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Interconnected Hearts

Page 8

by Bethany Daniel

  "Are you sure you want to go back there? “Scott asks raising an eyebrow.

  She shrugs. "What choice do I have? I'm only 16. I can't exactly go buy my own place yet."

  "I have an actor friend that got himself emancipated at 15 because his parents got greedy. It was a long process, but in the end he got his freedom from them and got to control everything going on in his career and his life. That could be an option to look into."

  "I'll think about that. Thanks." She smiles warmly and I catch a rare glimpse of the real Zoie Reese. Not the one she parades in front of everyone, but the girl she would probably be in a different life. Happy, light hearted, not stuck under the thumb of parents who care more about their name being in the spotlight than the well-being of their only daughter.

  Scott nods and we watch her walk down the hallway. I can't even imagine what might be going through her mind right now.

  Sighing, I wrap my arms around Scott's waist and lean my head on his chest. "I'm sorry our weekend got interrupted."

  He squeezes me tightly and plants a kiss on my head. "It's ok. We have a lifetime to sneak away for a weekend or maybe a couple weeks. Do you think I could take you away from work for a month some day?"

  I laugh and shake my head. "I don't think my boss would like that too much."

  "Aww, come on. I could chip in some autographed posters, or make a personal appearance at a pep rally or something, I bet that would make them very happy."

  I giggle and smile up at my amazing husband. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him. My daddy may have threatened him to treat me right, but I can't imagine having a better man by my side. Not everyone is so lucky.

  "Thank you." I whisper, standing on my tiptoes to kiss his lips.

  "For what?" He frowns down at me.

  "For being you."

  He smirks and shrugs. "I make a living out of being anyone other than myself...but I think I'm pretty good at being me too."

  "Trust me, you're best at that."

  After a nice long nap to catch up on the beauty rest I lost, I decide to call up Kate and fill her in on the latest drama.

  "Hey you." Kate says and I smile. I really miss having my best friend in the same house sometimes.

  "Hey yourself sweetie. How are things at the Warren house?"

  "Oh, I'm exhausted. William was up half the night teething and my eyes are barely staying open! Is something wrong, Kris? You don't sound like your normal bubbly self."

  "Well, right now, I think Scott and I have become foster parents."

  "Um what?"

  "Long story. But basically, Zoie got herself into a predicament last night and called me to come get her. We took her home and her parents were pretty much wasted. Her mom kicked her out, so we brought her home with us."

  "Whoa." She blows out a breath. "Is she ok?"

  "As ok as can be expected I guess. What's sad is she's used to them being like they were last night. I just want to fix them, Kate."

  "That's not your job, Kris."

  "I know." I sigh and plop down on my cushiony window seat. "But God I can't help it! I'm my mama's daughter, that's all I saw her do growing up, fixing broken people in our neighborhood whether they were kids, teenagers or grown adults. That's part of the reason I ended up in this field. I want to make them be a family again."

  "Sometimes things are too broken to get fixed. And from what you've told me about the Reese's, they might very well be one of those things."

  "But what if I can fix them, Kate? What if I could turn this whole situation around?"

  "You have such a big heart, and I know if things don't go the way you want them to, it'll get broken. But you have to remember that is part of the job Kris, not every case that comes through that door will be able to be fixed up with a pretty bow. All you can do is be there for her, support her and be the person you are. She needs that."

  I sigh and look towards the bedroom I know Zoie's hanging out in. One way or another I'll make things better for her, even if that's getting her legally separated from her parents.

  "You're right...I'll try to not get myself hurt in the process." I lean my head back. "Alright, enough about my drama, how are things going there, how's my nephew?"

  "Will is cranky, teeth are not fun to deal with. Oh! Did I tell you that Braden is coming to spend his Spring Break with us?"

  Braden is Liam's younger brother. I've only met him once, at our wedding, and he is pretty much his brother all over again just with a little bit shaggier hair. I bet he gets plenty of girls for that reason alone.

  "Really? When is he getting in?"

  "We pick him up from the airport tomorrow afternoon. Then we're gonna give him the grand tour of L.A."

  "You know he and Zoie are close in age. Maybe we could join y'all."

  "You're not trying to play match maker are you?"

  "Oh Lord, no. A boyfriend in the mix is the last thing she needs, but she could definitely use a friend. I'll talk to Zoie and see if she's up for it."

  "If I'm up for what?" Zoie's voice startles me and I squeak. "I'll call you back later, Kate, give Will kisses for me!" I hang up the phone and turn towards Zoie.

  "Would you be interested in showing Liam Warren’s younger brother around L.A?"

  "I'm not a baby sitter."

  I roll my eyes and walk over to her. "He's not that much younger, he's actually about your age."

  " he cute?"

  "He's Liam's brother, of course he's cute. But don't get any ideas, missy. You need a friend, he can be a new friend. You need someone normal."

  "I don't know that I would call Braden normal." Scott smirks as he steps in the room. "He can be a big pain."

  "I'm sure I can be a great tour guide for him." Zoie grins and takes off to the guest room and I frown at Scott.

  "Maybe it's a bad idea. She's gonna try and seduce him or something."

  Scott chuckles and pulls me into his arms. "Eh, they're 16 and between us, Liam and Katy, I'm pretty sure we'll prevent them from being the next couple on 16 and Pregnant."

  "Oh my God...." I groan and bury my head in his chest. "Do we need to have a sex talk with her?"

  "I think she has that part figured out, babe. Don't get ahead of yourself. Let them be friends, what could it hurt?"

  I sigh and snuggle in closer to him. Scott's right, it can't hurt for them to just get to know each other. Right?

  Chapter 17

  Early the next afternoon, Zoie comes bouncing into the kitchen.

  I look her up and down and smile. "Well don't you look nice?"

  She shrugs looking down at her designer jeans, ankle boots and glittery tank top. "Gotta dress to impress." She grins before taking a sandwich I offer to her and sits at the kitchen table. "Is it almost time to go?"

  "After we eat, Scott had to go reshoot a couple of scenes so he'll join us later."

  "I have to report back to set tomorrow. I only have a handful of scenes left before I'm finished with my part."

  "So, then what?" I ask with a frown. "Do you go to school?"

  "I have an on set tutor. I'm ahead of where I would be in regular school. I'm already a junior instead of a sophomore."

  "Impressive." I smile over at her. "How are you doing Zoie? I mean, really."

  She sighs picking the crust off her bread. "I don't know yet. I mean, part of me wants to jump all over Scott's suggestion to get emancipated and be done with my parents for good. But the other part of me..."

  "Loves your parents." I finish the thought and she nods. I can see the frown lines between her eyebrows. "I get it. You're their child, and at some point there were good times."

  "Yeah, but those good times were a long time ago."

  I pat her arm as I stand to bring my plate to the sink. I don't envy the position she's in. But that decision can be for another day. "Ready to go?"

  She smiles and nods and we make our way out to my little Volkswagen bug. Its one thing I just had to get brought here from Georgia. It was my first
adult purchase and there's no way I'm letting it go, even though Scott says he won't be caught dead driving or riding in it.

  Zoie runs her hand over the lime green hood and shakes her head. "This car is so you."

  "I know." I grin sliding into the driver's seat. "Matilda is my baby."


  "Uh-huh" I nod as I start backing out of the driveway. "Every good car deserves a good name."

  "Right." She shakes her head and let's a laugh escape and I roll my eyes. For someone who is just playing his sister, she sure acts a lot like Scott.

  We drive towards the Hollywood sign in a comfortable silence, we're supposed to meet up with Liam, Kate, and Braden there.

  When we arrive and find a parking spot, Zoie pulls the visor down and opens the mirror to double check her dark waves are still perfect.

  "You look great." I tell her as I pull my own visor down to retouch my pink lipstick. "Have you met Liam before?" I ask as I step out of the car and look around for my friends.

  "Mitchell introduced us when I first signed on with Excite. I haven't met his wife yet though."

  "Oh you'll love Kate!" I smile thinking of my best friend. "She has the best personality and is super sweet. We've been inseparable since we met the first week of college."

  Before Zoie can say anything else, I hear a very familiar voice yell my name. "Kris! We're up here."

  I turn and wave where I see Kate holding a squirming Will in her arms. I motion for Zoie to follow me and make my way to the steps they are standing on. When we reach them, I quickly hug Kate and snag Will from her. "Hey there cutie." I coo at him and kiss his little chunky cheeks.

  Kate shakes her head at me before turning her attention to Zoie. "You must be Zoie, I'm Kate Warren." She tells her and holds her hand out.

  "Nice to meet you." Zoie smiles and then her eyes widen when Liam and Braden come around the corner.

  Braden has changed since I saw him last. He got a haircut so his hair isn't quite so shaggy and it looks like he either has picked up some sports or has been working out.

  "Zoie, I believe you know my husband, Liam. And this is my brother in law, Braden. “Kate introduces them and Zoie walks right up to Braden and holds her hand out.

  "Nice to meet you, Braden."

  His eyes travel over her body and Liam smacks him on the back of his head when they linger on her chest, making him scowl before he takes her hand and shakes. "Very nice to meet you too, Zoie."

  Holy hormones.

  "Ok, let's show Braden the infamous Hollywood sign!" I smile and guide Zoie by the shoulders away from Braden.

  "You were right...he's really cute." Zoie grins at me and I suppress an eye roll.

  "Yes, he is. But that doesn't mean you're gonna be making out with him by the end of the day."

  She laughs and bites her lip as she turns to walk backwards, slowly inching closer to where Braden is with his brother. "Can't blame a girl for trying."

  I sigh and walk over to Kate who has a smile on her face. "I think you've created a monster."

  I roll my eyes. "I'll let her flirt, he's only here for spring break, she can't get too attached."

  "Well, actually there's a chance he may be here longer than that."


  "M-hm. Liam's mom called before he came to visit and she was talking about him possibly moving here."

  "Why?" I ask glancing ahead at the teenagers shamelessly flirting in front of us.

  "Back home he's been getting in trouble. People, especially girls, find out who his brother is and they do their best to get close to him thinking he can hook them up with something of Liam's. He's ended up in a few fights, so his mom is getting scared for him."

  I frown and look at Zoie dragging Braden over to a clearing with a great view. "Don't you think that could be worse actually being in L.A and living with ya'll though?"

  "Everything's different here, kids are raised with celebrities being on the PTA and their kids, cousins, whatever being in class with them. Here, not as many people will care that he's Liam Warren's little brother."

  "Does Braden know about it?"

  "It was his idea. He just wants to start over. What better place than Hollywood?"

  Can't argue with that. Sometimes a do-over can change everything.

  As we walk over to stand by Liam, Braden, and Zoie, I watch the two teens whose paths seem to have crossed at just right the time. I wasn't kidding about Zoie needing a friend, even though she may see him as more boyfriend material than anything else right now, maybe with someone like him in her life, Zoie will be a better Zoie.

  Chapter 18

  We spend the afternoon showing Braden just about every tourist trap Hollywood has to offer. After we leave a gift shop where Braden had to buy his brother's picture and hand it to him to autograph, we decided it was time to get something to eat.

  "How about we stop at Del Miko's?" Liam asks after he shoved the picture into Braden's hands.

  "What do they serve?" Zoie asks not taking her eyes off her possible boy toy.

  "Some authentic Mexican food, trust me you'll love it."

  "As long as I can get some quesadillas I'll be happy." Braden smirks and Liam shakes his head.

  "You are such a child." He mutters and Braden sticks his tongue out at him.

  "Boys." Kate says sternly. "Don't make me call your mother."

  They both put their hands up in surrender and I giggle. I saw just how much Mrs. Warren keeps her boys, including her husband, in line. It doesn't even matter that they are grown, they still back down when it comes to her.

  "Let me call Scotty and see if he wants to meet up with us." I say before pulling my phone out of my purse and pressing on Scott's name.

  "Well hello there beautiful." Scott answers and I grin.

  "Hello yourself handsome. Are you finished up on set yet? We wanna steal you away for dinner."

  "Yep. Just locking up my trailer now. Where are we eating?"

  "Del Miko's. Know where it is?"

  "Mitchell's taken us there a few times. I'll meet you there."

  "Sounds like a plan, love you, sweetie."

  "Love you too, babe." He hangs up and I direct my attention back to my friends.

  "All set, Scotty will meet us there."

  "Then let's roll, I'm starving!" Braden grumbles.

  "Like I said, you are such a child." Liam shakes his head and Kate sighs as she hands him Will.

  "I think Daddy and Uncle Braden need a time out."

  "Hey, I'm on my best behavior. My little brother just knows how to irk me."

  "Better get used to that, babe." Kate smiles up at him before kissing him then Will. "He's gonna be around for a while, remember?"

  "Why did I agree to that again?"

  I laugh watching Kate shoo the men in her life to their car and walk over to a beaming Zoie.

  "I like him."

  "Really? I couldn't tell." I tease her and start walking towards Matilda. "Don't hurt the boy, ok?"

  She smiles and shrugs looking over at the vehicle Braden disappeared into. "No promises."

  Oh boy.

  A short time later, we pull up beside Liam and Kate to wait for the valet to park our cars. Sometimes it's still strange the perks we get. I still have a hard time just letting anyone take my keys and put my Matilda wherever they please.

  "Looks like we have company." Zoie says pointing to a group of paparazzi standing near the door of the restaurant.

  "Of course we do." I sigh and step out of the car when one of the valets comes to the driver's side door. "Be careful with her." I tell him sternly as I pass the keys over.

  "Yes ma'am" The red headed lanky boy smirks looking me up and down. "We wouldn't want someone as gorgeous as you fretting over her car."

  "No, no we wouldn't. Now do me a favor, dude, park the car and stop flirting with my wife." Scott says when he comes up beside me and wraps an arm around my waist.

  "Yes sir." He says quickly averting his eyes and
getting into my car.

  "Hello to you too." I smile up at Scott and stand on my tip toes to kiss him. "I've missed you today."

  "I missed you too, sorry I missed the tour."

  I shrug putting my hand in his and tug him towards the front where Kate and Liam are trying to keep poor little Will’s face covered with a blanket so those photographers don't get a shot for their magazines. "You didn't miss much, other than a whole lot of adolescent flirting."

  Scott laughs and says his hellos to Liam, Kate, Braden and Zoie as we bustle into the restaurant amid shouts of 'Krisco! Laty! Give us a shot! How about a baby picture? Everyone loves a good baby picture. Zoie! Look over here, is this your new boyfriend? What's his name?'"

  When we get inside and the door is securely closed behind, Braden frowns, running a hand through his hair. "Does that happen often?"

  "Pretty much." I shrug looking through the tinted windows. "You kinda get used to it."

  He shakes his head and I take a moment to scan the room in front of me. Hello celebrity central. Looking at a table by the kitchen I spot a couple of now retired celebrities that my mama used to drool over and at another table is a couple of girls I saw in a movie preview recently.

  Sometimes it's still overwhelming being so close to people I only ever used to have posters of.

  "Oh crap." I hear Scott mutter when he sees someone across the way.

  "What?" I ask looking between him and a now smirking Liam.

  "Oh...just one of Scott's old...friends." Liam shakes his head and pats Scott's shoulder. "Do you wanna go somewhere else, man?"

  "Uh, Scotty? What exactly does he mean by old friend?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Uh oh, someone's gonna be in trouble." Zoie laughs and I shoot her a look to shut her up.

  "Her name is Brenna Bennett. We used to have an um, relationship of convenience."

  Oh God, I don't like where this is going.

  "Oh man, she was your-" Braden looks to where Kate is holding Will and clears his throat. "Bed buddy?"

  "You could say that."

  "Oh my God." I cover my mouth and look to where the brunette beauty is now staring at my husband. But she doesn't look like she wants to rehash old memories, in fact she looks like she wants to bolt.


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