Book Read Free

Fighting For It

Page 11

by A. Aubry

  “For the amazing sex?” She wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed.

  “While I wouldn’t exactly say no to that, I just want to be with him. I want to fall asleep in his arms, I want him to kiss me when he wakes up before me.”

  She nodded, “I know what you mean. I’ve only been on two dates with Owen and I already miss him.”

  My mouth dropped open, “Wait, Owen as in Jackson’s friend Owen?”

  We hadn’t really had time to gossip together or catch up. Our articles were taking us in every which way and so this was really the first time that I had seen Alexandria.

  “The very same. Why do you look so surprised?”

  “Because Owen the grouch is a party pooper.”


  I shook my head, “It’s a long story. But if you two have had two dates, I take it that they went well.”

  She grinned, “They were amazing. He is such a gentleman.”

  Wow, maybe I didn’t give Owen enough credit. My phone began to ring on my desk. Alexandria and I had only been at work for an hour, choosing to come into work at eight o’clock rather than our usual nine. When I looked at the caller ID, Jackson was calling me with his morning wake up call. Damn, how I missed him.

  Alexandria winked, “I’ll let you take that.”

  I smiled and picked up my phone, “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

  “Isn’t that my line?” Jackson laughed.

  “Not when I’ve been up and at work for an hour and you are just getting up.”

  “Early mornin’?”

  “Yep. I can’t wait to get out of here. I took a half day so that I can just go home. I’m miserable without you here, Jackson.”

  “I feel the same way, Madeline. It’s hard goin’ to sleep without you here. But we are halfway through it.”

  My face fell. Only halfway? Couldn’t we be done already?

  I sighed, “I know, but halfway isn’t close enough to being done. I’d give anything to see you in person.”

  Jackson said something away from the receiver, his words muffled. Was he seriously having a conversation with someone while he was supposed to be talking to me? It felt like it took forever for him to come back to our talk.

  “Baby, how would you feel about comin’ to Chicago for the weekend?” His voice said softly.

  “For what?” I found myself asking. Wow, you are dumb this morning.

  “To come see me. You can come to my games, we can spend time together in the city…we can be together.”

  I could actually do that? Why didn’t I know this was an option? Quickly, I picked up a pen and threw it over the wall of my cubicle to Alexandria’s and was rewarded with her ‘ow’.

  “Jackson, you don’t know how much I would love that.”

  Alexandria stomped into my cubicle and held up my pen, “Looking for something?”

  “Who was that?” Jackson laughed, “They sound pissed.”

  “I threw a pen at Alex to get her attention. Did you know that my Alex and your Owen have been on two dates?”

  “I did indeed know that. Owen told me yesterday.”

  “The fuck? I’m just hearing it from you now?” I whined.

  Jackson chuckled, “I was a little more focused on the fact that you were naked when you answered our FaceTime call last night.”

  My cheeks burned, “Oh yeah…”

  “Yeah, that is enough to make a man forget his train of thought,” Jackson playfully scolded.

  “Okay, back on track here, baby. I want to come visit you, but I don’t think I have enough money for a last-minute flight.”

  “Go on the airline website of your choice and when you get to bookin’ it, I will give you my credit card information. While you’re at it, invite Alexandria along too. That way we have someone to distract Owen from tryin’ to annoy us.”

  I looked up at Alexandria who still didn’t look happy, “You wanna go see Owen this weekend?”

  That caused her expression to change to a huge grin as she nodded.

  “Okay, she’s in,” I told Jackson.

  Logging into Delta airlines, I booked us the next flight that I could which was apparently only first-class seats available. Jackson argued with me to just book the dang flight, not caring the tickets were outrageously priced for a just over an hour flight. After they were booked and paid for, Jackson said he would get me and Alex a room at the hotel he was at. By the time our flight would land, the team would already be at the field. So, we decided that we would take a taxi to the hotel, drop off our bags, and Jackson said he would have tickets waiting for us at will call. This was it, I was really going to see my boyfriend. I told Jackson that I loved him and that I would see him after the game before we hung up.

  “Hold on, did you just say you loved him?” Alex said as she sat back on my desk.

  I smiled shyly and nodded, “Yeah, we are already at that point in our relationship.”

  She raised an eyebrow, “Who said it first?”


  “That’s the way it should be. Now, let’s finish up here and get back to our places to pack. I’ll meet you at the airport?”

  “Definitely. Chicago weekend, here we come!”

  After rushing through work and getting home as quickly as I could, Alex and I met at the airport with our weekend bags packed and ready to go. We boarded our flight, giggling like schoolgirls that we were actually going to see our men, and as soon as the plane was in the air I thought I was going to go crazy with how long it seemed. Once we landed, we hailed a cab and were taken to our hotel only to find out that Jackson not only booked us a room but a two-bedroom suite. He went all out and while it was rather unnecessary, it felt good to be spoiled.

  All settled in, we made our way over to Wrigley Field to watch the game. I may or may not have borrowed one of Jackson’s jerseys that he was leaving behind at his place when I packed my things. So, I got to wear something to support my boyfriend, even if I had technically stolen it. We got there early enough to see the team doing their own little warm ups by tossing the ball back and forth, but it was Jackson I couldn’t take my eyes off of. I could hardly believe that just this morning I thought I would have to wait five more days to see that man, but now he was only feet away from me.

  The game was long, going into extra innings, the Twins pulling out a last-minute win. I was excited for Jackson and his team, but I was more excited because in a few hours, I would get to be with him again. By the time we got back to the hotel, Alex and I were starving. The few snacks that we had at the ballpark were not enough to tide us over through dinner. So, we took it upon ourselves and ordered room service. When the food came, we went to town…it was almost as though we hadn’t eaten in days.

  A knocking came from the door, interrupting mine and Alexandria’s dinner. When I checked the clock, I knew there could only be one reason why someone was knocking on our door. I got up from my chair and ran to the door. Swinging it open, I squealed at the sight of Jackson in front of me and jumped into his arms. My lips pressed hard against his as his hands held me up from the backs of my thighs.

  “God…how I have missed…the feeling…of your lips…against mine…” I mumbled in between each kiss of our lips.

  “I have missed…you bein’…in my arms…” Jackson replied, refusing to let our kiss get in the way of our words.

  Faintly, I could hear Alexandria say hi to Owen and his soft response back. Owen moved past us, and I could hear the door close against the swing lock that Alex had probably put out to keep it from closing all the way. Good, because I didn’t have my key on me.

  Jackson pulled back and gazed into my eyes, “I can’t believe you are really here.”

  I smiled as my cheeks blushed, “Well, you better believe it because I am here, and I am all yours.”

  “Fuck, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jackson. I can’t thank you enough for paying for everything…” I sighed as I rested my forehead against his.

  “I will give you anythin’ that you ask for, Madeline. Besides, you bein’ here is because I couldn’t spend another night away from you.”

  My eyes met his, “So, I take it the clause that Josie wants hasn’t been talked about again?”

  He pursed his lips momentarily, “It’s been talked about a lot, but for now it’s not written in stone. Reed said he’d try to hold it off as long as he possibly can. He has a meetin’ with a divorce judge who is goin’ to tell him if that is somethin’ he would actually grant or not. For now, I am goin’ to take advantage of the time that I can publicly have with you.”

  “Oh, Jackson, I’ve fucking missed you,” I groaned as I tangled a hand in his hair.

  “I’ve missed you so much, my Madeline.”

  Jackson set me down and I grabbed his hand, leading him into the living area of mine and Alex’s room. We walked in just in time to see Owen and Alex kissing in the middle of the room. Oh, payback was going to be sweet.

  “Now, that’s enough kids,” I teased as Jackson released my hand and put his arm around my waist.

  Owen and Alex parted, Alex’s cheeks colored a bright red, and I was rewarded with Owen’s glare. I shrugged and went back to my dinner, sharing it with Jackson who let me sit on his lap. After taking the last few bites, I rested my head against Jackson, taking in the smell of his cologne.

  “What are the plans for the evening?” Alexandria asked as I saw her nestle into Owen as his arm draped around her.

  Jackson kissed my forehead, “We want to take you pretty ladies out.”

  “Out?” I asked, confused.

  It was almost ten o’clock and I had no idea what there was to do in Chicago. I had only been a few times before but that was always for your standard concerts and a trip or two to the Art Institute.

  “How would you like to go to Navy Pier? Rumor has it that it has one of the best views of the skyline,” Jackson said softly.

  “Are you speaking from experience of seeing it?” I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

  “Nope. I have never had the opportunity to go sightsee when we come to Chicago because of our schedule. Usually in our down time I am sleepin’. I want to go see it with you though.”

  I grinned, “Then let’s go.”

  We all got up from our seats and I picked up my purse before putting it around my neck as it slung across my chest. Jackson took my hand, lacing our fingers together, and led our group down to the lobby. Getting a cab was easy and the four of us piled into the van before the driver sped off towards the pier. The drive along the lake was beautiful and soon we were dropped off at the entrance. Jackson paid for my ticket and his while Owen paid for his and Alex’s. It was our first official double date.

  As we walked inside, a large building sat in the middle made of what looked like glass. It caught my attention right off the bat and I smiled over at Jackson. He nodded when he realized I was asking if we could go there and I excitedly skipped ahead. Walking under a large sign that said The Crystal Gardens, it definitely did not disappoint. It was a large botanical garden that had the most amazing views. Owen and Alex walked their own way around while Jackson and I walked together.

  “This place is beautiful. I mean, look at that view…I’ve never seen anything like it,” I said in complete awe as I stared out the window in front of me.

  “I have,” Jackson responded softly from next to me.

  I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him, “You have? Where have you seen a view this beautiful?”

  He smirked, “I’m lookin’ at it.”

  My cheeks burned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips, “You are such a romantic.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” His eyes had a flash of worry in them. Obviously, Josie wasn’t a huge fan of this side of him when they were together. First with the foot rubs, now this?

  “No, it’s a wonderful thing. I’m happy that I got to share this moment with you, it beats sitting at home all alone while waiting for your call.”

  His arms snaked around my waist as he pulled me close, “It sure does. Now I get to hold you in my arms and tell you just how much I love you.”

  I smiled shyly, “And how much is that?”

  “So fuckin’ much. I am over the moon for you.”

  “That’s a new saying…” I giggled.

  “Really? Hmm, must be a Southern thing because my father used to say it to my mother all the time,” his smile brightened at the memory.

  “And did she say it back?” I took a small step closer to him.

  He nodded as he watched me.

  I lifted my hand and brushed the back of my fingers against his cheek, “I am over the moon for you, too.”

  His eyes closed at my touch as his smile widened. When his eyes opened, they were only filled with love and it took my breath away. He leaned down and kissed me, my lips opening willingly as his tongue gently pushed in and danced with mine. Jackson’s hand ran down from the small of my back into the back pocket of my shorts as he squeezed gently. I moaned softly against his lips, relishing in the heat of his mouth and the taste of him. Alex’s giggle broke us apart and we stopped our kiss just in time before her and Owen rounded the corner.

  “You two up for riding the Ferris Wheel?” Owen asked, using his thumb to indicate the obscenely large wheel at the end of the pier.

  Jackson looked at me and I nodded excitedly. That was until we actually saw the gondolas on the Ferris wheel that had glass bottoms. Each pair agreed that we wanted our own gondola to ride in and Jackson and I took our spot in ours. The entire thing was encased in glass to give riders a good view, but the higher you got, you could look straight down, and it scared the living daylights out of me. Jackson put his arm around me as the wheel slowed our gondola to a stop at the very top.

  “Are you okay? You are shakin’…” He smiled.

  “Heights kind of scare me, especially with that glass floor…” I admitted shyly.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. I’ll protect you,” he moved closer and kissed my neck.

  I bit my lip as my head tilted away from Jackson, his lips gently pressing against my neck over and over. His hand that rested on his lap moved over to my thigh, slowly moving up my bare skin. Now I kind of wished that I had worn a dress or a skirt, something that wouldn’t be such a barrier between us. The wheel began to move again and the jolt right before we started to move had startled me. Jackson laughed softly and slid me closer to him. I turned so that my back was up against him and his arms were wrapped around me tight.

  “Thank you for bringing me here, Jackson. I’ve missed getting to spend time with you. If I’m being honest…I have been pretty miserable the last five days,” I said quietly as I looked out at the lit-up skyline of Chicago.

  “You don’t need to keep thankin’ me, Madeline. I’ve missed bein’ with you and I have been just as miserable. To tell you the truth…I never found it this hard to leave Josie when we were together. Most times, I was lookin’ forward to leavin’ for long periods like this which is just terrible to say,” he sighed and shook his head at whatever he was thinking about.

  I recalled what Shelby had told me about Josie and Jackson’s relationship, “Yeah, Shelby did tell me that you two would fight a lot and were on and off again up until you guys got married.”

  Jackson softly kissed my shoulder, “Leave it to my sister to let the cat out of the bag.”

  “Did you guys fight like that when you two were married?”

  “There were moments, yes. Mostly screamin’ matches that would get too heated and I would leave to go to the house that you were at with me.”

  “What would you two fight about?”

  “Her wanderin’ eye was the basis for most of our fights. I’d catch her starin’ too long at another guy or openly flirtin’. Then she would yell at me for bein’ jealous and overbearin’ and it would just escalate from there.”

  “I don’t know why she would have a wandering eye when she had you…m
ost days I can’t stop myself from how much I stare at you. Then I force myself to stop because I don’t want you to find me creepy for just staring at you,” I laughed nervously, hoping he wouldn’t find me creepy now.

  His arms squeezed around me, “I have noticed that you stare at me quite a bit.”

  “Ugh, see, now I’m just a creep,” I put my hands over my face and sighed.

  Jackson chuckled and lifted me onto his lap, “Baby, I don’t find it creepy. I find it really endearin’. Josie never looked at me the way that you do. I mean, maybe she did when we first met but if she did it quickly faded. The way you look at me, it makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I can trust you.”

  “You can trust me. I’m yours and only yours. I love you so much that it actually hurts to be away from you but because I know it sort of needs to be done because of your job, I put up with it. That doesn’t mean that every second you are gone that my mind isn’t on you because it is. When we aren’t talking, I spend every minute wishing I was talking to you, and when we are talking, I spend every minute not wanting it to end.”

  “Holy hell, you are so fuckin’ perfect.”

  I blushed and looked down, my legs now lying on the spot that I had vacated, “No, I’m not.”

  He turned my chin up to look into my eyes, “Yes, you are. I don’t know what I did in this life to deserve someone like you, but I sure am happy that I did it so that I could have you.”

  We kissed as the Ferris wheel continued to take us around several more times before it finally pulled up to where we loaded. Grinning, I held Jackson’s hand as we rejoined our friends. On our way out, I pleaded with Jackson to get Ben & Jerry’s ice cream from the shop that was along the pier. We settled on sharing Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream and fed it to one another every so often. Well, we did that until I playfully touched the ice cream to Jackson’s nose. It was just messy from there until chocolate was on our clothes and on most of our faces.

  The cab ride back to our hotel was quick and I dragged Jackson into our room when he tried to be gentlemanly and said he would leave me with a kiss at the door. Fuck being a gentleman, I hadn’t been physically close with him for five days and in our world that was a long ass time. Saying our good nights to Owen and Alexandria, we stepped into the room that I had claimed as my own. Jackson shut and locked the door behind us as I went into the attached bathroom and started up a shower. As much fun as our little ice cream war had been, I now had ice cream in places under my shirt that ice cream should never be.


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