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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

Page 23

by KT Fisher

  Bomber takes his gaze from my stomach and reaches out to me, pulling me in for a eager kiss. “Of course this is ok.”

  “I was worried.” I admit.

  “Darling, you’re going to have my child.” His hands caress my face, bringing me in for another kiss. “I love you.”

  “I think I’m still in shock.” I laugh against his lips.

  Bomber’s gentle hand travels down to my belly and rubs lovingly. “I can’t believe our baby is growing in there.”

  “This is going to be scary.” I nervously giggle.

  “Yeah it will.” He nods. “But we will do the best by our child and I know you’re going to be an amazing mum.”

  “Awww.” I pinch his cheeks. “You’re so cheesy when you’re cute.”

  Bomber grabs me in a bear hug and I wrap my arms around him. “Shit!”

  “What?” I ask in alarm.

  “The baby.” He panics, looking back down at my belly. “Did I squash it?”

  “I don’t know a lot about pregnancy, but I’m pretty sure you’re ok.” I pat him on the back. “I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting nine months.”

  “Try eighteen years.” My mother laughs. “Twenty-Six if you count your brother.”

  Geee, thanks mum.

  Once my mother actually makes some drinks, we return to the living area. This time Bomber sits beside me and my mum takes the seat across the room, she watches us with a creepy grin fixed on her face.

  Bomber turns to me, a serious look on his face. “We spoke about Dallas in church.”

  As soon as I hear her name I feel anger pumping through my veins. “Oh really?”

  “Prez told us that Dallas has no family or home. It’s why she’s with the club.” Bomber informs.

  “Yeah, I thought that might be the case.” I sigh.

  “Oh no you don’t!” My mother points at me from across the room. “Don’t you be feeling sorry for that bitch.”

  “Mum!” And she shakes her head at me in disagreement. “I know she wasn’t a nice person but that doesn’t mean I have to be a bitch to her.”

  Bomber smiles. “We spoke about Dallas moving to a different charter, if she agrees to never come back here. If that’s ok with you?”

  “As long as she agrees, then I don’t see why not.” I nod. How can I send a woman to a lonely life. I bet that she doesn’t know anyone outside the club, doesn’t have any job lined up or place to live because the club is all she has.

  “Really?” Both Bomber and my mum ask at the same time.

  “Yes.” I agree and I feel a little honoured that Franky wants me to have the final say in this. “Even thought she was a bitch to me and drove me insane, I can’t do that to someone.”

  “I’ll give Prez a call now and let him know.” Bomber kisses me before he leaves the room.

  “You’re too soft.” My mother frowns from her seat.

  “You wouldn’t have me any other way.” I teasingly grin over at her and she actually laughs.


  My mum told my dad and Scrappy the pregnancy news, but I ordered them to keep it to themselves until we have our scan. I may not be an expert on all things pregnancy, but I do know that around this time anything can happen. It’s only right that we keep it a secret for now and for the first time this is a good secret to keep from everyone.

  “You know, when I first saw you holding Connor, I knew right then that I wanted you to have my babies.” Bomber holds me in bed that night. We’re both naked after just having glorious sex and I’m totally wiped out.

  So that’s the look I caught him giving me.

  “It’s weird, when we were younger I dreamed this was going to be my life and here we are.” I wonder. “And now we’re having a baby.”

  “I fucking love you.” Bomber leans closer, sweeping me in a heated kiss.

  His hand rests on my neck, holding me in place but I would never move from here. This is my own personal heaven. I moan as he deepens the kiss even more, and I feel his cock hardening against my stomach. It makes me quiver and I want him again. Bomber rolls me onto my back capturing my nipple in his mouth and sucks so hard it sends a delicious sensation between my thighs.

  “Ready for round two baby?” He looks up at me, licking my hardened nipple.

  “If you’re ready to do all the work.” I laugh, riding his cock for so long tired me out.

  With a wicked laugh, his cock nudges at my clit as he lands his mouth on mine. My legs wrap around him and Bomber slides himself inside. I groan loudly as he teases me, inch by inch and before he’s fully in, he pulls out again so it’s just the head and then he slams home. My scream is loud and I dig my head back into the pillow.

  “Too hard?” He asks, looking down at me in panic.

  “Not hard enough.” I growl. “Harder!”

  Bomber grabs my waist and tilts me slightly, giving me exactly what I want. I grip onto the bed sheets as my eyes roll and I groan as loud as I ever have done before.

  Six weeks later

  We had the babies’ first scan yesterday and I still feel as though I’m floating on air. Bomber and I couldn’t stop looking at each other from the amazement of what we saw when we came out and we still keep looking at other with goofy smiles. I mean sure, it was mostly a little blob and Bomber did have to squint slightly to see what the sonographer was pointing at but it was amazing.

  Today we have our house warming BBQ and I am praying the weather holds out. It’s not a sunny day and it is quite cold but as long as everyone wraps up then I’m sure we will be ok. I made sure that the garden has plenty seating and I’ve even got those funky fire pits so when it is chilly, we can warm up.

  There’s a knock on the door and my family enter.

  “Hey princess.” My father hugs me.

  “Hey dad.” I breathe my father in, the smell of his leather and the mints he loves to chew so much bring me back to my childhood.

  “So, are we telling everyone today?” Scrappy asks. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this a secret.”

  “Yes.” I laugh. “We’re telling everyone today.”

  Scrappy releases a relieved sigh. “Thank fuck. I swear I nearly tell someone every day.”

  My mother helps me prepare the food and my dad and Scrappy help Bomber with the garden furniture and the BBQ. Just in time too, because our guests begin to arrive to what they think is just a house warming. Little do they know we have big news to deliver and the more friends and family arrive, the more excited I become. I love to see the club families here with their children happily running around and playing.

  “Hello.” I sing to Connor as I greedily hold him in my arms. I look down at my little nephew, wondering what it’s going to be like when I’m holding my own baby. Will we have a baby boy or a little girl? Connor looks a lot like his dad, Grim already. I wonder who our baby will look like. I really want them to have Bomber’s eyes because I find them mesmerising.

  I sit on a garden chair, the girls surrounding me as I still cradle Connor. I’m going to have to pass him on soon or I fear I will look crazy. I hear giggling over my shoulder and spy Baby flirting with a bunny. “She shouldn’t be here.” I frown over at them.

  All girls turn to where I’m looking and I cringe when I realise I shouldn’t have said anything in front of Maci. Now she’s going to turn and see Baby and how he’s eyeing the bunny up like she’s a feast.

  “He really is worse than his brothers.” Tasha shakes her head.

  “Probably because he’s so young.” Drew comments. “He feels as though he has to catch more women than them and now Grim and Devlin are taken he sees an opportunity.”

  “Perhaps,” I watch as Baby reaches out to her. “But I don’t want her here.”

  “He’s disgusting.” Maci scowls over at him. “I need a drink.”

  As Maci stands and storms over to the make shift bar, we all exchange a glace.

  “Am I missing something?” Lauren asks.

“Her and Baby have something weird going on.” I admit and they all look to me with wide eyes.

  “I suspected, but I didn’t know for sure.” Drew adds.

  “They’ve never done anything, at least I don’t think they have but Baby rubs it in her face all the time. I think he leads her on all the time.” My heart aches for her.

  “But I thought she’s kind of with Grinder now.” Tasha looks over to Maci as Grinder approaches her and he manages to turn her scowl into a bright smile.

  “He does seem to be good for her.” I agree.

  I spot Bomber looking over at me, an excited smile in place and right there I decide I have to tell the girls now, before everyone else. They all deserve to know.

  “Girls.” I interrupt Tasha and Drews argument about whether or not shower sex is good or not. I wave Maci over and when they all look to me, I continue. “I have something to tell you.”

  Lauren gasps, her eyes wide and I shake my head. She fucking knows. “No!” She giggles.

  “Yes.” I nod and she happily clasps, squealing and gathering some attention from club members around us.

  “What am I missing?” Maci asks.

  “I don’t know.” Tasha frowns.

  I laugh at their faces, take one look over at Bomber who is watching. He shakes his head laughing, knowing I’m about to tell them. I take a deep breath in. “I’m pregnant.”

  It takes two seconds for them to squeal and squeeze me. People look over so I tell them to be quiet.

  “How long have you known?” Lauren asks.

  “Six weeks, I wanted to tell you but Bomber was certain we had to wait until after the scan.”

  “You’ve known for six weeks.” Drew looks to me as if I have betrayed her.

  “I wanted to, I really did but I agreed with Bomber. Anything can happen.”

  “She’s right.” Lauren defends me.

  Bomber then arrives behind me, leaning down to kiss me. “You ready?” He asks quietly.

  “Congratulations daddy.” Tasha winks up at him.

  “I knew she had to tell you.” Bomber laughs.

  Nerves swirl inside my belly and I hand Connor over to Tasha who was next in line for cuddles.

  “One second.” I inform Bomber, quickly making my way over to Baby.

  “Hey.” He greets, but I don’t look at my cousin. My eyes are glued on the bunny. I recognise her, she’s pretty with her dark long hair and I have nothing against her but rules are rules.

  “I’m sorry to end your flirting Baby but she shouldn’t be here.” The bunny ducks her head, frowning down at her face.

  Baby nods his head. “Sorry Gina, you gotta go.”

  Ah that’s her name, Gina. I remember now, some of the guys call her Guzzling Gina because her love of swallowing. Nice.

  Gina then looks from me to Baby. “But why?”

  “No bunny’s allowed.” I obviously point out. “This is a family house warming.”

  Gina frowns at me and then something catches her eyes behind me. “So why is she here?”

  I look around to see Maci, she looks happy as she sits on Grinders lap. I turn back around, ignoring Baby’s sudden glare.

  “Maci is family.” I point out.

  “No she isn’t.” Gina argues. “She’s a bunny, just like me. She might not go around advertising, but we all know she likes as much cock as all of us.”

  I’m about to jump down her throat and defend my friend, but Baby beats me to it. He’s suddenly in Gina’s face, gifting her with a terrifying look.

  “Listen here bitch, don’t you ever fucking talk about Maci like that again, you hearing me?” Baby growls in her face and Gina quickly shakes her head. “Maci is more of a woman than all you sluts put together. She may be labelled a bunny within the club, but she doesn’t sell herself like the rest of you. She chooses to accept the clubs protection and pays us back by helping with the families. She hasn’t earned our respect by sucking on our cocks.”

  “I’m sorry.” Gina cries.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” Baby growls and as Gina scurries away, I’m left shocked. I stare at Baby’s back.

  “Baby.” I begin.

  “Don’t” He stops whatever I’m going to say to him. “I don’t need to hear anything.”

  “Ok.” I then leave him to it, knowing he needs to calm down.

  Bomber has been watching, and questions me when I return to him, but I assure him it’s nothing to worry about and to begin our announcement.

  “Everyone!” Shouts Bomber, collecting all of their attentions. The music stops, and Bomber continues. “Elise and I wanna thank you for coming but you’re not all here to welcome you to our new home.”

  I feel everyone looking at us with interest now, I glance down at the girls and they’re all smiling at us. I’m so happy that I told them before and to be honest, I wish I had told them before but what I didn’t tell them was it was nice just Bomber and I knowing. It was our little secret.

  Bomber looks to me and I decide to shout, “I’m pregnant!”

  There’s a moment of shock on everyone’s faces before they all shout their congratulations. Grim grills Bomber on how hard he’s going to find watching me go through pregnancy. The men all clap Bomber on the back as if he’s done something so amazing and the women give me gentle cuddles of congratulations.

  “How far along are you?” Asks my aunty Laura, my mother standing beside her.

  “Sixteen weeks.” I answer and my mum looks like she’s been knocked back.

  “Sixteen!” She screams.

  “Yep, they told us yesterday at the scan. I couldn’t believe it either.” I laugh.

  You could imagine the look of shock on our faces when we were told I was sixteen weeks pregnant. I was thinking I would be between 5 and ten because I read that’s the normal, but I guess we’re different. When I think back, I did have pregnancy symptoms but I didn’t notice them.

  Now that we have told everyone our news, I can enjoy the BBQ more. Everyone’s eating food that my dad and Franky are seeing to. Men and women are drinking and genially having a good time. Drew is stood beside Sketch, his arms wrapped around her in a loving way. They’re absolutely perfect for one another. I look over to Lauren, she’s holding Conner in her arms and Grim is behind her, looking down at his son over her shoulders. Bomber comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me and I’m immediately warm. Tasha is sat on Devlin’s knee, sharing a heated kiss in the light of the fire pit and Maci is laughing along at whatever Grinder just said with Baby sat not too far away, watching. Something tells me there’s going to be drama there.

  This is my family and I love them all to pieces. We have our bad days and amazingly wild days but we’re all there for one another. I wouldn’t be here today if wasn’t for my fabulous friends and supportive family. Especially my man Bomber, the man I never thought would come to me but here we are. I don’t think I could ever be happier. Even my nightmares of Demon have ended, and I pray that they don’t return. Mine and Bomber’s story isn’t your usual love story, but it was fate that brought us back together.



  “Come on baby!” I cheer her on.

  I look down at Elise, she’s red in the face and sweaty but I’ve never seen her look so beautiful.

  “Jamie.” She cries. “This fucking hurts.”

  “You can do it.” I kiss her on the forehead, holding back the emotions.

  Watching my Elise going through this pain makes me look at her in awe, at the same time as being fucking terrified. Her hand squeezes tightly onto mine but sometimes she has clutched onto my shirt and growled in my face. I’ll tell her about it tomorrow and hopefully she will laugh along with me, but right now I don’t think she will appreciate it. I feel fucking hopeless, I don’t know what I’m doing but the midwife told me I’m supporting her well, but how come it doesn’t feel like it?

  Elise begins to moan as she pushes again, the midwife encourages her and looks to me. “Yo
u can see the baby’s head.”

  I almost feel light headed. This is the moment Grim warned me about. He said it’s amazing, but I have to be prepared. I want to see this, of course I do. So I take one deep breath and nod. The midwife scoots over and I peer between Elise’s thighs and I’m knocked back. As gross as it should be, I see my child’s head, this should be almost alien like but it’s most precious thing I’ve ever seen.

  “I can see Elise.” I look up at her tired face. “You’re nearly there.”

  I let her squeeze my hand tightly as she pushes some more, she’s not exactly screaming but she does growl as the baby reveals its shoulders. I’m not so sure I would be so fucking strong. Women don’t get enough praise for this!

  “Come on darling.” I whisper, leaning my head against hers as she has a little breather. “I love you.”

  She looks up to me, heavily sighing from exhaustion and looking so fucking adorable.

  “Love you.” She quietly replies, before digging her chin down and pushing one final time. Elise releases one last shout before the crying of our baby is heard.

  I watch in wonder as the baby is placed on Elise’s belly.

  “It’s a girl!” June shouts, sobbing on the other side of Elise. “You have a little Princess.”

  “A girl.” I grin down at Elise as she takes a peak of our daughter for the first time. Tears drop down her face but she’s ecstatic, I stroke Elise’s hair and lean my own head over hers. “We have a girl.”

  A sudden rush of love and protectiveness overcomes me as I look at my girls. No harm will come to them. I need to put a warning on my daughter as soon as possible. No boys fucking allowed.

  Once they have cleaned our baby girl and taken care of Elise, she tries to feed her and just like her mother, she eats well.

  “Just like her mum.” I joke and both Elise and June laugh.

  “I need to go and tell your dad.” June bounces. “He’s dying to know.”

  “I’d better ring Grim, he wants to let everyone else know.” I lean down and kiss my daughters head. “The girls are desperate to have an update.”

  “Ok.” Elise whispers.


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