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Interconnected Hearts

Page 9

by Bethany Daniel

  I frown and look down to where she is holding the hand of a little boy who is probably no older than three or four years old. The boy has short brown hair and looks like he's quite the little sports star based on the soccer uniform he's wearing. He smiles up at Brenna and when I spot a dimple on his left cheek, in the exact same spot as the one I love on Scotty, I suddenly have no more appetite.

  "'s so nice to see you again." I hear an unfamiliar voice say and I realize Brenna has come to stand in front of us.

  "You too." Scott nods his acknowledgement and looks down at the boy. "Hi there, little guy. What's your name?"

  "I Cason." The boy grins and that little dimple kills me. "I four."

  Scott looks at Cason's little face then up at Brenna when he comes to the same conclusion I have and his face sets in anger. "Brenna...could he he..."

  Brenna barely nods her head gripping Cason's little shoulders against her. "I....I'm sorry Scott. We really have to go, it was nice seeing you." She moves to leave but Scott grabs her elbow and shakes his head.

  "What are you thinking? We obviously have things to talk about," He looks down at Cason then back at Brenna. "You can't just nod your head and walk away, we need to talk."

  They step away to talk in a corner of the restaurant where no one can get a peek through the window. Scott paces and runs a hand through his hair and Brenna stares at the floor as she talks, I'm not sure Scotty is hearing a word she says. While this goes on, my head is spinning, too much noise, too many smells and a giant bomb that is about to rock our world. I have to get out of here.

  Chapter 19

  I'm numb.

  I had to be as far away from Brenna as I could get. So I ran outside, told the flirty valet boy to get me my car as fast as he could and I may have flipped off a couple paparazzo who kept yelling my name.

  If I stayed in that restaurant another moment I was liable to yell words that are very inappropriate for Will and that little boy to hear.

  Scotty's little boy.

  I'm not naive. I knew before we ever got married that Scott had a very...colorful history when it came to other women, I have my own list of old boyfriends, I just never imagined the past would come back to bite us like this.

  As I drive down the highway headed out of L.A, my phone rings off the hook. I listen to each ringtone, one for Scott, one for Kate, and even Liam and Zoie but I ignore each one. There is way too much running through my head to talk with them right now.

  I flip through the radio stations until I find a good country station and turn it up as loud as I can to drown out the sound of my phone and my own thoughts. Scott has a son, by a woman that I never even knew existed until about an hour ago. I know it's not his fault that he didn't know about Cason, but God I wish I had a time machine to travel back to when Scott and Brenna were a thing and tell that Scott to protect himself.

  I pull into the parking lot of the closest beach I could find and shut Matilda's engine off before I lean my head back on my headrest and let out a deep breath. How did this day go to hell in a matter of a couple minutes?

  I get out of the car and make my way to the sand. Just as I reach the edge, I take my shoes off and carry them in my hand as I walk to the water’s edge. I've always loved the ocean. My parents used to take me to the beach once a month and we would have the best times. Daddy taught me how to swim in the ocean, and one of my first crushes was the guy who taught me how to surf. The ocean is so big, and right now I wish it could swallow me whole and wash away the last hour of my life.


  I gasp and jump at the sound of Scott's voice behind me.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask wrapping my arms around myself.

  He frowns stepping closer to me to block some of the cold wind. "I followed you. I was worried when you kept ignoring my calls, and Katy's calls and Liam's and Zoie's."

  I sigh and turn back towards the water. "I'm sorry I worried you. I just....needed some space."

  "Krissy, I'm so so sorry. This whole thing blindsided me. When I saw Brenna, I wanted nothing more than to be as far from her as possible. I don't want my past to hurt our present, or our future....but when I got a good look at Cason, and knowing how old he is it added up and I was shocked." He runs his hands through his hair and comes to stand beside me. "My son is four years old, four years I've missed out on because his mother never told me about him, four years I can never get back with that little boy who looks just like me."

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I've pictured what our children might look like someday. Maybe a little girl with her daddy's eyes and my curly blonde hair, a little boy with that lopsided grin and his big heart. But Cason is half somebody else, and I don't know how to accept that someone else gave my husband his first child, and she didn't even bother to let him know about him.

  "I don't know what to say, Scotty." I whisper and wipe under my eyes where unwanted tears have fallen. "I know it's not your fault, but God this whole situation makes me so mad! And I really want to go back to the restaurant just to clock her one."

  Scott laughs and pulls me closer to him to plant a kiss on my forehead. "There's my fighter. I can't promise this will be easy, but I can promise that I love you, and I want you to be with me while I figure this out."

  "I can do that." I smile softly and wrap my arms tightly around his middle. "I'm sorry I left like that. Do you think the paparazzi knew something was going on?"

  "If they did, I pray they don't go snooping for the story. I would feel awful if Cason's picture got blasted all over the media because of me."

  "Isn't there some no kid policy now or something? I remember seeing those other actors speaking out about children's privacy."

  He shrugs. "That policy is new, and not every magazine follows it. There's still the slimy ones that will do anything to get a big pay off and I'm pretty sure if anyone finds out that Scott Adams has an illegitimate son by someone he used to casually hook up with, there will be a big pay day."

  I squeeze him again and lean my head against his chest. "I promise I'll do everything in my power to protect him. Did you and Brenna talk about...things?"

  "Brenna and I have a lot to discuss. I gave her my number so we can talk later. This definitely isn’t something to be resolved over dinner. After that, I got Liam and Katy to drive Zoie to our place and took off after you."

  "Oh crap, Zoie. Is she ok?"

  "Oh yeah, she was more than happy to get to ride with Braden."

  "She's gonna give us a run for our money."

  "She is...but we can handle it."

  I hold my hand out and grab a hold of Scott's hand. "Yes we can, together."

  He grins and I stand on my tip toes to kiss his dimple.

  Bringing our joined hands to his lips, he kisses them and tugs me forward to kiss me deeply. "Together."

  Chapter 20

  The next couple days go by in a blur with Zoie going back to set and Scotty having to be on set as well, so I tag along.

  "More coffee, Mrs. Adams?" An assistant asks from beside me.

  I shake my head and smile at him. "No thank you, anymore and I'll be jumping all over the place."

  He nods and hustles over to help the director with something. I sigh while the scene is changed out and start making my way towards Scott's trailer when I hear a commotion coming from the entryway.

  "Zoie! Zoie Jane Reese, you had better get out here right now! Do you hear me? Your mother is standing right here waiting on you to get your lazy behind out here. Enough of these games, time for you to come home now." I hear Diane Reese’s slurred speech and frown, she's totally drunk.

  Just great.

  Zoie comes out of her trailer and her eyes widen when she spots her mother attempting to push past the big security guy.

  "Idiot, my name is on that list. My daughter is right there." Diane points over the man's shoulder. "You can quit being a pain in my ass and move now."

  "I'm sorry ma'am, but you are obviously un
der the influence, and that isn't allowed on this set. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Right now."

  I watch Zoie square her shoulders and march her way and I rush to catch up with her.

  "I'm not going anywhere with you, Mother."

  "The hell you're not! You are still a minor, you have to do as I say. Now get in my car."

  I step forward and put my hands on Zoie's shoulders. "You heard her, Mrs. Reese. She isn't going anywhere with you. She's staying with us until she can be emancipated."

  Diane's eyes widen then narrow. "You can't do that."

  "Watch me." Zoie says defiantly and raises her chin. "I'm done with you and Dad trying to run my life and put yourself in the spotlight. From now on, I'm in control."

  Just as Diane opens her mouth, Mitchell Fallon appears beside the security personnel. "Mrs. Reese, I have arranged for a driver to take you home."

  She crosses her arms and glares at him. "I don't need a damn driver, Mr. Fallon. I drove myself here, thank you very much." She turns and nearly falls over her heels and Mitchell reaches her, righting her before he looks her squarely in the eye.

  "I will not have you leave my set and either kill yourself or someone else. You will get in this car, and your car will be delivered back to your home. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Crystal." She sneers before Mitchell directs her to a waiting black SUV and not so gently sets her into the back seat.

  Once they drive away, he turns around and adjusts his suit jacket. "Back to work everyone. Time wasted is money wasted." He looks around at the gathered group of actors and other workers and claps his hands. "Back to work!"

  The group disperses and Mitchell nods in Zoie's direction before going back to his makeshift office.

  "Are you ok?" I ask when everyone else is out of ear shot.

  Zoie nods and takes a deep breath. "I am, I've made up my mind. I want to get emancipated and never have to deal with this again. Is it ok if I stay with you until I can get a lawyer?"

  "Of course, sweetie. I told you, you're welcome to stay as long as you need."

  She smiles and nods, making her way back to her trailer. I watch her go and after I hear the sound of the door locking, I go and knock on Scotty's trailer door.

  "Hey you." He grins and pulls me inside. "Everything ok out there?"

  I sigh and shake my head as I plop down on his couch. "Mrs. Reese was here."

  "Oh crap, what happened?"

  "Well, she was drunk. She wanted Zoie to leave with her and when she refused she got mad. Thankfully security wouldn't allow her to get passed the check point and before she could cause any damage, Mitchell called a car for her and had her delivered home."

  Scott shakes his head and sits beside me, pulling my feet onto his lap. "That's rough. How did Zoie handle it?"

  "Really well actually. She wants to find a lawyer and start the process of getting emancipated. I told her she can stay with us as long as she needs."

  "Of course." He nods and pulls my shoes off before starting to massage my feet. "I'll talk to my friend about getting a lawyer to talk with. This can be a common thing with child actors but it's not always easy. Her parents can fight it."

  "Well lucky for Zoie, I fight back."

  "I bet you would have made one hell of a lawyer."

  I shake my head scrunching my nose. "And be stuck in a bland suit all the time? No thank you."

  He laughs and pulls me into his arms. "You're right, I can't imagine you in a suit every day."

  "I think I would get kicked out for wearing a mini skirt or something."

  He laughs again and leans down to kiss me just as we feel his phone vibrate from his pocket.

  "Oh, I forgot I had the sound off." He frowns, taking his phone out of his pocket and puts it to his ear to listen to a voicemail.

  "That was Brenna." Scott says a minute later. "She wanted to know if we could meet up tonight because her parents are watching Cason."

  "How about we have her come to our place? I'll pick up some take out and we can all talk over dinner."

  He kisses me before starting a text to Brenna and smiles down at me. "You're amazing, you know that?"

  I smile back and shrug. "I try."

  He stands and pulls me to my feet as he goes, kissing me deeply and pulling me flush against him. My hands travel up his stomach finding each hard muscle there before coming to rest in his thick hair at the base of his neck. He groans into my mouth and I grab his phone from his hand and toss it onto the couch. "There aren't security cameras in here or anything is there?" I whisper.

  Scott shakes his head, reaching behind my head and yanks the clip from my hair letting my curls fall. "Nope, we're all alone baby."

  "Good." I smile and double check the lock to the trailer before allowing myself to let loose and not care about anything but me, my husband and this moment. Letting go is so much better than worrying about the rest of the world, right here and right now is the only important thing, everything else can wait.

  Chapter 21

  By the time dinner time rolls around, I'm anxious. On the way home, I called a local Chinese place and ordered a little bit of everything off their menu and picked it up before heading home.

  "Are you really gonna eat all of that?" Zoie asks raising an eyebrow.

  I lean against one of the chairs at the table and sigh. "Probably not. I'll just send leftovers in with Scott tomorrow. I'm sure the interns will gobble it up."

  She comes to stand next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok, Krista? Really?"

  "Honestly? I don't know. I'm used to being in charge and in control, but with all this, I don't have control of anything." I sigh, leaning my head on my arms. "It's like we're on this constant roller coaster. All these ups and downs, some steady and smooth sailing then BOOM! We get thrown for a loop. And all of this?" I point to the meal set up for Brenna in front of me. "Is a real big loop."

  "Yeah well, the good thing about loops? They eventually end."

  I smile over at her. "You're wise for your age."

  She laughs and shrugs before grabbing an egg roll off a plate. "Trust me, most days I feel much older than 16."

  I frown at that. "I hate that for you, 16 is supposed to be all about fun. A Sweet 16 party, getting your driver’s license, those milestones are important."

  Zoie shrugs. "Different things become important, I guess. I'm living the life any other girl would kill for."

  "True...but I bet you would kill to experience what those girls experience."

  She shrugs again just as the doorbell rings and Scotty jogs down the steps.

  "All set?" He asks looking over the table.

  I nod, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. "All set!"

  Scotty opens the door and Zoie starts making her way back down the hall before I can make her stay.

  "Don't you want to join us?" I ask to her retreating back.

  "Oh no...Too much drama for me. Have fun."

  I frown and turn towards where Brenna and Scott are entering the dining room. I walk directly to Scott and wrap my arm around his waist.

  Brenna might not be acting like she still wants Scotty, but I can't help but want to show her that he's mine.

  "Krista, nice to see you again." Brenna smiles and reaches her hand out.

  I take her hand and smile back. "Nice to see you too, Brenna. Please, have a seat."

  "So...where do we start?" Scott asks as he slides a chair out for me to sit in.

  "Well, how do you think we should do this?"

  Scotty frowns, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I don't want to scare or confuse Cason. I don't want to just jump into his life after only meeting him once and be all 'by the way, I'm your Dad!’ I don't know." He sighs looking across at her. "Have you told him about me?"

  She shakes her head, looking down at her hands. "Not yet. I'm honestly not sure what to say." She smiles softly and looks up at Scott. "Cason is an amazing, smart little boy. He will probably accept you wit
h open arms...but I think it's best if we take this slow."

  "I agree." Scott says and takes my hand. "Maybe we could all go to the park or something together. Does he like the park?"

  Brenna laughs and nods her head. "Oh yes, he loves the park. He would stay there all day every day if I let him."

  Scott grins at that. "Perfect, maybe Krista and I can meet up with you guys after work a couple days a week then work our way up to other things and let Cason get used to us before we drop the big bombshell on him."

  "That sounds like a good plan." Brenna smiles and I squeeze Scotty's hand.

  He leans over to kiss me as I hear my cell phone ringing out of my purse in the other room.

  "Oh, excuse me." I smile across at Brenna and jog into our living room to retrieve my phone but frown when I see my Dad's name flash across the screen, he doesn't usually call at this time of day.

  "Daddy?" I answer nervously.

  "Princess, what the hell is going on there?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Your mama and I have been getting calls all day asking us if you’re broken hearted because Scott has a kid with someone else. Care to explain?"

  Oh no.

  "I-I will Daddy, I swear. But right now, I'll have to call you back later. Love you!"

  "Krista...” He starts off in that deep I mean business voice but I cut him off, hanging up before he can say anything else. I hate that my parents have been brought into this before I've even had a chance to tell them what has changed in the last few days.

  I clutch my phone to my chest, take a deep breath and march back to the dining room. "We have a big problem."

  Scott stands and comes to my side. "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "That was Daddy...the media knows about Cason. They've been trying to get a statement from my parents all day."

  "What?!" Brenna's eyes widen as she stands. "Oh God, I have to get to my parents' house before they try to hound them and Cason." She rushes to the living room and grabs her purse. "I'll call you, Scott."


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