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Fighting For It

Page 4

by A. Aubry

  “Are you tellin’ me to have our first time without a condom?” He softly chuckled.

  I swallowed hard. There was no way that I actually said that out loud. My lust for him was growing just like the dampness between my thighs with every kiss and nip. Also, were we really going to have our first time three fucking days after meeting one another? I had never wanted to have sex this early in a relationship. Usually it was the guy pressuring me a week into it that I finally decided to say okay. Sometimes, if I was lucky, I pushed it off a little longer than that. But my body was acting in a completely unknown way to me and it wanted Jackson right this second.


  Jackson kissed back up to my lips before leaning up and undoing the button of his khaki shorts, pulling down the zipper so slowly that I nearly combusted. He stood up so quickly that it took me a second to register that he had gotten off of me. His hands grabbed onto the waist of his pants before he shoved them down his legs, taking his boxers with it. Now I was pretty sure I was drooling. It was sad when you thought your ex-boyfriend was the biggest in the lower appendage department and then you saw this fucking god and his size immediately dwarfed that of the ex. Was that even going to fit inside of me? Trust me, it was fucking gigantic…there was no way that it could fit.

  When he climbed back on top of me, I could feel him hard and thick against me. The only issue, I was still clothed. I reached down and pulled my tank top up and over my head. Jackson’s mouth fell open when he realized I hadn’t worn a bra to bed.

  I playfully brought my finger up to the corner of my mouth, “Hey, Jack, you got a little something right here.”

  He shook his head and smiled before teasingly wiping his mouth to play along with our joke, “Sorry, took me by surprise.”

  His hands came down before his fingers hooked into the waistband of my sleeping shorts and panties. He took his sweet time taking them off of me and I was just about ready to help him out to get this moving a bit faster. There wouldn’t be much time for me to get ready for work, but who the fuck cared at this point. My legs fell open for him as he positioned himself in between them. Jackson took his cock in his hand and slowly ran the tip up and down the apex of my thighs, forcing a moan to escape.

  “Holy shit, you’re so wet for me,” Jackson said, his voice tight.

  “Come on, Jackson…stop teasing me,” I demanded.

  He pushed into me and I nearly lost it all right there. My mouth fell open as I absorbed all the pleasure that I was feeling at the way he was stretching me. Jackson rested his forearms on either side of my head as he immediately set up a slow, introductory rhythm. My hands went to his back, my nails digging into his skin as I tried to focus on the slow buildup of my orgasm. It had never started this quickly from any other guy.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” Jackson quietly instructed, and I did as I was told.

  Almost as soon as my legs were in place, Jackson pushed even further into me and I gasped in surprise. I had no idea that just from a tiny shift like that, he would be buried even deeper in me. Our lips met, and it encouraged Jackson to pick up his pace. Every thrust came a little harder and faster and somehow hit my desire for him head on. Small explosions of pleasure were bursting all over my body and there was no way for me to pinpoint exactly where they were coming from. Moans were flowing freely from my lips as Jackson’s groans were following closely behind.

  As our bodies became accustomed to the pace that Jackson had set, he started to pick it up even more. The harder he thrusted and the more pressure he put on that desire that built up within me for him, the closer I could feel myself to my release. The only other sounds that filled the room besides our moaning and groaning were the sounds of our bodies slapping together every time he thrusted. Jackson leaned up and put his hands beside my head as he thrusted into me harder and faster than before. I didn’t even think it was possible, until he started to do it.

  “Jackson…fuck…right there,” I moaned as my back arched up off the bed.

  He leaned down and took one of my nipples into his mouth, instantly starting to suck. My eyes closed as they rolled back into my head. My whole body began to feel as though it was on fire. I was so close, I was trying to hold on but with the pleasure he was bringing me it was really difficult.

  “Shit, I’m gonna come,” Jackson grunted against my breast.

  I let out a loud moan—that was more of a scream—of his name. My orgasm tore through my body as I felt like I was engulfed in flames. I could feel my fingernails digging into his back as I followed my release into the pure bliss. My mind felt like it was swimming, light headed and airy as my mouth felt dry. I heard Jackson call out my name as he thrusted into me hard three times, forcing his release to fill me up more with every push. He collapsed on top of me as we tried to drag air into our lungs. There was definitely no way that I had ever felt this way with another man. I held Jackson to me as I tried to get my head back on straight, I had never felt light headed after an orgasm. Normally I was just like, eh okay we are done now. Wait…had I never really had a real orgasm up until that point?

  “God, I swear I fuckin’ saw the light,” Jackson breathed hard against my neck.

  I pursed my lips, trying hard not to laugh, “What light?”

  He sat up slightly as he gazed down at me, “Like I died and went to heaven durin’ that.”

  “Come on, I’m sure you have had good sex before you met me.” Even though I had never had anything compared to that.

  “Good sex…yes. Mind blowin’ sex like that? No way.”

  I rolled my eyes. He probably said that after every hook up that he had. The thing was, I didn’t want this to just be a hook up. Sure, we’d hung out yesterday, but who was I to say that I wasn’t just another girl on his list?

  “What? It wasn’t mind-blowin’ for you?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

  “If I am being honest…”

  “I expect you to be honest with me, Madeline…”

  “That was the best sex I have ever had in my life. Also, if it is possible…I think that was the first real orgasm I have ever had during sex,” I chewed my lip nervously.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I have never fucking felt like I do now after sex with any of my previous boyfriends,” I sighed.

  Jackson kissed my lips gently, “I haven’t ever come like that before. It literally felt like it wasn’t goin’ to stop.”

  I smiled shyly and buried my face in his neck. His lips pressed against my hair and we just laid there for what felt like hours. Jackson’s phone ringing off from the pocket of his shorts was what ultimately forced us apart. He climbed off of me slowly before reaching down and grabbing his phone. His sigh told me that our time together was coming to a close. I heard his keyboard clicking as he typed out a response and tossed his phone back onto his pile of clothes.

  “I have to get home to pack so I’m not late for our flight,” he looked back at me from over his shoulder.

  “Can we talk about us first?” I blurted out.

  Fuck…I was not supposed to say that out loud. It was like my brain to mouth filter didn’t work when it came to this man in my bed. He turned around and extended his arm out before pulling me back against him.

  “What would you like to know?”

  I waved a finger between the two of us, “This isn’t just a hook up…is it?”

  He chuckled, “Madeline, there are no other girls in my life. I don’t want this to be just a hook up. I honestly think I am ready for a relationship after Josie shattered me several months ago.”

  “Wait…there haven’t been any other girls between her and right now?”

  As he shook his head, his shaggy hair bounced slightly, “No, nothin’ ever felt right. I never had a connection with a woman until I met you. So, Madeline…if you’ll have me…I would like to be your boyfriend.”

  I squealed and immediately covered my mouth, “I mean…yay!”

  Jackson laughed and
wrapped me up in his arms as we exchanged a tender kiss. We pulled apart from one another, something we didn’t want to do but had to do. I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up before allowing Jackson to join me in the bathroom. I pulled a spare toothbrush from under the sink and gave it to him. This was never something I really did with my ex-boyfriends. We never got ready for our day together, they usually barely stayed the night.

  I got dressed in a black skirt and red dress shirt, slipping on a pair of black short heels. When it was time for us to go, Jackson and I walked down to his truck hand in hand even though my car was parked in the garage. Saying goodbye to him at my apartment door didn’t feel right, I needed those few extra moments with him.

  At his truck, Jackson took me into his arms one final time. He kissed the tip of my nose and I blushed at the gesture. My hands rested on his upper arms and I looked up at him in an attempt to memorize every little thing about him.

  “I wish we had more time…” I said softly.

  “So do I. But like I said yesterday, we can text…call…FaceTime. Anythin’ you want, and I will be right there to answer. Unless I’m playin’ a game then I won’t get to answer,” he winked playfully at his last sentence.

  I nodded slowly as a smile pulled at my lips, “Let me know when you get to Detroit. I’ll miss you.”

  He grinned, “That’s the first time I think someone has ever said that and actually meant it.”

  How could anyone say that and not mean it? Then again, I was sure his ex-wife said she would miss him before he left for spring training and ended up cheating on him for an entire month straight.

  My arms wrapped around his neck as I tugged him closer to me, “Well, I mean it very much.”

  “Good, and I will miss you too.”

  Giving him a deep kiss to hopefully tide me over for the next week, Jackson climbed in his truck and I saw him off. When I got into my car, I could have sworn I could still smell Jackson’s smell on my shirt. That was not a bad thing, it comforted me and for the next week I would need all the comfort that I could get.

  “Well look who is rolling in right at nine o’clock this morning,” Alexandria teased as I walked into my cubicle across from hers.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I glanced over at her.

  She laughed, “It means you are usually the first one in the office then all of a sudden today you are the last one here. Was there an accident on the freeway coming into work this morning?”

  I pursed my lips to hide the smile I had on my face as I mentally relived this morning with Jackson, “Nope, all clear.”

  “I don’t have any other options on why you would be late because I know it wouldn’t be a boy. Wait, oh my god, your baseball player! Did he spend the night? Was he as good looking naked as he looked in his clothing of choice on Saturday?”

  “Alex!” I scolded as I looked around the office.

  She rolled around to my desk in her chair, “Dish it.”

  “We went out for breakfast yesterday, end of story,” I smiled but it was a little too wide that she knew something else was up.

  “Mhm…what else?”

  Knowing I couldn’t exactly beat around the bush, I told her everything. It took everything in her to hold back from shaking me with excitement. She asked her nitty gritty questions and I answered what I wanted to and chose to plead the fifth for the rest. When she got all that she could out of me, she went back to her desk. I buckled down after sending my revised chapter from yesterday off to my publisher to get their thoughts on it. The fact that I had a ton of work to get done didn’t stop me from constantly checking my email for their response.

  Alexandria invited me out to lunch, probably to get more dirt on me and Jackson, but it was lunchtime and I was starving. We drove down to a small mom and pop family restaurant that always had the best sandwiches. After the hostess sat us, I pulled out my phone to check my email just one last time. As soon as my mail finished loading, the response from my publisher was back. I held my breath as I opened it and read it.

  Madeline- Great work! I can definitely feel the chemistry now and the presentation of the emotions in both characters just by their subtle nonverbal cues told a story beyond the story. Can’t wait to see what you send over next! -Lindsay.

  “Oh my god…they loved it,” I said aloud.

  “Who loved what?” Alexandria asked as she looked up from her menu.

  “My publisher…they loved the rewrite I sent that Jackson helped me on.”

  She reached over and put a hand on my arm, “That’s great. Maybe you should call Jackson and let him know.”

  I nodded and excitedly found his number in my contacts before pressing call. It rang three times before he finally answered.

  “I’ve only been gone a few hours and you already miss me enough to call me?” He teased.

  “As much as I do miss you, that is not why I’m calling,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Then to what do I owe the pleasure, darlin’?” His southern twang came out and I felt my heart skip a beat.

  “My publisher loved the rewrite you helped me with. I just wanted to tell you the good news.”

  There were some voices that spoke out behind him but he spoke up louder, “That’s amazin’, Madeline. I’m happy that I could help you but the writin’ portion was all you.”

  I smiled, he didn’t want any credit for inspiring me. Lucas would have jumped at the chance to claim responsibility for my accomplishment. A younger male waiter came over and asked what we would like to drink. Alexandria asked for a water with a lemon and I nodded and held up two fingers to indicate that I wanted one too.

  “Who was that?” Jackson questioned a little too quickly.

  “Who was what? I’m out to lunch with Alexandria,” I looked at her and shrugged.

  “The man, Madeline.”

  Oh shit…he was being possessive. I mean, I could understand why because of his ex-wife and all but we just labeled our relationship this morning. I silently indicated to Alexandria that I was going to take my phone call outside and pointed to what on the menu I wanted so she could order for me. I took a step outside, the small bell above the door chiming as it opened.

  “Jackson, that was the waiter asking me and Alexandria what we wanted to drink,” I spoke calmly. The last thing I wanted was for this to be blown out of proportion.

  He sighed, and I could hear him mumble something to himself, “I’m sorry, I just—"

  “I know, it’s because of Josie. But Jack, you have nothing to worry about, okay? I’m about as monogamous as they come. You don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to me and you.”

  “I’m a fuckin’ idiot, aren’t I? Gettin’ all pissed off because a male waiter was talkin’ to you,” he sounded ashamed of himself.

  If I was being honest…the possessiveness turned me on kind of. Was that a weird thing to say?

  “You are the furthest thing from an idiot. But were you really getting pissed off?” It was a genuine question.

  “Is it goin’ to make you think less of me if I say yes?”

  I bit my lip, “I actually find it kind of hot…”

  His voice perked up, “Oh really?”

  I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see me, “Yeah, turned me on a little when you got all defensive and possessive. I could already feel you staking your claim through the phone.”

  “Baby, don’t start talkin’ to me like that. It will lead to nothin’ but trouble…”

  Oh, this was getting hot.

  “But what if I like trouble?” I whispered, unable to hide the husk to my voice.

  He said something away from the receiver and the voices that were around him suddenly died down as though he moved away to be alone.

  “You know how badly I wish I was there with you, don’t you?” Now his voice had a slight echo to it, if I heard it right.

  “Why don’t you tell me how badly?” I said as seductively as I could. I wasn’t usually very good at this.
/>   A small beeping sound came in my ear before Jackson said his response, “Why don’t you take a look?”

  I furrowed my brows and lifted my phone away from my ear. Quickly punching in the passcode, I opened Jackson’s text message. Right there, in all its ten-inch glory, was his cock in his hand lighting up my screen. My mouth went slack as I gaped at the picture. It took me a second to lift the phone back to my ear.

  “You see what you do to me when you talk like that, Madeline?” His voice definitely went huskier than before.

  “Mhm,” was all that I could manage to say.

  “Now, what am I supposed to do with this problem standin’ in an airport bathroom?”

  I smirked, “You could always take care of it.”

  He coughed to hide his laughter, “How do you want me to do it?”

  My tongue dragged over my lips, this was getting hotter than I thought it would, “Stroke yourself for me, Jackson.”

  I heard him groan and I knew he had already started. The fact that families with babies were walking by me to get into the restaurant should have deterred me from wanting to do this. But there was something about how much I turned Jackson on that turned me on just as much. Alex had texted me saying she was going to order the food now and I discreetly texted her just a few more minutes and I would be back in.

  “Fuck…” Jackson quietly moaned into the receiver.

  “That feel good, baby?” I grinned.

  “Would feel so much better if it were you doin’ this to me, Maddie.”

  “Don’t worry, the second you get back…I will definitely do that for you.”

  He took a deep breath through clenched teeth, a sound I had heard just this morning as he sunk into me.

  “You thinking about this morning? How you fucked me so good in bed that you made me scream? How wet I was for you before we even started?” I encouraged softly, making sure to keep my voice low.

  “Shit…yes…” he grunted quietly.

  “Come on, Jackson…come for me,” I whispered, slowly saying the words.

  “Madeline!” He groaned, followed by a few short grunts.


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