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Fighting For It

Page 5

by A. Aubry

  Holy shit. I just made a man come and it was only by the words that I said. That was probably one of the hottest things and the biggest turn on I had ever encountered. It sucked that I had to go back to work after this. Now I was just a little too hot and bothered for my own good.

  “Fuck, you’re not even here and I came as much as I did with you.”

  Why did that make me feel proud? “Good. But now I am all hot and bothered and I have to go eat lunch before going back to work. So at least one of us is sated.”

  I heard him laugh, “If I can go into a bathroom and jack off, you can go into a bathroom and take care of yourself.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I can’t right now. I gotta go. Have a safe flight, the next week is going to suck without you.”

  “You could always come visit and suck—"

  “Goodbye, Jackson.”

  I hung up before he could answer. As much as I wanted to go to wherever he was going to be so that I could be with him, it wasn’t exactly possible. I walked back into the restaurant at the exact time that our waiter brought our food to the table. We thanked him and dug in.

  “So why’d you have to take that outside?” Alexandria asked as she swirled her French fry in ranch.

  I shook my head, “Jackson got jealous of the waiter, thinking I was out with another guy. His ex-wife cheated on him, so I wanted to step away and just calm him down.”

  She nearly choked on her fry, “Did you say ex-wife?”

  “Yeah, he’s in the process of getting divorced from her. They were only married ten months but were together for two years before that. It’s a long story.”

  She shrugged and dug into her sandwich as my phone pinged from its place on the table. I picked it up as I took a sip of water. Once I read the message, I had to fight not to spit it out all over Alex.

  Jackson: If I was there with you, I’d be sliding my hand under your skirt and into your panties…

  “Maddie? Is everything okay?” Alexandria asked, concerned at the fact I hadn’t swallowed my water.

  I swallowed hard, nearly choking on my water, before I punched back a response.

  Me: Jackson, not right now…I need to eat.

  I set the phone back down and smiled at Alex who was still watching me closely, “I’m totally fine, just wasn’t expecting Jackson to text me back so quickly.”

  “Oh…okay…” She mumbled as we went back to eating.

  Another text from Jackson came in.

  Jackson: Oh, I know what I need to eat. I’d love to have my tongue buried deep in you like my cock was this morning.

  My eyes went wide and luckily Alex was looking at her phone when they did that.

  Me: You are not going to make me go into the bathroom of a family restaurant and masturbate for you, Jackson Ryder.

  Jackson: Oh come on, I know you’re dripping wet for me. I can vouch for how wet you got for me this morning.

  I pursed my lips and put my phone face down on the table and ignored the message. As I finally finished up my sandwich, text message alerts, one right after the other, were coming from my phone.

  “Oh what in the hell does Jackson want now?” Alexandria reached and grabbed my phone.

  “NO!” I yelled and snatched my phone back from her.

  She laughed, “What? Don’t want me to see your little cutesy talk?”

  Oh, Alex…it was far from cutesy.

  I nodded and blushed, hoping she couldn’t tell I was lying.

  “Ugh, the honeymoon phase. Lord I hope that is a short one for you guys. Seeing you all wrapped up in your phone like that is already starting to irritate me,” she finished off her meal and we quickly went up to pay.

  Once we got back to work, we still had ten minutes left before we had to get back to it. Alex took that free time to catch up on the office gossip…I decided maybe it was time I took care of the little issue in between my legs. Seeking out the one bathroom that was hidden away from everybody, I snuck in and locked the door behind me. I instantly called Jackson back, hoping he wasn’t already on the plane.

  “What’s up? We are boardin’ in ten minutes,” he sounded all innocent, but I knew better.

  “I…I think it’s time I took care of that problem. I’m in the bathroom…lead the way.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Just when I thought that Jackson could make me come like no other when he was touching me, I was proven wrong as I experienced the second-best orgasm of my life from just the sound of his voice.

  Chapter Four

  If I paced anymore in this airport, security was going to start coming over and asking questions. It wasn’t like I was looking suspicious. My hair was in low pigtails, my shirt had a Disney-inspired scene from the movie Up on it, and my jean shorts with the American flag printed on the pockets screamed patriotism. But if Jackson and his teammates didn’t get off that fucking plane and past security in the next five minutes, I was surely going to be escorted out of the building.

  It was Sunday night and I would finally get to see Jackson. It had been a long fucking week even though we called, texted, and FaceTimed as much as we could. Before I met Jackson, the idea of doing anything sexual on FaceTime was a major turn off for me. But hell, that’s where most of our video chats went and I was pretty sure my neighbors were getting sick of hearing me scream in pleasure. The only family friendly video chat was last night because his friend Owen decided to start refusing to leave their shared room.

  “O, seriously man? You can’t just head out for twenty minutes or so? I won’t be on here very long with Madeline since we have an early game.”

  “Nope, I am staying right here.”

  Wow, some friend he was.

  “I’m sorry, Mad…I tried…” Jackson sighed as he rested back against his pillows.

  I smiled sweetly, “It’s okay, Jack. Now I can just tell you how much I miss you over and over.”

  I heard Owen scuff in the background which caused Jackson to smirk.

  “You know, I wouldn’t mind hearin’ that a few more dozen times.”

  “Guys, cut the cute shit. I’m not going to leave because you two think you can gross me out enough with all this romance crap.”

  “Someone is being a bit grouchy today. Don’t you think so, Owen? Did you forget your trash can at home?” I teased.

  “Did…did she just refer to me as Oscar the grouch from Sesame Street?” Owen asked Jackson who was stifling his laughter.

  I pursed my lips as Jackson nodded his response and broke into a fit of roaring laughter.

  “Where the fuck did you find this one? On the kindergarten playground?”

  “Actually, it was the preschool one…get it straight, O.” I playfully pouted.

  Jackson was gasping for air as he laughed harder, “Oh my god. This is one of the many reasons why I like you, Mad. Such a quick witted sassy girl.”

  I blushed, “Well, I don’t know who pissed in his cheerios this morning, but I’m lucky I’m not the one sharing a room with him tonight.”

  Jackson stopped laughing as he took in the fact that after this FaceTime call was over, he would have to deal with Owen alone, “Shit.”

  “Watch your language, Jack, there are children present,” Owen jokingly sneered.

  “Oh yeah, how is your potty training going, Owen?” I snapped back before giggling.

  Before Jackson could even stop it, another round of laughter came about. Man did seeing him this happy make my heart do a flip or what?

  “Madeline!” Jackson’s voice echoed around me.

  I quickly turned around to see him jogging towards me with his duffle bag over his shoulder. He threw it on the ground and picked me up, spinning me around as I held onto him tightly.

  “You’re home!” I squealed as I wrapped my legs around him.

  “God, I’ve never been so happy to be home,” he buried his face in my neck as he inhaled deeply.

  He was smelling me? I mean, sure, I had some good smelling perfume, but damn.
A part of me wanted to just tell Jackson my surprise for him right then and there. I had secretly taken tomorrow off of work just so that I could have a whole day with him. We had been apart for a week and that still felt like it was too damn long. Just as I was about to remind Jackson that my lips were on my face because he started kissing my neck, a familiar voice came up beside us.

  “Look whose preschool van made a pit stop just for us,” Owen teased as he and two other men I didn’t recognize approached me and Jackson.

  “Well if it isn’t Owen the grouch as I live and breathe,” I giggled.

  Jackson smiled and kissed my cheek, “You are so adorable.”

  “Oh yeah, adorable alright. Look at these cheeks…they make me just want to pinch them,” Owen’s arm extended as he went to pinch my cheek.

  I swatted his hand away and Jackson laughed. He set me down and turned to face his friends.

  “Baby, you already know Owen, but these other two…much quieter…fellas are Derek and Jared. Guys, this is my Madeline,” Jackson introduced us.

  Just his introduction of me made a shiver go down my spine. I sure as hell was his, no man had ever called me their Madeline before. Shit, barely any of my ex-boyfriends ever called me Madeline in the first place.

  “It’s nice to meet you guys,” I said softly, getting shy around people I didn’t know was my specialty.

  Jackson put his arm around me and held me tight against him. He grinned down at me, reassuring me that they were good guys. He had seen how shy and quiet I got when he informally introduced me to Owen via video chat the day after he left. I could have sworn I had some type of social anxiety when it came to people I didn’t know. Luckily, Owen and I were past that phase now, hence why we picked on each other.

  “You gonna come out for brunch tomorrow, Jack?” The man introduced as Derek asked as he adjusted his duffle bag on his shoulder.

  “I don’t know, I might. Or I might appreciate the time in my own bed after sleepin’ in hotels for a week,” Jackson laughed as we all turned to head towards baggage claim after he picked up his bag in his free hand.

  “Sure, you probably wanna stay in bed with Madeline,” Owen rolled his eyes.

  “Madeline actually has a job that she goes to,” Jackson defended.

  Not tomorrow though…

  I stayed silent as we approached the carousel. Jackson’s bag was quick to come onto the carousel and he picked it up with ease. Before him and his friends could continue to shoot the shit, Jackson waved goodbye and guided us towards the parking structure. I led him to where I parked my car and opened the trunk for him.

  “Remember when you said I have to work tomorrow?” I said as smoothly as I could.

  Jackson nodded, “I know you could have spoken for yourself but sometimes his teasin’ gets a taken a little too far for my likin’.”

  “No, it’s not that. I’m not mad at you for defending me. But…I took the day off tomorrow, so I could spend the day with you…”

  “Really?” His eyes got wide as he closed the trunk.

  I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him closer to me, “Yes, really. I want to spend time with my man while I can get it.”

  “God, you are so amazin’. Have I told you that?”

  “You can continue to tell me that for the next twenty-four hours because I am all yours,” I giggled and got up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “Wanna come to my place? That way we won’t have to worry about neighbors?” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Where exactly do you live?” I finally asked the question that I hadn’t asked before.

  “Up in White Bear Lake. Believe me, I was fuckin’ ecstatic when I got to keep this house in the divorce.”

  Oh yeah…the divorce.

  “Oh…so it’s where you and your wife lived together?”

  Well, that made things awkward.

  “Oh…no, no. This was the place that I bought before I met her and then I kept it as a secondary house I guess you could say. Josie and I had a house in Eden Prairie, this one was reserved as my bachelor pad then my ‘dog house’ whenever we would get into a fight. Otherwise my friends and family used it when they came to visit. You are actually the first girl I’m ever goin’ to take there as more than just a friend,” he wrapped his arms around me as he spoke.

  “So, Josie has never been there?” I pursed my lips.

  “As far as I know, she hasn’t. It’s got a security gate out front with a passcode that I change every six months. Like I said, you will be the first girl of mine to step foot into my bachelor pad.”

  I giggled softly, “Now I feel a little special.”

  He pressed a light kiss to my lips, “Good, because you are special.”

  A blush crept over my cheeks and Jackson released me before going and opening the driver’s side door for me. I climbed in and closed my door as he went around and got in beside me. He put his address into my GPS and soon we were off. Forty minutes later, we were pulling up to his little box to enter his passcode.

  “You live on a fucking island, Jackson,” my mouth dropped open as I rolled my window down.

  “Are you just sayin’ that because the road is literally called island instead of lane or road?” He chuckled before he told me the passcode.

  I punched it into the box and the gate slowly began to open before us, “No, I’m saying that because we drove here and there was water on either side of us…that is an island.”

  As soon as the gate was all the way open, I pulled into the driveway and waited for the gate to close behind me. I wasn’t sure why I did that, I just felt like I wanted to make sure it actually did close. Driving up the paved driveway, what looked like a single-story house appeared just behind where the driveway curved around into a circle. The exterior was made of bricks and stone, with large windows and white trim.

  “Wow, I never picked you for a ranch style home type of guy,” I teased as I put the car in park and turned it off.

  “Oh, it’s not a ranch. It’s got two stories. The lower level is built more down into the ground,” he grinned and got out of the car.

  I popped the trunk and went to help him with his bags. Grabbing his duffle bag before he could protest, I followed Jackson to the front door and waited for him to open it. Once inside, my mouth felt like it literally hit the ground when it fell open. The walls were dark cream colored with varnished wood strategically used within the house. The living room had a large bay window that looked out onto the lake where two boats sat at the end of the dock.

  Jackson took me on a full tour, the large kitchen was what caught my eye. It was every chef’s dream kitchen, and while I was not exactly a chef…I loved to cook. I could tell what he meant by it being a bachelor pad, there was not a woman’s touch in the place at all. It was decked out with sports memorabilia and his office was filled with trophies and pictures of his career and him growing up. He had saved that room for last, obviously not wanting to brag about his accomplishments. As I looked at his little league trophies, I noticed a picture of a very small Jackson with a woman with long brown hair and a wide smile on her face.

  “Who is this in the picture with you?” I pointed to it.

  He walked up next to me and smiled, “That was my mom. She never missed a game all the way up until she passed away.”

  I looked up at him, “Moms are always great at being the number one fan of their children, but that is determination if I ever heard it.”

  “She was amazin’. I’m sure she would have loved you,” he said softly as he gazed down at me.

  “I would have loved to meet her.”

  “That would have been great. Let’s go take a bath, my muscles are still a bit tired from the game today.”

  I nodded excitedly, “Lead the way. I’d probably get lost if I tried to lead us.”

  He chuckled and took my hand. Leading us up the staircase, Jackson pointed out a few pictures that hung on the walls that he didn’t before. One caught my attention to look back
at again later, one of his sister, himself, and his father. Jackson seemed like he was really close with his family and I wanted to make sure I learned as much as I could about them. We walked into a large bathroom that was attached to the master bedroom. A long-rounded bathtub sat beside an enclosed shower, the vanity held two sinks, and the wood really accentuated the homely feel of the room. It was simple, but it felt like it wasn’t too simple.

  I watched as Jackson adjusted the temperature for the water and closed the drain as it began to fill up. As he turned to face me, slowly stalking over towards me with lust filled in his eyes, I swallowed hard. Sure, I had seen that look about a thousand times over video chat but seeing it in person was a whole different ball game. Jackson stood close in front of me and dragged the back of his fingers over my cheek softly.

  “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Madeline,” he whispered.

  I felt my cheeks burn pink, “I believe I do know, because I have missed you just as much, Jackson.”

  He groaned as he leaned down and kissed my lips. I hooked my arms around his neck as I brought him closer against me. The way that Jackson kissed me, I had never been kissed like that before. It was as though he was trying to pour every emotion into our kiss, show me that with every gentle stroke of his tongue against mine that he really did care about me. His hands skimmed down my body as he reached down and lifted my shirt over my head. Mentally, I patted myself on the back for going with my black lace bra rather than the sports bras I had been wearing while Jackson was away. Then again, Jackson barely paid it any attention because his lips were still on mine as he unhooked my bra and let it drop to the floor.

  I tugged his shirt over his head, effectively breaking our kiss. My hands instinctively went to his chest as though I needed to touch it to prove to myself that he was really back in front of me. Before I could stop myself, I leaned close to his chest and pressed my lips against his firm skin. Jackson let out a low growl and I smiled against his chest as I slowly began to kiss downwards. I kneeled in front of him and locked eyes with his as I undid the button of his jeans. Skipping over the zipper, I hooked my fingers into the waistband of his jeans and boxers and quickly pulled them down to his ankles. His cock sprung to life in front of me and I nearly gasped at how excited I was that it was all there just for me.


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