Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel

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Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel Page 41

by Elle Rease

  “I think he’s going to be fine. He seems… content.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “He wants to study law now.”

  Brennan pulled back with raised eyebrows. “He wants to be a lawyer?”

  “Seems like it.”

  “That could be useful.”

  “That’s what he wants to be. Useful.”

  He nodded with comprehension. “I’m sure that’s not all he’ll be good at. Byron is loyal. When the changes happen in the club, I want him to be my Road Captain.”

  “So, your father’s serious about that?” she asked.

  “Not right now, but he’d like to step down a few years from now.”

  “Wow, that’s… huge.”

  Brennan grinned, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “Aye, you know it is.”

  “You know what I meant,” she muttered, blushing.

  “I know what I want you to mean.” He cupped her face in his hands and titled her chin up to gain access to her mouth. His lips were firm on hers, enticing her into a slow kiss. “I know what I want you to do, too.”

  She rested her arms on his shoulders, pressing her body to his. “You mean suck you until you see stars?”

  “Yes,” he growled, his hands shifting down to grip her ass. His pierced tongue went in search of hers. “But you’ll take your clothes off first.”

  “So, you want me naked,” she gasped between their passionate kisses, “on my knees, sucking you off?” She giggled when he lifted her onto the counter and pushed her legs open. “Is that what you want, babe?”

  “You bet your wet pussy it is.” His fingers went under her skirt and delved into her, while his mouth smothered her cry of amazement. Her walls clamped on his digits, and she whimpered as his fingertips rubbed her G-spot. He sent his lips on a journey down her neck. “Tied to the bed, your mouth wide open for me… That’s what I want.”

  “It sure sounds like you’d rather fuck me right here, right now.” Feeling naughty, she unzipped his jeans and grabbed his erection. His attack on her G-spot grew in intensity and she tilted her head back once his teeth nibbled on her shoulder. “Bren, please.”

  “Can you be quiet?” he queried huskily. “We have guests.”

  “Don’t pretend that doesn’t turn you on.”

  “Aye.” He extracted his fingers and speared her with his cock, his eyes blazing in triumph at her soft cry of pleasure. He retreated and thrust again, deeper this time. “I won’t pretend it doesn’t turn me on to take you whenever I feel like it.”

  She clutched his shoulders and held on for the ride, trying—and failing—to be mindful of the others in the house. He hadn’t gone to get his dick pierced once she was off the medication that nullified the Pill’s efficacy, but that didn’t make his member any less powerful. She felt every inch, every ridge, as he owned her.

  Wrapping her legs around his hips, she urged him closer. She loved the way he grunted in her ear, his breath warming her neck. He curled his fingers into her hair to tilt her head back, placing loving kisses on her skin while he rammed into her. It was difficult to be insecure about his adoration whenever they were together like this.

  Deep down, she knew that his love for her was irrational, yet there, nonetheless. It was her own insecurities that always had her questioning his commitment, and it wasn’t fair to him.

  “Cin, where are ye?” he groaned, lifting his head to gaze at her.

  She snapped back to the present moment, biting her lip as he changed his angle slightly. “Right here,” she whimpered in response.

  His pace developed into something deeper, slower. “Stay with me.”

  Her breathing became more consistent, even as her heartbeat accelerated. Brennan’s lovemaking was unlike anything she’s ever experienced. She sensed her orgasm blooming and, with every movement, he brought her closer… and closer… until she shattered.

  And he was there, like a thousand times before, to lure her back to reality. “Ye’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he murmured, following her over the edge.

  She folded her arms over his shoulders and rested her forehead in the crook of his neck, catching her breath. He stroked over her spine, up and down, as he attempted to do the same. For a few moments, they were the only two people in the world.

  “Oh, here you are. Everyone’s—”

  Cinnia glanced up at the sound of Byron’s voice, blushing as she made eye-contact. “What’s up, By?”

  “I, ah…” He trailed off with a cough, looking up at the ceiling. “The guys wanna start the barbecue, but they don’t know where the meat is?”

  “Okay,” Brennan mumbled, “I’ll be right there.”

  Byron nodded, turned on his heel, and strode away from the kitchen.

  “Well, that wasn’t awkward at all,” she said brightly.

  “He’s not a virgin, so he’ll understand.”

  “He’ll also be living with us for a while, so perhaps we should be more careful next time.”

  His icy eyes danced with mischief. “Oh, we can pretend we’ll be careful if it’ll make you feel better.”

  She slapped his shoulder and pushed him away. “Take the meat outside. I’m going to… clean up.” He glanced down at the apex of her thighs and she could basically see his mouth watering. She quickly jumped off the counter. “No, Bren. Not today.”

  “Always spoiling my fun.”

  “Believe me, I’d love for you to use your mouth, but then we’ll have another awkward moment a few minutes from now.” She gave him a soft peck on his cheek. “See you in a bit.”

  She dodged some of the women on her way upstairs, her face going red at the feel of her and Brennan’s orgasms trickling down the inside of her thighs. She shut the door behind her and quickly wiped away the evidence of their interlude, donning underwear on her way out. Everyone was waiting outside by the time she finished and she came to a standstill next to Byron.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” she whispered.

  He glanced at her and quirked a smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “How’re you feeling?”

  “Well, Brennan made sure no one’s drinking, so I’m not tempted to,” he answered dryly. He shut his mouth and stared at the others. “It feels nice, though. I don’t think my parents would’ve done this for me.”

  “We’ll always be here for you, By.”

  “Nixon said I’m still allowed to ride with the MC.”

  “What made you think you wouldn’t be?”

  He coughed to hide his discomfort. “You know, that whole me-ditching-my-duties-as-your-babysitter thing.”

  “You messed up once,” she snorted. “No one’s going to hold it against you.”

  “I’ll never do it again.”

  Cinnia looked up at him, amazed by how much he’s grown, physically, in the last seven months. It was strange to think that, when she’d arrived, he had been her height. “I know, By. I trust you. We all do.”

  Dawn interrupted them before Byron could respond, Aurora in her arms. “What’re you two chatting about?”

  “The man of the hour,” Cinnia teased, nudging Byron with her elbow.

  He rolled his eyes. “There are way better things to talk about.” He held his hands out to Aurora. “Can I hold her?”

  Dawn’s eyebrows rose. “S-sure,” she stuttered, gently handing her baby over. “Just be—”

  “Careful, I know,” Byron interrupted as he gazed at Aurora. “You two can talk about something else now.”

  Laughing to herself, Cinnia’s eyes followed him as he walked to Teagan and Haye. “Who knew that teenagers liked babies?”

  “Or that Aurora likes addicts?” Dawn countered, an edge to her voice. She was chewing on the corner of her lip, her maternal instincts making her twitchy. “I don’t know if I—”

  “She’s fine,” Cinnia interjected kindly. She gave her best friend’s hand a squeeze. “You should learn to let go.”

  “I never thought I’d be this way. It’s ki
nd of embarrassing.”

  “Have you and Haye spoken about having another one?”

  Dawn gave Cinnia a sideways glance, as if to test the waters before she committed to a reply. “Yeah, we have, actually.”

  Cinnia masked her surprise. “That’s amazing! When?”

  “We’d like for them to grow up together, so we’ve already been trying.”

  “Has the doctor approved?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m healthy as a horse, apparently,” Dawn chuckled.

  “I’m so happy for you.” And really, really jealous. Cinnia throttled that little voice. She wouldn’t let her own misfortune cloud her happiness at Dawn’s plan to add to her family. That was the way things should be.

  “I know you’ll find a surrogate soon, Cin. And your little ones will grow up with mine.”

  “Here’s to hoping.”

  Cinnia guided the conversation to less hurtful topics, chatting to Dawn about some business ventures Reade was interested in to help add to the Raptors’ funds. The whole MC has seen an increase in membership over the last couple of years, both at the base and its numerous charters, which meant that it had a very large family to look after.

  “I’m very positive about it, though,” Dawn said, smiling. “As long as they’re not getting back into the gun and drug trade, I’m all for whatever they’re trying to do.”

  “I agree,” Cinnia nodded. “Reade thinks property is the best alternative, although it’s tricky. There’s this development close-by, where they’re building a bunch of apartments.”

  “Gosh, you’re gonna have to hire an assistant at some point, though.”

  Cinnia laughed dryly. “Tell me about it! Maybe it’s a good thing I love numbers so much, ‘cause I don’t really mind the workload.”

  “You’ve always been a bit of a freak,” Dawn teased as she bumped Cinnia’s shoulder with her own.

  “No wonder I’m such a perfect match for Bren,” Cinnia chuckled.

  Piper joined their conversation, a little frown between her eyebrows. “Have you guys seen Teagan? He just disappeared.”

  “Maybe he went to the bathroom?” Dawn suggested.

  “No, I already checked.”

  Cinnia gave Piper a look. “You know, you’re starting to sound a little weird, like those women who track their husbands’ phones to know where they are. It’s not an attractive quality in an old lady.”

  The young woman chewed on her bottom lip and nodded. “I know, and I hate that I’m like this, but he’s been acting very strangely these last few of weeks.”

  “What do you mean?” Dawn asked, confused.

  “He’s… secretive.” Piper raked her fingers through her blonde hair and attempted a nonchalant smile. “And he’s been very distracted. I ask him a question, and he avoids it or pretends not to hear me. At first I thought it’s work stress or something, since he got that promotion the other day, but now I’m starting to think… Maybe he’s not in love with me anymore.”

  Cinnia blinked, not comprehending what she was hearing. “That’s impossible.”

  “I think you’re too used to thinking that something bad is going to happen when things go well,” Dawn agreed.

  “I’m telling you, something is up with him. He won’t talk to me,” Piper insisted, a panicky edge to her voice. “And no matter how many times I ask, he doesn’t say anything.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” Cinnia vowed.

  “Talk to me about what?”

  Piper jumped guiltily and glanced over her shoulder at Teagan. “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Clearly,” he said with a clenched jaw. “You think I don’t love you?”


  “I told you not to worry, all those times you asked.”

  “Don’t do this here,” Cinnia said quietly, putting a hand on her brother’s chest.

  “No, we’ll hash this out right here, in front of eyewitnesses.”

  Piper stepped back, alarmed, and Dawn’s jaw dropped. “Teagan, stop it. You’re scaring her.”

  “She should be scared.” His tone of voice was attracting attention. He stepped up to Piper and then, contrary to his attitude until that point, his face softened. He dropped to his knees and tilted his head back to look at her. “I told you not to worry.”

  Cinnia’s eyes widened once she realized why he’s been distant. The son of a gun hadn’t even told her—his own sister—that he was planning to propose! She glanced at Dawn, who’d figured out the intent behind the theatrics, too.

  “I hate to do this on Byron’s special day,” Teagan murmured, staring at his girlfriend with nothing except love, “but it’s going to be a while before we have a group like this together again, and I can’t wait that long.”

  Piper gasped as Teagan dug in his pocket and retrieved a black, velvet box. She covered her mouth with both her hands and her amber eyes filled with tears.

  “I know I’ve made you doubt yourself for the last couple of weeks, and I’m sorry about that. I was looking for the perfect ring and didn’t want you to find out until I proposed. You’re so damn nosy, though.” He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s one of the many things I love about you. You know more about me than most people do, because you care enough to find out. It was hell, keeping this a secret, but this is my first time popping the question and I clearly have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “You should’ve come to me for pointers!” Brennan hollered from the fire.

  Everyone laughed while Teagan’s cheeks went red. “I knew you’d tell Cin, and that she’d get all weird around Piper, so I didn’t want that,” he argued.

  Cinnia rolled her eyes, yet she knew her brother was right.

  “Piper, what I’m struggling to ask is this: will you marry me?” And Teagan opened the box, revealing a ring that suited her to a T. It was yellow, set in a gold band, and reminded Cinnia of Piper’s eyes, no doubt her brother’s intention. “Please?”

  “Oh my God, yes!” Piper sank down to her hunches to be at his level, holding her hand out to him. She was crying, although she had the widest smile on her face. She waited patiently as he slipped the ring on her fingers, never once taking her eyes off him, and then she tackled him, much to everyone else’s amusement. “You scared me!”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Cinnia shuffled on her feet, uncomfortable, as the two lovebirds proceeded to make out. “Uhm, you can, uh, use the spare bedroom if you promise to be quiet.”

  “Hey, I’m going to be sleeping there!” Byron joked. “Don’t I get a say?”

  “We’ll steam clean the mattress, I swear.”

  Teagan and Piper broke apart, panting, and got to their feet. Teagan kept his fiancée in front of him, no doubt to prevent others from seeing his boner. Cinnia was grateful for that. “We’re just going to, uhm—”

  “Just go,” Cinnia sighed. “We won’t judge you.”

  “Speak for yourself!” Nixon exclaimed, laughing.

  The newly engaged couple scrambled into the house.

  “Not again,” Byron groaned dramatically, bringing Aurora back to her mother. “Looks like I’ll have to invest in noise-cancelling headphones.”

  “Until you start banging again, you mean.”

  Byron gave Cinnia a dry look. “Not if you’re calling it ‘banging’.”

  Before she could retort, Piper’s moans and Teagan’s grunts filled the air. With a horrified gasp, Cinnia remembered that she’d left the spare bedroom’s window open, which happened to overlook the backyard, where about fifty people were currently congregating.

  Brennan’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Should we pretend as if we don’t hear that?” he stage-whispered.

  “I doubt they hear anything except themselves,” Jemma giggled. “They won’t notice if we stopped talking.”

  “Euw, that’s my brother!”

  “Hey, he heard you reaching orgasm earlier,” Dawn informed her best friend.

  Cinnia froze. “Was I that loud?”

nbsp; “Jesus, Cin, you’re like a fog horn,” Haye laughed.

  She blushed deeply, her face no doubt hotter than the surface of the sun. “I am not.”

  “He’s right, lass,” Brennan said, walking up to her. “You’re that loud, but it’s okay: I love it.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed.” She buried her face against his chest. “Never having sex with you when other people are around again.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  But when Piper gave a piercing cry of pleasure, Cinnia was almost certain that she would never again allow other people to hear what Brennan did to her. Whenever they were together like that, she wasn’t even aware of how vocal she was. Clearly, that was part of the problem.

  At the back of her mind, though, she knew he’d probably distract her enough to make her forget her good intentions. Sighing, she wrapped an arm around Brennan’s waist and joined the festivities in the backyard. She tried—and mostly succeeded—not to listen to the shenanigans going on upstairs.

  Frankly, the type of festivity Teagan and Piper were up to sounded way more fun. She was already looking forward to her next rendezvous with Brennan.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The first one’s name was Sarah.

  At first, Cinnia thought that she was perfect: she had a good, healthy lifestyle, she was charming and had a way with people, and she was willing to carry Cinnia’s impregnated egg. The first couple of interviews went amazingly well, and Sarah became the most likely candidate for surrogacy.

  That’s when Cinnia began spotting how Sarah looked at Brennan… Hungrily, like a woman who’s found her mate and wanted to drag him to her cave before devouring him, in every way possible. Those sly little looks that most single women think go unnoticed, but that married women picked up on immediately.

  Sarah laughed at all his jokes—even when they weren’t really funny—and touched his arm whenever she addressed him. She’d flick her hair over a shoulder to draw attention to her long, elegant neck. In Cinnia’s eyes, the woman was blatantly obvious about her attraction to Brennan, as well as her complete disregard of Cinnia, his wife.


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