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Billionaire: Billionaire Boss Romance: What the Boss Wants, He Gets (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Boss Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Older Man Romance)

Page 17

by Tia Siren

  “W… what’s your favorite color?” She asked, tilting her head.

  “Orange,” David answered without hesitation. “Oh and by the way, you can call me Davy. I hate the name David. I know it’s kind of random, but I figured if we are husband and wife now I would let you know.” Lara blushed at his words but nodded at him. Davy. She liked that.

  Davy looked at her and they laid there in silence for a moment. Lara then broke the silence by asking, “Why is orange your favorite color?” Davy thought about just giving her a generic answer but if this woman was to be his wife she needed to know the truth. He suddenly sat up. Lara looked at him startled. Was something wrong?

  “Lara… may I call you that?” She nodded and he continued. “Lara, there’s actually a very complicated reason for that, but I am not sure I should tell you…” Lara looked at him a little confused. She didn’t understand how someone’s favorite color could be so complicated.

  He could see the look in her eye and sighed.

  “I am not like everyone else… I’m different.” This confused Lara even more. “I’m not entirely human…” This completely threw Lara off the railings, but she continued to look at him.

  “That girl… the one that was mean to you… she used to be one of my old girlfriends. We had a splendid relationship going on until I hurt her…” Davy looked away, as if ashamed of himself. Lara, although still confused continued to look at him and gently placed her hand over his.

  “There’s this… animal inside of me… that likes to come out sometimes… and when that happens I can get out of control…” He whispered softly, looking at her with big eyes. Lara thought about what this could mean. Did he have some sort of temper problem that he was alluding to? She stayed silent.

  “It’s kind of hard without showing you… but I don’t think I should.” Lara looked at him with intense eyes.

  “It’s okay… I’m not scared of you if that’s what you are worried about. You have saved me twice today…” She murmured, looking at him and giving his hand a squeeze.

  “Maybe you should be,” he said solemnly looking away. He got up and paced around the room. He didn’t know what to do. A part of him wanted to show her his tiger form. The other part of him knew how dangerous it would be.

  But his tiger urged him on. His tiger wanted to come out and greet her. Davy didn’t know if he would be able to control his tiger or if it would be like the last time. Old memories flooded into Davy’s mind as he thought about his last encounter with Rhonda.

  He was on top of her and they were going at it, moans and screams were filling the room as they went at it hard and fast. Suddenly, she had dug her nails into his back and he had lost all control. At that moment, he had shifted and his tiger had tried to mate with her.

  His tiger had reached down and bit her shoulder, leaving behind two large scars. Davy remembered how she had screamed. It had sounded like she was being murdered, but he was defenseless to do anything as his tiger had full control.

  His tiger didn’t finish the bond with Rhonda before Davy took control. Rhonda was left withering in pain on the bed as he rushed out of the room and abandoned her. He had never forgiven himself after that. However, Davy couldn’t run away forever. He knew his actions would one day haunt him. It seemed like fate had chosen his wedding night.

  The incomplete bond with Rhonda made her dependent on him, made her crave him like nothing else. The only way he could stop her torment was to find his true mate, but so far he had not found her. David often had doubts whether she even existed at all.

  Finally, Lara snapped him out of his trance. “Davy?” Her sweet voice pulled him back to earth and he shook his head to clear his mind.

  “S…sorry… I was just thinking about something.”

  “Is it about that woman?” Davy nodded sadly before looking away. “Davy… please… whatever it is… please show me… I want to know what is going on and what I am getting myself into by being your wife.” She blushed at her own words but looked at him with big eyes. He looked into those eyes now and knew he couldn’t deny her.

  There was something inside of him that couldn’t deny her. It was like some primal feeling he couldn’t ignore. There was something different about this woman, something different than all the other woman he had ever been with. Davy couldn’t quite figure out what it was, but it was there, lurking in his chest.

  Sighing, Davy moved toward her. He closed his eyes and allowed his tiger to take over. Lara gasped as she watched him change in front of her. His transformation was like something out of a movie, but she was mesmerized as she watched the handsome man turn into a beautiful tiger.

  She looked into the tiger’s beautifully golden eyes and could not stop herself as her hand reached out. She touched him, gently scratching his ears and a loud purring noise rumbled throughout the bedroom.

  Lara smiled at the tiger. This should have freaked her out. She should be screaming in fright, but instead she felt comfortable and safe with the tiger. She smiled at it again. The tiger purred even louder.

  Davy couldn’t believe how well the situation was going. It seemed like everything was going smoothly. Lara appeared to be calm and his tiger also appeared to be calm. After a moment, he turned back into his human form.

  Lara looked at him with big eyes and Davy looked back. He couldn’t help himself as he moved toward her, held her cheeks in his hands and kissed her lips for the very first time.

  Chapter 6

  The kiss escalated. Soon, Davy pressed his lips against hers harder as hidden emotions came to the surface, making themselves known as their lips pressed together.

  Davy could feel his heart throb as he wrapped his arms around his wife. He kissed her even harder. She seemed to be enjoying the experience as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back.

  She had never kissed anyone before, but she quickly learned and soon enough her tongue was dancing with Davy’s in his mouth. She could feel excitement running through her veins as he kissed her. She had never felt like this before.

  Before they knew what was happening Davy was helping Lara take off her wedding dress. Lara blushed as she started to unbutton his pants. She had never done anything like this before but at that moment she didn’t want anything else. She wanted this man. She wanted him bad.

  Davy could feel her desire in her every move, her every kiss, but he could also sense her inexperience as he held her. She was a little awkward, but that didn’t put him off as much as he expected it to. Instead, he peeled off her dress and smiled down at her.

  She might not be supermodel thin, but she was still beautiful. As he looked down at her, he noticed that she had curves in all the right places. He smiled before leaning down and gently kissing her neck. He never thought he would find himself attracted to a woman like her, but there was no denying the excitement in his boxers.

  Lara looked up at him, feeling a little shy now. She had never done anything like this before and she didn’t know if it was obvious or not. Davy quickly erased these thoughts from her mind, however, as his lips trailed from her neck down to her collarbone. He gently kissed her chest before reaching back and unclipping her bra. He pulled it off and smiled.

  His hands gently grabbed one of her large breasts and he smirked. “One thing skinny girls don’t have is a chest like this.” Davy leaned down and gently took one of her breasts into his mouth. He sucked on her nipples gently as his other hand groped and caressed the other breast.

  Lara moaned out loudly as he gave her chest a lot of attention. She moaned even louder as his hand made his way into her panties and found her eager pussy waiting for him. She was soaking wet in anticipation of what was going to come. Davy smiled at this and pulled away from her breasts to look up at her and said, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Lara bit her lip before responding. She was still a virgin. She knew that her first time would hurt she just didn’t know how much it would hurt. She was a little scared. Davy could see that emotio
n in her eyes and whispered softly, “I’ll be gentle… I promise.” He gently caressed the side of her face and she smiled.

  There was something about him she couldn’t deny. There was something in his eyes that told her that he would never hurt her. She eventually nodded and he smiled at her before kissing the top of her head.

  He leaned down and gently pulled off her white lace panties with his teeth. Lara had never imagined something like this would happen to her, she had only seen someone act like this in movies and didn’t think that men did this in real life. She felt a shiver of pleasure run down her spine.

  After her panties had been flung across the room, Davy ran his tongue over her wet folds and Lara moaned out loudly. She had never felt something like that before. She arched her back as if wanting more. She bit her lip and looked up at him with large eyes.

  Davy looked back and kissed her before plunging inside of her. Lara moaned loudly when he did. He pressed against her womanhood and she bit her lip. Davy forced himself inside of her as gently as possible and they both moaned out as he broke through her wall. Her nails dug into his back.

  This time, however, his tiger just seemed happy. His tiger didn’t struggle to break free, but instead it stayed inside of him, purring loudly as if enjoying the ride as well. Davy continued to make his wife feel good throughout the night.

  The room had filled with their sounds of pleasure and the air was heavy with their scent. Eventually, they managed to wear each other out and collapsed onto the bed after a wave of orgasms rocked their whole world.

  Lara had never experienced anything like it before and she was in nirvana as she laid in her husband’s arms.

  “You know, to be honest, I think I like your shape a lot better… there’s a lot more to cuddle and love…” He said before kissing her cheek. Lara blushed before looking at him.

  “D… do you really mean that?” Davy nodded at her and she smiled.

  “But only if you promise me not to starve yourself again. You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are.”

  Lara never thought she would hear those words being spoken about herself. She blushed deeply and for once in her life she started to feel good about herself. For once she fell asleep feeling beautiful. For once, she didn’t feel like hiding away and never being found again, for once she felt loved.

  Chapter 7

  After the blissful night together, Davy and Lara got along much better. The coldness that had emanated between them when they first met was no longer there. Now it seemed like the arranged marriage had been a success and that they liked each other after all.

  Lara was thankful for everything that had happened. She had nearly died on her wedding night but at the same time she found that she was now living happily with her husband. Now they were together on their honeymoon enjoying life together. She didn’t have a care in the world and it felt absolutely fantastic.

  It was their third day together on their honeymoon and they were just waking up from a nap. Lara had woken up first and she leaned toward her husband and gently kissed his cheek and smiled happily. Her hand gently outlined the contours of his face as she looked at him.

  He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She looked down and saw his arm wrapped protectively around her waist. Lara had never expected in her wildest dreams that she would find herself with such a handsome and protective husband, but she was glad she did. She would have to thank her parents for enrolling her in the elite mail-order bride service someday.

  Eventually, as Lara thought about her life and how a couple of days had completely turned it around Davy started to wake up. He opened his eyes to find Lara’s beautiful face mere inches from his. He smiled to himself before moving closer to her and wrapping his arms around her tight. She looked at him and their faces got closer and closer until he kissed her lips gently.

  “Mmm…” He moaned into the kiss before pulling away. “How about I go get us some mimosas and we can start our day together.” Lara smiled at her husband before nodding her head. Davy kissed the top of her head before getting up. He tossed on his robe and left the room.

  Lara watched as he left the room and then looked around, instantly feeling a little lonely. They were in a luxurious penthouse together and she smiled thinking about all the time they could spend together. She wondered when they would test out of the hot tub.

  Lara got up and wrapped her robe around herself before walking up to the french doors. She opened them and looked outside, watching the blue ocean move in and out with each passing wave. This private island was absolutely beautiful and Lara felt like she never wanted to leave. She smiled happily before hearing the door open up.

  She turned around, expecting Davy to be there with two mimosas but instead when she turned around she saw the girl, Rhonda, standing at the door. Had the girl been on the island the whole time? Lara’s face fell. All her insecurities came to life again. Was Davy seeing this woman behind her back? Was he secretly having an affair with another woman this early in their marriage?

  Lara felt like everything was a lie and she frowned as she thought about everything that had happened. She had wanted to believe. She had desperately wanted to believe that maybe just maybe this man loved her. That maybe he was different from all the other people that made fun of her and abused her emotions. She thought that maybe Davy was different from the rest but now she knew she was wrong. He was just like everyone else.

  As Lara looked at the super model in front of her, she knew she had been a fool for thinking that Davy would ever settle for a woman like herself. It wasn’t fair. She had put so much hope into this one man and now it was all crushed. She could feel tears running down her cheeks.

  “I haven’t even said anything yet and you are already crying?” Rhonda smirked as she walked up to Lara. “Soon enough I will give you something to cry about.” Rhonda suddenly snapped her fingers together and a bunch of men rushed into the room and surrounded Lara.

  They all held menacing looking guns as they surrounded her and she didn’t know what to do. She was scared and even though she felt betrayed by Davy she wanted nothing more than to have him by her side. She wanted him to be there to wrap his arms around her to keep her safe. She thought about his tiger and how his tiger would have saved her.

  The men then pushed her out of the room, leaving Rhonda alone in the sweetheart suite. She smirked before picking up a nearby memo pad and pen. She quickly wrote down a note. She knew when Davy came back he would be in for a rude awakening. No one broke up with her and got away with it. No one ripped out her heart and threw it away without paying for it.

  She smirked and left the note on the bed for Davy to find when he made his way back to the bedroom. He would be shocked to find his wife missing.

  She left, the clicks of her heels tapping against the floor as she slammed the door behind her.

  A little while later Davy entered the room with their drinks and smiled brightly, “I’m back!” He opened up the door and walked inside but didn’t find Lara on the bed as he expected to.

  “Lara?” He looked all around the suite and didn’t find her. He put down the drinks and got a little worried as his tiger got anxious. There was a horrible feeling in his stomach as he suddenly noticed the note on the bed. He read it and his whole world stopped for a moment.

  Rhonda had kidnapped Lara and she would only return her if he paid the ransom by the end of the week. It seemed like Rhonda was a gold digger after all. It seemed like Rhonda was even more heartless than he gave her credit for.

  Chapter 8

  After Davy had read the note, his tiger went nuts. He begged to be let out. His tiger wanted to run off and find Lara. He needed to find Lara. He needed to go out and protect her and bring her back safe and sound. His tiger would not rest until Lara was returned.

  Davy struggled to keep his tiger in check as he paced around the room and tried to figure out what to do. Despite his best efforts, however, the tiger gained control and Davy transformed in the middle of th
e room. The tiger sniffed the air trying to pick up her scent, but all he could smell was Rhonda’s overpowering perfume.

  The tiger got angry and paced around the room angrily as he tried to figure out what to do. He just wanted to run out and find her but without the use of his nose he would just be wasting time. Anger coursed through his body as he thought about Lara in Rhonda’s clutches. There was no telling what Rhonda would do to her even if he got her the money in time.

  Davy felt like such a fool for leaving her alone in the room and felt like even more of a fool for ever dating Rhonda in the first place. She had been a good time in bed, but that was all she could give him. She was heartless otherwise. Davy beat himself up as he transformed back and sat on the bed with his head in her hands. This couldn’t be happening.

  He had to find some way to save her. He couldn’t just wallow. He needed to find her. Suddenly, and an idea popped into his head and he quickly pulled out his phone and viciously dialed a number.

  Impatiently he waited for the person to pick up the phone.


  “Oh thank God! George, I need your help!” Davy sounded distraught as he yelled at his friend over the phone. His friend was now a head detective in his city and if anyone could find Rhonda and Lara, it would be him.

  “Davy… calm down what’s wrong?”

  Davy explained everything to his friend.

  “Okay… stay put and I will be there as soon as I can. I promise we will get her back safe and sound.”

  For some reason, Davy couldn’t come to believe his words. There was a rock sitting in the pit of his stomach that felt like it weighed a million pounds. He felt sick. He felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. He didn’t know what to do.

  As he waited for his friend he just became more and more worried. A thousand different scenarios ran through his mind as he thought about Lara. He worried about her safety. In this troubled state, Davy learned something important. Not only did he realize that he loved this girl but that this girl was his mate. His true mate.


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