Chasing Chance: Gilcrest University Guys Book One

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Chasing Chance: Gilcrest University Guys Book One Page 13

by M. E. Parker

  I couldn’t stop smiling after his text finally came through. I lifted my phone up and took a selfie and sent it to him.

  Andy: Hey there! How was the game?

  I was a little disappointed that he hadn’t seen the game, but Andy was never that into football. It didn’t matter. Honestly, I had him to thank for winning.

  ME: Great. We won.

  Andy: Congrats! Big day, huh?

  ME: Not as big as last night…

  I watched the dots appear and disappear under my text and worried that I said the wrong thing.

  Andy: Awww… I’m blushing.

  A smile spread across my face. He was flirting, and I loved it.

  ME: I wish you could have been here.

  Andy: Me too.

  ME: Gotta go shower and get on the bus. Talk in a little while?

  Andy: Sounds good. ��

  He put a smiley face emoji at the end. I would have preferred the one blowing a kiss, but the regular smiley was enough. Travis’ hand hitting my back knocked me out of my daze. “What are you waiting for, Wyrick? An invitation? Get in the shower, dude. We have to be on the bus in fifteen minutes. We have some celebrations to attend. In case you didn’t notice, we just beat the hell outta UNC!”

  I double-timed it taking a shower, dressing, and packing my gear. When I finally made it out to the bus, I saw Mom and Dad waiting on me with the rest of the players’ families and girlfriends. A small pang of disappoint hit my chest when I found myself wishing that Andy was among them. My mother hugged me first. “You played beautifully tonight.”

  I smiled at her. “Thanks, Mom. It was a fun game to play.”

  She patted me on the chest. “Coach Matthews said something about a dinner at Gilcrest. We can drive over.”

  I quickly shook my head. “Nah, don’t do that. It adds an extra hour to your drive home. Plus, the guys will want to get out and celebrate soon, so it wouldn’t be worth your time.”

  My father spoke up. “Son, that was a spectacular game. Congratulations,” he said as he pulled me into a hug. He had so much pride in his eyes—it almost felt real. But I knew it wasn’t. If he knew the real me, he’d never look at me like that again. But I wasn’t gonna let the thoughts of my father ruin my night. I won the biggest game of my life and I planned to celebrate with Andy.

  chapter twenty


  Holy Hell. I’d never gotten turned on watching a football game before. But that game was different. Chance was unstoppable. And remembering that we were lying together naked just hours before he took the field didn’t help. I never thought in a million years that the Lions had a chance of pulling out a victory over UNC. But when the game went into overtime, everything changed.

  Even Cam and Jordy started to pay attention. The four of us sat knee to knee on the sofa clutching hands when Chance threw another touchdown pass. Our screams of celebration erupted through the small apartment when he pulled off an amazing two-point conversion to win the game. Ben stood on the coffee table and chanted something incomprehensible. Jordy and Cam were jumping up and down, hugging each other like they had just been chosen as the next contestants on The Price is Right. I was stunned as I watched Chance take off his helmet. He looked gorgeous.

  A few minutes later, Cam fell back on the couch. “Oh. My. God. Hot. And. Bother,” he said, fanning himself. “Look at that man.” I sat down next to Cam, but kept my eyes glued to the screen as I watched Chance walk off the field. “Are you sure he’s not the tiniest bit gay?” he asked.

  Jordy fell on the couch next to Cameron, cocking his head. “I know, right? I’d even be okay if he were one of those straight guys who didn’t mind a man-blowy from time to time.” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as I threw a pillow at them.

  Ben finally climbed off the coffee table. As he sat down in the chair across the room, he let out a dramatic sigh. “Seriously, a girl can only dream.”

  Cam took the remote and turned down the volume. “I don’t know about you gays, but I could take a chance on me right now.”

  I looked over him scrolling through his phone. I was just about to tell him he’d had one too many White Lions when ABBA blared through the Bluetooth speaker. Cameron jumped up and began to belt out the lyrics to “Take a Chance on Me.” It took about two seconds before Jordy and Ben joined him. A smile spread across my face. “You guys are ridiculous,” I said. Ben grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the couch. I couldn’t stop myself from joining them. As we all sang together with our arms around each other, I wondered what Chance would think if he could have seen us.

  Towards the end of the song, I noticed my phone vibrate and light up. When I finally checked my notifications and saw it was a text from a number I didn’t recognize, I almost didn’t reply. My guess was that it was either the wrong number or Mark, since I’d ignored his texts and calls for the last few days. When I saw Chance’s beautiful face pop up on the screen, I almost lost it. Clearly, he was still in the locker room. His hair was soaked with sweat and his brown eyes were shining with happiness. His smile made my knees weak.

  I had to immediately go lock myself in the bathroom. It had to happen. One, I didn’t want the guys to see that he had texted me. And two, I had an unexplained boner. I felt like a giddy middle school girl. I had to splash cold water on my face and recite the elements on the periodic table to make my dick behave. It took another minute to wipe the ridiculous smile off my face.

  Luckily, the next time my phone buzzed with a text, Cameron had mysteriously gone into Ben’s bedroom to take a phone call and Ben and Jordy were at the door paying the delivery guy for the pizza. Thank the lord I didn’t have to run in the bathroom to hide again.

  The conversation didn’t last long. But that didn’t stop the flutter of butterfly wings in my stomach. Letting out a deep breath, I scrolled through the messages again to make sure I’d read them right. I kept reading the same one over and over. Are you free tonight? I want to see you. I shook my head. It still seemed unreal. Jordy yelled at me from the kitchen, “Pizza, Andy. You better come before Ben eats it all.” I pushed myself off the couch and made my way into the kitchen. I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “What has you smiling, mate?” Ben asked as he shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. I quickly picked up a piece of pizza and took a bite to buy time to think up an excuse.

  Luckily, Cam walked in the room and distracted Ben. “I hope you gays ordered a veggie with chicken.”

  Ben frowned. “Cameron, I’ve explained this to you before. If it has chicken, it cannot, by definition, be a veggie.”

  Cam waved his hand. “That may be true in England, Benjamin, but here in America, anything is possible. Am I right?” he asked, looking at Jordy and me.

  Jordy shook his head. “Cam, as much as I enjoy proving Ben wrong, I think he’s technically correct.”

  Cam turned to me. “Help me out, Andy.”

  I laughed. “Nope. I think he’s right. It can’t be a veggie if it has meat.”

  Cam groaned as we all laughed. “Whatever. You bitches are just ganging up on me.”

  “So, are you going to share with the class who you’ve been talking to, all locked up in my bedroom?” Ben asked Cameron.

  If I didn’t know better, I would have sworn I saw a faint blush pass over Cam’s face. “It was nobody. Just someone I’ve been helping with a design project.” I cocked my head and looked at him. He was lying. But I didn’t want to call him out in front of Ben and Jordy. Cam waved his hand. “Let’s just concentrate on game night, shall we? I say we start with Cards Against Humanity.”

  Jordy rolled his eyes. “You always pick the same game.”

  “And you don’t, Mr. Jenga?” Cam quipped.

  Ben intervened. “Now, now, boys, we will take turns choosing like always.”

  Almost every Saturday night since I’d been in college, the four of us had game night. Sometimes we’d invite others, but most times it was just the four of us. I loved it. But that night, I coul
dn’t get excited about game night. The only thing I could think about was Chance.

  Five hours had passed. We had played Cards Against Humanity, two games of Jenga, Pictionary, and a full game of Monopoly. Ben, Jordy, and I had settled down on the floor around the coffee table for cards. Cameron was passed out on the couch. It was nearly midnight. I’d been incessantly checking my phone and I was beginning to wonder if I was going to hear from Chance at all, when my phone finally lit up and vibrated.

  My stomach fluttered when I saw Chance’s name flash on the screen. I’m on my way. Am I too late? I tried not to smile as I responded to his text. “I think I’m going to call it a night,” I said to Ben and Jordy, faking a yawn while putting my cards down on the table.

  Ben furrowed his brow. “Really? It’s not even midnight.”

  I looked over at Cam who was sleeping like a baby. “Tell that to Cameron.”

  Ben laughed. “Well, are you at least going to take your flatmate with you?”

  I smiled. “Why would I do that? Look at him. He’s sleeping so peacefully.”

  Jordy narrowed his eyes at me and I wondered if he was suspicious. “Okay, but if he wakes up cranky, we’re sending him back to you.”

  I smiled. “Fair enough. I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I said as I headed out the door.

  My excitement mounted as I raced over to my apartment to change my shirt and brush my teeth. I still felt as if I was living in a dream. I didn’t know where things were going between Chance and me, but I knew I wanted to spend time with him. More than I’d wanted anything else for a long time.

  chapter twenty-one


  As I walked towards Andy’s apartment building, my heart pounded in my chest. It seemed like an eternity had passed since I’d left him that morning, smiling in his doorway, looking delicious. I wanted to see him again the minute the bus pulled on to campus. But I knew that was impossible. There was no way out of the team dinner and there was no way I could get out of going out with the team after. They would be way too suspicious. When I left the bar, the guys gave me a hard time. I lied and told them I needed to get home and ice my leg. I pulled a hamstring, but it was the last game of the season and I’d suffered through worse. Travis seemed to know I was lying, but he didn’t ask questions.

  Between what had happened with Andy and winning the biggest game of my life, I felt like I was walking on air as I ascended the steps up to his apartment. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got there. I didn’t know if his roommate would be home, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be in the same room with him. I nervously knocked on the door.

  Seconds later, the door swung open. Andy was grinning from ear to ear. His green eyes sparkled with happiness. He was standing in the doorway barefooted, wearing a dark gray t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans. Both hugged his body perfectly. My dick twitched at the sight of him. “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey,” I replied with a smile, putting my hands in the pockets of my jeans, hoping to hide my growing erection.

  I could hear the excitement in his voice grow as he spoke. “You were fucking awesome. That was the best game I’ve ever seen. That two-point conversion was unbelievable—”

  His words took my breath away. I interrupted him. “You saw the game?”

  He grinned. “Of course, I saw it. Just watching you play on TV and thinking about last night…” His cheeks turned pink as his voice trailed off. Without even thinking, I pushed him inside the apartment and closed the door with my foot while I wrapped him in my arms. I’d never felt that before. I’d never felt like I couldn’t breathe another second without kissing someone. But that’s how I felt as soon as I saw him standing in the doorway.

  I don’t know how long we were kissing. It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. I was lost in the feel of his lips against mine. His hands roamed over my shoulders and my back and finally drifted down to my ass as he pressed his hips against mine. I could feel his rock- hard erection pressed against my groin. My cock throbbed painfully against my jeans as I devoured his mouth with mine. I wanted more.

  I breathlessly broke free from our kiss as soon as I realized I hadn’t checked to make sure we were alone. A feeling of panic came over me as my eyes searched around his apartment for Cameron. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice that I’d panicked. I felt an immediate pang of guilt as I had to remind myself once again that we hadn’t done anything wrong. He pulled away from me and walked towards his bedroom and I followed quietly.

  I shut the door behind us. Andy was sitting on the bed smiling at me. “What?” I asked, grinning back at him.

  “Come here,” he said.

  I walked over to him, stood between his legs, and ran my fingers through his soft hair. He reached up for the button on my jeans. I smiled down at him. “What’re you doing?”

  “Postgame blowjob,” he said, unzipping my zipper.

  Holy fuck. A chuckle slipped from my lips. “Oh my god, Andy.”

  He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. The apples of his cheeks were rosy. “What? That’s a thing, isn’t it?”

  I laughed again. “I don’t know. Not for me, at least. But I’m willing to give it a try.”

  “You are, are you?” he teased before he ran his tongue along the edge of the waistband of my boxers. His warm, wet mouth so close to my dick was almost enough to make me come right then and there.

  “Oh fuck, Andy,” I groaned as he pulled down my boxers and jeans in one swift movement. I looked down as he ran his tongue down the crease of my thigh before he nuzzled my pubic hair, taking in a deep breath. It was so fucking erotic. “Jesus, Andy,” I whispered as he moved his attention to my tight balls, taking his time licking and sucking each one, before he turned his attention to my cock, moving his tongue up my shaft and finally swirling it around the tip, licking away the drop of precum that had dripped down the edge. “Holy fuck,” I mumbled as my head fell back. I moved my hands to his shoulders to keep myself from falling over. My entire body was shaking. I’d imagined it happening so many times before, but it never felt that good in my fantasies.

  When his warm mouth finally enveloped me, I knew I wouldn’t last. It was the best thing I’d felt in my entire life. Kara had tried to go down on me once in high school, but it was nothing like that. It was awkward and my cock wouldn’t cooperate. But my cock loved Andy’s mouth. I felt his hands on my ass, massaging my cheeks and pulling them apart as he sucked harder. When his finger grazed my tight hole, I instinctively bucked forward and moaned, without meaning to. “I’m gonna come,” I rasped as I tried to pull out of his mouth. Andy responded by pulling me closer to him and sucking even harder as I shot off into his mouth. “Oh my god, ohmygod, ohmygod… fuck,” I murmured as I felt him swallowing my release.

  I was still quaking from the most intense orgasm I’d ever had when he finally released me from his mouth. I ran my fingers through his hair and looked down at him. He was staring up at me with his beautiful green eyes. “That was the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life,” I said, feeling a smile spread across my face.

  “So, you liked it, then?” he asked with a grin on his face.

  I was still catching my breath as I pulled off my shirt and stepped out of my jeans. I reached for the hem of Andy’s shirt and he raised his arms as I pulled it off him. Instead of answering him, I pushed him back on the bed and went for the button of his jeans, making quick work of pulling them off. I couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful body. His cock was rock hard and thick. He went to scoot back on the bed, but I stopped him and dropped to my knees between his legs. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s my turn,” I said as I bent down to kiss the inside of his thigh.

  He put his hand in my hair. “You don’t have to, Chance. I don’t want you feel like you have to. There’s no rush.”

  I looked up at him. I wanted to taste him so badly my mouth was watering. “I want to.”

  He shook his head. “It’s too much, too soon. Co
me here,” he said as he tried to scoot back on the bed again. I pressed my hands on his thighs to keep him from moving.

  “I want to, Andy. I’m not gonna promise I’ll be good at it. But I want you in my mouth. I’m not going to freak out, if that’s what you’re worried about. Trust me. I’ve thought about this more times than you’d believe.”

  He sat up and nodded. Reaching between his legs, he stroked his thick cock and held it out towards my mouth. The truth was that most of my fantasies had consisted of him going down on me, but I could feel my own cock hardening again with anticipation as I licked my lips. I wanted him in my mouth. I needed to make him feel good. I closed my eyes and licked the head of his shaft and relished in the moan that escaped his lips. He guided the tip of his cock across my lips and I felt my own begin to throb as I opened my mouth and allowed him to guide it inside.

  “Oh god,” he whispered. “Feels so good,” he rasped as I took him farther in my mouth. He felt heavy and hard. He tasted salty and musky. I loved it. I breathed in his familiar scent as I moved up and down his cock. He let out a sexy whimper as I sucked harder. I wondered if I was making him feel half as good as he’d just made me feel when he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away. “Stop,” he said breathlessly. “You have to stop.”

  I pulled off him. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, feeling embarrassed.

  He chuckled. “Fuck no. I was about to come.”

  I grinned and shook my head. I wanted to finish. As I bent over to take him back in my mouth, he pushed me back again. “Nuh-uh,” he said as he scooted back on the bed. “Come here.” He laughed. “You’re not ready to swallow. You have to work up to that.”

  I shook my head as I followed him up to the bed. “Not me. I’m a quick learner,” I teased as I straddled him.

  He grinned up at me. “Trust me on this one.” His eyes drifted down to my throbbing cock. “You’re hard again.”

  “Apparently my cock likes having yours in my mouth.” Andy reached down and stroked his erection.


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