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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

Page 21

by J. L. Beck

  Wes leans forward and presses a kiss to her forehead, before pushing into her ass. A soft whimper escapes her lips and I swear I can hear her inhaling.

  “Wes…” she sighs as he moves inside her ass ever so gently. This is the great thing about her having all three of us at her whim. We give to her in different ways, possessing her roughly, gently, painfully, pleasurably.

  “Good little slut. You know when my cock is in your ass, don’t you? Fuck, you are so tight like this.” She is responding, but her words are inaudible, instead they’re a mixture between a moan and a gasp every time Wes thrusts forward, bottoming out in her ass. He starts to move faster, and faster, and I watch as he grits his teeth holding off the orgasm that wants to rip from his balls.

  “You gonna come for me while I fuck your tight little asshole?”

  She nods her head, a whimper passing her lips. He reaches between them and starts fingering her pussy, moving two thick digits in an out while he continues to fuck her ass in hard, deep strokes. Her whimpers turn to cries, which then turn to screams of pleasure, and I watch as her body is taken by yet another climax.

  Wes follows suit, and he grunts as he slams into her one more time before burying his cock deep into her ass, his entire body coming to a stop. It looks like it takes him a minute before he is able to move again, but when he pulls out and moves off the bed, he has nothing but a smile on his face. He disappears into the bathroom.

  Without saying a word, I crawl onto the bed, positioning myself to take her again. I look down at the mess between her thighs. Both of her holes have cum dripping out of them, her pretty pink pussy is a sticky mess and there is something so fucking dirty and wrong about it, about how my brothers used her body, and yet it’s got me harder than a fucking diamond. I briefly think about which of her holes to take.

  “Declan…” She moans, her voice soft, delicate even. She knows it’s me. She expects it to be me, knowing that Wes and Trey had already gotten their claim on her.

  “Shhh, pretty girl. I’m going to fuck you long and hard…be a good little slut and take it. Take my cum,” I order, leaning over and taking her earlobe between my teeth. I suck on the tender flesh, before nibbling on it once more.

  I guide my cock to her messy pussy and sink inside of it with ease. Her muscles clamp down on me and a whimper escapes her lips. I bury myself deep inside of her, relishing in her softness around my cock, my balls touching her ass. I pull out until the head of my dick is at her entrance just to slam back into her again. I keep doing that, getting into a rhythm.

  I keep my promise, driving into her, giving her long, deep strokes. I feel the head of my cock press against the back of her womb. I swivel my hips and when she gasps, I grin. Warmth fills my belly as I press her into the mattress, taking from her, as she’s taken my heart.

  “You going to come for me one more time, Princess?”

  “I… I don’t know if I can…I…I don’t… I can’t,” she whimpers, pulling against the ropes, her body writhing.

  “I think you can. You can come again. You will come again, even if I have to fuck you all night.” I reach my hand around to her ass, sinking my thumb into her still wet hole. “You want both of your holes filled? Is that it? You need me to fuck you like a dirty fucking slut?”

  “Mmmmhh,” is all she manages to say. I continue fucking her while thrusting my thumb deep into her ass simultaneously and before I know it, I feel her walls clenching around my cock again.

  “Your pussy is strangling my cock, Princess. I thought you couldn’t come again.” I grin, teasing her while grinding my pelvis against her ass. My balls are heavy, begging for me to come inside her, but I hold off. I’m not coming until she does.

  “Ahh…” she cries right before she falls off the fucking edge and into oblivion. With her walls clenching down on my cock she all but fucking forces me to come, my own orgasm slamming into me with brutal force, knocking the air from my lungs, and making my muscles tighten. I fill her tight hole with my own sticky cum, making her messy pussy even messier. I relish in the warmth of her cunt around my cock for a long moment. As soon as I float down from my high, I pull out of her and realize that she’s not moving.

  “Baby?” I lean over her and pull up the blindfold. Her eyes are closed, but a small moan passes her lips when I run my hands over her body, making sure she is okay. I look around the room and find that Wes and Trey have disappeared, but I hear water filling the tub in the bathroom.

  I untie her quickly, even going as far as checking her pulse. She is fine, she must have passed out after that last orgasm. The thought makes me smile, because my brothers and I gave it to her so good she passed out.

  I pick up her worn, naked body and carry her to the tub, which is filled with water and bubbles. Wes is standing next to it smiling at us as we enter.

  “You’re going to need to get in with her, she passed out,” I snicker.

  “That’s fine.” Wes is still naked when he steps into the bubbly water and sinks down into it. I walk to the edge of the tub, lowering her gently into the water and watch her settle into my brother’s arms. She looks so peaceful, and then I realize that that’s exactly how I feel right now. Richards is finally dead. We fought the devil and my brothers and I came out on the other side alive…even better, we found our own princess along the way.

  Epilogue: Three Months Later


  Like every little girl, I had imagined my wedding day my whole life. Not in a million years did I imagine anything like this. I wed three men. Men who were not just my lovers, but my best friends. We had started out as captors and captive, as enemies, and when the tables turned, I found refuge in their arms. I never would have predicted that my life would take such a turn.

  And now I’m married to the brothers, a beautiful wedding ring with three huge diamonds, and a pink diamond nestled between them all.

  I gaze down at my wedding ring, staring for a long time, waiting for someone to wake me up from this dream that is now called my life. I’m the pink diamond nestled between the three rock hard brothers.

  “It’s hard to believe isn’t it, Mrs. Cameron?” Trey coos, brushing a few strands of blonde hair from my face. The guys have relocated us to Nepal. One, because it was the only place we could actually get married, and two, because technically they are still wanted criminals and we knew we could have the best life living in a secluded area.

  “I just never thought I would be here. I was so sure when you guys kidnapped me that I would end up dead, or back in Richards’ clutches.”

  “Like we would’ve let that happen?” Declan enters our bedroom. I can feel his eyes on me. They burn right through me, just as Wes and Trey’s gazes do. Trey twists around, mischief in his eyes.

  “Really? You wanted to kill her. We wouldn’t be here if Wes and I hadn’t been so adamant on keeping her alive.”

  Declan rolls his eyes. “You won’t ever let that go, will you?”

  Trey grins, shaking his head. “No way in hell. I’m going to be the best husband ever. I’ll be the one she calls for all the time.”

  Here we go again. The comparison. The teasing and taunting.

  “Trey, do you really want Declan to kick your ass again” Wes asks, joining us in the bedroom as well. There is a package in his hands. It’s most likely for one of the brothers. I don’t usually get any mail unless it’s something that I order online.

  “He got lucky last time. This time, he won’t.”

  Declan lunges for Trey right then, catching him in the side with his fist.

  “What was that you said?” Declan chuckles.

  “Fucker,” Trey growls, swinging his fists at Declan. Trey and he jab at each other a few more times while Wes walks over to me, a smile on his lips. I remember when I first met him, I had hoped he would be the one to save me. Strangely, it was all three of them that saved me in their own ways.

  “Princess,” he greets me, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. He’s slow, sensual, alwa
ys making certain all my needs are met. Trey is the flirt, the man that makes me swoons, that makes me weak in the knees. Declan is the rock, the one I lean on, the man who knows how much darkness to give me. He’s both rough and caring, both anger and love. And together, all three of them own my heart.

  “Husband,” I greet back.

  “This is for you love.” He hands me the package and I stare down at it. Declan and Trey pause their WWE match and turn toward Wes and me.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  Wes shrugs. “I don’t know. I didn’t open it. It’s addressed to you.”

  My heart starts beating wildly in my chest. We hadn’t had any luck on figuring out who my father was, and as disheartening as it was, I was close to giving up.

  “Open it,” Declan says.

  “Yeah, let’s see what you got in that package, Princess.” Trey’s eyes dazzle with amusement. “Did you order a new toy and not tell us?” he teases further, making my already pink cheeks pinken more.

  “No. I didn’t order anything new.”

  Trey’s lips form into a pout, and Wes pulls out a pocket knife, cutting the box open for me. Exhaling all the air from my lungs, I pull the sides of the box open and peer down inside it. There’s another, much smaller box within it, as well as an envelope. I grab the envelope from within the box and rip it open. I know the handwriting on the front of the box the moment I see it.

  Dear Jessa,

  I hope this letter finds you well. I told myself I would try and stay out of this, but there was no way that I could let you live a life without knowing who your real father was. Richards had made claims to killing your father, but I’m sure he’s still alive, out there somewhere. Hopefully you’ll get to meet the man that I called my brother someday.

  I know you have found your happily ever after and I’m beyond grateful to know that no one will be able to hurt you. Your father has many enemies in this world, and I want your husbands aware of those enemies. Along with this letter is the USB drive that I’m sure they were looking for. It contains all the information they will need to go forward. Please be sure that no one besides you and your guys ever gets access to that USB drive.

  I wish I could be there to see you. I will continue to search for your father, and if I find any leads, you will be the first to know. I wish you love and happiness.



  When I finish reading the letter, I’m a sobbing mess. Big fat tears stain my cheeks and I sag down onto the bed, my knees wobbling from the information that has now been exposed. Wes, Trey, and Declan just stare at me for a long moment before moving in to soothe and comfort me.

  “What’s wrong, Princess?” Wes asks first.

  “Who do we have to kill?” Declan asks next.

  “Want me to give you an orgasm, wifey?” Trey teases last.

  “In the box…” I hiccup. “The USB drive is in the box. Harrold got it for us. And he knows who my father is.”

  None of the brothers move, their eyes all on me, waiting for me to reveal the big secret.

  “My father is Harrold’s brother, and he’s not dead. He’s alive.”

  “Shit,” Wes says.

  “Fuck,” Declan curses.

  “Jesus.” Trey shakes his head.

  “I know. He says we need to guard the USB with our lives. It contains important information.”

  Wes reaches for the box and pulls out the tiny box inside. His eyes light up as soon as he gets the tiny box open and the small USB drive comes into view.

  “Holy shit. After killing Richards, I was sure we would never get our hands on this thing.” Declan is the first to break the silence.

  “Me either,” Trey and Wes say at the same time. I gaze down at the letter in my hands, the ring on my finger catches in the light. My life has changed so much and still I long to find all the missing puzzle pieces to make it whole again.

  “I want to find father,” I announce to my husbands. All three look up at me, adoration and love in their eyes. “I want to find him, and piece the puzzle back together.”

  “Whatever you want, wife,” Wes soothes, his lips pressing to my forehead.

  “Yes, whatever you want, baby, we’ll give it to you.” Trey presses a kiss to my lips next before pulling away.

  “But, while we wait, I know three cocks that could use some attention.” Declan grins, knowing damn well how hungry I am to please them.

  I smile, grin actually, because while there are still many mysteries in my life. I have three of the greatest men ever to help me solve them.

  And I, their captive, just became the captor.

  The End

  Sneak Peek for Protect Me

  She needed protection from my family… I needed protection from her heart…

  She was my ex-best friend’s little sister. Shy, gorgeous as hell and did I mention completely off limits.

  Well that is until she lands on my doorstep begging me for protection from my brother. She has no idea the kind of world she’s walked into, or that I’m no better of a man then the one searching for her.

  But when she offers me her v-card the last thing she has in exchange for protection I can’t deny such a tempting offer.

  She’s everything I want, and nothing I can have.

  When my brother finds out she’s under my protection, that I've been hiding her under his nose this whole time he gives me an ultimatum…

  Marry her, or kill her…and since there’s no way in hell I’m going to let him kill her I decide to make her mine…forever.

  This is book two in the series but it can be read as a complete standalone. It contains NO-CLIFFHANGERS, NO CHEATING, and has a HEA. It is a dark mafia/crime romance and contains subject matter not suitable for all readers.

  Chapter 1


  I stare at my brother's lifeless body on the floor of my apartment. I know what I need to do next, but I can’t move. My feet remain cemented to the floor, my brown eyes moving over the scene before me. There is blood…so much blood.

  I bite into my bottom lip hard—hard enough to draw my own blood. I won’t scream. I can’t. Leo told me if someone ever came for him, I was to go to a man, one of his friends, and he would protect me, but I can’t remember his name.

  My stomach rolls, bile rising into my throat. I place a hand over my mouth to stop the impending vomit.

  My brother is dead.

  My chest tightens; my hands fist at my sides. My brother is dead. Actually dead. We joked about this moment many, many times, but looking down at his lifeless body, his vacant stare, I know this isn’t a joke.

  Start moving, a little voice inside my head says.

  I look at the message the bastards left on my fridge. The sticky note shakes in my hands as I read the words over and over.

  I’ll be back for you.

  I shiver involuntarily. I need to find the man my brother wanted me to go to. I have a feeling he’s the only one who can protect me now.

  With unsteady hands, I pull my phone out and go to my emergency information. I created a small doc simply for this very thing. Leo had only given me a name and address, saying it would be enough.

  But how can I show up on someone's doorstep with this kind of thing? Leo said the person would understand—they’d know why I was there—but I didn’t believe that…not one bit. Too afraid to go into my bedroom or even stand inside the kitchen another minute, I walk out the door, closing it quietly behind me.

  Tears fall from my eyes, staining my cheeks. I have never felt so much pain and confusion all at once. My lungs seem to deflate, refusing to fill no matter how many breaths I take.

  I make it two steps down the stairs when I hear voices coming from the level below me. I spot two guys talking, both with accents—Russian maybe. I’m not concerned until the words meet my ears.

  “The boss said he wants the sister for himself, so don’t fuck her up too bad.” The men are big and burly, way bigger than me, and definitely st
ronger. If they get their hands on me, I’m as good as gone.

  Move, Kiera! My brother's voice fills my head as I try to stop the tensing of my muscles. I have to get out of here. If they catch me…I shove the thought away before it takes root.

  As soft as my feet allow, I tiptoe backward, away from the staircase. I slip my shoes off and start walking up the stairs in my socks. Staying close to the outside, I make sure they can’t see me if they decide to look up through the middle of the stairs.

  With my lip caught between my teeth, I hold in the scream that wants to rip from my throat. Fear consumes me, my muscles remain rigid, but I continue onward. I walk all the way to the top floor and take the emergency stairwell down.

  I’ll be safe, hidden from their gazes—a secret passing through. My entire body shakes as I take the steps two at a time, my eyes passing over my shoulder every few seconds, causing me to trip. Landing against the railing, it digs into my ribs. I need to pay better attention or I'm going to get caught.

  I sigh in relief when I make it down the stairs. I am only in my first year of college. I’m supposed to be partying, hanging out with other people my age, not discovering my dead brother's body, or running away from two monsters who want to drag me back to their boss. The image of being attacked by one of them flickers in my mind.

  No. I will myself to calm down. I’m right there, hanging on the very edge of losing control. I want to cry, scream, yell, but I know none of those things will happen. Pushing through the back doors of the apartment complex, I run down the street, my backpack still resting heavily against my back.

  I sprint down the street and hide behind a group of trees before I decide to stop and catch my breath. My little legs do nothing to help me when it comes to running. I pull out my cell phone and enter the address into the map.

  A little icon pops up on the screen, confirming it works. I sag against the tree, waiting for it to load.

  Would they track my phone? Who are they to my brother? Dozens of questions rattle off inside my head. I didn’t even say goodbye to him. My gaze drops down to my phone. The map finally loaded.


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