Book Read Free

Bound by Love

Page 16

by Red Phoenix

  Sir was rocking Hope in his arms when she headed out the door. “Don’t stay out too late, babygirl.”

  “No chance of that, Sir,” she assured him. “I miss you two already.”

  Brie hesitated for a moment before shutting the door. As excited as she was about the night, she considered time alone with Sir and Hope the best way to spend an evening. Although it wasn’t as exciting as sexy nights at the Haven, it was every bit as magical and satisfying to her soul.

  When Brie arrived at the place, she spotted Lea standing at the bar and headed straight over to her. The girl was obviously telling one of her jokes, based on the expression on the bartender’s face. Brie snuck up behind her and covered her eyes.

  “Hey, I know those big boobies. It must be the new mama,” Lea said, giggling as she turned around. She reached out and squeezed Brie’s breast, commenting, “Wow, have those things gotten even bigger?”

  Brie swatted her hand away. “Girl, don’t go groping me in public. Just look what you’ve done.”

  Sure enough, Lea’s little antic had attracted the attention of several men around them. Brie raised her hand. “Sorry, gentlemen, no girl-on-girl action here. Go back to your drinks. Sorry for the false alarm.”

  “Look at you, breaking the hearts of men wherever you go,” Lea teased, giving her a hip bump.

  Brie looked around. “So, where’s your fella?”

  “He’ll be here soon. Don’t worry.” She grinned at Brie. “But, while we wait, I’ve got a new joke for you…”

  “Let’s save it for Mary,” Brie suggested.

  “I second that,” the bartender said with a wink. “What’ll you have, gorgeous?”

  Brie smiled. “Just water tonight, thank you.”

  As he set off to get it, she turned to find Lea pouting.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m an unappreciated talent among my own people.”

  Brie giggled, giving her a hug.

  A handsome man with sun-kissed hair and sea green eyes sidled up behind Lea and smiled at Brie as he put a finger to his lips. The guy was definitely a looker and seemed to be several years younger than Lea.

  He leaned closer to Lea and said, “Boo!”

  Lea jumped and then broke out in laughter, slapping him playfully. “Oh, Liam, don’t go scaring me like that.”

  He gave her a peck on the lips, then held out his hand to Brie. “You must be the infamous Brie that Lea is always going on about.”

  She blushed, caught off-guard by the intensity of Liam’s gaze, and instinctually lowered her eyes as they shook hands.

  “Yep, Liam, this is my BFF, Brianna Davis,” Lea stated, smiling at him with a twinkle in her eye.

  Liam let go of Brie’s hand and wrapped his arms around Lea. “It’s nice to meet someone whom Lea holds in such high esteem.” He kissed Lea on the tip of the nose, causing her to break out in giggles.

  Brie could see how infatuated the two were with each other, and it made her glad, seeing her friend happy. Lea deserved someone completely devoted to her after her disastrous love affair with Ms. Clark.

  “So, Brie, what do you think of my hunky man?” she asked.

  “He’s hunkalicious,” Brie answered, amused by how giddy Lea was about the guy.

  Liam cupped his hand around his mouth and whispering loudly, “She loves me for my brains.”

  Lea grabbed on to his arm and pressed her head against his shoulder. “Of course, silly. I love everything about you, like those lips, those sexy abs, and…” Her gazed traveled down to his crotch.

  Liam chuckled. “Yeah…she totally loves me for my brains.”

  Brie laughed with him, liking the comfortable banter between the two. It was unexpected, considering they hadn’t known each other for long.

  “So, Liam, what was it that attracted you to Lea?” she asked him.

  “I heard her laughing across the bar and said to myself, ‘I gotta meet that girl.’ In a world of cynics, it’s refreshing to meet someone who isn’t afraid to laugh.”

  Lea elbowed Brie. “You’ll find that Liam actually appreciates my humor, unlike the rest of you.”

  “I’ll try not to hold that against him,” Brie teased.

  “You know what they say,” Liam said, looking at Lea proudly. “Laughter is the best medicine.”

  Lea looked at him with an adorable smile on her face. “See, Brie…he gets me. He really gets me.”

  “There’s not much to get, so that’s not really an accomplishment,” a familiar voice stated behind them.

  Brie turned around to see Mary standing beside her with a rum and Coke in her hand. “How long have you been here, Mary?”

  “Oh, about fifteen minutes. I was sitting back there,” she said, pointing to a corner table. “I was watching you guys and making up my own dialog as you talked.”

  “I bet that was entertaining,” Liam replied with a grin.

  “Oh, it was,” Mary agreed sarcastically. “So, Liam, your daddy rich or something?”

  Liam chuckled uncomfortably. “Okay, I’ll bite. What makes you think my father’s rich?”

  She looked him over. “You’re too damn slick.”

  He frowned slightly. “And you were able to make that assessment sitting over there in the corner?”

  “It’s all about the body language.”

  Lea wrapped her hands around Liam protectively. “Don’t go insulting him, Mary. Liam’s perfect in every way.”

  Mary gave Brie a sideways glance and threw back her drink.

  Brie was surprised to see Mary acting like the old “Nemesis” of her past, but Brie did her best to play it off, saying, “Liam, you should be honored that Mary’s trying so hard to win you over.”

  Mary shrugged, glancing at the bartender and giving him a flirtatious wink. “Hey, big boy, could you get me another one—but make it a double?”

  “Sure thing, gorgeous, and consider this one on the house.”

  Lea shook her head, telling Brie, “I don’t know how she always does that. One little wink and, boom, the guys fall all over her.”

  “It’s a talent I was born with,” Mary said nonchalantly as she took her free drink and held the glass up to Lea.

  “Wink at me, pussy cat, and I’ll get you a drink,” Liam told Lea.

  “Oh, God, he’s already given her a pet name,” Mary muttered.

  Lea stuck her tongue out at Mary. “Jealous.”

  It was Mary’s turn to laugh. “Now that was actually funny, Lea.”

  “Why did I invite her?” Lea asked Brie.

  Brie wrapped her arm around Mary, imitating Lea and Liam. She looked at Mary with adoring eyes. “Because this woman is my hero.” Of course, Brie totally meant it, but Lea didn’t know that—no one did.

  Liam stared at Mary with the same intensity he had Brie. “I was just trying to figure out how I knew you, and I think I’ve got it. You’re that girl in the documentary who’s dating the famous producer.”

  “I am that girl,” Mary answered smugly. “You got a problem with that?”

  It was obvious to Brie that having Mr. Holloway’s name come up was making Lea nervous. Wanting to keep things light, Lea blurted, “What do you call an incestuous nephew? An aunt-eater!”

  Mary and the bartender groaned, but Liam laughed, giving Lea a peck on the cheek. “Damn, you’re funny.”

  “You are as hopeless as she is,” Mary stated.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Liam answered, smiling at Lea proudly.

  Lea beamed at Brie. “See why I love him?” she said, her voice all bubbly and cute.

  Wanting to know more about Liam, Brie asked them, “How did the two of you meet?”

  Lea grinned. “Well, I was sitting at this very bar, chatting it up with some of my Training Center buddies. I told the girls I had the feeling I was being watched, and then this hunky stranger comes up behind me. In a sultry voice, he says, ‘Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute.’ When I
turned around and saw those gorgeous eyes, well…I was a goner.”

  “Seriously, that pickup line worked?” Mary scoffed.

  Liam shrugged, chuckling. “What can I say? She’s the first.”

  Brie laughed, holding up her water glass. “Here’s to bad pickup lines and the girls who fall for them.”

  “Cheers!” Lea cried, clinking everyone’s glass, including Mary’s.

  “So, Brie, you asked how Lea and I met. Tell me, how did you meet the infamous Thane Davis?” Liam asked her.

  Brie felt heat rise to her cheeks, remembering that first encounter with Sir. “We met over a pack of Winstons, actually. I just happened to be bending over a box full of them and caught his eye—and the rest is history.”

  “An interesting start to a relationship,” he remarked.

  “Yeah, Brie and Sir were fated in the stars,” Lea said dreamily.

  Brie rolled her eyes, although she secretly agreed.

  Throwing the question to Mary, Liam asked, “What about you and that producer guy?”

  Mary narrowed her eyes and glowered at him.

  Liam must have realized he’d stepped into a hornet’s nest because he threw his hands up in surrender. “Hey, just trying to make conversation here. Sorry.”

  Desperate to redirect the conversation, Lea blurted. “Hey, Mary, If Master Anderson wears cowboy clothes, is he ranch dressing?”

  “Seriously, Lea?” Mary muttered.

  Liam’s laughter filled the room while Mary glanced at Brie, giving her a pained expression.

  When the live band started playing, Lea grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor. Brie was grateful because it looked like things were just about to head downhill and she needed to know what was up with Mary.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I need a drink,” Mary growled. Once the bartender had handed her another drink, she glided over to a table with several men. Brie had no idea what she said, but the men got up and smiled as they willingly gave up their seats.

  Brie shook her head as she walked up to her. “How did you get them to give you their table?”

  “You have to know the way they think. They’re not complicated—not like women. That’s why I prefer the company of men.”

  “Okay…so, tell me, what’s the real story between you and Mr. Holloway?”

  “Everything is peachy. Just peachy, Brie. My film debut is slotted to begin early in the fall and everything’s a go.”

  “Since it’s just you and me here, you can cut the crap.”

  Mary leaned back in her chair. “Feeling feisty tonight, are we?”

  “Not feisty. I just want to be upfront and uncomplicated—like a guy.”

  Mary chuckled. “I like that answer, Stinky Cheese.”


  Mary sighed. “Greg and me…it’s complicated.” She tried to laugh it off, but Brie could see the pain in her eyes.

  “Have you thought of leaving him?”

  “Nah, not with the film coming out in the fall. That would be stupid.”

  “What about your pharmacy career? I remember what you said about wanting to save people’s lives. It was the whole reason you chose that career path. Is acting really the direction you want to head in?”

  Mary frowned. “To be honest, I’m feeling lost, Brie. I don’t know what I want…” Her voice trailed off. “I don’t feel in control of my life anymore.”

  “Then forget about the film and go back to what you are passionate about.”

  “It’s not that easy. Besides, if I stick it out with Greg, I can help you get that second documentary released.”

  “After the crappy way he treated Faelan and the weirdness with you, I’ve lost all respect for the man.”

  Mary’s eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t forget that man saved my life. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.”

  Brie realized she would need to be very careful about the way she talked about Mr. Holloway in front of Mary. Even though everyone else could see what a creep he was, for some reason, Mary still held him in high regard because of the gifts he’d left on her doorstep during those years of unspeakable abuse as a child. “I can only speak to what I’ve seen and heard. I don’t know the man like you do,” Brie conceded.

  “That’s right.” Mary sat back in her chair, seeming less defensive. “As you are well aware, Stinks, in this business, it’s all about who you know. People like Greg have the power to make or break a person. I happen to be sleeping with a man of influence. Let me help you get that second film out.”

  Brie shook her head.

  Mary grabbed Brie’s hand, seemingly desperate for her to agree. “I can’t begin to tell you how ruthless this business can be…but I’ve got an opportunity to do some good here. Please let me do this for your film.”

  Brie was touched by Mary’s desire to help, but she was more concerned about Mary’s well-being. “Do you know what I want?”

  “Of course. Me winning an Academy Award and your second documentary becoming a worldwide blockbuster.”

  “Not even close.”

  Mary took another drink, winking at an admirer sitting at the next table. Out of the blue, she said, “You know, even though that Kylie chick may not be a real looker, she’s got something I don’t.”

  Brie was surprised by her friend’s comment. She realized that Mary might still be hooked on Faelan even though she was the one who walked out. Brie liked Faelan’s new girlfriend, so she asked cautiously, “What’s that?”

  She was unprepared for Mary’s answer.

  “The ability to love.”

  Mary turned away from Brie when her eyes started tearing up. “I don’t like myself, Brie.”

  Her painful confession broke Brie’s heart, and she scooted her chair over, giving Mary a hug. “We all have layers to protect ourselves, woman. You have more than most because you needed them as a kid. But I’ve seen you pulling the layers back, Mary. We all have. Don’t you dare give up on yourself. I love you.”

  “You’ve always been an idiot.”

  Brie laughed, grateful to see a glimpse of the Mary she knew.

  Liam came up with Lea in tow and Mary immediately sat up straighter, nonchalantly wiping the partial tear from her eye.

  “You two looked like you were having a pretty intense conversation there,” Liam commented.

  “Nah,” Mary answered, slugging down her drink. “Brie was just going on and on about dirty diapers. Like I give a crap about that.” Mary winked at Lea. “See what I did there? That’s called subtle humor, Lames.”

  “Oh, yeah…subtle as in it’s so subtle it’s not even funny,” Lea shot back.

  Liam turned to Brie, looking her up and down. “To be honest, I never would have guessed you recently had a child, Brianna.”

  “I attribute it to all the soup I ate during my pregnancy,” she answered, laughing at her private inside joke.

  “You really aren’t funny when you don’t drink, Stinks,” Mary said. “Just being brutally honest.”

  Brie smirked at her.

  Liam excused himself to get Lea another drink, and Brie took the opportunity to tell Lea, “I have to say, Liam seems nice.”

  “He is!” Lea gushed. “The nicest guy I’ve ever met.”

  “Well, I don’t trust him,” Mary grumbled.

  “Oh, posh, you say that about every guy you meet,” Lea said dismissively. “Here’s the best part…” She leaned forward and informed them, “He’s vanilla, but totally interested in BDSM. I’ve got a newbie to play with!”

  “I was going to ask you about that,” Brie admitted, chuckling as Liam returned to the table. When Liam handed Lea her drink, Brie noticed Mary staring at him and wondered if Lea was right that Mary really was jealous.

  Rytsar came to mind. Maybe Mary could do with a session with Rytsar’s cat o’ nines. It might break her out of this current funk she was in. At the very least, he could provide her with a challenge.

  “Just a
sec, guys,” Brie said, digging out her phone to text.

  Would you be interested in a possible scene with Mary Wilson?


  She could use some focus in her life.

  Rytsar took a few seconds to reply.

  Is she still surly?



  Brie giggled at his response, knowing he would have some fun with her.

  “Hey, Mary, Rytsar’s all healed up from the surgery. Would you be interested in a session with him?”


  Brie suspected she was chomping at the bit but was trying to play it cool.

  “I hope you know what you are doing, Brie,” Lea stated, looking at Mary worriedly. “He’s all about pushing buttons. Relentless about it, really.”

  Mary crossed her arms, saying nothing as her gaze returned to Liam. Brie noticed the poor guy shifting uncomfortably under her intense stare.

  Brie understood that the prickly persona Mary projected out in the world hid how wounded she was inside. She hoped there would come a day when Mary wouldn’t need to hide anymore.

  Written in the Sky

  A few weeks later, Brie was struck by a sudden hankering for one of Master Anderson’s delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, so she walked down to the small grocery store near their apartment to get the ingredients.

  While she was perusing the bread aisle, she looked up and swore she saw Liam standing at the checkout counter. “Hey, Liam!” she called as she walked toward him.

  When he didn’t respond, she called out again, feeling a little embarrassed as she drew nearer, wondering if she’d been mistaken. “Liam?”

  He turned around with a pack of Winston cigarettes in his hand, looking startled to see her. “Hey…”

  “What are you doing in my neck of the woods?”

  He smiled awkwardly. “I…had an errand to run. What about you?”

  She held up her basket. “Just getting supplies for dinner.”


  Feeling awkward, she didn’t really know what to say without Lea there, and the two of them stood in uncomfortable silence.

  Glancing at the cigarettes in his hand, she smiled. “Funny that you have Winstons there.”

  “Why’s that?”


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