Working with Winston
Page 40
becomes Clementine’s secretary 29–35, 42, 101, 110, 111, 237
becomes godmother to Hill’s granddaughter 30n
birth and family background 16
in charge of financial management and brick supply 24–5, 198
comment on Holmes 139
comment on Sutherland portrait 43–4, 257
description of Churchill’s eightieth birthday party 42–3, 44
dictation as main job 25–6
final years and death 45
given responsibility for Churchill’s menagerie 21–4
helps with moves into and out of London 28–31, 40–1, 42, 111
helps to look after Rufus II 230, 277
helps to organise dinner at Chartwell 268
hires domestic staff 31–2
lack of knowledge and experience 20–1
manages Chartwell 289, 291
nicknamed ‘Hambone’ 18
overseas visits 34–40, 42, 63, 86
relationship with the Churchills 32–4, 45
working conditions 16–20, 25–8, 29–33, 41–2, 54, 63
Hamilton, Emma 157
Hamlet (Shakespeare) 206
Hansard 244
Hardy, Robert 244n
Harriman, Averell 66, 109
Harris, Dr Robert 122, 123
Harrow School 71
Harvey, Mr (valet) 215
Hastings Winkle Club 292n
Havana 120
Hotel Nacional 120
Hawkey, Sir James 3, 4
Heath, Edward ‘Ted’ 269, 290
Henley, Sylvia 58, 290
Henry V (film, 1944) 145n
Hepburn, Katherine 206
Heyer, Georgette 280
Hill, Georgina XVI, 48, 30, 320
Hill, Kathleen 21, 30 and note, 38, 71, 72, 99, 100
becomes permanent secretary to Churchill 4, 48–9
birth, marriage and divorce 48
briefs Kinna on work expectations 72
Churchill’s treatment of 51–2, 62, 122, 300, 303
close friendship with Hamblin 30 and note
death of 63
discretion of 55–6, 62–3
health of 68, 78
helps hire domestic staff 31, 50
ingenuity and forethought 54–5, 57–8
interviews prospective secretaries 96, 97, 166, 167, 182
joins the Chequers Trust 63, 110, 111, 183, 244–5
night train adventure 60–1
overseas visits 60, 63, 102, 118–19, 144
receives the MBE 56, 63
variety of jobs done by 50–1, 53–5, 56, 58
working conditions and hours 49–54, 59–60, 61, 109–10, 113, 126, 140
Hill, Richard 63
Hitler, Adolf 36, 147, 247, 252, 303
HMS Ajax 153–4, 155–7, 161
HMS Codrington 62
HMS Orion 159
HMS Prince of Wales 62, 72–3, 157n
HMS Repulse 62
Hoare, Oliver 157n
Hodge, Alan 186, 273
Hollis, General Sir Leslie 70
Holmes, Marion 92
appointed secretary to Churchill 137–8
attends Churchill’s funeral 164
birth and background 134
Churchill’s attitude towards 138–9, 141–2, 156, 157–8, 300, 301
comment on Mrs Churchill 140
comments on security arrangements 147–8, 150–1
comments on Truman 162–3
description of 139
experiences of Churchill in his bedroom and bathroom 146, 148, 150, 153
joins Downing Street typists 134–5, 137
marriages and death 164
memories of Christmas en route to Athens 152–4
nicknamed ‘Miss Sherlock’ 142, 178
overseas visits 35, 102, 105, 143–4, 146–8, 149–61, 163–4, 174
private moments with Churchill 158–9
working conditions 139–43, 151–2, 161–2
works for Attlee 163–4
Home Office 108
Hotel Berlin (novel) 280, 281
Hopkins, Harry 79, 141n, 147
Hoster, Mrs 96, 196, 260, 284
House of Commons 43, 44, 48, 52, 79, 108, 116, 128, 129, 137, 148–9, 168, 176, 183, 185, 193, 200, 224, 226, 238, 244, 253, 255–6, 257, 266, 270, 281, 288, 289, 291
House of Lords 43
Howells, Roy 22, 288
Hozier, Lady Blanche 212
Hughes, Detective Inspector Bill 151 and note
Hyde Park house, New York 38, 85, 89, 104–5, 122, 125, 134, 146, 147, 160
Independence (aeroplane) 173
India 19, 21
An Infamous Army (Heyer) 280
İnönü, İsmet 71
Intelligence Corps 69
Ismay, Hastings, 1st Baron 52, 83, 90, 93, 97, 104, 113, 163, 169, 182, 187, 207, 230, 269
Jacob, General Sir Ian 62n, 83
Jamaica 130, 172–3
James Woodward & Sons (gunmaker) 55
Jenkins, Roy 4
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali 167
Jock I (cat) 23, 278
Jock VI (cat) 23 and note
Jockey Club 207
Johnson, Mabel 37n
Jutland, Battle of (1916) 145n
Keegan, John 299
Kelly, Denis 50, 114, 191, 197, 273
Kenya 129
Keynes, John Maynard 231
Khrushchev, Nikita 249, 294
Kinematograph Rental Society 271
King George V (battleship) 69
Kinna, Patrick 157n, 166, 167, 199, 300
agrees to work for Churchill 75–6
assigned to the Intelligence Corps 60
birth and family background 67, 68–9
character and description 67–8
as Churchill’s only male shorthand typist 66–7, 75–6
comments on American food 74, 81
death of 94
health of 77
impressions of Churchill 73–4, 77, 91–3
meets many famous politicians and military men 88–91
overseas visits 69–72, 73–5, 80–8, 105, 106, 143
recommended for an MBE 94
working conditions 78–81
works as secretary to Bevin 93
Kinna, Captain Thomas 68–9
Kipling, Rudyard 280
Kirkwood (valet) 268
Kissinger, Henry 147
Klop (paper fastener) 72, 152, 227
Klopp, Onno 53
Korda, Alexander 101, 157n, 206, 212, 232, 233–4, 271
La Capponcina, South of France 172, 173, 190, 211, 212, 234, 251, 272, 273–5, 287
La Pausa, South of France 275
Labour Party 40, 191, 224, 238, 240
Lac des Neiges, Laurentian Mountains 85
The Lady 31
Ladysmith 68–9
Lake Garda 210
Grand Hotel Gardone Riviera 210
Lake Geneva 173, 187
Lamb, William see Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount
Lamont, Miss 100
Land Girls 32
Landemare, Mrs (cook) 50, 88, 101, 111, 186, 268
Lascelles, Sir Alan 171, 250
Lawrence of Arabia (film, 1962) 234 and note
Layton, Elizabeth see Nel, Elizabeth Layton
Lean, David 234n
Lee, Jennie 43, 256
Lehrman, Lewis 231
Leigh, Vivien 270
Lena (maid) 110, 111, 120
Life magazine 212, 218
‘Lili Marlene’ (song) 214
Lincoln, Abraham 231
Lindemann, Sir Frederick see Cherwell, Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount
Liverpool 66
Lloyd George, David 49n
Lloyds Bank 49
‘Locksley Hall’ (Tennyson) 159
Lolita (Nabokov) 286–7
London 12, 27
Admiralty House 29, 40, 55, 59, 60, 135, 292
Annexe 86, 101, 102, 110
Buckingham Palace 107–8, 240
Cabinet War Rooms 94
Claridge’s 93, 109–10
Downing Street 30, 31, 40–1, 42, 86, 96, 99, 100, 102, 108, 129, 134, 135–7, 143, 159, 175–6, 192, 216, 240, 241–4, 248, 253, 302
Fortnum & Mason 120
Harrods 61, 170n
Hyde Park Gate 41, 44, 111–12, 114, 116, 125, 129, 166, 167, 183, 185, 186, 187, 192, 196, 215, 216, 222, 223–5, 226, 227–8, 232, 240–1, 260, 270, 279, 284–5, 289, 292, 296
Hyde Park Hotel 260
Knightsbridge Barracks 185
Middlesex Hospital 269
Morpeth Mansions 5, 7n, 13, 27, 49–50, 51
Pimlico 30
St James’s Park 162
St Paul’s Cathedral 164
Turnbull & Asser, Jermyn Street 25
Westminster Gardens 110
London Library 280
London Zoo 204, 277
Lord Kitchener (film project) 234
Love, Judy see Rowan, Judy Love
Luce, Clare Boothe 234–5
Luce, Henry 212, 219
Lullenden 277
Lumberjills 32
Lytton, Lady Pamela Plowden 187, 269
McGowan, Norman 215, 238–9
Macintyre, Ben 84
Macmillan, Harold 153, 290
Madeira 126–7
Reid’s Hotel 126
Malenkov, Georgy 177
Malta 159
Margaret, Princess 250
Margate 176
Margate (cat) 253
Marina, Princess, Duchess of Kent 27
Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of 16, 54
Marlborough, Gladys Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of 56
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of 25–6, 202
Marrakesh 36, 63, 86–7, 127, 172, 174, 186, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 246, 275
La Mamounia 11–12, 87, 174, 213, 275
Villa Taylor 88
Marseilles 161
Marsh, Sir Edward 9, 50
Marston, Lettice 113, 211, 265, 286
appointed secretary to Churchill 182, 183
birth and background 182
Churchill’s attitude towards 184–5
comment on Churchill’s health 190
comment on Churchill’s paintings 187
comment on food and drink 186–7
comment on Ismay 207
helps out on Churchill’s ninetieth birthday 282
marriage and death 193
overseas visits 128, 173, 187–92, 210, 238
rides one of Churchill’s horses 185
working conditions and locations 115, 125, 183–6, 188–9, 192–3
Martin, John 70, 74, 75, 136–7, 142, 146, 261, 277–8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 172
Maturin, Gillian 180, 261, 262, 267, 281
Mayfair Secretarial College 96
Medina 213
Meiklejohn, Robert 66, 67
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount 248
Menelaus, King 255n
Miami 82, 116, 117–20
Middle East 10, 23
The Mikado (Gilbert & Sullivan) 150
Milbanke, Sir John 71 and note
Ministry of Health 108
Ministry of Information 232
Minto, Sheila 241–2
MIT see Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moir, Mr (solicitor) 115
Molotov, Vyacheslav 84, 106, 149
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (1941) 36
Moltrasio 110–11
Molyneux, Edward 251, 273
Monet, Claude 205
Montagu, Venetia Stanley 58, 187
Montague Browne, Anthony 45, 260, 269, 275, 284–5, 289, 294, 320
Monte Carlo 208, 212, 294–5
Hotel de Paris 211, 294, 295
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 90–1, 222, 269, 290, 292n
Moore, Charles 136n
Moran, Charles Wilson, 1st Baron 58–9, 80n, 86, 111, 144, 190, 212, 249, 253, 254, 269, 295, 317
Morning Post 69
Morocco 11–12, 36, 63, 86–7, 88, 127, 172, 174, 211, 213, 215, 246, 275
Morton, Delia see Drummond, Delia Morton
Morton, Desmond 58
Moscow 38, 82, 149–51, 174
Kremlin 38, 83–4
Red Square 39
State Villa No.7 82
Mott-Radclyffe, Charles 74, 75
Mount, Ferdinand 288
Mountbatten, Louis, Earl 236–7
Mulberry Harbours 288
Muntz, Hope 286
Munuswamy (servant) 14n
Murray, Edmund 26n
Murray, Sergeant 215
Nabokov, Vladimir 286–7
Naples 87, 152, 156, 157, 158
Villa Emma 157
Villa Rivalta 157
National Health Service (NHS) 43
National Liberal Party 240
National Service (No.2) Act (1941) 66
National Trust 21 and note, 45
Neal, Miss 2, 10
Nel, Elizabeth Layton 161
comment on how to dress 97
comments on Churchill 24, 141, 143, 151
engagement and move to South Africa 110, 111
overseas visits 63, 101, 102, 105, 106, 111, 147, 149, 151, 152, 154, 159–60, 174, 175
working conditions 17, 68, 99, 100, 110, 141
worries about Churchill’s health 155
Winston Churchill by His Personal Secretary 17
Nelson (cat) 61, 277–8
Nelson, Horatio 157
New York 117, 172, 218, 255
Newmarket 272n
News of the World 11–12
Niagara Falls 146
Normandy Campaign 144
North Atlantic Treaty (1949) 224
Northolt, Middlesex 152
Notre Dame School, Cobham 134
Oberon, Merle 212, 234
OECD see Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Official Secrets Act 69, 138, 197
Oliver, Sarah Churchill 10, 23, 86, 91, 106, 111, 159, 174, 209, 235, 290
Oliver, Vic 174
Olympic Airways 275
Onassis, Aristotle 272 and note, 275, 278, 294
Onslow, (William) Arthur, 6th Earl of 124, 131
‘Operation Desperate’ 35, 307
Operation Overlord (1944) see D-Day
Operation Torch (1942) 82
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 284
Orkney Islands 60
Osborne, June 290
Oslo, University of 190
The Other Club, London 44, 193, 245, 258, 272, 277, 282
O’Toole, Peter 269
Palliser novels (Trollope) 251n
Paris 12, 60, 69, 188, 200n
Ritz Hotel 60
Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) 54 and note, 55
Parmiter, H. F. 22, 23
Parsons, Jane 276
Pearl Harbor 80
Pearman, Violet
character and description 7–9
death of 2, 14
difficulties in coping with workload 3–4
health of 6–7, 13–14, 17, 51
interviews Grace Hamblin 16
length of service 2
‘miraculous’ filing system 58
overseas visits 9–13, 27
relationship with Churchill 2–3, 300
seeks new post away from Churchill 3
variety of chores performed by 5–6, 52
Peck, John 164
Penman, Mary 14, 212
Phineas Finn (Trollope) 145
pigs 24, 203, 277
Pim, Captain 144
Piraeus Harbour 153
Pitblado, David 248, 254
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland 69–70, 74, 80, 246
Plowden, Pamela see Lytton, Lady Pamela Plowden
/> Plummer, Major General William 120
Pol-Roger, Madame Odette 177 and note
Poland 107
Port Lympne, Kent 56, 126
Portal, Air Chief Marshal Charles ‘Peter’ 222, 223, 230
Portal, Jane 169, 199, 200, 216, 311
appointed secretary to Churchill 222–3
comment on Giraudier 120
comment on Sutherland portrait 43, 256–7
comments on Churchill 51–2, 223, 224–5, 227–8, 230–2, 234, 235, 247–52, 254, 300–1
family background 135, 222
finds picture of crocodile for Churchill to paint 246–7
fondness for Mrs Churchill 236, 237
helps to look after Rufus II 229–30
helps to select films for Saturday night showings 232–3
listens in on Churchill’s telephone conversations 232
marriage to Baron Williams of Elvel 258, 261
nicknamed ‘The Portal’ 178
overseas visits 128, 191, 238–40, 251, 254–5
witnesses Churchill’s meeting with Princess Elizabeth 247–8
working conditions and responsibilities 128–9, 223–4, 225–6, 228–9, 237–8, 241–2, 243–5, 246, 247–8, 257–8
Potsdam Conference (1945) 109, 134, 162–4, 182, 207
Pound, Ezra 131
Pownall, General Sir Henry 202, 206, 215, 219–20
PPS see Parliamentary Private Secretary
Principal Private Secretaries 36, 45, 70, 74, 99, 124, 136, 141, 145, 146, 152, 171, 175, 177, 203, 241, 245, 248, 250, 254, 277, 320
Private Secretaries 3, 55, 66, 68, 69–70, 75–7, 79, 84, 90, 92, 99, 100, 106, 110, 113, 137, 139, 140, 142, 162, 166, 176, 216, 265, 284
Pugh, Doreen
appointed secretary to Churchill 180, 260–2
awarded an MBE 282
comments on Churchill 98, 262, 278–82, 300, 303
comments on Churchill’s menagerie 276–8
comments on meals 268, 269–70
helps choose films for the Churchills to watch 270–1, 293
overseas visits 272–6, 294
recalls loyalty of secretaries 262–3
recollections of friends and visitors 269, 271
requests three-week holiday 267–8
witnesses Churchill’s decline 279–82
working conditions and responsibilities 130n, 262, 263–7, 268, 280, 291
Pugh, Mrs (nurse) 144, 145
Quebec 34–5, 63, 101–4, 116–17, 134, 143–6, 160
The Citadel 103, 146
Hotel Chateau Frontenac 103, 146
Quebec Conference (codename QUADRANT) (1943) 34, 84, 85, 101, 117
Quebec Conference (Octagon meeting) (1944) 63, 101, 143, 148–9
RAF see Royal Air Force
Red Army 38, 82, 150
Red Cross 36–7
REME see Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Reuters 260, 263
Reves, Emery 115, 117, 205, 275
Richmond, Virginia 122
RMS Queen Elizabeth 117, 211n, 218, 255
RMS Queen Mary 34–5, 68, 84, 102–3, 144–6, 147–8, 156, 172, 211n
Rob Roy (Scott) 280