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3-One single and tensed “String”


  1st apparatus: 10X15X100 (cm s)

  2nd apparatus: 5mm diameter and as long as 10 cm s nail

  3rd apparatus 0.8 mm diameter Dupont T.M, one meter length nylon string


  Of the Tuning Bar measurements

  After tuned the string is to be controlled in order to attain 220 Hertz stably if the atmospheric conditions (in a chamber or in any standard room) are changed towards giving the result of raising temperatures, the string having been lengthened by the higher heating starts to vibrate within more values than 220 Hertz; for instance 180s!

  ATTENTION: Flawing Hint:

  After the humidity excesses the values betwixt &50-60, and the room temperature stands above 37-38 Celsius Degrees, the standard plank is also to lengthen as a result of lengthening by means of both higher heath degree and higher humidity. We can define this critical turning point as “heath up to 38 C, hertz down to 180” and draw up it in a formulating wrap:

  Ht 38-Hz 180 S. P. (Stipulation Point)

  Of the chosen plant’s growing variations

  At the same place and on the same plant:

  Between the 15th July and 30th August 2007 summer days period (or rather one and half month duration the new hatched green leaves of ADNATE Stipule’s growth rate (square centimetre per week) were observed and the relating surfaces of three different weeks having shown the heat and humidity dualities as shown below:

  1- 37-38 Celsius top degree in shadow and %50-60 relative humidity,

  2- Around 30 Celsius t. d in shadow and %50-60 r. h,

  3- Around 30 Celsius t. d in shadow and around %30 r. h

  After measuring and calculating the surfaces of the aforesaid plant’s average sample leaves’ surfaces by integral:

  The representative of weekly group 1 has been found the largest one;

  The other two are approximately share the same values from the point of view.

  SOLZHI finished the last preparations to start his space voyage when the well known laws of the Creation Review promises was announced in his heart. After the localisation was remembered by him swiftly over his ancillary memoir all was gained! His memory says: "If one were to gain Jerusalem as a starting point turning one's face towards the North Pole the brains localisation could be defined as taking place on the North-West quarter of the biggest ellipsoid-The Visible Universe:

  W I T H I N AB I G L U C I D P A U C H

  which could be named as

  W H I T E C H A M B E R-the antonym ofB L A C K H O L E !

  Sixty hours of a very industrious man's study, sometimes coloured with a brief joy at the fulfilment of one's duty passed betwixt the intervals of healthy resting and sleeping. Who knows that generally the situation apt to rest is a rare chance than that of sleeping, and to sleep versus to rest at times! Then he is that would make his gray haired head comfortless! His space expedition which is it that requires that he himself shall define the WHITE PAUCH (WHITE CHAMBER OR WHITE BAG) within which THE BRAIN OF THE CREATOR-NATURE THE MOM is installed. Is there something to make any comparison between the BLACK HOLES-because there are several black holes in the universe-and WHITE PAUCH-the unique bag or the case of The Creator's Brain?For the physics enjoyed people the answer is ready: Black Holes compared to the White Chamber are the garbage of the universe because they cold devour everything including light yet the White Chamber is totally intact, and even the light couldn't pierce into the lucid walls of it while it is supposed sending limitless radio waves, signals, something like sun beams, and impulses of which estimated speed is more than quintillion plus some quintillion times of light speed! And yet as The Creator-Nature the Mom herself is owned by God-The Lord whose Breath is called The Messiah the impulses coming from the WHITE CHAMBER of Nature's-relatively fidget or adventurer if not evil-can make limitless speed to arrive at the points under the operations of the Creator or the amendments according to the orders of the Messiah-The Saviour, and it is to be proceeded like this till the Lord's Day of Judgement!

  Sixty hours of a very industrious man's study, sometimes coloured with a brief joy at the fulfilment of one's duty passed betwixt the intervals of healthy resting and sleeping. Who knows that generally the situation apt to rest is a rare chance than that of sleeping, and to sleep versus to rest at times! Then he is that would make his gray haired head comfortless! His space expedition which is it that requires that he himself shall define the WHITE PAUCH (WHITE CHAMBER OR WHITE BAG) within which THE BRAIN OF THE CREATOR-NATURE THE MOM is installed. Is there something to make any comparison between the BLACK HOLES-because there are several black holes in the universe-and WHITE PAUCH-the unique bag or the case of The Creator's Brain for the physics enjoyed people the answer is ready: Black Holes compared to the White Chamber are the garbage of the universe because they cold devour everything including light yet the White Chamber is totally intact, and even the light couldn't pierce into the lucid walls of it while it is supposed sending limitless radio waves, signals, something like sun beams, and impulses of which estimated speed is more than quintillion plus some quintillion times of light speed! And yet as The Creator-Nature the Mom herself is owned by God-The Lord whose Breath is called The Messiah the impulses coming from the WHITE CHAMBER of Nature's-relatively fidget or adventurer if not evil-can make limitless speed to arrive at the points under the operations of the Creator or the amendments according to the orders of the Messiah-The Saviour, and it is to be proceeded like this till the Lord's Day of Judgement!

  Now the shape induced side of that BRAIN is the one and only problem for SOLZHI before to begin the Space Voyage. The most-incredibly indisputable-side of the problematic is to bring forth only one probability: The POC i.e. the Probability of Cabbage. Since the way of growing of cabbages involves a one way ticket procedure: the centre is to be concentrated and the leafs are intensely peripheral and diluted. After plucking the loose leaves one can see the same core or centre: limitedly amorphous, highly standard like the hemispheres of the cerebrum and other accessories including cerebellum! If the brain of the Lady Creator-Nature The MOM had not been similar to that of an average female everything would have then be lost for the Lovers of the Saviour trying to explore something about the Saviour in the way of seeking to be saved. "The glorious memory to be preserved by the human race, the promise" in the relationship between the adventurers-living or non living creatures-and the LORD who had owned His Breath-The Saviour and the Creator.

  This science fictional couldn't be only" a whim, a fleeting thought" which had been sought by the breath of The Lord, and should not been obliterate by the people squeezed for the sake of Salvation which might be the only adventure as SOLZHI would consider.

  Yes, that glorious adventure-The Space Voyage treasure is just as old as faith in SOLZHI's heart and shall be nearer than one second!Deciding to follow the Creator to live the thing which should be full of tricks and traps and called life must have been many, many billion years older than his age was when he decided to reach the Brain of the Creator-Nature the MOM to read the first day they had been installed there by means of carbon isotope using method over its system of membranes for travelling to the utmost distance to be eye the witness of the first day in his Life Adventure's first day before its vision had come to that place that he had would reached a certain time before , and it will the fruit of SOLHI's Voyage, sanctified by his prayers to the Saviour!

  He felt both the level of technology under the ground of somewhere in the USA and his mental and physical health matured in the challenge to reach-in flesh-every corner of the space by means of the "Jump" of Isaac Asimov-may the blessing of The Lord upon him- to show the friends of Hawking that the fruit-the space voyage-is now to be plucked maturely to remain with great significance in the memory of the Mankind . For what significance will it when the place of The Brain of NATURE-the Creator be explored? That exciting and yet blissful hour has come obviously when SOLZHI's SJV-space jump vessel- is to t
ake leave of the decorative town similar to those in Western Movies, and built for the reason of making a marvellous camouflage around the underground BASE of SJP!

  Descending within a very comfortable lift five underground storeys below he went out among the friendly group of soldiers and bright coloured, silk neckties wearing civilians he-to his enormously big surprise-to see that he was in the open air again a cloudless sky above and so much a poor Afghan type quarter of an Asiatic quarter. When yet once more he was to lift up his head to see of what sort of building he has come out, when his countenance would turn to a pastel tone or fond feature like that of the poor Asians showing all the time their well vouched identity cards to some military Russian polices-who were stout, pink- white complexion, and strictly disciplined ones-when he would concentrate his whole soul in some metallic dooms scattered around the little squares circumscribed by narrow lanes. May blessing to the LORD the metallic dooms were such facilities which was potent to make the Russian type polices and the people they tried to get under discipline not to give a little attention to them. To SOLZHI's astonishments none would ask anything the base information female officers reflecting the characteristic features of the prototype called Blondie in American English getting about-to and fro-around the gates-made of bright steel as well- and yet he stopped one of those to learn the way going to the Space Aerodrome where he would be in time as he warned by the authorities before he had used to lift to descend this high plateau paradoxically from the sea level of, say, the southwest coasts of the USA!

  Seemingly the time did come! For he would indeed take leave of the proper Sun System, but in such a way that he himself would remain behind; the jump useful to surpass the Light Speed without exceeding it would separate his would from the place-the Unique WHITE BAG of the Universe observed by astronomers in the classical way of observation-he should visit, but in such a way that Nature- the MOM's Brain Case-the pouch in which the Brain had been place- would remain as his prey. SOLZHI would be joyful in his delicious experience as he laid his hand in blessing upon the handle of the gate opening to the light and long-maybe short and dusky-corridors, and he would not be weary of life as he laid his pen mastering hands upon that handle. And it was the Saviour who had heartened him. Yea, good tidings to the lovers of The Saviour who had come before everybody with such good tidings! Who would have ventured to be the emissary of this huge deluge of joy? But it was God's breath-The Messiah who backed SOLZHI in lovable affairs involving SCIENCE and RELIGION.

  As every living creature he used to stir some considerations before entering an entrance for the sake of being able to imagine what he would be to meet with. And as he was entering to the gateway which he had imagined as a corridor matching within the interior architecture to the steel-obviously made by dreamy American Civilisation-dooms and to heard the humming noise of some invisible engines. so he opened the door-in the way as he had been instructed by Blondie officer behind the desk of the Reception. He hoped to be continuing without any interval and yet halted suddenly for the moment when he saw that was on the verge of tossing toward a wall made of brick and covered with nervous spiders' webs, but hasn't thought better of returning to the starting point. the to his enormously shocking astonishment he saw a little window of which dimensions might be estimated one meter at length half a meter width. Some Afghan or Erzurum* boys of nine years or around were standing at the other side of the window, looking down into the place in dark at where he has arrived coming from the lane occupied by the children and he wouldn't be able to do anything but climbing the window to go back to the point from which he had started his entering the facility if there were any. afraid of pushing back by the urchins he preferred to leave the cell-say room-he rushed to the door he has entered. Notwithstanding it would be really awful the to perceive that he was to enter a new cell or room then having got no windows but opening to a large kitchen which roof has been built in the style of doom from where one can exit the place only by means of a wooden ladder available already! He said himself "what a place of out of the laws of physics!"

  Erzurum*: The city visited by great Russian poet and author-A. PUSHKIN

  No sooner SOLZHI put his foot on the first step of the ladder, and lifted his nose and sparkling eyes towards the doom of the monstrous kitchen's doom based on the best ash-wood laminates shaped in the wings of sparrows he had run into an modern astronaut-pilot having had a brilliant uniform in the colour of blue or rather blue denim. He was just at the centre of an American Aerodrome assigned to the special service of scientists or Science Fiction writers, and it isn't quieter at all, so the words changed between the pilot-say co pilot-and SOLZHI slide far beyond being audible.

  Where was he really? Has he been a man who would talk about Space Excursions-if not Space Voyage-but whose definitions could not imply anything to stand still the least chance to be realized. Was he also a man who might talk, from the moment he would make his first gesture of narrating stories religiously composed could carry on with laying myriad eggs of word to the end of the worldly time. Has he been a slave of time who had taken orders all his life, and would suddenly decide that he could not obey his own command to find the Place of the Brain of the Creator-Nature the MOM. What could he mean by saying “no” if he should not accept the invitation of-maybe-the most marvellous space aerodrome to go out of both the space and the time?

  According to him TIME is depended on the Space. If there had been no space none could have define any concept as TIME! Vice versa it might be remarked that the Space is obligatorily to exist for we all know the meaning of Time! So his voyage should be in The Space for the sake of being able to exceed the highest speed in Time viz. that of the light. as to the light it was and would be independent of place. On the other side LIGHT and SPEED could not make SPACE to be obligatorily. This last point should come to meaning of one could ignore LIGHT in one's voyage based primarily on the pair of Space and Time!

  He should probably mean, for example, that “one could have been going too much way-for instance the way some particles of the energy or matter had gone just after the big bang in an instant to make the nearly the well known borders of the space one could put universe in it lest the way should be independent of time or even the space might have been apt to be extricated from everything including light. Inasmuch as TORAH defines a situation similar to this speculation: "And God said let there be light!"

  SOLZH were easy, free, and unstipulated up to this point but beyond it the announce gave a break to his deep thoughts:

  “Dear passengers you are going to reach too far points of the universe, and there shall be no limit beyond which you will not go.”

  Seemingly the voyagers were being called to the check points before the flight or jump. In other words, he could affirm that the conditions here might not be so much different from those of the most ordinary airway stations. The same concept is to be found in the security force quarter’s measurements that every other person might be is dangerous to each other or the organisations from the holdings to the states!

  That he was trying to exert his power beyond the absolute limit of speed confined by that of light for which he has been just to begin to infringe on the laws of physics. Thus the movement of SOLZHI's Religious Exploration would have been founded simultaneously on the categorical rejection of The Main Law of The Physics! Might his intrusion that will be considered tolerable after the Speed of Light was exceeded in CERN?

  The explorer cannot exist without the feeling that, somewhere and somehow, one is right to search every corner to find after what he is. It is in this way that SOLZHI says YEP and NOP simultaneously to make a confirmation that he would like to visit the WHITE BAG where The BRAIN of The Creator-Nature The MOM, and the technology after the success of CERN could give him the opportunity to him. After some self speculations he would like to affirm that there are ultra modern facilities in and out of The Airport-rather Space Port- there ought to be high tech recreations of the Post-Modern Mankind. he had no sus
pects, and wished to confirm his judgement about the civilisation which should present him accommodations: wise desks, flying swivel chairs of secretaries in the uniform like toilets of the prototypes of the Blondie, bullet and explosive, and water proved glasses everywhere changing their colours from violet to crimson, from jet black or bitter yellow to metallic silver and dazzling white! And yet the existence of certain things besieging him the has made him startled with the heart rending cry: "GOSH! I'm still in the parish of that queer city ERZURUM which had been visited by Pushkin, and has been conserving the same two storey kiosks of mice made of brick, stone and wefts accompanied by planks.


  He demonstrated-to persuade himself that he was in a place with no time-the houses-some built traditionally and others in modern style of apartment blocks and of modern materials from walls to gray concrete colons, with obstinacy, that there was something in them which was worth to observe and which must be taken into consideration ad hoc both living and fleeing time. In a certain way, he needed must to confront time loving simultaneously in order to pass the Physics Law and it annexes which oppressed him with the insistence on a kind of living procedure not to be oppressed beyond the limit that he could tolerate. The he heard the music which enabled the people-especially the children-around to flee time.

  Here is the link of that music performed by the author "profmes"!



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