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War of the Holies

Page 11

by Artemio Saguinsin

  After a legal victory in the election, Hitler gained power and began establishing his position by putting his adversaries in prison and into concentration camps. He blamed the Jews and Communists as well in the persisting problems of the country. The specter of war was a reality and the most destructive that the whispering devil could have done to his protégé.. Hitler , who had started his first leg towards the path of a devastating World War II . He annexed Austria in 1938 without a bloodshed and entered Poland in August, 1939.

  In 1938, Hitler eventually removed Jews from the German society. The devil’s drive worked again. Hitler ordered millions of Jews into the concentration camps and had them exterminated by the gas chambers. The horrible sight of holocaust that had happened in the 20th century. It was a clear manifestation of Satan’s advocacy that worked in the hearts and minds of the Nazis during the war.”

  Great changes and developments had been witnessed by the passing generations of mankind that continuously experienced the influence of these rapid developments in society, likewise the agony and misery of the majority of world’s population.

  The tremendous growth of the starving population had caused the rapid rise in criminality everywhere. While man had been struggling to survive in the physical world, the good and the bad in the spirit world were mostly likely to crash in an undetermined time. The death of humans would end in two paths: the good one would be led by his guardian angel to heaven and the evil one would be dragged beneath the earth.

  Angels of light would mourn when their protégé would turn to the other side while the Dark Angel would be jubilant. Likewise, the White Angels would be joyful seeing man won by them while the other Angel would turn to sorrow when his protégé would leave him. However, in spite of the apparent and ominous events taking place on earth many men did not want to adhere to which was good and would prefer to live and die a normal human being without stringent spiritual commitments.

  The trend of life was still the same as if there was nothing to worry about the future. The good thing about it was that man would be able to have foresight and forewarned of the coming events that man could be able to prepare for by what they read in the bible and other printed references. But it would still depend on man whether he would heed or not because he had a free will. This was how civilization came to being in the advent of the modern and advanced civilization.

  While modern civilization had been in rivalry and enmity, wars in many parts of the world had torn apart many nations into desperation and appalling economic catastrophe. Superpowers had been in cold war only to hold back the threat of total annihilation among them that would not spare any creeping things on earth alive when nuclear fallout hinder and would eventually paralyze all signs of life. What happened was clustered wars and substituted wars among third world countries since WW II continuously plagued as they had been tribulation for the inhabitants being tormented by its ill-effect while they became instrumentality of the powerful ones to remain what they were.

  Today, while wars and rumors of war had been plaguing and threatening many nations that would trigger nuclear war among rivaled superpowers the specter of great tribulation was most likely to occur. Humans regardless of ethic race, religion, sex and status in life were all affected by the aftermath of the great war.Many nations had been in distress brought by economic decline while many inhabitants continued their quest for life in other lands and only those nations that had access to availability of resources were able to nourish themselves and survive. Leaders of many nations would prefer to spend fortifying military capability rather than feed their people.

  Industrial and commercial zones would struggle and find it hard to recover from economic catastrophe that several buildings and establishments in war –torn cities became evacuation center for dislocated victims of a scourging war.

  The sight of ruined cities and burning structures and collapsed settlements left them ghost towns as the stinks of death blurred the atmosphere of the rampant pandemic of death in the locality. The surviving nations would impose stringent rules on its inhabitants forbidding any foreign inhabitants to share the wealth and resources that were exclusively intended for utilization and exploitation by its own inhabitants. If any foreign nationals were caught or had sneaked into their region they would be punished and made slaves by the government to serve its inhabitants.

  They would not be deported to its country of origin for there was no more foreign diplomatic relations still existed during that time. Economic and trade relations had been severed by most governments in order to confine their wealth and goods within themselves to survive. States could hardly export their diminishing productions to other states where other states could no longer exchange any available goods. The most prioritized activity of every government now was to fortify and recruit more manpower for military training in preparation to defend themselves for any threat of invasion by their enemies while more ammunitions and sophisticated weapons were produced. They would launch military exercises with flaunted tanks, gunships, fighter jets, powerful navy ships to amaze enemies.

  The most feared weapon of mass destructions were now being positioned by superpowers in the event of a tragic war in their strategic locations, the nuclear war heads, the ultimate weapon that would end everything on earth.


  Twenty Third(23rd) Century

  The world was at war. All sorts of weapons were unfurled by superpowers to destroy and be destroyed. The only ultimate weapon that had been inactive was the nuclear weapon. Nuclear warheads of warring superpowers were still in hold positions for unknown reasons that leaders and military intelligence of the different countries could not explain.

  Catastrophe was everywhere as a result of ferocious attacks in the air, water and ground assaults by invading forces of the dominant governments against its adversaries. The United Nations had lost its powers and functions to control and impose sanctions on hostile countries and eventually all its branches were shut up prompting every government of the world to recall their respective envoy.

  Economy of every nation was beginning to decline as more and more governments were in tight economic policy in order to control and prevent further decline due to impending world recession. The appalling economic downfall had caused many nations to be in depression. There were panic buying, closed shops that caused job loss, strikes and lock outs were at its height that almost put the cities and suburbs to turmoil . Police authorities could hardly control the surging violence and anarchism in Europe and the rest of the world.

  In this desperate time, the church had always been the refuge of many inhabitants everywhere in the world. In hot spots of the world where many victims were caught in the cross fire the church was the ultimate turning point of safe refuge for beleaguered inhabitants from the warring government forces and the invaders.

  The Pope in Rome and the conclave being neutral had always made a clear sovereignty of the Vathikan City or the Saint City and welcomed its doors to any envoys from the secular world to visit St John’s Square de Basilica who would seek mediation and appeal for world peace. But the secular world was adamant in the war that they had initiated. The only remaining consolation of the Vathikan City and Rome was to send relief goods and prayers to the family of nations that belonged to the church .

  However, while there were millions of hungry nations that were to be fed around the world, the Saint City and Rome would have to hold buffer stocks of food and supplies for their own people. While there were gradual diminution of importations and exportations of goods among allied nations, the church urged her family of nations to learn to rely on themselves for their own production for self-support and sufficiency to counter act the looming poverty and economic agony of the nations and the worst threat of impending foreign aggressions by a powerful government. It was this time that the world had realized the ingenious citation that weak and small would be dominated by the strong. Nations had to reproduce and toil what had been left from the ruins of war in order
to survive.

  The world order had changed. The strongest government must lead the weak and the disgruntled nations. In this occasion, European and third world leaders formed a coalition of governments that would elect one world leader whose sovereignty would extend around the globe.

  Since Vathikan City and Italia were the last remaining wealthy nations of the world that could be able to support its family of nations, the coalition decided to hold a plebiscite to determine the one-man rule on earth to unify all countries and prevent further decline in economy which would shun socio-economic problems, political and military struggle that caused turmoil and division.

  The Pope who had all the power for generations had amassed wealth of the great number of member-nations of the world that enabled him to feed them was being groomed to preside at the conclave and the government of Italy to rule the world as a unified government. Unfortunately, the Reds and the Protestant-Fundamentalist from erstwhile powerful governments of Brittania and Amerika did not give way from the church’s order of one world nation contending that it would further deprive them the right and freedom to live freely as they pleased and that would curtail all the provisions of the bill of rights that they enjoyed.

  The government of Italia and the Papacy in Vathikan City would find it difficult to unify the entire nation because the Italian government constituted a communist party that was defiant to their order. The Vathikan and the Italian governments converged to negotiate the issue with the Reds.

  “ This is a new world order that if you refuse to cooperate will lead you damnation. The communist world is now struggling to recover from economic recession and there is no more way you can recover. The worst has come.” Bruno Sefaretti, the Italian President pronounced.

  “ We believe that there is still hope for us to recover. Our allies are still doing well that we may be able to find support from them.” Replied Sergio Luarento, the communist Red Secretary General explained.

  “ You will find a hard time and if you only realize what is going on around the world and the communist world you would not be as adamant as it would be in the next two years.” Sefaretti added.

  “ What do you mean two years ? Luarento asked.

  “ The world is now under one order government and all the wealth that supports us would be gathered in whole that no more economic support to other communists nations would be expected in the next two years. It would mean continues economic decline to countries depending for foreign imports. How would you see that from now?” Sefaretti explained.

  “You are wrong. There are still communists and socialists states in Europe and other parts of the world where we could rely on. You don’t realize the economic and military trend for now. Later, the show of force from our allies will astound and proclaim to the whole world that we are the dominant and powerful nations that should rule a coalition.” Luarento exclaimed.

  Sefaretti ordered his staff to turn on the monitor to see current situation from the rest of the world. The screen flaunted the parade of military arsenals of Red China, Russia and North Korea. It showed also the air, sea and infantry prowess of the Reds in general. In addition, the stable economic and political situation in allied countries were featured in order for the world to witness that the Reds had the capability of dominating the world in the future.

  “ Turn it off” Sefaretti ordered.

  “ You will realize one day that this nation will be under our dominion” Luarento said.

  “ You are mistaken Luarento. There will be struggle and this might lead us to war if you don’t comply” Sefaretti warned.

  “ Then ask your allies to wage war as we are always at war” Luarento replied.

  “ We have all the resources that you may need in order to survive” Sefaretti added.

  Later, Sefaretti with his staff left the summit meeting in Italia and went to see Pope Justinianus in the Vathikan city.

  “ We cannot bind the whole world before us. The Red party is belligerent and might lead us to a hostile confrontation in the near future” Sefaretti explained.

  “ The Reds will become our tough antagonist since they could have the resources that we need also in our survival.” Pope Justinianus said.

  “ The Hislamic world may not be solid in their antagonistic stance towards our ideology that we may be able to bring them before us. Their resources are limited that they would not be able to survive by their oil only. They are dry and would be in a desperate stance when they don’t receive goods by importations ” the Pope added.

  “ We have no choice but to declare war with the Reds, otherwise they would always be attempting to seize our resources and invade our member-nations” Sefaretti said.

  “ Can’t we negotiate with them further to reconsider our offer?” the Pope asked.

  “ No more since some Red allies in the East are more hostile towards our member-nations”

  “ Then, what do you think is our next move?” the Pope asked.

  “ Hold everything within our control and crave them from their dire needs” Sefaretti insinuated.

  “ Then, do whatever is necessary to preserve our interest” the Pope said.

  Sefaretti proceeded to the general headquarters of the Armed Forces of Italia and conferred with the Chief of GHQ High Command about the schemes.

  “ Order the ground command regiments, air force command and the navy to be on red alert for the attack against the communist red” Sefaretti ordered.

  “ Yes, Sir.” the GHQ Chief said.

  In a few hours, the alert was relayed to respective branches of the armed forces.

  “ Arrest and detain all communist elements within the state and block all possible support routes for weapons, ammunitions and goods coming abroad for the interest of the Reds” Sefaretti ordered the Italian Immigration Agency Command.

  Rome and other known cities in Italia were in confusion. People were panicky and terrified by the decree and declaration of war issued by President Sefaretti.

  In a cold dark night in Venizia, Sergio Luarento was in a pleasant fine dining with his wife, he was disturbed by two marauders that created disturbing scenes with the police along the brick road.

  “ C’mon let’s get a hell out of here” he said.

  “ Why? What’s going on?” his wife said.

  “ Approaching danger” he added.

  Soon they reached the car park and got into the car and fled. However, a dark limo tailed them as Luarento accelerated his wheels. His wife got panicky and became hysterical as she sensed that they were being sought out by intruders and narrowly escaped the tailing limo.

  In the narrow dark alleys of the city where only a number of passersby could be visible they quickly got off and ran to the bridge.

  “ Where to ?” his scared and exhausted wife asked.

  “ To a Cathedral “ he said.

  Without looking back they ran as fast as they could to get into the lobby of the Cathedral, but unfortunately the gun man appeared somewhere at the rear side and opened fired at him. Luarento plunged to death while his wife clamored for help. The gun man walked towards a narrow alley where they left their limo and fled away.

  The following day Luarento’s demise troubled the communist party and created tension in the communist community and concluded that it was a total war with the Vathikan States. A blatant and wanton killing of a leader that no one claimed responsibility was not acceptable but was meant to be vindicated by means of war against the States when they concluded that it was perpetrated by the ruling government.

  Zoning of localities followed by arrest of the communist rebels began as the concentration camp for prisoners of war were prepared to be a confinement zone for the captives.

  Meanwhile, in the border of Spain and Italia, a massive military maneuver of the Reds was mobilized for border intrusion. They were repelled by the approaching air and ground attacks by the Italian forces. Sefaretti conferred with other European allies to join the war against the Reds to prevent them from invad
ing Rome and other allies. French President Francois Delloire, a close ally of Italia and in his fatigue uniform started a field trip to visit the military headquarters and made a dauntless military review in Paris.

  This was in preparation for a massive war campaign against the Reds. Along with this preparation was the smart and haste move of the Reds in the border of France.

  Allegedly, the strong forces in the air and ground troops of the Reds that moved forward the border had a great blown on the city and incurred heavy losses on the French ground troops. The Reds established its fortress in the besieged city of Nicea and now eyeing to sneak by force Marseilles, an old French city. Communication satellites confirmed the Red’s triumphant entry into the city.

  “The city of Nicea had been besieged by the advancing forces of the Reds causing more casualties on government troops and the enemies. The catastrophe that befell on Nice was a frustrating reality for France when the Reds with their sophisticated hardware –fighter jets and monster tanks in the border of France and Italia suddenly broke and sneaked a bloody intrusion into the France territory destroying all government sentries and fortresses. Civilians were trapped in the midst of raging hostilities. Buildings, houses and any kind of establishments were not spared by massive gunshots and artillery shelling.”

  However, in some remote regions of France and Italia life was normal while there was no sign of troop movements against the enemy but the armed forces in their respective area were all in red alert for any eventualities.


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