untying the laces of her corset, Brie closed her eyes, savoring his attention.

  There was that almost orgasmic feel when the corset released its hold on her and fell away. “Ohh…” she purred. For Brie, both the restriction and the release of the constriction were equally pleasurable.

  Sir ran his hands over the indents left by the tight corset. She purred in delight, loving the sensuous feel of his touch.

  “You are truly beautiful,” he told her. “You inspire a man to embrace his baser desires, Miss O’Hara.” He lifted her up onto the table and began binding her to it. “I want you to feel completely helpless when I take you.”

  Brie longed for that helpless feeling.

  “You flirt with boys, but it’s a man you need,” he told her. “One who knows how to tame that wild spirit.”

  While she watched, he started to undress in front of her. He was slow and purposeful about it. Taking off the jacket, and then the vest. Unbuttoning his cuffs, undoing his tie, leisurely unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his manly chest.

  Brie was transfixed, watching his every movement, enjoying every new area of flesh that he exposed until Sir stood completely naked in front of her—confident and powerful.

  When he walked toward her, she felt her pussy contract in lustful need, readying itself for his penetration.

  Sir stood at the end of the table, keeping his gaze on her as he started rubbing his cock against her wet pussy. “You want this as much as I do.”

  She nodded. The sexual excitement of coupling again after having the baby made it almost feel like this was the first time, with everything unfamiliar and new again.

  She needed to know what his cock felt like inside her, longing to feel his possession and his release.

  Brie could barely breathe when he positioned his cock and smiled hungrily at her as he grabbed her thighs and gave her that first deep thrust. Brie arched her back as she cried out, her body forced to take his full length. “Oh my God…yes!”

  He held her tighter, stroking her pussy with a passion pent up from long weeks of denial. Brie hadn’t imagined it could feel this good, but she became lost in his lovemaking, connecting to not only the man he was now, but also the man he had been that first time.

  Brie could feel her orgasm mounting and begged, “I want to feel you come when I orgasm.”

  He gripped her thighs more tightly. “Prepare yourself.”

  She started panting as he revved up the pace of his thrusts, sensations blurring as her orgasm quickly reached its peak. He held her there on the edge, her body begging for release
as he pounded her hard.

  The moment he changed the angle slightly, he took her over the edge and she screamed out in passion. Sir’s fingers dug into her skin as he released his seed inside her, his own cries of ecstasy matching hers.

  Brie reveled in the erotic connection as they came together—one body, one mind.

  Meeting Liam

  Brie was thrilled when Lea called and said she wanted Brie to meet Liam for the first time. It pleased her even more that Lea had invited Mary to join them. Although the two still had their differences, Lea had also picked up on the change in Mary. “It’s weird, Brie. I’m actually beginning to like her, not just barely tolerating her anymore. Isn’t that strange?”

  “Mary’s really changing. I hope that means she’ll be dumping that creep Mr. Holloway real soon. She deserves better.”

  “It must be strange knowing he was your boss.”

  “Yeah, it’s made me question things concerning my film. Like, was the whole documentary just a ruse to get Mary into his life? If so, why go to such extremes?” Brie shuddered thinking about it. “All I can do now is be grateful that the film positively impacted people. But I have no intention of working with him again. Not after the way he treated Faelan, and his odd obsession with Mary.”

  “Yeah, you saw how she reacted when I asked her about the guy at your party.”

  Brie nodded. “I did, and I tried to talk to her later, but she’s still being close-mouthed about it.”

  “Maybe we can pry something out of her, but not in front of Liam. I don’t want things getting all serious, you know?”

  “Sure. Since we haven’t even met the guy yet there’s no need to scare him right out of the gate.”

  Lea laughed. “He did mention a few times that he wanted to meet you.” Her voice got all sweet and mushy on the phone when she added, “He told me that he’s hoping you guys get along because I love you so dang much. I can’t help it. I love my Stinky Cheese!”

  “You know I love you, too, girl. This is going to be fun! The Three Musketeers together again, plus one.”


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