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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 10

by Vera Quinn

  “Babe, no one deserves that. Absolutely no one.” I shake my head, and he kisses my nose. It is a sweet gesture.

  “What do you want with me?” I try to look in Rebel’s eyes but to be honest I can’t see real straight right now. In fact, it is getting hot in here.

  “Everything, babe. I want everything with you. For the second time in my life, I want to trust a woman completely and this time I want to get it right. Give us a chance, Gracie. I know we can be great together.” I want to believe him so bad. To be able to trust again; it sounds so good. “Let me help carry your load. I can do it, I know I can. I will never lie to you, and I will take care of you and Shelby.” Rebel looks sincere, and I so want to be able to lean on someone just for a little while. I want to think the alcohol had something to do with what I say next but I know better.

  “I want to try, but I can’t promise you anything.” That’s all it takes. Rebel has me on his lap and has his lips on mine before I can even think, and that may very well have something to do with the alcohol. He deepens the kiss, and my whole body comes alive. I feel him harden underneath my butt. God that feels good. My panties are wet again, and I am pulling at the front of Rebel’s shirt trying to get him closer. Our mouths are melded together, and our tongues are exploring each other’s mouths testing each other’s wills. I give.

  My hands find the back of his t-shirt, and they are roaming his bare back. He is sweating as much as I am and my hands are gliding over his damp skin. I am grinding down on Rebel’s very impressive erection and sliding back and forth on his lap. I should be ashamed, but right now I just don’t care about anything but making the ache in my very wet panties go away. I am breathing hard and so is Rebel. His hands have gone up my shirt, and he has his hand inside my bra teasing my nipple. Then his hand is gone from me, and I am sitting on the couch, and he is over by his desk.

  “Babe, you are teasing a wanting man, and I am not a man that usually turns a woman down, but you have had a little to drink, and I don’t think you’re used to it. I don’t want to screw this up before we have a good chance. I am giving you a chance to breathe and think about it. I want to take you to my room and hold you tonight, but I don’t have a lot of self-control so unless you want me to fuck you senseless, we need a breather. Do you want to go slower or do you want me to fuck you senseless?”

  Why did he have to stop and ask me that question? Darn. My nervousness gets the best of me. That woman that was watching us earlier had a beautiful body. I’m not as slim as I used to be and I have some stretch marks, and I am sure that woman has never had a baby so no stretch marks for her. That did it for me.

  “Thank you. Slow, please.” Rebel nods his head in agreement.

  “How about we call it a night? We’ll go back to my room, and we can take showers, and you need to drink some water, then we will just lie in bed and hold each other. Sound good?” Rebel is giving me an easy out.

  “Separate showers, right?” I look at Rebel.

  “Hell, yes. If I got a look at you with water and soap all over that sexy body of yours, there is no way we would be getting any sleep tonight. Separate showers and I’ll give you one of my shirts and a pair of boxers to sleep in, and I’ll sleep in boxers, too.” He says that like it is funny.

  “What’s so funny?” I don’t know what was so humorous.

  “I hope I have some boxers left. I don’t wear underwear, but Ma usually gets me some for Christmas. She says it’s a ma thing. She gives me boxers and socks every year.” I have the picture of him without clothes in my mind, and I swallow hard. He knows exactly where my mind went. “You naughty girl. You were thinking of me naked. Babe, if I weren't trying to do this thing slow for you, trust me you would see me naked. I am not shy. I’m proud of my cock.” He grabs himself, and I know I am red all over.

  “You did not just say that.” I can’t even look at him. He comes over to me and pulls me into his arms.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s get to my room and get cleaned up and get in bed. Morning will be here early, and I know as soon as you wake up we’ll be on our way to your house.” He’s right.

  “Okay.” He pulls me out the door with him and locks the door. When we get to the bar area there’s not nearly as many people here but there are naked people everywhere, and I see people actually having sex. Jade has some man on the couch, and she is giving him a blowjob. After seeing that I keep my eyes on the floor so I make eye contact with no one. Everyone is busy so no one stops us.

  We make it to his room, and he decides I can take the first shower so he can try to get in touch with some guys in Houston. He hands me a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, and I go into the bathroom and get my shower. He has some body wash in there. I smell it, and it smells like him, so I use it. I get out and find me some towels for my hair and body to dry with. I get dried and then slip the t-shirt and boxers on. I go out to find Rebel sitting on the bed. He hands me a bottle of water when I sit on the bed beside him. He reaches over in his nightstand and gets a brush out, and he positions me between his legs and starts brushing my hair. I drink some water, the brushing of my hair soothes me. My mom used to brush my hair for me when I was little. He finally moves me so he can get up. I sit on the edge of the bed and put my arms around his waist and hug him.

  “Take another drink of water.” I do and then put the lid back on it and put it on the nightstand. “Now get in the middle of the bed and lie down. I have an idea you will be asleep by the time I come out.” He’s probably right. I move to the middle of the bed, and he covers me with the sheet and bends down and kisses my head. I remember hearing the bathroom door shut, but that is it. I just fade into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Nine


  I left Gracie lying in my bed, and it was the hardest thing to do to leave her. I have never been a selfless man, but tonight I had to slow down with Gracie. I was pushed to my limits with want for Gracie, but I stopped. I want more with her and to get that I can’t do what I usually do with women. I hurry and get showered so that I can hold her tonight. I put on boxers I never wear so she will be comfortable. When I open the door, I see Gracie has fallen asleep, and she looks so damn good in my bed and my shirt.

  Damn I’m as weepy as some damn wet behind the ears teenager. I close the door and quietly climb in the bed beside Gracie. I pull her to me and hold her as close as I can. I stare at her beautiful face. She looks so innocent that you would never know she had a worry in the world. This woman is amazing, and she carries the weight of her world on her shoulders. I am going to change that. I will carry her load for her.

  I kiss her forehead and cheeks. I feel like a perv kissing her while she is sleeping. I get as close as I possibly can. This snuggling thing is new to me, but I don’t ever want to give it up with this woman. Today has made my mind up; she is mine. Her and Shelby. I am claiming her, and I am putting a ring on her finger and my baby inside her. It’s going to happen, and it is going to happen soon. Those are my last thoughts as I drift off to sleep right beside my angel.

  I feel something poking me, and I hear soft cries. I know it is still night because there is no light peeking through my blinds. I try to wake up, and I finally realize Gracie is rolling and whimpering in her sleep. She must be having a dream. I bring her tighter in my arms and kiss her cheek. She tries to fight me, but I finally see her open her eyes. She reaches up and kisses me, and I am lost in her kiss. She usually is more hesitant, the woman kissing me now is surer of what she wants. I give back with all that I am. She seems desperate for something, and I can’t believe what she whispers in my ear.

  “Rebel, please, I need you to take away the bad. Please make love to me.” My girl needs me. I don’t even hesitate. My cock is damn hard from just her words. I reach down and lift my shirt over her head, and her tits are amazing. They are real and firm with beautiful pink nipples. I put one in my mouth and lavish it with the attention my baby needs.

  I run my tongue over the tip and nip on it playfully. Gracie’s b
ack is coming off the bed, and she is moaning. The little sounds coming from her have me wanting to plunge my cock into her hard and fast, but I know she needs more before I do that. I give her other nipple the same attention, and then I start kissing my way slowly down her stomach. I need a taste of my baby. My cock is so hard it is painful, and I feel the pre-cum at the tip. This woman is going to kill me, but I will die a happy man.

  I kiss my way down to her core, and I inhale to smell her essence. She smells so damn good. I widen her legs and spread her out. I look into her eyes, and she is lost in her passion. I settle comfortably between her legs and kiss the inside of her thigh and trail small soft kisses to the crease of her leg, and I softly suck the sensitive skin into my mouth and then lick it lightly. I do the other side just as slowly and softly.

  She arches her back more sharply, and I know where she wants my tongue, and I don’t make her wait. I run the tip of my tongue on her swollen clit. I flick it two or three times, and she is moaning and trying to wiggle herself so I will give her more. I run my finger down her slit. She is so wet and ready. My cock is throbbing from need, and I am trying to be patient, but I am not a patient man. Still, I need to know this is what she wants.

  “Are you sure Gracie, because if we do this, you are mine. There is no going back. It would be hard for me to stop but I will if you’re not sure.” I barely hear her response, but it is enough.

  “Rebel I need you, please. I need you, and I want you. Yes, please.” It is like music to my ears.

  “Gracie, when we are in bed you call me Antonio. That’s the name I want you screaming when you come. Do you have it, babe?” My voice is heavy with need.

  “Antonio, please, make love to me.” She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I wish I could be slow, but I know that is not happening. I don’t give her a warning. I go down on her and suck her clit into my mouth. I suck and lick. I put one finger into her pussy, and she is so tight and so wet that I put in the second one. I am working them in and out slowly while I am devouring her like a starving man.

  She arches her back completely off the bed and grabs my head and is grinding my face into her pussy. My fingers are going slowly, but my tongue is working fiercely. I feel the start of her orgasm, and that is when I speed up the strokes of my fingers, and I start sucking on her clit. I feel the spasms as she comes all over my face. She grinds her pussy into my face, and I love it. I will have her smell on me. As soon as the spasms start to subside my patience is gone and I must have her.

  “Gracie, this is not going to be slow or sweet. I have to have you, and it is going to be hard and fast. I’m going to fuck my pussy.” That’s all I can get out. I make my way up her body and line my cock up with her pussy, and I slide in. I could have cum right then.

  She is so tight, hot, and wet. Pure heaven. “You’re going to come again Gracie and this time you are going to scream my name. I want everyone to know you are mine and your screams are going to tell them.”

  Her eyes never leave mine. I wait for her eyes to show me she is accustomed to my size and I start fucking her at a pace that has my heart beating out of my chest. I pull almost all the way out and slam back in. It feels too damn good. The sensation has me biting down on the inside of my cheek, so I don’t go off before my baby has hers again. “Your pussy is so damn tight, babe. It feels like heaven.” I feel her pussy greedily milking my cock. She is close again. “Your pussy is so greedy. Damn, it’s milking me. It wants me to give it my cum.” I feel her second orgasm beginning. Damn, my baby likes me talking dirty to her. She pulls me closer so she can reach my neck and when she starts sucking I can’t take it anymore, and I start plunging deep and hard. She falls back on the bed.

  “Antonio, I’m coming. Oh shit.” That little bit of talk from her is all it takes. I feel it working up my spine. One more thrust and I am shooting everything I have deep inside Gracie’s tight pussy. My pussy. I know I should have worn a condom, but I didn’t want anything between us. She is mine, and nothing will ever be between us again. I roll us on our sides and pull her to me.

  “Babe, that was amazing. You are never leaving me. You are mine now and everyone here should know that now.” I smile at her, and she has a terrified look on her face. I laugh. My baby is shy now. I slide out of her, and I guess she just realizes we didn’t use a condom.

  “You didn’t use protection. I’m not on birth control. Everything I’ve ever tried has had bad side effects, so I’m not on anything.” She has a look of shock and being completely terrified.

  “Gracie, I told you that you’re mine. Do you trust me?” She looks into my eyes.

  “I trust you Rebel, but Shelby isn’t even two yet. I’ll go to the doctor and try to get something I haven’t tried yet.” I look at her, and I guess I can give her a little time, but we can’t go back now.

  “I’m good with that, but we are going to talk about this again. You’re going to be pregnant with our child before too long. I’ll give you a little time.” That puts a smile on her face.

  I go to the bathroom and bring back a wet rag so she can clean herself, but I find myself do something I have never done before in my life. I pull back the covers, and I clean her myself. I try to be gentle. I know since it has been so long since she has had sex that she has to be sore. She winces a little when I wipe her. I take the rag back in the bathroom to my dirty clothes basket. It’ll be a little while before I can be back inside her, but there are other things that can keep us busy. I make my way back to the bed and pull her into my side. She snuggles in and runs her down my chest. “What happened, babe? Did you have a bad dream?”

  “I was dreaming that Kendall was chasing me with a bat he kept behind our front door. He’s done it before but this time I kept hearing Shelby crying but I couldn’t find her. As he was trying to hit me, I was frantically looking for Shelby because I thought he had hurt her. I was so scared, and I was just so tired of running.” I hug her a little tighter.

  “I have you, Gracie. You and Shelby both. I know you’re a package deal and I accept that responsibility. You’re both mine and that makes you both Demented Revengers now and no one fucks with what’s ours. Do you understand that? Every one of my brothers would lay down their life for you. That’s what we do for family. Now get some sleep. Morning is going to be here before you know it and we will go and get Shelby from Ma. Ma is going to be very happy when we tell her you’re mine.”

  I kiss Gracie and hold her naked body close to mine. I have never been this happy. Everything I have ever wanted is lying right beside me. Gracie closes her eyes and soon she is breathing evenly, and I know she is sound asleep. I am one lucky son of a bitch. I am just about to shut my eyes to get some sleep, but I hear my phone going off. I slide off the bed the easiest way I can so I don’t wake Gracie up. I see the number, and I see it’s Lingo. This early in the morning it can’t be good. “Yeah, this better be good.”

  “Spinner is in the hospital. Not life-threatening. It was a through and through. We need back-up. Both prospects are dead. So are Bushman and one of their prospects. We were ambushed at a drop. Gunny is losing it. One of the prospects was his oldest son, Chris.” Damn. Chris had just turned twenty.

  “We’ll be there around eight. I’m coming to clean house and get this shit handled. Be ready, and Brother, stay safe until then.” Damn. I will have to get in touch with the prospects’ families, but first thing first.

  I send off a group text. Brothers need to get their shit and get here now. I put my phone down and kiss Gracie’s head. I just got Gracie to trust me, and now I have to go. She might as well be broken in now. This is my life.

  I get in the shower and let the hot water take away some of my worries. I get out and get the shit I need to take with me. I take my guns out of my safe in the closet. I make sure they are all loaded and grab my extra ammo.

  My bag is packed, and I put it over by the door. I go back and kiss Gracie. “Babe, wake up for just a minute then you can get back to sleep.” She opens her eyes,
but I can tell she is not completely awake.

  “My brothers are in some trouble, and I have to go to Houston and get them home. I’ll be back as soon as I can, babe.” I kiss her, and she responds, but I know she is not going to remember this, so I write her a note and leave it beside the bed on the night table. I kiss her one more time and make my way to the main room of the clubhouse.

  The brothers are already making their way in and I see the club girls have gotten coffee made and someone is cooking breakfast. I put my bag down and make my way into the kitchen for some coffee, and then I go back to the main room. I sit at the bar, and I see Salty come in. I motion him over to me. “You’re staying here with Cue Ball, Tip, and two prospects. Make sure my woman and kid are taken care of. Ma, too. Gracie is sleeping in my room, and when she wakes up, she will want to go home. Get one of the prospects to take her in my truck. The first sign of any trouble you get them three back to this clubhouse, and I don’t care if you have to tie them up to keep them here. Do you understand?” Salty has a smirk on his face. All the brothers have made their way to us, and they are all listening and waiting for an update on Spinner.

  “Are you claiming Gracie?” Salty asks. I might as well clear this up now.

  “Everybody listening?” I look around, and all eyes are on me. “Gracie is my ol’ lady, and soon she will be my wife. Shelby is my daughter. They are mine, and they are Demented Revengers. Does everyone understand? As soon as we get back, we’ll have a party to celebrate.”


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