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If you've found the excellent voice excerpt and had the chance to listen to it which was mentioned just in the story instalment before this-the end of the story-you might appreciate that ancient Hebrew Children's musical notes carried up till now to be restored by SOLZHI-and performed by MUSTAFA ERDOGAN SURAT MUAZZAM in YOUTUBE! This way or method of eliminating the TIME and playing with the PLACE borrowed from that aforesaid city-ERZURUM that had visited by Pushkin after the Great Russian Chevaliers had conquered there in the years of The World War I. Briefly "profmes" has played the excerpt on DAVİD's Harp having wished if only you should be able to estimate where the WHITE BAG i.e. the case of the Creator-Nature the MOM's Brain could had been placed before we humans and our boss-The Nature herself- would start the adventure called LIFE!
The New Religious Story:
Every living creature need not must show antagonism against The Nexus but the Human Beings! It is because it tends to be complacent or, as everybody shall see after, and because it seduces the heroic lovers of the MESSIAH to give up their real virtue-Love for The Saviour-. and to dream day and night without any fruit matching to the adventure-The Life! "This complacency is an excellent indication of the profound ambiguity of the absurdist position" after intending to take place in the adventure alongside with Her-The Creator namely Nature The MOM. Since everybody could explore the way to reach the Love and Help of the Messiah there is no need for Nexus! But what is The Nexus that is chosen as the main subject here?
Yes! What is The Nexus? The science Fiction writers used to use it in a certain meaning so that the author who would use it claims to express the membrane existing between three world adjacent to each other: the past, today and the future! And then the initial anguish concerning the travel in the TIME as they do in the "Back To Future" does away with the probability of the dream in turning out reality.
According to the authors of great explorers' voyages in the space and in the time the realm of The nexus may have not been lacking of successfully accomplished adventure in The Way of Space having got Captain Kirk as the protagonist commander in the space ship-imaginative Voyager. In the last analysis, their failure could be measured by the extent to which they have rejected the complacencies of the MEXUS in order to accept its false function.
One should remember the logic rule that useless terminology could destroy the hypotheses in much more speedy a way than the faults might do. Our enemies are not those conceptions tending to destroy the theory but tepid considerations like The Nexus which help the Creator-Nature the MOM's evil without creating their own selves. Remember please that SOLZHI himself in the previous religious story has proved that The Brain of the Creator would be apt to be both bad and good; lovely and ugly to keep the equality from the point of inputs and outputs of the creatures who should try and create their own products in such a fashion that one Westerner author had cried once:
-"He who lost has gained too!"
Related to the paragraph one need must understand that he who would like to gain and gain should be in touch with the LOVE of MESSIAH-The Saviour!
The Pro-Nexus explorer extols integrity reigning over the Evil Of The Nature-The-Creator and the Supreme Power coming from The Highest-The Lord whose breath is the Messiah-The Saviour and who is the owner of both The Creator-the Nature, and the goodness of the Lord's Breath-The Messiah! All the Nexus Concept castigates Lord's Holy Soul which shall fulfil the Ulterior Justice in the dooms day, and the process maker of the Two Parallel Universes taking place in the same space and at the same time one of which having been belonging to cocktail of Pseudo HELP and genuine EVIL of the Creator-the Nature and the other to SALVATION in the general meaning which would rather be named the Saving LOVE of the Saviour! To escape awkward complacency, The Claimer of the Nexus is to propose the Mankind reasoning or discovering the membrane between the two parallel universes without reasoning that it will be the renunciation before the Messiah who could get the upper hand to help them who explore HIM.
Briefly saying that there is no membrane between the Two Parallel Universes comes to the meaning there is no curtain between the Saviour and the good believer who is supposed having explored HIM!
I refuse to be in connection of both sidereal attempts to estimate the time of a coming earth quake and working-without having the least gimmick-with the experts' team in emergencies! Yet the religious story shall be placed in its special descriptions in a city just after its being stricken by a severe quake which has pushed me into a position of incapability linking my will to a determination to be silent to express my strange feelings, observational findings, and revolting. I'm sure that an engineer in my position could extol “help to be pulled off prettily within the hovels,” rescue some people just after hearing their complains about having to live under the debris without their family. Life for the people of a city having been shaken to be tumbled down might be “an experiment for the whole world to be tasted.” But in the time of witnessing the souls escaped from death, or crying out to their rescuers: “Don't let us be lonely lying beneath the soil, mud, cracked concrete blocks while you, you could promenade in the fresh air!”
In the vicinity which has just been stricken by a severe quake great suffering and great happiness may be found at the beginning of any process of rescue efforts especially this work had been started by official and semi-official circles. In the disaster I am trying to narrate there might be the least evidence that could show me occupying any post as those of colonels, chief editor of any tabloid, the Islamic suicide bombers' secret chiefs: Turkey Vulture's Red Generals who before the GULEN movements secret big plotters of green Stalinist terror had been directing Global Horror But it is possible to rediscover the joy in and around the Natural Disaster Areas, and sustain that very joy under the umbrella of The Messiah or sustain them throughout the entire belief in The Saviour. Therefore, if it would be logic to take safe and sound sensibility against absurd speculations, and take it into account for the sake of a scientific explanations, to reach a prognosis of a malady causing all teeth of a child to be pulled out by the tilting influence of a severe-more than some sort of a medium size-earth quake!
The teeth having been on the air-no matter whether it should happen in the CAVUM ORIS or in the mouth, or even in the atmosphere of mankind's atmosphere-cannot be considered as anything be found in ourselves and in others, it is nevertheless possible to see this miracle in Jewish, Muslim or Christian Societies linked more or less to the NAME: THE MESSIAH!
I admit that people used to think in such a way that dictates a motto: once the mirror is broken, nothing might adhere the parts of it-in maybe thousand parts-to each other to restore it thoroughly. After witnessing the TEETH ON THE AIR such speculations remains useless which cannot help us to answer the questions of non-fulcrum power of press. Should it be make the proof of absurdity reigning the Creation then no one could the absolute EVIL of the Creator-Nature the MOM who can be bridled at times when the cries of the good believers assent to the skies as He had done in flesh before!
That quake would leave the child born as a octogenarian in a blind alley if he should not happened to run into me by chance and caught a chance to share the Saviour's atmosphere in which a poplar tree that could climb and climb towards the lowered clouds of rain having got no roots within the soil of a barren world. And yet, like methodical substitution, he might feel the privilege to chew with the teeth with no root at all as the rootless yet green trees, and by returning upon himself, could open up a new field of nutrition! I claim that
because of my belief in the Messiah and that everything is possible on the way of escaping from the tricks of the Creator-Nature The MOM and catching the extraordinary chances to live happily, so nobody can doubt the validity of my proclamation and I must at least believe in the extraordinary events to show frankly my cordiality. As to the details of my religious stories beside having given the reader of the Belief System of The New Mesopotamians I have explored first-see, please, in google-the first and only evidence that is supplied to me, within the terms of the scientific Messianic experience, is Narration before satisfied with the proofs provided before. Had I been deprived of all knowledge, incited to lie or to invent paranormal-screen stinking, stale and platitude-tales, all I would have had at my glib should be the least part of the theme, which could only be reaffirmed by the toil I had suffered while I had tried to finish the first E-Book finished in a site and signed as MESOLZHENITY. Writing is something to be born of the spectacle of rationality, confronted with irrationality itself!
The debacle which made me verbose enough to tale this tale and the child suffering from the incredibly unjust and incomprehensible condition, I mean teeth lose because of spiral hertz of the quake. Spiral quakes-as I have been taught-could cause every sort of functional parts of any organisation from human body to the moons of planets similar to our earth to be unstuck, and fall the earth-or rather scatter around-in parts. Regretfully the tilting waves of the earth quake's spiral impulse might be only reason that could give us the innuendo to claim its disorder in the midst of chaos maiming the child to death. He might protest the situation having locked his mouth after dismantling the organelles to provide the man with the power of eating beefsteak by biting the mass of meat, dragging it through well occluded and strong incisive teeth, and chewing the good morsels to swallow them one after another. Yes he could do all things demanding the above mentioned, functions beside me, and under the salvation of The Messiah but the life itself would insist that the symbiotic friendships ought to be brought to an end, and that "what has up to now been built upon shifting sands should henceforth be founded on rock" twice soon as the sides could manage to do it down right.
In this story or Messianic report the preoccupation is to reach the formulas in which the fulcrum induced physics law transform while every transform is in need action and there is nothing present to act even if something-maybe-will be, the next day: say using invisible implantation or being able to utilize the dark matter as a kind of cement. Today still nobody does know whether the chewing capacity of the teeth-that have lost their roots-on the air is apt to be reported by any scholar like me. Remember please eliminating all physical, physiological, and even psychological rules only can engender the actions we need must have to chew with the teeth flying across the air in or out of the mouth! Therefore it is absolutely necessary that one who witnesses the incident involving the extracted teeth's miracle which enables them to chew successfully everything from the brunette hazel nuts to fez coloured beefsteak chopped from the oldest cow-exactly 15 years old-of the world find its reasons within itself-under the invisible and invincible protection of the MESSIAH-The SAVIOUR-since one cannot find them elsewhere. One must consent to examine the changing physical laws when one is standing near to somebody who is in touch with The Saviour namely the breath of The LORD-who owns both the Creator and the Creation-in order to hold against the EVIL of the Creator-Nature the MOM! All Religious Stories, One Act Plays, Poems, and Hymns shall also be after the peerless effect of being near to The Messiah order to learn how the Anti-Physics Law acts.
Had I be expected to say anything about that miracle as all creatures and their Creator-Nature the MOM might only be belonging to The LORD whose breath had got Mary-The Holy Virgin pregnant with The Saviour-my guider or rather the rescuer, I could make only some significant remarks about all the miracles-having begun before the time-to be happen forever! Now it's the time to repeat the prayer I had been taught by The New Mesopotamians directly and by Hawking and Camus indirectly, and have taught all my readers:
Oh My Lord's Breath namely the source of Love and Salvation help us in hard times similar to the "One Day of Ivan Denisovitch" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Yeah everybody might pass through hard times.
"For instance in the kitchen one crystal like water glass might be ready to fall and be broken scattering several hundred thousand of pieces of the glazier’s work each of them could pierce much more easily than pins and cut the fingers of children or pews of the kittens with gushes deeper than that of the most keen guillotine used for such purposes ever, and our spouses may have been to feel an undesired period obligatorily. The third class of infinity viz. Nature the mom is as cleverer as the Saviour you know, and Her Creatures must be ready to speak or to fall, glide, be lost or hide anywhere! Come now, instead of the evil plans to behave twice as cowardly, and inflicting on purpose as living bodies could do through wisdom apt for every type of evil!"
Oh My Lord's Breath Help us!
If my drawing room is lighted poorly
As classical orange hue
By means of the reflections of two reverberies
At that time from a vast distance
That would be lit after the evening dusk descended
In the large yet
After the evening muffled every corner
And pitch black began to cover
Us with silky thread of dark
Dark, dark solely dark where the cosmos should park
Instead everything might collide,
So dark space could be broken suddenly, and every bead
Of nuns' "rosaries would fall and role on the flour
They all should sit down to look for them,
Because lest the Saviour might intervene the case, ahem,
No one of the beads would be found
No one could be bound
To suffering, only suffering
Let's step ahead crying or offering:
Towards the love and fruitful happiness ho
Yeah good believers, YO!
Returning to story of the school child born as a octogenarian, well, I will say more than the style of platitude as "this is how things stand" but enter the non-exhaustive and yet stirring statements about its happy-end. Actually the shaking waves of the quake were seemingly in full retreat as I understood that some optimistic reports have been received at the sanctuaries, and the suffering from shaking incessantly has gone entirely on behalf of the quake stricken people. Moreover, some great part of the victims have already removed to their new city of tents, prefabricated homes, and customs depots. They were still keeping their soul and body together, and an instinct induced secrecy of feeling the POWER or rather LOVE of the Messiah so as not to add anything to the panic in the city I as being a lover of the Saviour I did consider that altogether wise! It would be better to explore the Saviour's Love which would come to the meaning of the FATE CORRECTING POWER instead of swearing The Fate identified with the Creator-Nature The MOM. However, my duty demanded that I should not be silent after witnessing the "Teeth On The Air", and of course there could be no one to prevent me from telling you the truth. Besides, nobody might suspect the real situation which one could see everywhere:
Remember "The Invention of False Teeth"* would provide the capacity of chewing by means of the teeth having got no root at all! Hey bigotry lovers! Don't shut up your ears, to escape from whatever can be remarked here.
*The first porcelain dentures were made around 1770 by Alexis Duchâteau. In 1791 the first British patent was granted to Nicholas Dubois De Chemant, previous assistant to Duchateau, for "De Chemant's Specification", "a composition for the purpose of making of artificial teeth either single double or in rows or in complete sets and also springs for fastening or affixing the same in a more easy and effectual manner than any hitherto discovered which said teeth may be made of any shade or colour, which they will retain for any length of time and wil
l consequently more perfectly resemble the natural teeth." He began selling his wares in 1792 with most of his porcelain paste supplied by Wedgwood.
Since one could estimate the time we dine with some spectators and the Children having got his pulled out teeth to be in order in the cave of his mouth's air it was about six o'clock in the evening! Before the meal arranged in a humble yet very cordial style, I-pretending as if I was one of the city officials-addressed the little group while we saw the governor of the ancient Armenian city going home from his office. Nevertheless he at once ordered his vehicle to stop before the restaurant entered the loge that separated from the main decorated by a good Samaritan furniture dealer from the USA, upon the Turkish gesture to donate a place for The NATO's new radar base in MALATYA near to the quake stricken city! The Governor surmised me a celebrity from Russia, and kissed my hand mumbling "Oh Dad! You are always welcome to Van!
The I would stand up and mad the most efficient euphonic speech of my life as:
Dear Spouses and children of the Ladies who had never had the right to dine in a restaurant or in a public place to chat over, say cup of teas I would like to salute.
My DEAR FOLK that present here accept my salutations please and LEARN THAT the first saved toothless people were the ARABS and JEWS from Andalusia, the CHRISTIANS from the whole Europe who were affable in EXPLORING the SAVIOUR before everybody!
Though I could be accepted scientifically or be appreciated by the circles of literature that I have managed to prove the non-biased and truthful observations in the case of "The Teeth On The Air" today I feel a sheer impulse-DE PROFUNDIS to response unanswered questions, and go on carrying with more details linked directly to the subject. First of all everybody could see through the pages of the story that Teeth On The air would always be to chew in the garments of False Teeth invented and used first in the part of the world-The Europe where Messianic Thought had been born. In the modern times of ours a Muslim well trained by Muslim teachers from the preliminary school to the universities or a respectable Jew is expected to seat at the dentist's fauteuil not with a newspaper of course but a paper towel to wipe one's own saliva apt to gush perpetually while the denture should be tried on!