Gaining Maisy
Page 7
The sound of the door opening wrenched Carter out of the darkly erotic turn his mind had taken. Not that it helped much as standing in his front was the subject of his fantasy, and he felt his cock give a small jump.
“Good morning,” she greeted him gaily, dropping her workout bag on the floor.
“Morning,” he answered gruffly.
“So, what are we doing this morning?” she asked, and he wondered why she was feeling so peppy this morning.
“Need to check how far along we’ve come,” he replied, motioning her to where the weighing machine was at the corner of the room.
“Oh, okay,” Maisy answered, and her exuberance dropped a notch. Carter remembered how bad she had felt when her last weighin showed almost no improvement. “Don’t worry. Like I said, what matters is that you’re working at it. Trust me, your body is going to catch up to your workout soon.”
“Okay, I guess,” Maisy said, trying to force a note of cheer into her voice. She took off her shoes and got on the scale. Then watched with bated breath as the dial spun back and forth before coming to stop. At first she looked at the figure it was showing her, almost unable to believe her eyes. And then she shrieked and turned around, launching herself at Carter who caught her in the air.
“Two-hundred-thirty-eight pounds! It says I am now 238 pounds! Can you believe that?” she screamed at Carter, hugging him hard, laughing and clearly happy. Carter just nodded at her, understanding her reason for doing a victory dance. He knew she was just happy at what was clearly a big milestone in her bid to hit her target weight, and while he was happy for her, all he could think about was the curves of her breasts currently pressed against his chest. His hand was currently under her ass, and if he moved her down a few inches that ass would be right on top of his cock. His , erect cock.
Carter quickly put her down, and took a step back. “That’s great news, and I hope that’s enough incentive to push you to work harder.”
“Actually,” Maisy said in a low, sultry voice, “I think I liked the last incentive better.”
Carter didn’t need any interpretation to know she what she was talking about, neither did he need any crystal ball to know that if he did that, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself at just a kiss. “Come on, Maisy, no more teasing. And start stretching.”
“You know, I liked it better when you called me baby girl,” Maisy said as she dropped to the floor and started stretching.
Carter looked down at her in surprise, now wondering if she was trying to flirt with him. Was he really going to do this, was he really planning on having a sexual relationship with a client? He knew that she wanted him. But then he had to wonder if she would want what he had to offer her, and if she didn’t was it really worth it, sacrificing his professional relationship just to satisfy his lust? He was still thinking about this when Maisy stood up, apparently having finished her stretching.
“Okay, get on the cycling machine; today’s workout is going to be fast-paced. So hope you have a lot of energy because I expect complete commitment.”
“And what if I don’t do that? What are you going to do, spank me?” Maisy asked coyly, looking him right in the eye. Deep inside she was shocked she had even said such a thing. Sure, she was thinking it, but where had the courage to say it come from? She blamed it on the high from finding out she had lost that amount of weight, but now that she had said it, she had no choice but to stand her ground.
Carter stared at her for a few seconds, as if he was mulling over something. Then he smiled, and Maisy got scared, and hot. The smile was blatantly sexual and she knew he was teasing her. He walked towards her, in slow determined strides, like a predator stalking his prey, and Maisy shivered from the wave of testosterone emanating from him. He was six-feet of pure erotic bliss, and he knew she wanted him. He stopped right in her front, and then leaning, whispered into her ear,
“You’re playing with fire, baby girl. You ready to feel the flames?”
Maisy swallowed hard, knowing that her answer would determine how things played out from here. But her mind had been made up long before now; it was time she started having fun again. Time to try things with the potential to make her happy. With a confidence in her eyes that belied the nervous pounding in her heart, she stepped up to him. Close enough that her breasts brushed against his chest. “What do you think?”
Carter looked down at her, then held her face in his hands. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes, I do,” Maisy answered without a single pause. She trusted him not to hurt her because she was never giving him that chance. She may be giving him her body, but her heart remained firmly behind the barricade she had put around it.
“Then know that I would never physically harm you,” Carter said, communicating to her with his eyes as much as his words.
“I know,” Maisy replied, then was lost for words as Carter reached down and slammed his mouth against hers. The kiss was brutal, strong, and showed that Carter was totally in charge, not that Maisy minded much. He raked his eyes over her whole body and the look couldn’t have been more blatantly sexual even if she was unclothed. Her nipples peaked, her legs felt weak, and she knew this was probably the most aroused she had been in her entire life. Then Carter stepped back, assuming a causal, if somewhat regal pose, and said, “Drop down and give me thirty pushups.”
Maisy couldn’t have been more shocked if he had slammed her straight with a sock full of coins. She stammered as she tried to figure out how they had gone from toe-curling kiss to pushups. But the look on his face brooked no argument and she grudgingly fell to her knees. Placing her palms on the floor, he began to go up and down with her, making sure her back was horizontal to the ground as he had taught her before. She got to twenty-five before she suddenly felt herself start to falter. Her back was no longer as straight as when she started, and she was spending too much time going back down. The kiss that was all she could think about mere three minutes ago, was now totally forgotten.
“Come on, lower, lower. Keep that head straight,” Carter instructed and Maisy struggled to obey. Then her back went ramrod straight as she heard a crack, and felt something slap her ass to accompany the sound of the crack. She was still struggling to understand what had just happened when Carter spanked her again. Then, so she was clear what he expected of her, he said, “And I’m going to keep this up till you get to forty.”
She opened her mouth to tell him she was supposed to get to just thirty and felt another crack, this time just underneath the curve of her ass. It was painful, sort of, but more than that it was sexually thrilling. Pushing herself up, Maisy continued her pushup, cringing when she felt the crack of whatever Carter was using to spank her on her ass, her thighs, her legs whenever she faltered or made a mistake. But soon Maisy found herself deliberately doing things that made Carter spank her, again and again. Each slap was on a different spot, each one a little bit harder than the former, till Maisy knew she would definitely be sporting a few marks by now.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Carter ordered, then stood by as he watched her get to her feet. She stood in front of him, with her arm muscles really aching, and even her upper chest felt the burn from all the pushups she just did. But Maisy felt the ache most between her legs, and this ache wasn’t because of the pushups, but rather because of the thorough spanking she just got from Carter. She looked at his hand and saw him holding what appeared to be a leather paddle, the surface smooth and wide. Her first thought was where the hell had he gotten it. Then she thought to herself that maybe he brought it with him today, which meant he had come here today planning on using it on her. Or maybe he just so happened to have a paddle lying around, which meant he probably did this to other women, too.
Then every thought left Maisy’s mind as Carter wrapped his hands around her waist to slip them into her gym shorts, cupping her ass around her panties. It seemed like he was massaging where he had just spanked and Maisy felt her bones turn to goo as his hands swept up and down her ass. Then hi
s thumb brushed the tail end of her pussy from the back, and Maisy moaned loudly as she clutched his chest and plastered her body against his. A move that allowed her to feel every inch of the erection resting between Carter’s legs. Maisy rubbed her thighs against it, hoping to punish him a little like he was doing to her. But apart from a slight increase in breath and a jerk of his engorged cock, Carter barely acknowledged the contact.
Then with his hand still in her ass crack, his thumb just barely edging her pussy from the back, he leaned in close to her. “If you can complete fifty sit-ups without stopping, I’ll put my tongue where my thumb is.”
Adrenaline spiked through Maisy, and at that moment she would have done a hundred sit-ups just so she could feel his tongue soothe the ache between her legs. Forgotten was the fact that, up to that point, the best she had ever been able to get to was about thirty. She quickly got on the floor, raising her knees up till she was in the position to start. Then just before she started, Carter dropped down to his knees and slid in between her legs. Normally, he would hold her by her ankles to keep her steady while her back went up and down. But today, his hands slid up her legs, caressed her thighs, then she felt the pad of his thumb circle around her aching pussy, the friction causing another wave of arousal to course through her whole body. “Remember, my tongue here if you get to fifty.”
Maisy immediately started going up and down, mindlessly counting to try to distract her brain from the pressure of his thumbs just right around her aching sex but never quite on it. She got to thirty quickly, then powered through to thirty-five and then forty. But began to slow as she approached forty-five, but a quick swipe across her sex and adrenaline coursed through Maisy’s body as she completed the whole set, her body covered with a faint sheen of sweat and her abdominal muscles feeling like they would cave in at any moment now. But all Maisy could think about was if he was going to fulfill his promise and help her ease some of the ache. Then she held her breath as she watched him lower his head, till she could feel his hot breath on her stomach. His fingers slid into the elastic of her shorts and then he dragged them off, just enough to expose her pussy, wet, and hot and achy, to his watchful gaze. This time there was no preamble, no thinking or waiting, he just speared his tongue into the aching depths, his tongue going in and out as he fucked her aching center. He reached out and licked the wet folds, his lips sucking them in before he took them into his mouth.
Maisy screamed out loud as she was thrown into a sea of pleasure like she had never felt before. She felt her orgasm begin to approach and bucked into his mouth as she sought to bring it on as fast as she could. But just when she was about to come, he withdrew his tongue and stood up, walking to the small dispenser in the corner of the room and bringing back two bottles of water. Maisy stared in shock, not believing what was happening. She was just on the verge of having the biggest orgasm of her life and he was handing her a bottle of water. If she’d been alone, she would have slipped a finger into her shorts and finished the work herself; hell, she wanted to do it now. But she knew it wasn’t the same and there was no way her finger could come close to what Carter’s tongue could do.
Frustrated, she grabbed the bottle from him and gulped it down, then glared at him. He didn’t even acknowledge her look, just moved on to where the dumbbells were kept on a rack. Maisy stalked to the weight rack, too; knowing the process, she picked two dumbbells and started doing her arm curling exercises. She powered through the whole session with the adrenaline coursing through her body from her failed sexual fulfillment.
By the time they were done, her bones ached enough that her arousal was now a little dulled. She was still horny, but not like before, and she was already starting to feel the ache in her muscles. She knew that cardio was the next session and began to walk towards the stationary bikes when she felt him grab her by her waist, lift her up, and then turn her till her back was resting against a wall. Between her legs, right on her sex, his erect cock lay, and he thrust into her slowly. He kissed her hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth, then began to slowly rock his hips into hers, the friction from their clothes rubbing against her pussy and making her wet.
Then he dropped her but didn’t let her go, just covered her body with his. He bent his head and kissed her, his hands going under her shirt to palm her breasts over her workout bra. Kneading and pressing the mounds, with his tongue in her mouth and his thighs rocking her between her legs. Maisy kept her hands by her side, knowing instinctively that he would let her know when she could touch him. As it was, she was barely keeping her legs from folding under her as she felt waves of pleasure rock through her body from head to toe. Then he reached between them and slipped his hands into her shorts, his thumb sweeping across her fully engorged clit. Maisy moaned and wrapped her hands around his neck. Carter placed one hand under her chin and lifted her head up till he was staring directly into her eyes. His other hand still inside her pants, still rubbing the aching folds of her pussy. Soon Maisy felt it again, the impending arrival of her climax. Then again, just right at the threshold of her orgasm, Carter withdrew his fingers.
Maisy swore as she looked up at him, frustration written across her face. Carter, on the other hand, looked as if he couldn’t care less what had just happened. Then as Maisy kept looking, he lifted his hands, the one that had just been teasing her pussy to an orgasm just then, and slipped each finger into his mouth. Maisy’s pussy clenched, and she felt a small trickle of wetness slide down her thigh. Then in the most arrogant voice she’d ever heard from a man, Carter said, “Come on, baby girl, get on the bike and start pedaling.”
Maisy stalked to the bike and climbed on it, looking over her shoulder at Carter, who seemed content to just stand where he was and watch her. She started pedaling, slowly at first as she always did, then increasing her pace at every interval. All the while aware of Carter who had come to stand beside her, his presence a constant thrum she felt between her legs. She didn’t know if this was a game to him, but she knew at that moment she had never been more frustrated in her life.
Yet, in a way, she loved the feeling of knowing that he was totally in charge of her sexual gratification. She knew he was rewarding her for how much effort she put into her workout. But thinking of the time he spanked her, she realized that she loved getting punished, too. Loved it so much that she wondered what would happen if she suddenly wasn’t cycling so fast. She had barely slowed down when she felt the crack of his paddle on her thighs. She immediately sped back up, then after some few minutes slowed down again, and yet again felt the crack of the paddle… this time on her ass.
For about forty-five minutes, Maisy tried to kept up the pace. And each time she slowed down she felt the crack of the paddle. Then all of a sudden, Carter’s hands encircled her from the back and this time he reached for the hem of her shirt and drew it off. Her bra followed next, then his hands came and covered her breasts. His thumb flicked across her nipple and Maisy moaned loudly. He withdrew and stepped back, and Maisy didn’t have to be told before she got down from the bike, mindless of her semi-nude state, as she followed him to the middle of the room. They met at the middle, and this time Carter used his mouth on her nipples, sucking, biting till Maisy couldn’t help it any longer.
“Please, Carter,” she begged.
“Please what? What do you want, Maisy?” he asked, in a voice that had gone guttural with arousal.
“Please make me come… I want your cock.”
He withdrew from her breast and came up to look at her. “Sure, but first…”
Then he proceeded to drag her to the floor and took the rest of her clothes off. Spreading her legs, he latched onto her clit with his lips and sucked hard, spearing his tongue inside her pussy. Maisy placed a hand on his head as she bucked against his mouth. He licked, and sucked, his tongue tunneling in and out of her wet heat till finally she felt it come again. But this time he kept at it, till at last her orgasm hit her with the force of a freight train, and her scream as she came sounded just
as loud. She was still riding the wake of her orgasm when she looked up to see him taking off his shorts to join her on the floor. She barely got a look at his erect cock before she felt it nudging the entrance of her pussy. He glanced at her, then bent and kissed her. His tongue entered her mouth as he penetrated her down below. He was big, achingly so, and his first few thrusts were slow as he sought to get her accustomed to his girth.
Maisy soon needed him to go faster, and she communicated this by grabbing his ass and rocking into his thrust. Soon he began to thrust faster and faster, his weight resting on his palms while he quite plainly fucked her. It was rough, it was animalistic, and Maisy was sure she would have a sore back after. But soon she felt another orgasm approach as Carter also began to up his tempo, the lines on his forehead showing he also was on the brink of an orgasm. Then she came, and this time her whole world exploded in an array of colors as wave after wave of blinding pleasure wracked her whole body, her nails digging into Carter’s ass. Above her, she heard him grunt as he also came, slamming his cock into her fully, till he was buried balls-deep. He stayed that way for a few minutes, then after a while rolled over and got up. Reaching down, he carried her into the bathroom in the inner office where he proceeded to show her, when it came to stamina, he wasn’t just good at lifting weights, by making her come two more times.
Chapter 14
“Why are you smiling like that?” Chloe asked Maisy as they took their seats in a restaurant. It was late in the evening and they had just gone shopping together. Maisy had spent her money on some new outfits, noticing that some of her clothes were feeling loose enough that she needed new ones. To say that she was ecstatic about her new transformation would be an understatement. She hadn’t yet gotten to her target, but she was feeling confident, and it showed. She knew much of it was thanks to Carter. Actually, all of it was thanks to him. Everything he did led to her burning calories, some more than others. It had been three weeks since they started having sex, hot steamy kinky sex, and sometimes Maisy almost still couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed getting spanked, being dominated, the way he leaned in close to her ear and made something as innocuous as telling her to go real low during pushups sound really, really dirty.