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Fighting For You

Page 7

by Megan Noelle

  As evening turned into night, it was time for Gabby to get ready to go out. I sat cross-legged on her bed, arms secured around my belly, as I listened to her talk. Watching Gabby get ready for a date could absolutely be made into a TV show. She was meticulous in picking out what to wear, cranked the music, danced around and just about everything made her giggle. Gabby didn’t do nervous but it was one of the cutest things to watch her experience.

  I gave her my professional best friend opinion. It wasn’t long after that Alex showed up and Gabby gave me a wink goodbye.

  “Don’t wait up,” she whispered.

  “At least text me so I know you got somewhere safe,” I called back loud enough for both her and Alex to hear.

  “She’s safe with me, Danielle. I promise!”

  And just like that—they were gone. I returned to my comfy chair, curled up in my blanket and tried to acclimate to the loneliness settling into my heart.



  Technically, my shift ended about five hours ago, but every time I went upstairs to hang out, my mind went to her. Knowing she was back home was already taking a toll on my sanity. But now, after I felt her in my arms, felt that beautiful creamy skin under my touch, smelled the same fragrance that could never belong to anyone but Dani - it was driving me mad.

  So, despite the fact that Sanders was greatly enjoying my extreme discomfort with subtle jokes, I dealt with it. At least this way I could keep my hands, thus my mind, busy. That is, until Dani’s best friend walked into the bar with Alex. I saw Gabby enter on Alex’s arm and all I could think was—did Dani come with? They took a couple seats directly in front of me and I had to try not to look irritated at the happy couple.

  “What up, man? Can you get us a round of shots?” Alex was a flashy type of guy. He liked treating whatever woman was ‘his’ for the night very well. Plus, he also became very good at using me as a wingman, even while I worked.

  It was my job to ask what the woman wanted and he remembered, later shocking them by his ability to listen to what they had to say.

  “What kind of shots would you like?” I asked, directing my question at Gabby.

  “Something fruity,” she said with a smile.

  Gabby didn’t seem to notice Alex’s expression change ever-so-slightly to cringe at her choice. He was a beer guy and if he was taking shots it was some sort of whiskey and that was very rarely what the women wanted.

  “Do you like vodka?” I asked her.

  Alex shot me a glare while she bobbed her head. “It’s my favorite.”

  “Not a tequila fan like Dani?” I absolutely did not mean to bring up her name. Gabby gave a polite knowing smile and shook her head.

  “No. I don’t think anyone likes tequila like her.”

  “Well, while you make us those shots I’m going to hit the head. Wait for me to take your shot, Sweet Thang,” Alex said, placing a kiss to the base of her neck. Gabby was clearly affected by this known player and there was a part of me that wanted to set her straight. I could care less how many chicks Alex had in his bed but this girl was Dani’s best friend, and the last thing I wanted was this ‘encounter’ to make her mad at me.

  Not that I should give a damn either way, but I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t. My hands mindlessly twirled and poured liquor into two shot glasses. My mind was elsewhere and apparently Gabby noticed.

  “She’s just sitting at home alone tonight,” she said in a low voice, meant just for me to hear.

  “Oh,” I replied, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

  I placed the shots in front of her and tried to move my arm away but she stopped me. With a firm hold on my wrist, I was forced to look up into her honey brown, puppy dog eyes.

  “There wasn’t a day that she was away that she didn’t miss you. For the first month, she cried herself to sleep every night. She spent her free time regretting how she hurt you and wishing things were different. So I know she hurt you, but she hurt herself just as much in the process. But, please, don’t give up on her.”

  She pleaded with me, begging me to understand. And I did. Not that there weren’t still issues I needed to work out. Plus, I needed to know that she was truly around for the long haul this time. But none of that changed the fact that that woman was the reason my heart beat.

  And the only one I wanted in my life.

  It was at that moment that Alex returned and I was happy for it. I had no clue how to respond to Gabby, but I knew what I needed to do.

  “Enjoy your shots,” I told the pair before frantically scanning the bar for Sanders. He was at the far end, mixing a few drinks for a couple chicks that clearly had a thing for him. I had to remember to give him shit for it later. Now, however, there was a pressing engagement I needed to attend to.

  “Sanders!” I called out.

  His head whipped to face me, concern riddled his eyes. “Yeah, Boss?”

  “You’re in charge.”

  There was no point waiting for a response because I knew the bar was safe. It was my future that wasn’t. I wished it wasn’t winter so I could hop on my bike and race across town. Wouldn’t that make for an epic tale - a guy jumps on his bike to fight for his woman, slips on black ice and dies? Yeah, this wasn’t going to be a tragedy.

  I refused to let it be.

  As much as I wanted to race away, I resorted to my Jeep. I got in and threw it in gear, driving as quickly as I possibly could with one destination in mind - Dani’s house. I pulled up in the driveway behind her car and felt my heart beat quicken when I saw the living room lights casting a glow on the snow. Not that I wouldn’t have woken her ass up, but this made it easier.

  Within seconds, I was rushing out of my car and up to her front door. My frantic knock on the door made me roll my eyes. My God, why couldn’t I just chill the hell out?! I heard footsteps approaching and I wondered if I would be able to maintain a cool enough composure so I didn’t terrify her at this late hour.

  She threw open the door. Those beautiful blue eyes scanned me from head to toe, trying to interpret my crazed visit.

  “Corey, what’s …?”

  I didn’t even let her get it all out. My hands framed her face and I drew her lips to mine. There was hesitation, but only for a moment. Her arms loosened from her stomach and wrapped around me and just as if they were made for this very thing, our lips moved together as one.

  The taste of her. The feel of her. All of the things I craved and now I wondered if I could ever stop. I wasn’t here to solely claim her mouth again—there was something else she needed to hear.

  A soft whimper escaped her mouth as I pulled away enough to stare down into her face. Her beautiful lips were swelled and glistening, all because of me, and that felt damn good. A single tear slid down her cheek, rolling over my thumb.

  This was my woman—mine. There would never come a day that I would have my fill of this feeling.

  “I’m not over it, Danielle. I want this more than you will ever know.” I paused at the sight of that breathtaking smile. Never once had a woman’s smile meant to me what it did when I saw it on her face.

  I grazed my thumb over her swollen mouth and finished my speech. “You just have to give it time.”

  My hand brushed down her hair as she nodded.

  “I have all the time in the world.”

  So do, I, Baby Girl. So do I.

  Chapter Eight

  My plan originally consisted of going into my room and getting to sleep much earlier than anyone should. After that kiss - sleep was a farfetched idea. The kiss not only energized my sleepy mind, but my body and heart, too. Even if I sat up until three in the morning and Gabby didn’t come home—it was still a better plan than going to sleep now. I wanted to hold onto the memory of Corey’s lips against mine, his fingers on my skin and the fire that coursed through my body because of a single touch. The knowledge that the sensation and chemistry between us was still explosive and undeniable—greatly improved my mo
od and helped me believe that maybe, just maybe, Corey and I really were meant to be.

  That our family was meant to be.

  Given my newfound energy, I spent the next few hours cleaning my home. This time I took a page out of Gabby’s book, blasted music and danced around. The heaviness had finally lifted from my heart, allowing me for the first time in three months to really breathe in fresh air. I knew how much I missed Corey, but I never truly realized the extent of his impact on my soul. Now all I wanted was to make up for lost time and get my life back.

  At 3:30 in the morning, I was watching a movie when Gabby poured herself into the house. A smile was permanently etched into her cheeks. I gave her a knowing smirk as she motioned to the movie playing in the background.

  “What the hell are you doing awake?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” I said, but I just couldn’t hold it back anymore. I was dying to tell someone what happened and who better to tell than my very best friend. “Corey kissed me!” I squealed out.

  Her jaw dropped open and her eyes bugged out. “Shut up! When?” She demanded.


  She flopped herself down onto the couch next to me. “No way! Well, that explains his sudden disappearance.” Gabby’s reaction made me smile, but the slight smirk on her lips made me a little skeptical.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  She pursed her lips, the way she always did when she had juicy news that she didn’t want to reveal. “Gabriella,” I warned in my best scolding tone.

  A big sigh escaped before I got my answer. “Okay. Fine. I may have said something to him. Which may or may not have led to him suddenly leaving the bar in a hurry.”

  I crossed my arms across my chest and gave her my best scowl.

  “What the hell did you say?”

  This time Gabby’s face was no longer smirking at me. Instead, she smiled and reached her hand out to touch my rigid arms.

  “I said what you couldn’t.”

  My posture softened. I really don’t know why I ever tried to be mad at her - Gabby’s heart was one of the biggest I’ve ever known and never once had she let me down.

  “Like what?” I pressed, needing to know what was said.

  Gabby shrugged, as if I should already know. “That you never stopped loving him.” There was a pause. Silence lingered between us while I processed the honesty of her words and she watched my expression change as the information sank in. After a moment, she opened her mouth and spoke again. “I think he really needed to hear it.”

  I nodded in complete and total agreement. “He absolutely deserves to know.”

  “You just need to remember that, Dani. The last time you were here, you spent it holding everything back. Using his love to mask your own. Now you have to suffer a little because of it, but that doesn’t mean you should ever stop talking to him. This time you need to put your heart out there for all to see.”

  Once again I let my head nod, but a doubt I didn’t know I was feeling came forward. “But what if he decides he doesn’t want me after seeing the real me?”

  Gabby smiled and shook her head. “That is never going to happen, Danielle. The only reason that man would ever decide he doesn’t want you is, well, never. Just be you, and let yourselves be the way you are meant to be.”

  “Thanks, Gabby. Now, tell me—how was your date?”

  Her head fell backwards in exaggeration. “My God, that man—I can’t—I literally have no words! He’s amazing! That’s the best way I can put it!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her expressions. “So, why didn’t you spend the night with him?” Gabby waved her hand in the air to erase my question.

  “Because I’m not stupid, Dani! You don’t think I know that he’s probably got a different woman in there every night? It was just a night of fun. I don’t expect anything more from him.”

  Her explanation of their night brought a smile to my heart. Corey and I started in that exact same way. A single night of fun that meant nothing more. Boy was I wrong. That one night, that one distraction, changed my life forever. I would never be the same after it and, without him in my life, there would never be a distraction great enough to help me forget. Corey had branded himself in my heart and there was no chance of that ever changing.

  We went to bed shortly after and for the first time my dreams had a chance of coming true. It taught me that I would, never again, take for granted the simplicity of a kiss. That single kiss rocked my world and, throughout my peaceful sleep, I dreamt of that moment and how I could never get enough.

  The next morning, I was up by nine and decided to let Gabby sleep in while I showered and prepared for the day. Although there was nothing new about washing my face, brushing my teeth and picking out clothes—it all felt different. My face looked cleaner, my teeth were whiter, and I couldn’t shake the stupid smile from my face. There was no denying it—that kiss had completely shaken my world and I refused to let anything bring me down. After I was dressed, I made my way into the kitchen to get my coffee started. I only half realized that it felt more like I was dancing my way throughout the house than walking about.

  Apparently, I was so in my own world that I didn’t even notice Gabby’s arrival. When I turned away from the fridge and saw her standing there, a monstrous scream roared from me. Gabby didn’t even blink from her zombie appearance - bags under her eyes, hair a mess and lids still half closed.

  “Holy shit, Gabby! You scared me!” My hand flew to my heart to slow the furious pounding.

  “What the hell?” She asked, slowly pronouncing every syllable.

  “What’s the matter?” Gabby’s jaw dropped open as she motioned at me, as if it should have been completely obvious. I raised a single eyebrow and continued to wait for an answer.

  “How am I supposed to get any beauty rest around here when it sounds like a damn rock concert is in the kitchen?”

  I opened my mouth to argue but snapped it closed. I thought for a minute and then tried again.

  “Was I really that loud?”

  Her sleepy eyes rolled at me as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Would I be out here scolding you if you weren’t?” I thought for a minute before shaking my head.

  “Sorry,” I offered up lamely. I still couldn’t quite wipe the smile from my face, but I truly did feel bad for waking her. Again.

  Gabby made her way across the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter next to my coffee mug. A long gulp poured down her throat before she continued the lecturing.

  “Dani, I am so beyond ecstatic that you are happy again. It means so much to me because, honestly, I’ve been worried about you. You are so amazing and so tough, but I think on the inside you have a shattered heart that is moments away from breaking into a million pieces. I’ve been so worried that one simple thing could push you over the edge but now—I feel like my incredibly loud and disturbing best friend is back.” I laughed.

  I couldn’t deny her fears because I, too, have felt at the edge of a breaking point for the past few months. Now I was feeling a change and I was happy to know that Gabby felt it, too.

  “Thank you. For the first time in a long time, I feel like things are going to be…..okay.”

  Gabby hopped off the counter and closed the space between us. Her hands pressed into my shoulders as her honey eyes locked onto mine.

  “They will be.” My smiled brightened. “But, my God! Can you at least pretend to be depressed before noon so I can get a little sleep?!”

  For some unknown reason, I burst into a fit of giggles. “I promise to try.”

  “Thank you. But, now that I’m up, you get to make me breakfast.”

  “Deal!” I agreed with a wink.

  The rest of our morning was spent eating, laughing and singing. I was going to thoroughly enjoy every moment like this that came around, because I knew that, all too soon, these times were only going to be a faint memory. There was no way I was going to take anything for granted any
more, especially after realizing how quickly it could all be gone.

  This was the day I decided it was time to return to the Inn. Today wouldn’t be an official day of work for me - more of a way to get my feet wet before diving headfirst back into the chaos. Plus, I greatly wanted to show Gabby that part of my life and introduce her to Bailey. Not to mention I needed to beg and plead with Bailey for her forgiveness for my sudden disappearance. We talked occasionally but that doesn’t mean she didn’t hate me for abandoning the Inn and forcing her to work crazy amounts.

  The same way my mother had.

  Before finally heading to the Inn, I gave my Grandmother a call to let her know I was stopping by. She was more than pleased to hear I was getting—as she put it—my rear back in gear. The nerves ricocheted throughout my body while I waiting for Gabby to shower and get dressed. I was nervous, excited, anxious and so many other things. Overall, though, I realized I couldn’t wait to get back to work! I missed Bailey, the events and the other workers. Mostly, I missed knowing that the Inn was my home. Before, I ran from the idea of setting down roots and now I was jittery from excitement. Maybe all my issues weren’t resolved completely, but I finally felt like I was on the right path.

  Pulling up to the Inn was a total rush. Every memory flashed past me as if I were truly driving down memory lane. The first time Corey and I hooked up happened behind these walls. Our lunches together, when there was just no time for anything else, also happened here. The first time we danced together, and it was just him and I in what felt like a never-ending instant in time, happened at the Inn. Then there was that fight, the note and the goodbye. As painful as those memories were, I couldn’t get myself to forget them. They happened and I hoped now they would only serve as a stepping stone for the passionate and beautiful future I longed to have with Corey.


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