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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

Page 20

by J. L. Beck

  “Let’s do this,” Wes says and gets out of the car first. We all follow suit, but even as they open the back hatch and my father’s face comes into view, all I can think about is my mother and all the unknowns that surround her death.

  I never thought to ask those questions but that changes today.


  I stare at my father’s face as he opens his eyes. He immediately panics, trying to get up from the chair he’s tied to, but there isn’t any chance in hell that’s happening. Wes used his boy scout skills and tied him down without an inch of wiggle room.

  “Jessa, sweetheart, untie me,” he coos. “Let’s get out of here. Away from these monsters.”

  I try to keep the emotions off my face, pulling on my inner Declan. I don’t want him to know how much this affects me, how much he hurt me.

  “Tell me about Mom’s accident,” I order, ignoring his request to untie him.

  “I’ll tell you everything you want to know if you release me.” I bite the inside of my cheek, the copper taste of blood filling my mouth.

  “No. Today, you’re going to pay for all that you’ve done.”

  Anger overtakes his previously calm features, the darkness inside him finally showing itself. “You are just as much of a con artist as your mother was. I fucking knew it from the moment I saw those videos. You were enjoying it. When did they get to you? How long have you been planning this, huh?”

  “I didn’t plan anything. They really did kidnap me. They thought I was like you. They wanted to hurt me because of you. They thought they could hurt you by hurting me, but then they realized that you didn’t care about me.” I pause for a moment, sucking in a calming breath.

  “Did you ever care…did...did you ever love me?” My voice cracks at the end, emotions overcoming me.

  “I did love you once, just like I loved your mother. Then I found out that it was all a lie. You can be glad that I didn’t find out you weren’t my daughter until years later.” His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I am so shocked I find that I’m actually taking a step backward.

  “What?” I gasp.

  “Your mom cheated on me throughout our entire marriage. I should have known when I caught her in the act, but the man she had an affair with was a part of the security team then, and he had only worked for me for a few months. It didn’t occur to me that your mom was a slut before then. I’m not sure how many men she had slept with before him. I guess we’ll never know.” The smile on his lips makes my stomach churn.

  I stand there oh, so still, trying to digest what the hell he just told me. When I finally get up the courage to talk again, I ask, “Did she really die in a car accident or did you have her killed?”

  I peer into his eyes. Eyes that I never thought would hold as much coldness as they do right in this moment. “She deserved to die.”

  Ignoring his words once more I ask him again, “Tell me what really happened to my mother.” He rolls his eyes, seeming annoyed with my questions.

  “If you really need an answer, then yes, I killed her and her lover, and believe me I would do it again. It was the best day of my life and I should have killed you that day too, but I didn’t know then what I do now.” The pure hatred dripping from his voice chills me to the bone and suddenly I’m done asking him questions. He’s not giving me the answers I want, and even facing death head on he’s not showing an ounce of remorse.

  Did I ever really know this man?

  I don’t tell him goodbye. I don’t say anything else at all. I just turn around and step out of the room. Trey, Wes, and Declan are all waiting in the hallway for me. Their faces holding the same sorrow filled expression as I murmur the words I know they’ve patiently been waiting for.

  “He is all yours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We’ve been taking turns interrogating the man who destroyed our lives. I know we’ll never get the revenge we truly want on him, since we can’t kill him three times over, but finally having him in our clutches, getting to fucking draw his blood, it’s as close as we’re going to get. He’s been teetering on the edge of death for the last thirty minutes, but we don’t want to send him to hell just yet. What would be the fun in that?

  “Last chance to tell us where the thumb drive is. We’ll make it quick and pain-free if you tell us how to get it. If not…we will make it very, very painful.”

  “Kill me. I’d rather die than tell you a single thing.” He spits, blood dripping from his mouth. I take the knife in my hand and fist the handle, leaning into his face, giving him one last chance to tell us what we want to hear.

  “Tell me where the fuck it is, Richards, or I’m putting this blade in your thigh,” I sneer. Richards’ near lifeless eyes collide with mine and I know he isn’t going to give me the answer I want.

  “Go to fucking hell.” He wheezes, and I smirk, pulling the knife back before placing it in his thigh. The blade cuts through his clothing and the meaty muscle and skin of his thigh like a hot knife through butter. Richards cries out in pain, his chest straining as he tries to breathe.

  “Hurts, doesn’t it?” Wes mocks.

  “Imagine how Jessa felt when you had that bastard try and skin her alive?” Trey says next. Richards’ eyes flicker open and closed, but even near death, he doesn’t give a fuck, or even ask for forgiveness, not that I would give it to him even if he asked, begged, or fucking pleaded.

  “I should’ve killed her…” His chest heaves with the effort to speak. “I should have killed her when I had the chance. It would’ve been better than having her end up with you three.”

  “We saved her life, fucker,” Trey growls, slamming his fist into the side of Richards’ head. He sags in the chair with the force of the blow, his eyes drifting closed for a long moment before opening again.

  “We’ll never let her go again, we’ll keep her with us forever, and we’ll make certain no one touches a hair on her beautiful blonde head, besides us,” Wes snarls, clenching his blood covered fists at his sides.

  “Last chance, before we end it…” I lean down, and into his face, my eyes casting a glance over his mangled flesh before meeting his eyes. “Where is the flash drive?”

  He shakes his head. “Fuck off.” He barely gets the words out and I’m leaning back grabbing another knife from the back table and delivering the final blow. With the flick of my wrist, I slice him from ear to ear, watching as the blood that’s left in his body drains out of him, the coppery scent of it tickling my nose. I stare at the blood, watching as it paints the floor red, and clings to the bottom of my boots…and I feel…I feel at peace, for once.

  There’s still a gnawing feeling in my gut, but I feel better knowing that this sack of shit is gone from the world. I still want the USB drive, but only so we can rid the world of more horrible fuckers just like him.

  “What do you want to do with the body?” Trey asks, a calmness seeming to overtake him. It’s strange but he seems different now, we all do, actually. Like a mountain has been lifted off our shoulders.

  “We’ll worry about that tomorrow. Let the fucker be, he’s dead anyway. Plus, all I want right now is to go upstairs, take a shower, and be with Jessa.”

  “Let’s go then,” Wes agrees. Trey and I step out of the room, leaving the dead body of the man who caused us so much pain behind. Wes follows, closing and locking the door behind him. We take the elevator upstairs and head into our rooms for showers.

  I spot Jessa curled up on the couch as we walk in. I’m not sure if she’s sleeping since she’s facing away from us as we enter the room. I don’t stop to check on her, and not because I don’t want to because fuck me, do I want to soothe the ache I know she’s feeling, but because I don’t want her to see the blood on my hands. I know she’s aware of what we are, and what we planned to do to Richards, but that doesn’t mean we need to flaunt what we did in front of her.

  Once I’m finally alone, in the confines of my bathroom, I strip out of my clothes and to
ss them into the corner. I turn on the shower as hot as it will go and step under the boiling spray. I scrub my body with soap making sure every smidge of that fucker’s blood is washed off of me before rinsing off completely and stepping out. I don’t want a drop of that filthy fucker’s blood touching her.

  I dry off and walk back into the bedroom. I’m surprised to see Jessa sitting on my bed as I enter the room. Worry creases her forehead, and her blue eyes, though as beautiful as always, seem to hold a deep sadness.

  “Is he dead?”

  “Yes,” I say while watching her face closely. I don’t want her to resent me for killing the man she thought was her father, but there was no way I could let him live, and I know she understands that.

  “Was his death painful?” she asks, her eyes on her hands this time.

  “Do you really want to know?” I ask tipping my head to the side as if I’m examining her.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know anything right head is a mess. The only thing I do know is that I want you, Trey and Wes in this bed with me. I want to forget what happened today.” She gives me a soft smile and I damn near melt.

  “Did I hear my name?” Trey walks in as if right on cue, a grin on his lips, his eyes dazzling with amusement.

  “Go get Wes, our princess wants us to keep her mind off of what happened today, and I know just the thing to clear her head,” I tell Trey. I watch him turn on his heels and leave the room on a sprint. I turn back to the lovely creature on my bed, making eye contact with her.

  “And you, Princess…strip.”

  She obeys immediately. Pulling the large sleep shirt over her head, exposing her full tits and silky smooth alabaster skin. She’s not wearing any underwear as always and as soon as I see her glistening pussy, my cock turns to steel. How did we get so lucky? How did we fall for our captive?

  Wes and Trey enter the room a second later while I walk into the walk-in closet and dig through my duffle bag. When I have everything I need, I slip from the closet and head for the bed. Jessa’s eyes go wide when she sees the rope and the piece of fabric in my hands.

  “You’re going to need a safe word tonight, Princess.” Her eyebrows lift as if she’s shocked and then her pink tongue darts out over her bottom lip.

  “Why?” she croaks innocently. Fuck, when she plays the innocent like she is, it only makes me want to fuck her harder and deeper.

  “Because you’ll either be begging for us to stop or begging us to keep going.” I grin. “Now come here,” I order.

  Trey and Wes don’t know what’s going to happen yet, but they will soon. She scoots to the end of the bed and wraps the piece of fabric around her head, using it as a blindfold. Her chest rises and falls at an accelerated rate, bringing all the attention toward her heavy breasts. Her skin is pink, and her nipples are hard. Fuck, she’s just as excited about this as I am, and as my brothers will be shortly.

  “Did you pick a safe word yet?” I ask.

  “Mhm, how about lucky?” she says while nibbling on her bottom lip seductively.

  “Lucky?” Wes, murmurs, moving toward her, his fingers barely grazing her skin.

  “Yes, cause I’m so lucky you guys kidnapped me.”

  I grin while tightening the knot. “Okay then, lucky it is.”

  When the blindfold is in place, I push her back onto the bed so she is lying on her back. I grab her by the ankles and secure them together with the rope.

  Trey moves onto the bed, his mouth going straight to her nipple. I hand the rope to Wes as Trey nips at her nipple before releasing it with a loud pop that resonates through the room.

  And as if Wes can read my mind, he takes the rope, bringing Jessa’s hands to the front of her body, before binding her wrists together. I raise her arms and attach the rope to the headboard. Then I push her legs up, folding her body so I can secure the rope with her legs on the headboard as well. Leaving her ass and pussy on full display. We all stare down at our bound and blindfolded beauty.

  “You ready for this, Princess?” I ask.

  “I... yes…” she answers breathlessly.

  “Let’s see if you know how we fuck you…if you can tell us apart, based on the way we touch you…and fuck you.”

  “Mmmm…I think I can figure it out,” she giggles.

  “And if you don’t…” Wes starts.

  “Then you get spanked,” Trey finishes, his hand slapping down on one of her creamy white globes. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning.

  My brothers and I grin at each other, all of us wearing the same smile, the same mask of fucking love for this little blonde bombshell. We all step away from the bed and take a few steps around so she doesn’t know who is where. I nod at Wes, who gets on the bed without making a sound. He leans down, and without any mercy he buries his face between her thighs, his tongue lapping at her pussy, eating her out like a starving man.

  She moans and pants, wiggling her ass against the mattress, lifting her hips in an effort to get his tongue right where she wants.

  Greedy fucking girl. I think to myself.

  “Wes…it’s Wes,” she groans in between pants. Consider me impressed. Wes gives her one final lick before he moves away from her, drawing a displeased whimper out of her. Trey moves in next. He kneels in front of her, taking two of his fingers, dragging them from the top of her slit all the way down her ass, then back up again. When he reaches her entrance again, he thrust two fingers inside of her without warning.

  “Declan,” she gasps, and I grin. Maybe the first one was a lucky guess.

  “Wrong, Princess,” Trey whispers before pulling his fingers out of her dripping pussy. Then he gives her ass a good slap with the same hand, the sound bouncing off the walls of the room, making my carnal need for her mount. He massages the already reddened skin before spanking her other cheek with the same amount of force.

  When he steps away from the bed, Jessa’s chest is heaving…her arousal coating her thighs and dripping down onto the sheet. Fuck she’s more than ready for my cock. I take myself into my hand and stroke the beast a few times, before stepping up to the bed. I move across it slowly, before rolling her to her side.

  “Please…” she whimpers at my touch, her pink lips forming a pout. I smile, lining my cock up with her pussy entering her with one deep thrust.

  “Declan,” she cries out right away. Fuck, I should’ve been a little sneakier, taken her a little gentler.

  “Good girl,” I praise her. “Are you ready to come? Your pussy is drenched with need, dripping down my shaft.” I thrust a few more times, swiveling my hips as I do so.

  “Yes-Yes…please, yes,” she pleads breathlessly in between thrusts. I consider letting her come, the need to feel her strangle my cock consuming, but not overpowering me.

  “If I let you come on my cock, will you come again for Wes and Trey?”

  “Yes…yes, I’ll come again. Please, I want to come,” she croaks, and her begging is maddening, driving me over the edge. Without mercy, thought, or care, I pound into her like there is no tomorrow, my cock owning her pussy, claiming her. It doesn’t take long for her pussy to start tightening around my cock, or her thighs to quiver and her cries of pleasure to become louder.

  “Come on…come on my cock like the dirty fucking slut you are so my brothers can have a turn with you.” My dirty words drive her over the edge, hitting her right where I needed them to. Her whole body spasms, her inner walls squeezing me so tightly it almost hurts. Fuck, I grit my teeth and hold back the slew of curses threatening to slip from my mouth. Her muscles flutter, and I pull out of her even though I’d much rather live inside her.

  She gets no rest because no sooner than I pull out of her does Trey start to make his way over to her. He enters her with one fluid thrust of his hips, and Jessa starts to mewl against the sheets. Trey’s thrust become more and more aggressive, and Jessa’s moans become louder and louder, and slowly I find my hand circling around my cock. I stroke the fucker hard and fast, feel
ing the zing in my balls. I want each of us to come inside her, painting her insides with our sticky warm cum. I want to fill her womb so full, that the mixture of all three of us is dripping out of her, leaving her beautiful pussy a sticky mess.

  “’s…” She can’t even get the words out, she’s so overcome with pleasure. But her answer is wrong…very wrong. Trey pulls out of her, his eyes blazing.

  “Wrong, Princess, very wrong,” Trey growls before landing a hard slap against her sensitive ass cheek. She whimpers against the sheets at the contact, and he continues doing it, alternating between ass cheeks until they’re two bright red globes.

  “Please…please…” she cries out, and her cries for pleasure slay me. Fuck this girl is my undoing.

  “You want to come?” Trey asks, whispering into her ear. “Then you’ll have to beg for it.”

  “Oh god…please, please fuck me, Trey. Please,” she cries out, and it almost sounds like she’s crying, though she hasn’t used her safe word yet. I look over at Wes who has his shorts shoved down to his thighs and his cock fisted in his hands. He’s stroking himself, hard and fast.

  Trey realigns himself with Jessa’s pussy and starts pounding into her, stroke after hard stroke, the slap of skin on skin fills the air, followed by Trey’s groans of pleasure, and Jessa’s pants and moans.

  “Milk me, you beautiful fucking slut. Take my cum into your cunt. Let me dirty up your pussy for my brothers,” Trey growls, his fingers biting into her flesh with bruising force.

  Holy shit.

  “I’m coming…I’m coming…” Jessa pants, and then her body starts to shake. Seconds later Trey’s head tips back and a roar of pleasure slips past his lips as his hips still and he comes deep inside her. He gives himself a moment to come down from the high before moving off the bed, passing me with a sleepy grin on his lips. Wes moves onto the bed next, dipping his cock into her tight hole, coating it with our brother’s cum before moving his cock head to her ass. I can hear her panting, her breathing heavy.


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