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Billionaire: Billionaire Boss Romance: What the Boss Wants, He Gets (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Boss Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Older Man Romance)

Page 16

by Tia Siren

  David certainly wasn’t happy. He was angry at his parents for forcing him into this marriage. He didn’t want to marry this human. He didn’t wish to marry at all. No, he wanted to go out and be with anyone, drink till daylight, fuck till noon. Was that too much to ask for? Apparently his parents thought so because they threatened to cut off his funding if he didn’t marry this woman.

  So David had to marry Lara if he wanted to maintain his lifestyle. He was too spoiled to live a life without the grand cars, the luxuries, everything. So he sat at the bar for the majority of his wedding and tried to drink his sorrows away.

  None of the guests at the ceremony seemed to notice the tension between husband and wife. It seemed like everyone was ignoring it and maybe it was for the best. If it was acknowledged, it would probably blow up. David would probably explode and cause a scene and in the end he would lose his trust fund.

  David looked down at his scotch, peering into the warm looking liquid that matched the color of his eyes. Like his wife, he wondered if he would ever be happy. He turned around and looked at the party before running a hand through his thick red hair. As he did so, he spotted his wife looking pale, sitting down by herself.

  For some reason, he felt a pang of pity for her. It was her wedding, the day most girls looked forward to their entire lives and there she was all alone. She looked like she was about to cry. David didn’t know why he was doing this, but he ended up putting his scotch down and walking toward his wife.

  He sat down next to her and they looked at each other quickly. Lara tried not to look at him for too long. David was incredibly attractive to her and she knew he was out of her league. There was no way she should have married someone like him. She didn’t deserve him. She looked away, feeling ashamed about herself. If she were thinner, prettier, maybe he would have liked her. She could feel the hot sting of tears pricking against her eyes, but she tried to hold them back.

  “Hey, are you alright? You don’t look so good…” David said with a voice laced with compassion. Could it be that this man felt sorry for her? She didn’t want his sympathy. All she wanted in life was for someone to love her. That’s all.

  Suddenly, however, the lack of food got the best of Lara and she passed out before her new husband.


  Chapter 2

  David sighed as he looked down at his wife, who was slumped in her seat, her face was pale and lifeless and he wondered if she was dead. Were humans really that fragile? Nonetheless, he knew he couldn’t abandon her and so he picked her up. Even though she was a heavier woman, he had no trouble picking her up and carrying her out of the ceremonial room.

  He made his way to a private room and laid her down on a luxurious looking chaise longue. He looked at her and wondered what he should do. He had never had this happen before. Humans were so strange.

  He felt her forehead. It was warm. David got up and grabbed a wet washcloth and gently placed it on her head. David had been a jerk most of his life, but there was a secret side of him that was really compassionate and caring. This side of him came out now as he looked at this woman. She looked so weak and helpless and something started to stir in his chest as he looked at her.

  His tiger seemed to be fighting to get to the surface of his personality, but David kept him back. He didn’t need to lose control and hurt someone. His tiger was his best friend but at the same time it was the most dangerous part of him and if he didn’t take control of that animalistic part of him, it usually ended in tragedy. So he struggled to keep his tiger back as he gently placed the cloth on her head and waited for her to wake up.

  Slowly her eyes started to open and she looked around a little confused. She didn’t know where she was and as she spotted David sitting by her side, she was a bit embarrassed. It took her a moment to realize that this man was her new husband. It would take a while to get used to the thought that she was married to this handsome man.

  “Hey… welcome to the world of the living sleeping beauty…” Lara blushed deeply at the man’s compliment, at least she thought it was a compliment. What if it was just a way to mock her? Her face fell as she considered this option and wondered if he was making fun of her.

  “Hey… care to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked, his voice laced with concern as he looked at his wife. It would take some time to accept that this woman was now his wife, but it was just something he would have to get used to.

  Lara started to sit up but then David stopped her. “Don’t move… just relax and tell me what happened…” Lara looked up at his intense eyes. They were still cold towards each other as they had been during the entirety of their marriage, but now there was a fleck of warmth hiding within them, something that gave Lara a spark of hope that maybe this man wasn’t as cold-hearted as she thought him to be.

  For some reason, she felt the urge to tell him the truth. Maybe it was the sanctity of marriage the virtue of being honest in a relationship but Lara felt like she couldn’t lie to him like she had lied to the other people in her life. “I… I haven’t eaten… in a long time.” David looked at her, a hue of understanding painting his face.

  This woman was starving herself, probably because of weight issues. David frowned before looking at her. She wasn’t like the other girls he had dated in his past. She wasn’t skinny, but there was something about her that could still be considered beautiful.

  “I’ll be right back…” He said before leaving the room. Lara looked around and waited for him to come back. As he did, he carried with him a big plate of different foods. “I didn’t really know what you liked so I brought a little of everything…”

  Before David could comfort her and convince her to eat the food someone was walking into the room. David looked up and swore under his breath as he saw his ex-girlfriend standing in the room.

  Her eyes were burning with something like hatred as she looked first at David and then at his wife. “And who is this… Twinkie of a woman?”

  Lara’s face fell as she heard the insult. Her mind reeled back to junior high where people had called her Twinkie every day. She remembered all those days of torment, where she couldn’t go one day without someone picking on her for her weight.

  David was about to respond when the woman cut him off. “I see you downgraded.” The woman scoffed as she stared at Lara. David looked at the woman standing in the room and there seemed to be something like sadness in his eyes. The woman stood with her hand on her hips as her bright red peplum dress hugged her curves and showed off her killer body.

  “You went from world-famous model to a freaking whale!” The woman laughed. The cruelty in her laughter wrapped around Lara and it felt like it would wrap itself around her neck and strangle the life out of her.

  “C’mon baby why don’t you leave this woman and come with me?” She winked before moving toward David. “C’mon Davy… leave her behind…” David was about to say something when Lara rushed out of the room with tears in her eyes. All of her fears and insecurities had culminated themselves in this woman’s words, in her body, and in her face.

  Lara couldn’t stand the idea of David, her new husband, cheating on her on the first day of their marriage. She couldn’t stand the bullying. She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to get away.

  Chapter 3

  Lara ran as fast as she could out of the mansion. The wedding had been staged at her family estate and so when she went outside, she made her way toward the forest surrounding the house. She knew this forest well. It was her hiding place when the world seemed to be against her when it seemed like everything was collapsing around her. It was where she hid when she wanted to be alone when trees and birds made better companions than other people.

  She ran into these woods now even though it was the middle of the night. The moon was high in the sky, a silver disk in the dark night, illuminating the ground with an ominous glow, turning her strawberry blonde hair into a more golden color.

  As she ran into the woods, she got as deep as she c
ould. The hem of her dress started to get dirty. Parts of her dress began to rip as it snagged on thorns and branches as she rushed by. Lara, however, could not run for very long.

  Soon enough she felt herself getting light headed. She bit her lip as she was forced to stop. Her world was spinning around her and all the woods seemed to blend together into one black color as she suddenly collapsed. Her head hit a large rock and her whole world turned black as she started to bleed.

  That blood brought forth the attention of multiple individuals who were lurking throughout the woods. They followed their noses to the smell where the woman laid in the middle of the forest floor, bleeding from the gash in her head. If she had only eaten the food that David had brought her, maybe she would have had the energy to keep running. Maybe if that woman had stayed away, she would have spent some quality time with her husband. Maybe if she wasn’t so heavy, she would have married a long time ago.

  But Lara didn’t think of any of this as she laid unconscious on the ground. Instead, she was completely defenseless. A pack of werewolves surrounded her body. They licked their lips as they saw a lot of meat on the bones of their next victim.

  Meanwhile, David managed to force his way out of the room. His ex-girlfriend had tried to detain him but he was stronger than her and he managed to push her out of the way before rushing out of the room. He did not have time to deal with his ex-girlfriend right now. Lara seemed to be in a really distressed state and his tiger was pacing back and forth inside of him and screaming at him to go after her.

  David didn’t know what was getting into his tiger but at this point he knew he wouldn’t be able to argue with him. He needed to follow his instincts and so he made his way outside. He stepped onto the grass. He heard the sound of werewolves. His body shuddered. They were howling loudly and there seemed to be a whole pack in the woods.

  The werewolves seemed to be communicating that they had found their next victim and David shuddered to think of Lara somewhere in the woods. He shuddered to think of her surrounded by the wolves so he ran into the forest as fast as he could, moving toward the howl. Some part of him knew she was in danger and he wondered how this was possible, but this was no time to think about things like that.

  Instead, he ran as fast as he could until he was face to face with a colossal wolf pack. They seemed to be surrounding something. David quickly climbed a tree to see his wife lying unconscious in the circle, a patch of red under her head. David swore under his breath as he looked at his wife and then at the pack surrounding his wife.

  He wondered what he was going to do when suddenly his tiger took over. Before he could stop himself, he had transformed into a fierce looking Bengal tiger. David was no longer in control as his tiger rushed forward and broke through the circle of wolves, ripping out the necks of any wolf that got in his way.

  Soon enough he was standing by his wife and hissing at the wolves as they tried to approach the woman. His tiger was bent on protecting this woman until the end. The wolves seemed to snicker at his efforts and thought he was a fool for trying to take on the whole pack.

  Suddenly, as a whole mass they attacked the tiger. The tiger, however, managed to fight them all off. There seemed to be something in the tiger’s attacks that was way more powerful than strength alone. There appeared to be something else fueling his power. Maybe it was an urge to protect this woman. Maybe he needed to keep her safe. Maybe this was the strength of a protector.

  Nonetheless, with several vigorous swipes of his paws, David managed to fight off the whole pack and they ended up running off with their tails between their legs.

  With the threat of danger gone, David was able to turn back into his human form. He looked down at his wife. She was still unconscious. There was a pool of blood under her head at this point. David could see a significant gash in her head. He frowned, looking at her, so pale and motionless. He wondered if she was still alive. His heart seemed to ache at the thought of her never opening her eyes again. Would he ever look into those green?

  Chapter 4

  David stared at her for a moment, as the sight of her blood made him a little woozy. Soon enough his tiger urged him to action and he picked her up. He cradled her in his arms gently before carrying her back inside. Most other men would have tired from carrying her inside but to David she was almost weightless and he could have carried her around the mansion five times without falter.

  Eventually, he made his way inside and found the private bedroom that had been set up for them. It was decorated with unwrapped gifts for their wedding day. He ignored all of these decorations as he placed her on the bed and prayed she was okay.

  David never knew himself to be so concerned about someone before but as he looked down at her, there was something about her that made his heart throb. He didn’t know what it was, but he wanted to ignore it. He didn’t wish to admit that it was there.

  But he couldn’t think about these things right now. Instead, he had to help his wife. So he took off his shirt and looked at her before ripping off strips of cloth from his shirt. He gently wrapped them around her head as best as he could. He contemplated calling an ambulance, but he didn’t want to risk the doctors learning that it had been a werewolf attack. Instead, he sat by her side and prayed that she would be okay, that the bleeding would stop, and that what little experience he had from medical school would help him out here.

  To his relief, it didn’t take very long for her to wake up. When she did, he looked into her beautiful green eyes and a smile spread across his face like an infection. He was relieved to see those eyes again and she looked at him a little confused.

  Her head hurt like hell and she wondered what was going on before she remembered everything. She looked at him and tilted her head, “H…how did you…?” Her voice was small and weak. Throughout this ordeal, Lara had not eaten a thing. Her body was slowly deteriorating.

  David looked at her and gently shushed her. He smiled warmly before grabbing a plate of food off the nightstand. “Before anything else you are weak and you need to eat.” Lara looked at the plate of food and shook her head.

  “No… I’m not hungry…” She said before looking away. It was apparent that she was lying.

  “Please… eat something… I don’t want you passing out again.” He pushed the plate of food toward her. It was at this moment that she looked up. As she did, she noticed that he was shirtless. She blushed darkly as her eyes looked over his body. His chest was muscly and on it grew a reddish fur, not too much, that she yearned to stoke. His shoulders were broad, his arms strong. She felt her eyes drop down to his well-defined abs and she felt warm inside. This sexy man was her husband? And various scars adorned his body. She wondered where they had all come from, she wondered what their stories were.

  As she looked at her husband, her eyes finally made their way back to his face. She looked at his angular face and his high cheek bones. She noticed his thick red hair on the top of his head. She wanted to run her fingers through it, to feel its softness, but she knew she would never dream of doing something like that. She then gazed into his golden eyes and marveled at how unusual they were. She had never seen someone with golden eyes before. Maybe he wore colored contacts?

  David noticed her staring at him and said nothing. He was used to women gawking at him but for some reason Lara’s stare made him blush and he tried to look away, but he was pulled in by her jade colored eyes. They had an intensity he had never seen before and he wondered what secrets they could unlock about his wife.

  As he looked at her he realized that she would not eat on her own accord and so he picked up a strawberry and slowly placed it on her lip giving her a puppy dog look. Lara could not deny him his request and she gently opened up her mouth and accepted the piece of fruit. It was the first real morsel of food she had eaten in weeks and it tasted so good. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

  “See isn’t that better?” He asked softly before handing her the plate. She took it this time. “I know what Rho
nda said was harsh… but I want you to know that I don’t think anything she said was true. You are beautiful in your own unique way.” He smiled warmly at her and Lara stopped eating. Her cheeks were burning red. She had never been this embarrassed before.

  “Now do you mind if I take a look at your head while you eat?” David asked and Lara shook her head. She felt like she couldn’t deny this man anything. He smiled and nodded at her before gently unwrapping his shirt from her head. The wound had stopped bleeding for now. He got up and got a wet hand cloth and started to gently clean up her wound.

  Lara was surprised by how gentle he was being. She would never have expected someone like him to be this gentle with someone like her. When he was done cleaning up the wound, he noticed that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed and that, with a little care, it would be healed in no time.

  He got the first aid kit and started to disinfect it. Lara winced a bit, but David held her hand which only made her cheeks burn even more. She couldn’t really believe any of this was happening. A handsome man was taking care of her. A handsome man thought she was beautiful. A handsome man had saved her from a pack of wolves.

  Lara thought that maybe this arranged marriage wasn’t so bad after all.

  Chapter 5

  After a while, the two of them started to warm up to each other. They were actually lying together, although with a significant gap between them.

  “So your favorite color is purple?” Lara nodded and smiled.

  “How did you know?” He gently pulled on the chain around her neck. Attached to the end of it was a purple stone.

  “I noticed this.” Lara was surprised that he had picked out such a small detail about her. It almost made her feel special.


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