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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

Page 22

by KT Fisher

  “What is all this?” I ask Bomber as we leave the boutique.

  “Wait and see darling.” He smirks, turning on the music and basically shutting me up as he turns it louder. Ok Bomber, I’ll wait.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  My mouth hangs open in shock when we enter the gates that guard the clubhouse. There are bikes everywhere, almost as if the whole club is here! As well as bikes, many trucks and cars are lined up too.

  “What is happening?” I wonder out loud.

  “There’s a celebration.” Bomber gets out the car and I follow, looking around at the crowded area.

  Bomber leads me to the doors, but before we enter he leans in close and kisses me with so much passion I’m nearly knocked off my feet from the force of it. His tongue claims me like never before and I moan from the intensity of it. When he pulls away I’m gasping for breath and Bomber grins down at me, his hazel eyes sparking with love.

  “Come on darling.” He opens the door and leads me in, and I’m shocked to see how many people are actually here. Yes I saw their cars and bikes parked up but seeing everyone turn to me as we both enter blows me away.

  “Surprise!” They all yell and I almost burst out in laughter. They do realise I saw the car park out front right?

  I look up at Bomber, totally shock has taken over me. “This is for me?”

  He holds me close, placing his large hands on my behind and squeezing. “You deserve to be celebrated.”

  Oh my god. My heart is so close to melting. “Jamie.” I sigh, wrapping my arms around him and kissing Bomber with the same affection he did with me outside.

  “Hey!” Sings Drew as she approaches us with Devlin.

  “Thanks for coming.” I return her embrace.

  “Girl, I wasn’t going to miss your party!” She laughs.

  Bomber takes hold of my hand and we step further into the clubhouse, the music stops and everyone looks to us.

  “Everyone!” Bomber yells. “I’m pleased to see you here to celebrate Elise becoming my Old Lady!”

  They all clap, whistle and cheer and I’m left bright red but I could not be happier. My day has gone from so bad to amazing!

  I spy my mother in the corner clapping like a maniac but crying at the same time. Lauren approaches with baby Connor and I eagerly take him from her arms.

  “Thank you for coming Connor.” I kiss his tiny nose.

  Lauren laughs. “We all had to come.”

  The whole atmosphere is like Bomber and I have married and this is our reception. I suppose in the ‘biker’ world, we kind of have. This is a tradition from our families, that started with the original Kings of Rebellion members and we still respectfully continue. When a member has an Old Lady, she is celebrated into the family and greeted by everyone. They all know me seeing as I was born into this madness, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t any less special to me.

  More members approach and congratulate the both of us. I actually feel like royalty. Eventually Maci and Lulu arrive and they both run up to me, laughing.

  “I take it you both knew?” I accuse them.

  “Of course.” Maci laughs.

  “Poppy was worried that it had to be cancelled though.” Lulu adds. “You were so ill this morning.”

  “Well thank god that didn’t happen.” I look over to Bomber as he talks with Scrappy and Baby. The love I have for him hits me hard, after I was left young and broken hearted I never thought this would happen. That Bomber would be back in my life and I would be his Old Lady, but here we are!

  “Yeah, I think Poppy is just has happy as you are.” Lulu laughs and I look over to see Poppy grinning over at my brother, Scrappy. “She’s obsessed.”

  The drinks begin and I join in the dancing. Not that I had a choice in the matter, Drew and Tasha practically dragged me to dance with them. My mother and aunty Laura join us and they openly express how proud they are. My mum grabs me in a tight hold and eventually I have to break away, needing to sneak off to the toilet. I don’t like to use the public ones, so I sneak off to the one connected Bomber’s room. I have my own key now, seeing as his clubroom is practically mine now too. Feeling a little naughty, I reach for my phone and send Bomber a text to meet me in his old room. As much as I love this party, I want some alone time with my man.

  However, when I reach Bomber’s room the door is slightly open. Weird. I step into the room and feel pure rage, it pumps through my veins as my eyes digest what’s in front of me. Naked legs are lying on Bomber’s bed, the one that we have shared so many times.

  “I should have known.” I seethe because Dallas is sat on Bomber’s bed, completely naked.

  She’s been weirdly quiet the past couple of months but I should have predicted something like this would happen. Dallas is obsessed with Bomber but she’s got to realise when to stop.

  “Elise!” Is she honestly shocked to see me?

  “You desperate bitch!” I scream and lunge for her. Dallas attempts to stand but I slap her across the face just as Bomber walks in.

  “What the fucks going on?” Bomber takes in the scene in front of him and I respect him for not looking at Dallas as she’s still but naked.

  “I needed to go to the bathroom and look who I found waiting on the bed!” I gesture to the skank. “I’ve fucking had enough, the bitch needs to go.”

  Bomber glares at her. “You heard her! Get the fuck out of here!”

  A curious crowd has gathered from all the screaming.

  “When are you going to get it? I’m not fucking interested in you Dallas and I never will!” Bomber continues to shout. “This is a party for Elise because she’s my Old Lady.”

  Dallas gathers her dress from the floor. “You can still have fun with a bunny.” She pouts.

  I actually laugh and Bomber becomes furious. “Maybe some brothers do, but have you seen my woman?” He grabs me close. “I don’t need anyone else.”

  Dallas scowls at me, and I’ve had enough of all of her bullshit. I always have been but this is the final strike.

  “You’re banned from the club Dallas, I don’t ever want to see you here again.” Her scowl fades. “If you try this again and come close to Bomber, I will kill you.”

  “You can’t do that!” Screeches Dallas.

  “As the niece to the president, I think she can.” Bomber laughs.

  “And as VP, I support her.” Grim appears in the doorway and Dallas scurries into her dress. Thank goodness for that.

  He places a hand on my shoulder, showing me his support.

  “No!” Dallas begs.

  “You’re banned Dallas. I don’t want to see your face around here again.” Grim delivers.

  “Shit.” She panics looking around as Scrappy joins the discussion.

  “Get the fuck out!” Scrappy yells so loud that it hurts my ears. “You’ve pissed my sister off for too fucking long!”

  “Please don’t do this.” Dallas begins to cry, and I hate to admit that a teeny part inside of me feels bad for her. I despise that I do, but that’s who I am. Most of the bunnys don’t have anything outside of this club and going by her reaction, I think Dallas is the same.

  Scrappy and Grim lead a now dressed Dallas out of the room and deal with her. Bomber holds me tight, kissing me. “I’m sorry darling.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I sigh.

  “Some women just can’t handle the rejection from this face.” He mocks and that earns himself a slap on his chest.

  “Burn those sheets.” I point to the bed because I am not touching those bed sheets again.


  “I’ll be back later darling.” Bomber kisses me as I stir from my sleep.

  After the mess in Bomber’s clubroom last night, I wanted to come home and Bomber felt the same. We had our own private fun in our bed, but he has a church meeting this morning and I already warned him I will not be waking up with him. I want some beauty sleep.

  “Bye.” I sleepily smile and I hear Bo
mber’s laughter as he leaves the room.

  I listen to him opening the front door and lock it again. I begin to drop back off to sleep as I listen to his bike drive further away but then a sudden hit of nausea hits me in my stomach. I groan as I roll over, trying to lie in a position where I won’t feel sick anymore. Did I really drink that much last night?

  My phone alerts a text message and I see it’s from my mother, asking how I am this morning.

  Me: I don’t feel well.

  Mum: Who is at the shop today?

  Me: I am

  Mum: But you’re ill!

  Me: I know but I’m not asking the twins. They already do enough for me.

  Mum: You’re not going into work and that’s final. You had a late party thrown for you and you should enjoy a relaxing day.

  Perhaps my mother is right, or maybe it’s me acting lazy but I really can’t be bothered to open the boutique today. I begin to drop back into sleepy mode when I hear a car pull up in front of the house. I wait for a knock, but all I hear is the door opening.

  “Elise!” My mother calls through the house.

  I groan into my pillow as my mother continues to call after me. That is until is grates on my nerves. “In my room!”

  She arrives just two minutes later. “You’re still in bed?”

  “I’ve only just woken up.” I argue, pulling the quilt further up my body. “What do you want?”

  “Can’t a mother check up on her daughter?”

  I just grunt, closing my eyes but I can’t get back to sleep when I know my mum is standing by the end of my bed, watching me.

  “Your father told me about Dallas.”

  And that’s me getting up now. I roll onto my back and sigh as I crawl from my bed and grab my fluffy black dressing gown hanging from a hook beside my wardrobe.

  “Yeah, I told her she wasn’t welcome here anymore.”

  My mother nods. “And I agree, she needs to know her place and although some men entertain the bunny’s, Bomber does not. She holds nothing on you dear anyway.”

  I send her a smile. “Thanks mum.”

  “Now, get yourself downstairs because I’m here to take care of you.” She holds her head high and marches downstairs. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I go to join her and the smell of soup hits me.

  Memories of my childhood return, every time Scrappy and I were ill, mum would make us soup. I join her in the kitchen and see she’s making me good old fashioned tomato soup.

  “You go and sit down.” She orders and instead of arguing, I do as she says and lay down on the sofa in the living room.

  It’s not long until she joins me and hands me the warm bowl. I take it from her blowing the soup on the spoon before I take a sip and letting it heat me from the inside. I pause before taking another sip, the soup tastes odd and I’m not sure I like it.

  “What’s wrong?” My mother asks.

  “Have you added something else to it?” I sniff the soup and hold back a gag.

  “No.” She frowns, taking the bowl from me. Her eyes dance from me and the soup. “Elise, are you pregnant?”

  “What?” I bark loudly. “No!”

  My mother gives me a pointed look. “You’ve been ill a few times now, you look tired and you don’t like your favourite soup. Are you sure?”

  As much as I want to argue with her, she right. Everything she said is true and I bring out my phone.

  “What are you doing?” My mother asks.

  “My calendar.” I open it up on my phone. “I put a mark on it whenever I start my period.”

  My periods have never been perfect, but I’ve never been more than a week late. As I scroll through this month’s dates, I count down the weeks from when I last had mine and look up to my mum.

  “I’m three weeks late.” I begin to feel hot and shaky.

  My mother gasps. “Don’t move! I’ll go and get you a test.”

  She’s out the door before I can anything and I’m left alone. What the hell am I going to do?

  Everything is going great for Bomber and I. We’re through all of our shit and we’ve come out on top, this could damage us all over again. We haven’t even really talked about kids so I don’t know where I stand. I want kids, of course I do and the thought of having children with Bomber fills me with so much happiness, but does Bomber want this? These thoughts keep going around and around in my mind until my mother finally returns, a bag in hand.

  “Come on!” She ushers me upstairs to the toilet and hands me a pregnancy test.

  “I don’t know what to do!” I panic.

  “Just pee on it.” My mum instructs. “Then come out.”

  I take a deep breath and wee on the stick, just as she told me to and when I click the lid back on, I re-join my mother.

  “What now?”

  She takes the test from me and leads me back downstairs. “We wait.”

  We sit side by side on the sofa, my mother a little too calm than she should be. I expect this is making her very happy. She’s always going on and on about grandchildren. This news would make her day.

  “It time.” She announces and looks down at the test and I know by her expression what the result is, but I look anyway and in that moment my life changes.

  “I’m pregnant.” I whisper.

  “Oh congratulations!” My mother sings.

  I should probably be singing and dancing right now, but all I can think of is shit. I need to tell Bomber. Seriously, it seems that it’s one thing after another in our relationship.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  For most part of the morning, I’ve sat in a shocked state and my mother the complete opposite. I can’t believe I’m pregnant. As far as I knew, we’ve been pretty safe and when Bomber doesn’t wrap up, I’m on the pill. Perhaps this pregnancy was meant to be?

  My mother places a plate of toast on my lap. “You need to eat.”

  “I feel to sick too eat anything.” I replace it on the coffee table and away from my nose.

  “Toast will ease the sickness.” She soothes. “How about some ginger biscuits?”

  “Fine.” I sigh, letting her busy about.

  I listen to her rummage around but I’m pretty sure I don’t have any ginger biscuits anywhere. I have plenty of chocolate ones, but I’m not in the mood to eat any right now. I begin to hear the rumbles of Bomber’s bike and I suddenly become very nervous. My mum rushes back to my side and I give her a warning stare.

  “Don’t say anything.” I point to her. “This is for me to tell.”

  My mother just laughs, as if this isn’t something serious. “Ok.”

  The front door opens and Bomber shouts, “Elise? You home?”

  “I’m serious mum.” I whisper.

  She nods her head whilst rolling her eyes. Dammit if she’s says anything I will be so fucking pissed. She’s my mum and I love her but sometimes she can be so overbearing.

  “In here.” I answer him and cast my mum another warning glare before Bomber enters the living room.

  “Hey.” He greets, looking shocked to see my mother sat beside me. Bomber leans down and kisses me. “I thought you said you had work today?”

  “How was church?” I ask him.

  “Elise.” My mother tsks. “You can’t ask him that.”

  “I didn’t ask him what they were talking about, I just asked in general” I growl back.

  “It’s fine.” Bomber laughs, interrupting mine and my mother’s death glare. “So why aren’t you at work then?”

  “Elise is sick.” My mother emphasises the word sick and I cringe inside. “So I came to look after her.”

  Bomber leans forward in his seat, fully concerned right away. “Sick?”

  “Must have been from drinking so much last night, I’m fine honestly.” I insist.

  “But you only had two drinks.” Bomber frowns.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting home mum?” I look over to her, trying to dodge Bomber’s question.

/>   “No.” She answers plainly with her neck annoyingly held high and looks over to Bomber. “Would you like a drink Bomber?”

  Bomber looks between the two of us, trying to work out what’s going on between us.

  “Sure.” He answers, still not looking convinced.

  My mother jumps up and happily makes her way to the kitchen, leaving Bomber and I alone. Usually this would be perfect, but with me with holding my pregnancy news, it’s making it a little awkward.

  “Why are you and your mum acting weird?” He asks.

  “What?” I sputter.

  “You’re being weird.” He repeats.

  I notice the toast on the table and jump up. “I’ll be back.”

  Realising I just sound like a shit version of The Terminator, I scurry off to the kitchen where my mum is just standing there, playing with her nails.

  “I thought you were making Bomber a drink?”

  Her eyes flash to me, only just realising I entered. “I thought I would give you two time alone.”

  She could have just done that by going home, but I guess not.

  “I don’t know what to say.” I panic.

  She sweetly smiles, taking me in her arms and pulls back. “Honey, just tell him that you’re pregnant.”

  “What?” At the sound of Bomber’s voice we both freeze. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Ermm.” I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

  “Elise?” He asks, looking slightly pale.

  “I’m pregnant.” I nod.

  My mother steps around me and holds my hand. “She just found out, isn’t this wonderful? You’re going to be parents!”

  I approach Bomber slowly, not knowing what is going through his mind. Hell, I don’t even know what’s going through mine.

  “Jamie?” I whisper.

  “I’m going to be a dad?” He asks me, and I nod. Emotion I didn’t see coming hitting me hard.

  “I need to ring your dad.” My mother gushes. “We’re going to be grandparents.”

  Bomber sweetly looks down to my belly, a look of awe written all over his gorgeous face. “You’re going to be a mum.”

  “Yes.” I laugh, happy tears beginning to fall. “Is this ok?”


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