Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel

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Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel Page 51

by Elle Rease

  “I get it.” She held him tightly, inhaling his familiar leather-and-spice scent. “You’re right.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but you know how I get when I put my focus on something.”

  “Yeah, nothing else matters until it’s settled,” she teased, poking his stomach.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Are you still angry?”

  “I can never stay angry at you for too long.”

  “You used to be able to hold a grudge for years.”

  “That was before you fixed it with sex.”

  His laughter vibrated on her chest and he dropped another peck on her forehead. “I love you so much, lass.”

  “Aye, laddie, I love ye tae.”

  He threw his head back and guffawed loudly. “That was a horrible Scottish accent.”

  “Can’t fault a girl for trying.”

  “Aye, Ah cannae.”

  She sent her gaze heavenward and poked him again. “You know, making my accent feel inferior isn’t a good move if you still want sex every night.”

  “The baby isn’t even here yet, and you’re already threatening me with less sex.” He clucked his tongue and pressed her against the wall, staring at her with warmth in his blue eyes and a naughty twist to his mouth. “Must I remind you that—”


  A chill went down Cinnia’s spine and she pushed Brennan out of the way. Her eyes landed on Tessa, who was clutching her pregnant belly as if it was causing her a great deal of pain. Cinnia felt slightly faint once she noticed the wet patch on the floor.

  “Oh my God,” she said, darting forward. Brennan’s thump-clinks followed. “Tess, are you okay?”

  “He’s coming,” was all the redheaded woman gasped in reply.

  “But it’s—”

  “He’s coming,” Tessa repeated, interrupting Brennan.

  Finding his footing again, Brennan hollered: “Byron, get the car!”

  Cinnia took hold of Tessa’s arm and assumed most of the woman’s weight. “Come on, let’s get you to the car.”

  “I swear,” Tessa said, breathing heavily, “I was under no stress. It came out of nowhere!”

  “He’s obviously an eager beaver,” Cinnia commented lightly as they made their way towards the parking lot, much to the entertainment of the rest of the MC. She sighed with relief when Brennan scooped Tessa into his arms. “Thanks.”

  Byron parked the SUV right in front of them and Cinnia opened the door to the backseat. “By, keep the engine running,” she ordered.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he vowed.

  Once Tessa was deposited on the backseat, Brennan jumped in on the passenger side while Cinnia joined her surrogate. Byron gunned it once all the doors were shut. Cinnia glanced behind her and smiled as five Harleys fell in line.

  “I don’t think this is gonna take long,” Tessa panted.

  “We’ll be at the hospital in no time.” Cinnia held her friend’s hand. “I can’t believe he’s two weeks early.”

  “Sounds like his dad,” Byron said dryly.

  “Hey, I’m not premature,” Brennan argued.

  Byron snickered. “Why so defensive, Bren?.”

  “You can be glad I only care about my son right now, or you’d have a blue eye.”

  “Men,” Cinnia muttered, shaking her head.

  Tessa flashed her a grin. “It’s not too late to join my team, Cin.”

  “It’s looking more tempting by the minute.”

  “As long as I can watch and participate, I don’t care,” Brennan remarked.

  Byron burst out laughing. “One would swear there isn’t a woman in labor on the backseat right now.”

  Tessa groaned as another contraction hit.

  “Nope, you can’t miss it,” Cinnia said. She wiped the sweat from Tessa’s forehead with the back of her hand. “Almost there, Tess. Hang on.”

  Two of the Harleys sped past the SUV, probably to prepare things at the hospital. Cinnia really couldn’t complain about the Raptors and the lifestyle she’s accepted as her own: it had so many perks. There was always a huge group of people ready to help out.

  “Here we are,” Byron said, pulling into the parking lot at the hospital.

  “Go there.” Brennan pointed to the emergency entrance. “It’ll be faster.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Brennan was out of the car before it reached a full stop, opening the door so he could carry Tessa to the awaiting wheelchair. Nixon and Haye, the two guys who’d gone ahead, had secured a nurse who immediately began fussing over Tessa. They were all ushered into the hospital, although only Cinnia and Brennan were allowed into the maternity ward.

  “Shit, isn’t the doctor on leave?” Tessa asked.

  Cinnia’s brain shut down momentarily. She detested it when things didn’t go according to plan, yet there wasn’t much she could do about it now: Logan wasn’t going to wait until his scheduled due date. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Tessa was helped to her feet once they were in the delivery room and didn’t protest when her clothing was replaced by a hospital gown. There was no time for modesty in a situation like this and they all knew it.

  “Alright, let’s get your feet in these stirrups,” the nurse who’d wheeled Tessa in instructed.

  Cinnia could feel her heartbeat accelerate while the nursing staff got Tessa settled. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Like your giant baby is about to burst through my vagina.”

  Brennan chuckled and glanced at Cinnia. “She’s fine.”

  “It’s all happening so fast.” Tessa’s forehead glistened with sweat and her chest was heaving. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “I kinda got used to hanging with you guys.”

  “I see no reason why that should change.”

  She glanced at Cinnia. “Wait, you’re serious about me sticking around?”

  “I never say things I don’t mean, Tess. Does this mean you’ll reconsider?”

  Tessa smiled. “Let’s get this out of the way, first. I’d hate to say something in the heat of the moment.”

  “That’s a yes,” Cinnia said firmly. “Welcome to the family.”

  Tessa’s laugh was interrupted by another forceful contraction. “Holy shit, that hurts!”

  Cinnia wished, not for the first time, that she was in Tessa’s place. She wanted to know what it was like going through these motions like a regular expectant mother, to be involved with every cramp and contraction. This was what helped forge that infamous bond between a mother and a child.

  Brennan wrapped an arm around Cinnia’s waist and tugged her closer. “Get out of your mind, lass,” he murmured.

  “How did you know?” she asked, glancing up at him.

  “I make it my business to know everything about you.”

  “That’s both sweet and creepy.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Focus on what’s important right now.”

  She did as she was bid, noting that the doctor on duty had arrived in the meantime. He was checking how much Tessa’s birthing canal had dilated and confirming what they’d already assumed: this was going to be a quick delivery.

  When Dawn had given birth to Aurora and Jesse, time had seemed to fly and Cinnia hadn’t been able to focus on one particular thing in the delivery room. Now, with her own child on the way, it was as if time was slowing down, giving her the opportunity to commit every breath to memory.

  Tessa’s face was contorted in obvious pain as she braced on the bed. She pushed whenever the doctor instructed her to, her skin flushing red with exertion. She panted as the baby’s head crowned, looking like she was about to give up.

  Cinnia lurched forward and grabbed her friend’s hand. “I’m right here, Tess,” she murmured soothingly. “Squeeze as hard as you want.”

  “I can’t,” Tessa whined, her head falling back on the pillow.

  “You’ve come this far,” Brennan reminded her, taking her other hand.

  “Your body’s going to
do it automatically now,” the doctor informed Tessa. “It would be better if you’re at the steer.”

  “Okay.” Tessa briefly closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Slowly, she sat up again, smiling gratefully at Cinnia and Brennan’s support. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “I need you to push as hard as you can,” the doctor said. “On the count of three, okay? One, two… three!”

  A surprisingly animalistic howl escaped Tessa’s mouth as she put everything into her last action for this delivery. Cinnia yelped at the power of her friend’s grip on her hand and glanced at her husband, happy to see he was clenching his jaw in agony, too.

  “Yes, that’s it,” the doctor encouraged, leaning forward between Tessa’s legs. “Here he comes, Tessa! Keep… That’s it!”

  The world stopped moving once Logan’s cries filled the air. Cinnia’s heart ceased beating for a second and her eyes brimmed with tears. Never has there been a sound more beautiful, more exquisite, and more appreciated in her life.

  Tessa slumped on the bed in exhaustion. “Finally,” she breathed, closing her eyes.

  “Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Mr. Drummond?”

  Brennan jumped at the chance, going to the doctor and following his lead. Cinnia stayed at Tessa’s side, clinging to her hand, but she still had a perfect view of her husband’s face. His features were emphasized with the kind of joy she’s never witnessed before. She knew he loved her more than anything in this world, but she couldn’t compete with the love he had, from this moment onward, for his son.

  She didn’t want to compete. She was simply ecstatic that they finally had a child.

  He came over to her, shell-shocked, while the nursing staff got Logan cleaned up. “Wow,” he whispered, putting an arm around her waist. “Wow.”

  “You’re a daddy, Bren,” Cinnia smiled.

  “Aye, and you’re a mother.”

  Cinnia glowed with happiness. She had no words, just a sensation so untainted, it overwhelmed her. She held on to Tessa’s hand, and Brennan’s embrace reminded her of the beautiful thing they’ve created, the three of them. Yes, it was unconventional, yet it slotted in fine with the rest of her life. Nothing’s ever gone according to plan.

  A nurse brought Logan over, handing him to Cinnia. She was crying unabashedly once she had him in her arms. He was everything she’d been hoping for, and so much more. She couldn’t believe that this moment has arrived, at last… It felt like a dream.

  “Black hair,” Brennan murmured, “just like I wanted.”

  “You know, most people want their kids to have ten toes and ten fingers,” she said dryly.

  He kissed her forehead and stared, in awe, at their child. “I knew he’d be perfect.”

  “He is, isn’t he?” Cinnia turned to Tessa. “Do you want to hold him?”

  Tessa’s dark blue gaze widened. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Cinnia responded firmly. She helped Tessa to support Logan. She understood that it would be easier for the afterbirth to be released if Tessa was relaxed, and what better way to induce that calm than a new-born child? “I can never thank you enough for this gift, Tess.”

  “He’s stunning.” Tessa was transfixed by the little boy. “You guys make such an attractive family.”

  “Thank you,” Brennan said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, but at least I’ve got a good reason for it,” Tessa chuckled. “He sure was in a hurry, huh?”

  “So stubborn. He’s going to drive us crazy,” Cinnia agreed.

  “Let me give you milk, so you can show him off to the MC.” Tessa handed Logan back to his mother. “They’re probably filling up the waiting room by now.”

  “Probably,” Cinnia sighed happily. She was staring at her son—much like Brennan—while a nurse helped Tessa pump breast milk. She briefly wondered how many times she’ll be like this: oblivious to the world around her, simply because of the miracle that was Logan.

  “I think I’m going to take my piercings out.”

  Shocked, Cinnia looked up at Brennan. “What? Why?”

  He stroked Logan’s black hair. “I’m a da now.”

  “You’re still a husband, too. I love my tattooed, pierced, badass biker husband.”

  Laughing softly, he made eye-contact. “Okay, fine, which piercings can’t you live without?”

  “I’m already living without the one I loved the most,” she answered cheekily, giving his crotch a meaningful glance.

  “I’ll get it pierced again. What else?”

  She thought about that, realizing that they were having a serious conversation. He was really going to remove some of his piercings, although she had no clue why. Logan will love his father the way he was: Brennan didn’t have to change.

  But, for some reason, he wanted to, so she would support his decision, like he’s been supportive of all her choices in life.

  “Your nipple rings stay,” she said finally. She leered at him saucily. “You’ll look all respectable when fully clothed, but I’ll get to see what a kinky slut you are when you’re naked.”

  Brennan guffawed loudly, effectively waking their son. Thankfully, the nurse brought a bottle of Tessa’s milk over, so that silenced the little boy seconds later. Brennan draped an arm on her shoulders and, together, they exited the delivery room to show off their pride and joy.

  They were quickly diverted to the babies’ room, since new-borns weren’t allowed direct contact with people who haven’t sanitized their hands.

  Cinnia stood in front of the glass. On the other side, most of the local MC were trying to get a good glance at the Drummond heir. She watched as the women ooh-ed and aah-ed, while the men shared looks of pride with Brennan. Then, unsurprisingly, Mysie managed to talk the nurses into letting the grandparents in to see Logan.

  “Oh, he’s so beautiful!” she cooed as she stepped over the threshold, having washed her hands extensively. “He’s going to look just like you, Cin!”

  “Great, that means he’ll be super manly,” Cinnia muttered dryly.

  “You know what she means.” Loraine held her arms out for her grandson. “Let’s see the little lad, then.”

  “Not so little, is he?” James chuckled, gazing at Logan from over his wife’s shoulder. “How many inches?”

  “Just over twenty-four,” Brennan replied smugly. “He’s going to be a giant.”

  “So proud of ye, lad,” Reade informed his son. “Ye’re gonna be a great da.”

  Brennan flushed at the praise. “Thanks, da.”

  Cinnia edged closer to her husband, snuggling into his side. She sighed contentedly once he kissed the top of her head. “I can’t wait to take him home.”

  “Don’t wish for time to go faster, Cin,” Mysie advised with a broad grin as she took over from Loraine. She handed the empty bottle to Reade. “Before you know it, he’s going to be all grown up, and you’re going to wonder what the hell happened.”

  “I’ll take your word for it, mom.”

  “And remember, whenever you need babysitters, we’re here,” her father reminded her.

  “I think I’m going to hold on to him for a few years before I start doling out responsibilities,” Cinnia teased.

  “Until he starts teething,” Loraine giggled. “God, you kept us up for hours on end when that happened.”

  Brennan bumped his hip against Cinnia’s. “I, on the other hand, was a dream.”

  “Ah would nae go tha’ far,” Reade said, shaking his head. “Ye were more like the devil incarnate.”

  “Especially when he started walking,” Mysie chimed in. “He was so fast, always disappearing even though you just had your eye on him. I hope, for your sake, that Logan will be taking it easier.”

  “I doubt it.” Cinnia smiled at their son, who had fallen asleep in his grandmother’s arms. “I have this feeling in my gut that he’s going to be exactly like Bren.”

  “Heaven help us all,” Loraine joked.

  “When are ye comin’ home?
” Reade queried.

  “Technically, we can do so right away, since Cin wasn’t the one delivering,” Brennan responded slowly, “but we want to stay here until Tess can come home with us. It will be convenient to have her breast milk close-by.”

  “And to be there for her. It’s the least we can do,” Cinnia added, nudging her husband in the ribs.

  He laughed softly. “Aye, that too.”

  “Well, then we’ll give the news to the MC,” Mysie said, giving Logan back to his mother. “They can’t hang around here forever. I’m sure the hospital staff would like some peace and quiet.”

  Cinnia was distracted by her baby. “They can still visit later. We weren’t expecting Logan so soon, is all.”

  “No need to make excuses, Cin. Everyone understands.” Loraine gave her daughter a peck on the cheek. “We’ll swing by tomorrow morning. I think Byron said he’ll go to your place to get your overnight bags.”

  “Tha’ lad is one of a kind.” Reade glanced at Brennan. “He’s goin’ tae be a loyal Road Captain.”

  “Aye, I know. He’s done so much already.”

  “Thanks for coming, mom.” Cinnia kissed her father and smiled. “You probably can’t wait for Teagan’s baby, dad.”

  “I’m starting to feel old. I don’t know about you, Reade,” James said.

  Reade chuckled. “Aye, Ah cannae believe Ah’m a grandda’.” He hugged his son. “Congratulations, Bren. Logan’s a fine young laddie.”

  They exchanged pleasantries for another few moments. Cinnia could tell that her parents were reluctant to leave, but the nurses were obvious about wanting everyone gone. So, a couple of minutes after the Drummonds and Sloanes left, the rest of the MC drifted away from the baby’s room.

  Byron remained behind, lifting his hand in greeting. Cinnia gave him a grateful smile and mouthed that he should come back in the morning. He nodded and saluted Brennan, following the Raptors out of the hospital.

  “You’re one lucky little boy,” Cinnia said to Logan. “You get to grow up in a loving family, just like your daddy.”

  “Aye, just like your ma,” Brennan agreed. “The Raptors will always be there for you.”

  To think that she’d considered giving up on this life. Right now, with her son and her husband so close to her, Cinnia knew one thing for sure: she will never turn her back on the MC again. She was in this for life.


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