by Elle Rease
Chapter Twenty-Seven
“Shit, I don’t know why it’s so sore this time.”
“There isn’t a lot of fat here, lass,” Brennan said soothingly. He looked different without the studs in his lips. She could still see the holes where they used to be. Thankfully, he’d kept his promise about the rest of his piercings. “It’ll be over soon.”
She flinched as he added another line to the ink on her hip. “I think you enjoy me being in pain over your name.”
His icy blue gaze briefly made contact with hers. “I can’t deny that.”
“I figured,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Will it be over soon?”
“Aye, I’m on the final ‘N’.”
“Seven letters,” she mumbled. She leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “Who knew that seven letters can be so damn painful?”
“Logan’s is going to be nine.”
“Yeah, but that’s on my arm.”
“You wanted it here,” Brennan reminded her.
“I know.” She sighed. “At the time, I thought it would turn you on to see your name so close to your ‘favorite plaything’.”
He laughed quietly, his shoulders shaking as he dipped the tattoo gun in a small pot of black ink. “I’m hard right now.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t lie.”
“Fine, I’ve got a semi.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“So I’ve heard.” His brow furrowed while he finished up the tattoo. “I think you’re restless ‘cause Logan’s out there.”
“Can you blame me?” she asked, casting a furtive glance at the doorway that led to the front of Brennan’s shop. “I haven’t heard a peep in half an hour.”
“That’s a good sign. It means that he’s not hungry.”
“And it feels weird for Tess—”
“No, it doesn’t, and you know it.”
Biting her bottom lip, she nodded. “You’re right, I’m just being irrational.”
“You’re an overprotective mother.” Brennan lifted the gun from her skin and placed it on the sterilized table next to him. Then he wiggled his fingers, gazing at her. “You’re entitled to worrying, but don’t stifle him.”
“I’m trying,” she assured him. “All done?”
“Aye, I just have to cleanse it and then put a cover on.”
“You’re not going to take a photo for your Facebook page?”
He shook his head as he sprayed a disinfectant on her tattoo, wiping over it with a paper towel. “This is too personal.”
“Softie.” She winced when it felt like her skin was catching fire. “Damn, that burns.”
“I know, it’s the alcohol in it. With the tattoo being covered for so long, you need all the germs gone.”
“When did you start doing this?”
“A client told me about this medical cover you can buy at a pharmacy,” he replied, applying said cover over her new tattoo. “It allows the skin to breathe, but doesn’t allow any moisture inside.”
He patted her tattoo tenderly, smiling broadly when she hissed. “Come on, let’s go put your mind at ease.”
She wished she could say she gracefully got off the chair and took her time to her son, but she would be lying. Even Brennan’s knowing laugh couldn’t make her feel bad for being so damn overbearing.
And, like he promised, there was nothing for her to worry about: Tessa had Logan in the portable carrier in front of her, pushing it with her foot every so often to rock it, while she read through her favorite magazine.
“Has he been good?” Cinnia whispered.
“So good,” Tessa responded. “I swear, he’s the best five-month-old ever.”
“Thanks for watching him.”
“It’s no problem. Let’s see the ink!”
Cinnia lifted her shirt. For once, she was wearing sweatpants—Brennan had insisted, stating it wouldn’t press down on her tattoo as much as her leather or jeans would’ve—so it was easy to maneuver the material out of the way to reveal her husband’s name.
“That’s a great font,” Tessa said, “and it’s not too big. I think it looks great.”
“Yeah, me too,” Cinnia grinned.
“Are you ready for the barbecue?”
“Mostly, but I still have to buy a few things.” Cinnia peeked at her son, her heart expanding with love. He hasn’t slept through the night yet, but she secretly enjoyed that he needed her. She knew there will come a time when he’ll avoid her at all cost to save face in front of his teenage friends. “Are you sure you can’t make it?”
Tessa closed her magazine and got up. “I’ve got a date, and my body’s finally back to what it once was.” She glanced down at her clothes. “More or less.”
“You look amazing, Tess.” Cinnia looked over her shoulder as her husband’s thump-clinks got closer. “What do you think, Bren? Does Tess have to worry about her date because of the way she looks?”
He frowned at that. “Hell no, Tess. Your body’s banging.” He winked at Cinnia. “If I wasn’t married and she wasn’t gay, I could see it happening again.”
Tessa rolled her eyes with a laugh. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bren.”
“I hope it goes well.” Brennan kissed her cheek. “Thank you for watching Logan.”
“Anytime,” Tessa said, hugging Cinnia. She waved at them. “See you tomorrow!”
Cinnia’s gaze followed her friend out the shop. “Is it weird that she’s going on a date on a Sunday?”
“Lass, with all the weirdness in our life, that’s what stands out?”
“You’re right,” she chuckled.
He picked up the carrier and Logan’s diaper bag. “Ready to go?”
As soon as she was done swooning over her husband, sure. She blinked a few times, thinking it would help to clear the fog in her brain, but no luck. He looked good enough to eat: his white wife-beater was loose-fitting, revealing the tattoos on his arms and ribs, and his leather pants sat tightly around his toned legs. His auburn hair was in a low ponytail today, although a few locks have escaped. He was the hottest dad alive, she was sure.
“Cin,” he murmured, leaning down to capture her mouth in a kiss. “We can do all the things you’re thinking of later.”
She stood on tiptoes to crush their lips together as he began pulling back. “How do you know what I’m thinking of?”
“I can read it on your face.” His tongue darted into her mouth, making her toes curl. “You want to be taken from behind today, bent over the dinner table with your family right outside.”
Her eyelids fluttered and she had difficulty swallowing. “Oh?”
“Aye,” he answered, shifting his mouth to her ear. “You want me to hold you down so you can’t move while I fuck you. And, after you cum, you want me to fuck your ass.”
“That sounds good, Bren.”
He nipped at her neck with his teeth. “I’ll do all of that, Cin, and more, if you promise you’ll always look at me the way you just did.”
“Deal,” she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck and molding her lips to his. She mewled, delighted, once his free arm locked over her waist, pressing his chest to hers. He had nothing to worry about: she will always think he’s the most gorgeous man that ever existed.
“I’ve never taken you in here before.” Without letting go of her, he gently placed Logan on the floor and dropped the bag. “Maybe I should fuck you now.”
“Glad you got the message.” She pushed him against the counter and unzipped his pants. “Glad we can be spontaneous.”
“We’re definitely not like—” He broke off once she got a firm grip on his dick. “Jesus, Cin!”
“Shh, you’re gonna wake Logan,” she chided him teasingly, sliding her free hand under his loose shirt to stroke his abs. She began jerking him off while she kissed his collarbones. “Do you realize anyone can see us right now?”
He sucked in a breath as she picked up the pace. “Aye.”
> “There’s only one thing I want them to see.” And, with that, she went on her knees and took him in her mouth.
“Fuck!” he gasped, his fingers diving into her hair.
She undulated her tongue against the underside of his cock, loving how his piercing rubbed back. Her cheeks hollowed as she increased the pressure around his tip. Cupping his testicles, she massaged them in a way she knew he liked.
“Cin, sweet Jesus,” he moaned. He held her head in place and began thrusting tenderly. “Take me deeper, lass.”
Her panties got wet at his reverent tone of voice. She obeyed, relaxing her throat.
She sent her other hand to his ass, gripping it hard and urging him to do what he wanted. Her mewls of excitement vibrated up his shaft, drawing the most amazing sounds from him. She was sure she could get off from making him cum.
“Cin, stop,” Brennan said with a guttural growl.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, this was when he wanted her to cease so they could have sex, but she’s already made up her mind. For once, she wasn’t going to listen to him. She craved that one percent, where he shattered in her mouth.
He was trembling as she shifted forward to meet his movements. She kept going, knowing he was about to tumble over the edge. He pulled so hard at her hair that her scalp was going to be sensitive afterwards. She simply didn’t care.
He groaned and erupted, his cum sliding down her throat. “Fucking hell!”
Cinnia waited until he was done before she got up. She tucked him back into his pants and zipped him up, then kissed him. Her cheeks were sore and her tongue still tingled from the way his piercing had rubbed it.
He grasped her face in his hands and dominated their kiss, lovingly coaxing her tongue into their familiar dance. She embraced him and accepted it for what it was: a make-out session. Sometimes, this was all she needed.
“Your mouth,” he murmured against her lips, staring into her eyes. “You drive me so fucking crazy.”
She grinned. “Good.”
“When everyone’s gone home, I’m going to make good on my promise.”
“I know.” She burst out laughing when Logan started crying. “Great timing, huh?”
“I’m glad he gave us a few minutes.” Brennan raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. “Fuck, I swear that’s the best head you’ve ever given me.”
She shook her head and picked their son up, cuddling him to her chest. Logan immediately fell silent. “I don’t know who’s needier: you or him.”
“You give us great attention,” he reminded her. He picked the carrier and diaper bag up once more. “Come on, I think we’re late for our own barbecue.”
“Like you’re complaining,” she remarked dryly.
“Not after that.” He locked up the tattoo parlor once they were outside and trailed behind her to the SUV. He opened the door for her and went to the driver’s side. “I hope there aren’t any cops on the road.”
Cinnia glanced at Logan in her arms. “I’m sure this is fine.”
“Hmm,” he mumbled, igniting the engine and reversing out of the parking lot. “Can you believe that Piper’s almost ready to pop?”
She laughed softly. “It’s crazy how fast time flies. And they’re expecting twins!”
“Teagan’s shitting himself.” He chuckled to himself. “He’s all up for having kids, but the two-for-one deal is freaking him out.”
“I thought he was over that.”
“Hell no, it’s all he can talk about when it’s just us guys.”
“Piper will kick his ass if she found out.”
“You didn’t hear it from me.”
“You’ll have to find a way to keep me quiet,” she said naughtily.
He leered at her. “I’ll just stuff your mouth with something again.”
“Holding thumbs over here.”
He took her hand in his and linked their fingers together. “I was thinking—”
“Oh boy.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty dangerous,” he laughed. He held her hand in front of his lips, his gaze focused on the road. “It’s just, we never really had a honeymoon.”
“Bren, I’m totally fine with that. There wasn’t much of a chance, after the attack.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t look into things.”
Narrowing her eyes, she regarded him suspiciously. “You already have, haven’t you?”
“Well, what do you think of two weeks at a beach somewhere?”
As that sunk in, she got lost in the fantasy. Sunny weather, palm trees, white sand, turquoise water… Brennan walking around half-naked, showing off his amazing body; drinking cocktails at sunset; snorkeling around coral reefs… It sounded like paradise, for lack of a better word.
“What about Logan?” she asked, surfacing from her daydream. “You can call me overprotective all you want, but I’m not leaving him here.”
“I know,” Brennan nodded, “that’s why I booked a spot for a baby, too.”
She blinked, confused. “I thought we were only having a discussion about going?”
“Cin, please.” He threw an exasperated look her way as he brought the car to a halt in front of their home. “You should know me better than that by now.”
“Wow, babe, you had me there for a second, thinking I have a say in our trip. When are we leaving?”
“Next weekend.”
She shook her head in disbelief. “You’re incredible.”
“Where have I heard that before?” he teased.
Getting out of the car, she headed for the front door, not failing to notice Byron was already here. “Are you going to pack my stuff, too?”
“That would be easy,” Brennan responded. “Two bikinis and a robe. You’ll be naked most of the time, anyway.”
“And who’s going to—”
“He’s a baby,” he interjected. “He sleeps most of the time.”
“If you say so, Bren.”
“I do.”
Laughing quietly, she walked into the living room, unsurprised to find Byron in front of the TV. “Hey.”
He got up with a smile and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re late, so I let myself in.”
“I’m not bothered,” she assured him. “Do you want to hold Logan? I have to go to the store for a few last-minute things.”
“Cin, you don’t need to stuff everyone with food,” Byron chuckled. He took Logan and gazed at him. “Hey, punk.”
“What if there isn’t enough—”
“There’s always more than enough food,” he interrupted.
Cinnia sighed. “You know, I’m getting real tired of people talking over me.”
“Sorry, ma’am,” Byron joked, knowing how much that title irked her.
“Thin ice, By,” she muttered as she grabbed the remote to switch the TV off.
“Where’s Zoey?” Brennan asked with a frown.
“She…” Byron let out a breath. His attention was diverted as Logan woke up, and he gave the baby a finger to clutch. “She can’t make it: she already had other plans.”
Cinnia crossed her arms over her chest. “You had another fight.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Bullshit, By,” Brennan grumbled. “She has to get on board with your lifestyle, or the two of you have to go your separate ways. She’s causing way too much drama for you.”
“She’s on board,” Byron said stubbornly. “She just doesn’t want to hang out with bikers all the time like I do.”
She recognized a losing battle when she saw one. “Alright, we’ll let it go for now. You know you can talk to us if you need to.”
Byron inclined his head with a sheepish smile. “Thanks, guys.”
“Do you two mind babysitting while I prepare the salads?” she asked rhetorically, making a beeline for the kitchen.
“No, ma’am!” Brennan hollered after her.
Rolling her eyes at no one in particular, sh
e got to work gathering the ingredients for the potato bake and side salad she’s planning to add to the menu. She enjoyed being so domesticated while the men took care of her baby.
She loved her little family. In many ways, Byron’s become an integral part of this household. She couldn’t imagine life without him.
After layering potatoes and cream, she added spices and grated cheese, and popped the dish in the oven. She heard a commotion coming from the front of the house and smiled once Dawn’s voice echoed down the hallway. “I’m in here, Dee!”
“Wow, I was expecting more food than this,” Dawn announced as she joined Cinnia in the kitchen.
Cinnia pulled a face. “Byron talked me out of it.”
“I never thought I’d live to see the day!”
“Am I really that bad?” Cinnia asked, taking Jesse from her mother.
Dawn stretched her arms now that she was baby-free and leaned against a counter. “You really are, my friend. The amount of leftovers we usually get from you… It feeds us for four days.”
“As long as you’re saving money from having to buy groceries,” Cinnia commented dryly.
“That’s true,” Dawn giggled. “So, how’d the tattoo go?”
“It was fucking sore, but it looks great.”
“Isn’t it weird how that big, elaborate piece on your back hardly hurt at all, but this little one did?”
Cinnia rocked Jesse, who’d just celebrated her first birthday, in her arms. “Yeah, I thought so, too. Where’s Aurora?”
“Fascinated by Logan, as usual. I swear, if they end up getting married—”
“God, can you imagine?” Cinnia shook her head with a smile. “I’m hoping he’ll roam further than this town. It’s bad enough that my best friend and Bren’s best friend got hitched and had two babies.”
“That couldn’t be helped,” Dawn said defensively. “Haye’s irresistible.”
Dawn shifted on her feet and bit her lip. “Can I ask you something?”
“That’s what you just did, isn’t it?” Cinnia countered with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Dawn replied, staring at her hands. “It’s just… I don’t know how you feel about the subject anymore.”