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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 9

by Vera Quinn

  “I’m out of here, but for the record, that good girl will never satisfy you the way I can.” She walks away with the other girls right behind her. I knew she was leading them. I have to get a handle on her tomorrow. I take a breath to calm myself.

  “My office, now. Every patch that’s here. No exceptions. Prospects take over the grill for Cue Ball, and you better not fuck anything up.” I walk towards my office but stop by the bar and grab a beer. I see my ma in the corner by Sylvie, and I see the smile she has on her face. I shake my head.

  Only my ma would like me yelling at women, even if they are club girls, I don’t like it. I down half my beer before I ever get to my office. I open the door and go to the chair behind my desk. All the guys file in. I finish the beer off and throw the bottle away. It looks like everyone is here and there is little room left.

  “There’s some trouble going on in Houston, and I’m going to have to send two patches and two prospects down there. They just need some more muscle. All they’re asking for right now is four, if that doesn’t handle it, then the rest of us will be there next week. Gunny seems to think four is enough.

  “Spinner and Lingo, you’re the ones. This family stuff really isn’t your thing anyway. Pick two prospects and keep me updated. You get there and see the situation is worse than Gunny is letting on then you call, and we will get there. Do not run it past Gunny first, get back on the phone, that is an order. Gunny has a habit of leaving shit out, and us having to clean up after him is getting old fast.”

  Spinner looks relieved he is getting out of here, and Lingo has a bored look on his face. These two like life on the road. I used to be the same way. “You need to hit the road. It’s noon now so you should make it by six easy.” They both agree by nodding their heads.

  “How much hardware do we need to pack with us?” Spinner asks.

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with. Gunny will have what you need there, but you need to be safe on the way there.” As long as they take it easy, they should have no problems. “Take a different way there. I don’t want you ambushed on the way.” I take out my phone and shoot Gunny a text to expect them.

  “This is the second time this year we’ve had to bail their asses out. Something is up.” Cue Ball makes a valid point.

  “Tip, see what you can dig up, if anything. I hate going in blind.” I had rather be safe than sorry. I don’t want to be hanging our asses out and get hung out to dry.

  “On it.” Tip leaves my office to get started.

  “Everyone else, have a good time today and if anyone sees those bitches back in here before tonight, let me know.” No one argues. “Let’s get back to some good food. Cue Ball, you need any help on the grill?”

  “All I can get.” I see Salty say something to Cue Ball and I know he has his help.

  “Let’s have a good time. Now out.” I let my brothers go and wait for Gunny’s response. It’s not long before I have what I need and I know it is time to go and find my girls.

  Chapter Eight


  Today has been amazing. Rebel has been so attentive and except for the little time he had to be in his meeting when Shelby was sleeping he has been glued to my side. He’s still visiting with everyone, but he keeps me right with him. Everyone has welcomed Shelby and me and Rebel is right everyone is like family. The men are big, and a little intimidating but they never make me feel uncomfortable.

  Sylvie and her girls are great. Brooklyn, their two- year old, has kept Shelby busy playing in the bounce house and the two older girls Erica and Tessa keep a watchful eye over them. Angie, Salty’s ol’ lady, has hung out with Sylvie, Audie, and myself today. Salty and Dawg Man talked with Rebel. Others have come and gone but there are too many names to remember.

  Rebel finally received the text he was waiting on and he relaxed even more. It’s getting close to dark and in Texas that means close to seven-thirty on a fall day. I need to get Shelby home soon to get her to bed. She has had a big day today. Her first bounce house and water slide, pony rides, and carousel rides. She should sleep good tonight. She needs a good bath and her bed. I am just about to ask Rebel about getting us home when Audie turns to me and asks me something I never expected.

  “Why don’t you let me take Shelby home with me, and you stay and enjoy the rest of the night with Rebel? He’ll bring you later, but if she's staying with me, tonight you can sleep late in the morning. You need to celebrate your victory in court. Kendall is no longer in your life. It’s my treat to you.” I look at Audie and then Shelby. Rebel is right beside me, so I know he heard his mom. I do feel a lot better knowing Kendall will never get the chance to take Shelby from me.

  Rebel has been getting friendlier as the day has gone on. He has kissed me a couple of times, and I have to say I did enjoy the kisses. More than I should probably but I don’t know about being away from Shelby all night. I have never been away from her all night. Rebel turns to me.

  “Let Ma take Shelby, and I will take you home later. I won’t drink anymore so I can drive. One of the prospects will take them and make sure they get home safe. Ma can call when she gets there. Have a little more fun with me.” I can hear the hope in Rebel’s voice, and I have never had a night out without Shelby.

  “Okay.” I look at Audie. “If you have any problems at all just call me, and I will come right home.” I look back at Rebel, and he has a big smile on his face. “Right, Rebel?”

  “Whenever you want babe.” I can do this. It’s just one night. I walk over to Shelby and get one of the wet rags and wipe off her hands and face and give my sweet baby a kiss goodbye.

  “Her bag is still in Rebel’s room. When I changed her after she was on the slide, I left it in there.” I hug her tight. She goes to Audie, and I know this little girl will be out before they are five miles down the road.

  “We’ll get it, and I’ll see you in the morning.” Rebel is texting on his phone.

  “Ma, let me get Shelby in the truck for you.” Rebel reaches for Shelby and takes her. “Prospect is getting the bag, and he’ll meet us out front.” I follow behind them, and I guess Audie sees my apprehension because she takes my hand and walks with me.

  “She’ll be fine Gracie. I promise. Have fun tonight, and we’ll see you in the morning.” When we get to the truck, she hugs me and kisses my cheek. When Rebel has Shelby in her car seat, I see the prospect bringing Shelby’s bag out and Rebel hands him the keys. I get close to Shelby and kiss her forehead and tell her I love her.

  “Drive careful prospect, or it will be your last drive.” Rebel warns, then he takes me in his arms, and I see them get in and drive away. I feel like I want to cry. “Come on little mama let’s get you an adult drink.”

  “I’ve never been without her all night.” I know I am being silly.

  “Gracie, she’ll be fine.” He looks like he is about to say something but stops and then he just blurts it out. “Stay the night with me. I understand it’s too soon for sex, but I just want to hold you. We can drink some and talk to everyone and then when we go to my room I’ll just hold you all night. That’s it, unless you want more. If anything happens tonight, it will be because of you, not me.” I’ve never spent the night with any man but Kendall. I mean I spent the evening with Brody and that thought makes me feel guilty.

  “Rebel, the other night I spent the evening with Brody.” I stop and look at Rebel. I hesitate, but I have to tell him all of it. “We kissed, and he said he is interested in me. We also had a long talk about his and your animosity towards each other. I told him I just want friends and that hasn’t changed, and I also told him I was not judging you.” There that makes me feel better. Rebel is almost smiling. Not the reaction I thought I would get.

  “Let me get this straight. You and Brody spent the evening together, and all you did was kiss and talk?” Now Rebel has a big smile on his face.

  “Yes. He said when I was ready to date he wanted to date me.” I guess I was misjudging what Rebel wanted.

“I would like for you to hear my side of the story too. Can you give me a chance tonight to talk to you about Brody and myself? I don’t usually explain myself to anyone, but if you have any questions, I would like to clear them up. Thank you for not judging me.” Rebel tells me but then he is in my space, and his lips are on mine before I know what is happening. He tastes of the beer he has been drinking and a taste that is uniquely him. He takes my mouth, and I am hopeless to fight him off, and I don’t want to. I have never been possessed this way, and my panties are most definitely wet. He finally breaks the kiss off. We are both breathless. “I’ve wanted to do that all day.”

  “I’m so glad you didn’t do that in front of anyone.” It’s the only thing I can say. “Where did you learn to kiss like that?” It just came out of my mouth. “I’m sorry. Don’t answer that.” Rebel is laughing softly, and he kisses my nose. I back away afraid he will go farther and he can’t do that. I may combust right here in front of him. I have not had an orgasm since the night before I found out my baby was a girl and that kiss felt mighty close to it. Kendall was never a generous lover. He got his and if I was lucky it would happen for me but more times than not it didn’t. The night with Brody I was excited, but right now I need to calm down.

  “Babe, the way your body reacted to just that kiss is unbelievable. We need to go inside and find a quiet table and talk. How long has it been babe?” I know he is not asking me what I think he just did?

  “Um, I’m not sure what you mean.” He lifts my chin with his finger and makes me look him in the eyes.

  “You know exactly what I mean. How long has it been since you had an orgasm? Your body was trembling from just the kiss babe.” Now I am embarrassed and try to look away, but he won’t let me. “Please answer me.” Darn!

  “It’s been a while, probably a little less than two years. It was the night before I found out Shelby was a girl. I was a little over four months pregnant then, and she is sixteen months old now. A little less than two years.” I am glad it is dark outside now because I know my face is red. I feel the heat all the way down my neck.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, babe. We’re just talking. It’s ok, Come here.” I go into his arms, and he hugs me. “So will you please stay the night with me here. Nothing else will happen if you don’t want it to. I will just hold you tonight.” I know I am going to regret this, but for the first time in a long time, I am going with what my body wants instead of my brain.

  “Okay, but first thing in the morning you take me to get Shelby.” Rebel gives me a tight hug. I take it he is a happy man.

  “Thank you, Gracie. Let’s get inside and get us some drinks, so we can talk and get to know each other better.” Rebel and I walk into the clubhouse hand in hand, and I feel like I have won the lottery. I have never had this much male attention in my whole life. For once in my life, I feel good about myself. I know I shouldn’t need attention from a man to make me feel this way but for someone that has had her self-esteem beat to death by one man the attention feels darn good.

  We make our way into the clubhouse and Rebel stops and talks to different people on the way. I see this one barely clothed, beautiful woman with her eyes following us. A man has his arm around her, but she never quits looking at us. I know the look. She wants Rebel.

  When I was with Kendall, I saw the same looks from different women many times until I didn’t care anymore and he quit taking me places. Rebel grabs some beers from the bar and takes me to a door right off from where the bar is. He opens it, and I walk in to see it is a small office. He walks with me over to a sofa, and I sit down with him sitting beside me.

  I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and take it out, and I see I have a message. I check it, and Audie has sent me a picture of a clean and sleeping Shelby. The text said she was just going to bed but wanted me to know they were good. I can finally relax, and that is exactly what I have decided to do tonight. I feel lighter than I have in a long time. I have felt like the weight of the world has been on my shoulders for so long I just want to let loose, but first I need to clarify a few things with Rebel.

  “Rebel you don’t have to go into everything tonight because I know going back over things that are hard in your life will ruin both of our nights.” Rebel looks at me without saying anything but hands me a beer. “Are you still in love with Jilly or do you hate her? Because Jilly saved me and I can’t imagine anyone ever hating her.” I take a big drink of my beer. Rebel gets up and goes to his desk and gets a bottle of some liquor out of his desk with a shot glass and comes back and sits beside me.

  “Ok babe. We are going to play a game. Truth or dare. We take turns asking each other questions. If we answer, it is considered a truth and it must be a total true answer. If you don’t want to answer it is considered a dare and every dare is a shot of this very fine tequila. When one of us is too drunk to answer then we stop, by that I mean you because no way can you out drink me. This way if it is a game of sorts we decide how heavy the conversation gets and we will continue to have fun. Are you game?” He gives me a smile again. I have sorta played this game before but without the alcohol. As long as it is a game we can still have fun and that is what I want to do tonight.

  “Ok, but I get to go first, and that was my question.” Rebel is smiling an evil smile. Rebel lifts one finger and gets up and walks out the door but it isn’t long until he is back with four beers in one hand and a small trash can with ice in it and he sets the beers down in the ice. He sits back down and opens a beer.

  “I had to get provisions. I am not still in love with Jilly, but I do love her, just in a different way. I could never hate Jilly, and I will always be here if she needs me.” He takes a drink of his beer.

  “Do you like Brody for anything other than a friend?” He goes straight to the hard ones, but I know they will only get harder from here.

  “I am attracted to Brody just like I am to you, and I had fun with him the other night, but I don’t trust myself to get involved with anyone right now.” That is as truthful as I can be. I think of my next question. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Rebel looks at me and then takes a drink of his beer again.

  “I don’t do girlfriends. I fuck. I have fucked a lot. I want it to be different with you.” I almost swallow my tongue on his answer. I never expected such bluntness. Rebel sees my shock. “Gracie, I will never lie to you or sugarcoat anything for you so don’t ask the question if you can’t take the answer. Only honesty between us, babe.” I did ask, and I like the honesty thing. Kendall always lied to me. I pick the shot glass up and hand it to Rebel. “You need a shot, babe?”

  “That would be a yes, please.” He fills the shot glass up, and I take it down in one drink. I don’t know what this alcohol is, but it took my breath away. I am coughing, and Rebel pats me on the back. “What is that stuff? It’s awful.” Rebel laughs.

  “You asked for a drink of something you didn’t know what it was? It’s tequila, babe. Just a minute. I’ll be right back.” Rebel goes back out and comes back with a salt shaker, a bowl of limes, and a couple of more beers. I see he has already finished one, so I take a drink of mine. “My turn. How many men have fucked you, sweetheart?” Well, crap. I am beginning to feel warm.

  “That’s easy, one.” Rebel raises his eyebrow. “Do you hate Brody?” Rebel answers me fast on that one.

  “No. He used to be one of my best friends. Women always get in between us, and he thinks he’s better than me but I know his secrets, and he is no better.” That is interesting.

  “Do you want to fuck Brody?” Not touching that one with a ten-foot pole.

  “Shot please.” Rebel smiles and hands me a lime.

  “Do it like this.” I watch as he licks his hand and sprinkles it with salt and licks it off then he drinks a shot of the tequila and then puts the lime slice in his mouth and sucks it. I lick my hand, and he sprinkles it with salt, and I do as he did, and then I drink the shot and do the lime. It still burned, but the lime made it much better. I might get used t
o this. I think carefully about my next question.

  “Tell me about Selena.” I know this is a sore subject between Rebel and Brody. Rebel finishes off another beer.

  “Selena was Brody’s woman, but he wouldn’t stay home with her. It wasn’t his fault. He was trying to build up his business. The crazy ass woman didn’t understand it, and she started fucking everyone when he was out of town. She started coming to the club with one of her friends. I told Brody she was whoring around and sooner or later someone was going to fuck her here at the club. He didn’t believe me. She set her eyes on me, but I wasn’t taking her up on it. She told me she was pregnant with Brody’s kid, but she wanted to be my ol’ lady. I told her plain out no. Brody left again, and she had an abortion and then she called me and said she had nowhere to go. I told her she could come here for a few days but then she was out. I picked her up, and I let her have a spare room for a few days and then made her leave. I have talked to her on the phone a couple of times, but she is banned from the clubhouse. Not my business but I thought it was cold. Brody wanted that child. I don’t want her around me.” I wait for his next question.

  “Why did you let Kendall beat you for so long?” I think about taking the easy way out and having a shot, but I think I need to say it out loud so I can own it.

  “I think I thought I deserved it in a way.” Rebel looks at me like I am crazy. I think about it before I keep going. “It was like I needed to know I tried everything to make my relationship with Shelby’s dad work. I always wondered what I was doing wrong that made him hate me. My mom and dad had a long relationship. Kendall’s mom and dad had the same thing. We had a child together, and I thought one day he would wake up and realize he loved us. I know now he is just a monster but at the time that was where my head was. My self-esteem was at nothing then.” I have never said that much about that to anyone. I peek a look at Rebel, and he has a mad look on his face.


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