Gaining Maisy
Page 6
“Her? Are you telling me you hired a female secretary?”
“Yes, I did, and you can’t believe how annoying it is that she’s absolutely perfect for the job. Enough about me. How are things down there?”
“Great actually; went to the gym yesterday and this morning, too,” Maisy told her friend, and hearing herself say it aloud made her happy she had gone through with it. Brittany was happy for her friend and it clearly showed in her voice.
“You did? Well, that’s great; I’m really happy for you, and a little bit jealous, too. So, tell me how it is.”
“You remember Carter?”
“The guy who made you run out of the gym the first time? Yeah, I remember him.”
“Well, he’s my personal trainer and is working with me one on one.”
“Now I’m seeing pictures. How is he?”
“He’s the most mean, sadistic, unfeeling person I’ve ever known,” Maisy replied heatedly, still feeling the burn from her morning workout. “Which is more annoying since he’s so hot. I was this close to dragging him to the floor and kissing him senseless.”
“Whoa, hold on. What did you say? Don’t tell me you have a crush on your personal trainer.”
“I’m not talking crush, Brittany, I’m talking I want to do naughty things with him, want him to do naughty things with me kind of feeling. This is the first time since I broke up with Eric that I’m feeling like this about someone. I think it’s the first time in my life I’ve felt this attracted to someone.”
“Okay, and you’re sure that it isn’t that you’re falling for him or anything like that, right?”
“Hell no, I may be okay enough to want to jump his bones, but I am definitely not recovered enough to want to risk my heart like that again,” Maisy said.
“Well, as long as you’re sure it isn’t more than that, then I don’t see any problem with it. Just be careful, okay?”
“Of course, babe,” Maisy said, not needing to be reminded about the last time she wasn’t careful enough. She stayed on the phone with Brittany till past midnight, talking about many things like Chloe and the people she met in town. When she dropped the phone, she saw that it was almost two in the morning and almost panicked. Then she remembered she was meeting Carter in the evening, not morning, so she could sleep in late. Thank God for that.
Chapter 11
“Come on, you can do it. Up, up,” Carter was saying in Maisy’s ear as she attempted to pull herself back up. They were doing sit-ups on an inclined bench, and Maisy’s stomach hurt so much she was afraid she may have ruptured her appendix.
“No rest in between or you defeat the purpose of the exercise. Go back down,” Carter said, in a voice Maisy called his drill sergeant voice. It was different from the normal voice he used to tell her good job, or well done. She had begun to realize that she just couldn’t refuse him when he used his drill sergeant voice. The need to please and obey him, she was beginning to suspect, went deeper than her wanting to obey her personal trainer. She was still sexually attracted to him, even more than before. And hearing him tell her to do this or lift that or stop and hold it right there just did things to her down under, and she still blushed at times.
“Okay, four more to go.”
“I can’t do four,” Maisy wanted to say, but what came out from her mouth was a garble of incomprehensible words.
“No talking, just keep up till you finish this set.”
Maisy came back up, struggling to catch her breath, and said, “I can’t do it; my stomach hurts like hell.”
“Then you know it’s working. Keep going.” He stood over her till she dropped back down and struggled to come up, finishing the set. Immediately after she had, she collapsed in a heap on the floor, rolling over to her stomach.
“You know, I think the reason why you make me do this till I can barely stand up is because you know if I have one ounce of energy in me, I’ll probably strangle you,” Maisy said, looking at him from the corner of her eye.
“That can’t be the reason why, because then you won’t have any energy to do the next exercise. Stand up.”
“Hell no, I’m staying down here.”
“Get up,” he repeated, this time in his drill sergeant voice, and Maisy grudgingly stood up and followed him to a set of bars that had been screwed to the wall, another bar hanging horizontally above it.
“We’re doing pull-ups next,” he said as he brought the bar just a bit lower, but still high enough that Maisy wasn’t sure she could even reach it.
“I can’t do that,” she said to him seriously now.
“You always say that.”
“No, I’m really serious. I can’t,” Maisy said, ready to give up and even begin to doubt she could ever be really as fit as she wanted to be. Three days already of body-breaking workout and she hadn’t lost a single pound, the scale still saying the same things it had been saying. She remembered something Eric had said one time when they went shopping for clothes together and Maisy had found it hard to get a type of jeans she liked that fit her. Eric, who had followed her, was already beginning to get pissed off at the delay, and Maisy found herself apologizing again and again to him.
“Don’t worry, honey. Nothing you can do about the fact that you’re fat; guess some people were born to be that way,” he had said, smiling at her in support. His statement had stung her that day, but today she was wondering if maybe he was right. Her mom and dad weren’t exactly thin, so it may be that it was just in her genes to be fat. She suddenly didn’t feel like continuing with her workout, wanting instead to find a store and get the biggest container of ice cream they had and gorge herself. Thinking about Eric had depressed her so greatly, and she was trying to figure out a way to tell Carter she was no longer interested. Her body ached so badly, and yet he was pushing her to do more.
“I’m serious, Carter. I may fall and break something if I get on that machine.”
“That’s enough,” Carter responded in his no-nonsense voice. “I have about had enough of you complaining about everything I tell you to do. Trust me, I would never tell you to do something you cannot do. If I say do something it’s because I know you can do it. Okay?” He sounded low and just a little bit pissed, which made Maisy just a little pissed, and she angrily stepped forward and grabbed the bar, pulling herself up. Then she promptly fell back.
“Okay, that’s it,” Carter said, sounding really serious now. “You didn’t even try at all.”
“Yes, I did,” Maisy retorted angrily.
“No, you didn’t; now get back on that bar and give me five sets of ten reps or I swear to God, I’ll spank you so hard, your ass will be the one getting a work out today.”
Maisy gaped and looked at him to confirm he wasn’t joking, and the look in his eye just dared her to challenge him.
“Like hell you will.”
“Well, why don’t you try me and see?” he replied, and this time Maisy was sure he was dead serious. She got on the bar and lifted herself up, managing to complete nine reps of a single set, before she dropped low. Not really out of exhaustion, but to see if he was going to follow through with his threat.
“That isn’t high enough; go higher,” he told her, but Maisy just gave a half-hearted attempt before coming back down. After a few seconds without a response from him, she figured he was just bluffing and went to pull herself up, when suddenly her eyes widened as she felt it. The full imprint of his palm on her ass as he spanked her hard. She could almost not believe it, then it came again, this time harder. Maisy realized she was aroused by the sheer naughtiness of the act. But even more importantly, she realized she didn’t give a damn.
“Wasn’t playing when I told you I was going to spank, and if I see you not doing your best to do what I tell you, I’m spanking you again.” His voice was deep and serious, causing a shiver to course through Maisy’s body. The smooth cadence of his words elicited a deeply sexual reaction in her, and she wasn’t fighting it this time. Acutely aware of him behind her i
n a way she had never been before, she lifted herself up and back down, going as high as she could.
“Good girl, that’s how to do it,” she heard him say, and was glad he was pleased with her effort.
“Come on, you can do it,” he said as she went for the next lift, and the next, happy every time he complimented her, and listening to his instruction on how she should lift herself. She finished three sets and was going for her fourth when it seemed she could just not lift herself higher.
“Come on, baby girl,” he said, and Maisy suspected he knew just what he was doing to her.
“Come on,” he encouraged again. She could just not lift herself up, till she felt him spank her again, and again, his palms delivering the soft blows to her ass repeatedly till she lifted herself up. And he kept on spanking her till she finished the last two sets, making sure to hit her across the whole expanse of her ass. By the time they were done, Maisy was sure her whole bottom was bright red. When she finished the last set, he placed his hands around her waist to help her down, her wet sweaty body sliding down his hard, chiseled one as she came down, and Maisy knew he had done that on purpose. He kept holding her till she planted her feet firmly on the floor, but even after that his hands stayed around her waist. Maisy looked into his eyes, knowing clearly what she wanted more than anything right at that moment. She was shocked when she saw her hunger mirrored perfectly in his eyes. They stood like that for a while, not talking, just looking at each other. Then without a word or any prior warning, their lips clashed as Carter’s hands went down and cupped her ass.
There wasn’t anything soft or gentle about the kiss, and at that moment Maisy definitely didn’t want gentle. The kiss was an assault on her senses that matched the fire burning in her gut, the heat radiating from the center of her. His lips were hard on hers, the rough ridges waking nerves that had slept for so long she wasn’t even aware they existed. Or maybe she was feeling this way because this kiss was quite unlike any she had ever had.
She reached up, her hands making their way slowly across his sweat-drenched clothes, the hard roughness of his muscles still clearly felt even beneath all those clothes. She reached his chest and the broadness of him, the sheer sexiness of those muscles just rippling under her hand had her panties flooded with arousal. She moved closer to him, her breasts pushing against his chest as his mouth continued claiming her lips. Then all of a sudden, he pushed himself back from her, staring down at her, the both of them breathing hard.
Then Maisy leaned in once more, unable to bear the absence of his lips on hers. But her motion was stopped by Carter’s hands on her shoulders. She looked at him, wondering why, because she could see he wanted to kiss her. The fire in his eyes was a testament that he was feeling what she was feeling. She moved to kiss him again, but this time he lifted her and moved her till she was standing with her back against the wall, looking up at him, wondering what he was trying to do.
Then he grabbed her hands and lifted them up high above her head till she was almost standing on her tiptoes, his hand easily covering her two wrists. He looked down into her eyes, and then slowly bent down to kiss her. Maisy moaned low in her throat as Carter’s lips claimed hers once more. But this time, there was something different about this kiss. The way he held her hands, the way his lips gave her just enough for her to want him all the more. That was when Maisy realized he was in total control of this kiss, of her, and even more she realized she loved the feeling of having no control.
He slipped his hands into her hair and jerked it up, rough enough that Maisy was forced to lift her head and look at him. Then he slipped a finger into her mouth and began to glide it in and out, the move so erotic Maisy didn’t know when she started to suck on it. He reached down and slipped the other hand into her workout bra, his thumb aiming straight for her nipples. There was no gentle flick, no smooth caress. Just a hard tug at the now-sensitive bud as Carter replaced his finger with his tongue, kissing her hard. And that was when Maisy came, hard, and unable to hold back the loud moan that accompanied one of the most earth-shattering orgasms she had ever had.
Carter stared at the woman who had her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and wondered how he could have lost control so easily. Of course, he had spent so much time fantasizing about just such a thing that when he felt her lips on his, his reaction had been instinctive. Then when he had captured her hands above her head, the moment she realized he was taking control and the way she had acquiesced, was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. The way she had wrapped her lips around his finger as he simulated an action he would rather have done with another part of his anatomy. How her eyes had gone at half-mast the moment his fingers had touched her nipples and the way she moaned when she came. It was enough to drive a man insane. He looked down at her and her eyes met his, the look in her eyes so tempting, so submissive. Yet her chin had a certain stubborn lift to it, as if to say her submission was a gift she was giving of her free will, and if she wanted she could take it back. He wondered if she was even aware she had such zest, such fire in her nature. Looking down and taking in all he would be getting into if he continued this part, Carter reluctantly stepped away from Maisy, noting the look of hunger and surprise she threw at him.
“I think that’s enough for today.” He tried to act as neutral as possible, trying to go for an unaffected image. But his hoarse voice gave him away and the hungry look in his eyes couldn’t be successfully masked. Whirling around, he quickly headed for the door, praying that he didn’t meet anybody between the room and the showers. He was suddenly in desperate need of a cold shower, a cold shower.
Chapter 12
“Hey, Brittany,” Maisy greeted her friend, happy to finally talk to someone she could tell about what had happened at the gym that day.
“Hey, Maisy; how was your day?”
“Fine, I guess.” Maisy suddenly couldn’t tell her friend what she had been dying to tell her all day. Not that she didn’t want to, but she didn’t know how to.
“Well, my day would have been fine, too, then I went to the bar and can you believe I had to buy all my drinks myself? Not one single guy flirted with…”
“Carter spanked me today,” Maisy interrupted her friend, figuring that her best option was to just come out and say it.
“…me. Wait, what?” Brittany quickly asked, her brain finally processing what Maisy just said. “Carter spanked you? I don’t understand.”
“Well, I was doing pull-ups, you know, and I wasn’t really into it and he was there just talking to me and you know, trying to get me to put in more effort. But I refused and then he threatened to spank me if I didn’t do the next set better.”
“He what?” Brittany exclaimed, more in surprise than outrage.
“Yeah, and when I still refused to listen to him, he spanked my ass.” Maisy still sounded surprise at the event.
“I’m guessing from your tone that you actually liked it?”
“Liked it?” Maisy exclaimed. “Brittany, I got wet. It was the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Then we kissed and, oh my god, can he kiss.”
“Hang on a minute, you kissed?”
“Yeah, and it was great, Brittany, so great I think I’m scared.”
“Is that all you did?” Brittany asked, happy that her friend was having an adventure, but still wary of the danger such a relationship presented for anyone, especially Maisy.
“No, we made out, too. He had this thing about being in control I guess, and I never thought I would ever like being told what to do, but the way he does it is so arousing.”
“So he’s kinky; that’s probably new for you.”
“Hey, stop talking like I’m some kind of prude. I can be sexually adventurous, too, you know,” Maisy chided her friend, but she had to admit that she was pretty straight-laced when it came to sex. Another reason why what she had done today made her so excited.
“Okay, Maisy, one question. Do you have any feelings for him?” Brittany asked, makin
g sure to convey that she was serious about the question.
“No,” Maisy answered immediately. Then she thought about it and said, “Not really. I mean the guy is freaking hot, and I have to admit I wouldn’t mind taking a big bite out of that sexy butt of his. But after what happened with Eric, there is no way… I mean I don’t think I am capable of allowing anyone in like that. At least not anytime soon.”
“Good, then I say go for it.”
“Go for what?”
“Take a big bite out of that sexy butt, what else do you think I’m talking about? Have wild crazy kinky sex with him, and I want to hear every detail.”
Maisy laughed as she heard Brittany’s reply. “I wonder why I even bothered to ask you. I already knew that this is what you were going to say.”
“Of course, now let’s talk about what’s wrong with the guys over here. I mean, how the hell could I not get a single one of them to buy me a drink? I think I need to change my hair.”
Maisy laughed, then stayed on the phone talking to her friend for over an hour, before she hung up and went to bed.
Chapter 13
Carter grunted as he returned the 250-pound barbell he was lifting back to the rack. He knew he should take it a little easy, especially since he knew his session was Maisy was coming up soon. Or maybe that was the reason he was working himself to his bones, pushing himself to the limit in a bid to wipe the events of the day before out of his mind. It clearly wasn’t working, because he could still picture with clarity the look on her face when he had held her hands caged between his, the way she had looked aroused then. He cursed as he realized he was now sporting a hard-on. Ignoring it, he moved to the speed bag and started punching it, but he hadn’t been at it long when he stopped, realizing that he was more than likely to end up with a black eye since he couldn’t concentrate at all on what he was doing. How the hell one woman managed to get him so worked up he had no idea, but he was definitely worked up. It wasn’t the first time he had felt the faint stirrings of sexual attraction to a client. But he had always managed to keep things professional, at least until now. Now, not only had things gotten unprofessional very fast, but he also wanted to keep it that way. Wanted to find out how she would take it if his palms were slapping her bare ass without the protection of her exercise shorts, or if it was a rope holding her hands far above her head while he shoved his cock into her mouth…