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Training Kyle [Hard Hits 10] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 3

by Tatum Throne

  “You’ll enjoy working here,” James said.

  “I’m hoping I will.”

  He ran a hand through his white hair as he leaned back in the conference room chair. “I’ve been meaning to retire for the last three years.”

  “What’s kept you?” Mason asked.

  “I’ve been addicted to the job.” James sighed. “I’ve had some personal problems as of lately that I need to take care of.”

  “Anything I can help with?” Mason asked.

  “Nope. It’s just something I need to work out with my family. My wife left me after she discovered I wasn’t always honest in our marriage.”

  Mason frowned. “That’s rough.”

  “It’s definitely not your fault. I should have been honest with her from the get go.”

  Mason could see that James was really torn up. “Sir?”

  “I spent a lot of time trying to prove to myself that I wasn’t gay. I did what I was supposed to. I had a wife and kids...other relationships. I thought it would change what I was.”

  There were tears in James’s eyes. “You were wrong.”

  “I was. I only hurt myself and my family.” He looked away, taking a deep breath. “Where do I go from here?”

  “I think it’s about time you start living an honest life,” Mason said.

  “I’m a broken man. I don’t know if I can.”

  “Sir, if you don’t mind me old are you?” Mason asked.


  “Well, you’re not too old to find the one you’re supposed to be with.”

  James shook his head. “My wife blames me for our sons being gay.”

  “Well, she’s not too bright then, is she?”

  For a brief second, Mason saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Maybe I can find love.”

  “I think you will. Just give yourself time.”

  “That’s the best advice I’ve ever been given.”

  “Do your kids know?” Mason asked.

  “I came out to them last night. I think they were a bit shocked but they understood.”

  “They’ll be there for you.”

  “Yes, they will.”

  They spent another hour going through records and important information Mason needed to know. Mason rolled out his neck, stretching.

  “Well, if you’re okay here, I may just take off,” James said.

  Mason was shocked that James wanted to leave him so soon. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, you got things here handled. You know how to deal with everything.”

  Mason frowned hard. He didn’t like the idea of James sneaking out. “Let’s meet with the guys first,” Mason said.

  “Sounds good.”

  The staff gathered in the large conference room. Mason and James went to the front to stand behind the podium. Everyone quieted down. James introduced Mason to the team.

  “This is Police Chief Mason Rask of Kodiak, Alaska. He will now be in charge of District Four headquarters,” Anderson said.

  Mason went up to the podium and scanned the crowd, secretly looking for Kyle. He found him standing in the back, watching him closely. As their eyes connected, a slight blush crept up his cheeks. He looked down at whatever was in his hands instead of looking at Mason. His submissiveness was obvious. It was clear that he understood what it meant to be a sub. Mason cleared his throat. “Thank you everyone. I’d like to thank Chief Anderson for his years of service and dedication to District Four. It is clear that he has run a tight ship and has one of the best SWAT teams in the country. With that, I expect the same type of leadership and respect. I’d like to get to know each of you individually as well as personally. It’ll take me time to learn everyone’s names, but I hope to talk with all of you throughout the next few weeks. Any questions?”

  There were none. “Okay then. Get back to work.”

  Mason cleared the room. A few of the staff stayed to talk with him. Mason watched as Kyle slipped from the room and went down the hall. He was the first on his list today. He was going to find him and try to figure out how to handle what had happened between them. After a round of introductions and chitchat about how the SWAT team worked, Mason left the room to find Kyle, but he couldn’t find him.

  Mason went to his personal assistant to find out. “Hey, Sara. Do you know where I can find Lt. Shaun?”

  “He has an office on the second floor.”

  “Thanks,” Mason said.

  With that, Mason headed down the hall and took the stairs up to Kyle’s office. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He tried the door and opened it. Kyle wasn’t in his office. Mason looked around before shutting the door. There were no pictures or personal items in his office. Where could he be? He asked a couple of the guys in the hallway if they’d seen him, but they hadn’t. He was definitely on duty today. He headed down to the cold-case room with the excuse of getting to know the layout of the building, but in truth he was secretly looking for Kyle. It was when he entered the basement that he found the Training Center.

  The center was mostly empty despite all the equipment inside. The Training Center was open twenty-four hours so that officers getting on and off shifts could exercise. There was a sign-in log on the counter. Mason scanned the log. Many of the men worked out several times a week. Mason flipped the log sheet and found Kyle’s name. He spent his mornings and evenings in the gym.

  After a short walk through the center not finding Kyle, Mason cut through the locker room and found his locker. He opened the locker door, checking it out. There were several new shirts hanging inside and a pair of sweats that were folded neatly at the top. In the back of the locker room, Mason heard the sound of the shower clicking on. He shut his locker door and headed toward that sound. He wanted to know if Kyle was in there. He wanted to know why he was running from him all day. He didn’t like the idea that Kyle was avoiding him. He wanted him to be rushing toward him and not away. They had to have a chat about this behavior. Running away was just as obvious as running toward someone. Someone was bound to find out what had happened between them if they didn’t get their shit together.

  Through the crack in the curtain, Mason saw that white-blond hair he wanted to run his fingers through as Kyle sucked his cock. He saw the long length of Kyle’s thighs and legs. Dark freckles were scattered over his skin. He was surprised at how freckled he was despite his blond hair. It was as though the sun had worshiped his body with those dark spots. Mason took up shop leaning against the wall and crossing his arms as he waited for Kyle to finish in the shower. He was not about to leave now that he had found him and had him cornered. They would have this conversation and they were going to have it now.

  Mason knew that if anyone came in that he would have to get out there, but for right now he was going to stay where he was. All of a sudden, Mason heard the sound of quiet groaning in the shower. What was that? He almost didn’t hear the sound, but it had filtered through the curtain to his ears. Had he been a few steps away, he wouldn’t have heard the sound at all. A shiver raced through Mason’s body as he realized that Kyle was in there masturbating. The thought of his sub working off his cock at work nearly made him shoot cum within his tactical pants.

  Mason bit his lip as he listened and strained to hear any sound of what Kyle was doing in the shower again. There again, he heard it. A slight groan of pleasure echoed from Kyle’s lips. Knowing it was wrong, Mason glanced through the break in the curtain. He caught sight of Kyle’s hand moving up and down on his long, thick cock. Mason couldn’t believe that he was taking himself in the shower right now. He knew he had to confront him, but he didn’t know how to do it when he wanted to be the one in there stroking him off. Mason licked his lip and moved closer to the shower curtain, wanting to pull it back and catch him. He knew he shouldn’t. He knew he should turn and walk away from the situation, but he couldn’t.

  An overpowering urge to go to Kyle was chanting through his blood. He knew it was wrong. He knew that Kyle could file se
xual-harassment charges on him had he opened that curtain. Mason didn’t know what to do. He felt as though everything he worked so hard for was on the line. Mason quickly got over the initial shock of Kyle masturbating at work. Despite the wicked, hot temptation racing through his blood, Mason knew once he made this move that neither one could go back. Mason wanted Kyle to know that he had caught him doing the bad deed at work. Mason bit his lip as he stepped into the changing stall just outside the shower. He was going to confront Kyle, and he was going to do it now.

  * * * *

  Kyle’s dick was throbbing hard in his hand. Pre-cum dripped from his tip. He couldn’t believe he was doing this at work. It was wrong, but he had to do something to offset the feeling of loss going through his body. Seeing Mason had been one of the hardest things that he had ever had to do. He knew he had to let go of the fact that he would never have him, but he was having a really hard time of it. Once that joke of a meeting was over, Kyle had gone down to the Training Center and beat himself up on the treadmill. Ten miles later, he was in the shower, rubbing one off.

  All of a sudden, the curtain scraped open and Mason was standing on the other side. Kyle froze with his balls in his left hand and his right hand wrapped around his throbbing prick. He groaned, biting his lip as he felt himself start to come. If he did, he would shoot his spunk all over his new acting chief. He did not want to do that. He did not want to mess up his shiny blue tactical pants with little white drops on it. No way, no how.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Mason asked.

  Kyle should have let go of his throbbing prick, but he couldn’t. “I’m having some private time.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea to do here.”

  Mason came in close, blocking him in against the tile. Kyle had to let go of his prick. He moaned as it smacked against Mason’s shirt as he pulled his hand away. Kyle was certain that there would be smudges of white from his leaking prick on his tactical pants.

  Mason leaned in close. “You will not do this at work. Understand?”

  “Get the fuck out of my shower,” Kyle said.

  Mason hesitated as though he wanted to say something more. Heat moved through Kyle’s body as he thought about crossing the line with his chief, but he knew they shouldn’t.

  “You’re not leaving,” Kyle said.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Kyle gasped as Mason moved his hand up his neck, giving him a seductive squeeze. Mason leaned his lips down, giving him a possessive kiss that stole Kyle’s breath away. He was shocked at how fucking hard his heart was hammering and how raw his kiss tasted. Kyle was stunned that his new acting chief was taking a kiss from him in the shower. Kyle sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Mason’s body. Mason deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue inside of Kyle’s mouth. Their tongues danced wildly as Mason struggled to take control. Kyle felt his hard dick push against the rough edge of his tactical pants. He jerked his hips as his dick contracted hard. It was as though he were flying and couldn’t control the fact that one simple kiss was sending him over the edge. The kiss was long and hard. Kyle knew that they should stop. They didn’t. The kiss rolled on and on and on.

  After a long time, Mason broke his lips away. “If I catch you touching yourself again in the shower, I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “I think I like the idea of you punishing me.”

  Mason groaned. “You’re making this impossible. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I know. Once I want something, I can’t stop until I have it.”

  “This is a mistake,” Mason said.

  “Maybe I’m a mistake worth making. Have you ever thought about that?”

  Mason shook his head. “This is unreal. I have to get out of here.”

  Kyle slumped against the tile. It was only then that he realized his dick had betrayed him and that he had come against Mason when they were kissing. He had felt his cum gush from his cockhead, but he refused to let Mason know how affected he had been from that one kiss. Once Mason got a good look at his tactical pants and shirt, he would know that he had come all over him.

  What the fuck was he going to do when he found out? Kyle was not happy. He had to get out of there before his chief came back to do something else to him again. He’d never been so torn up about anyone in his entire life. This kiss had sent an orgasm racing through his body. What the hell would happen when they actually did have sex? There would be no more stolen kisses or dirty little moments at work. Kyle was going to have to transfer if he didn’t stay away from his chief.

  He knew he couldn’t work with a man he fucked. When Kyle got out of the shower, Mason was nowhere to be found. He changed and then headed up to his office to finish up some work for the day. He had finished up his report on the standoff on the bridge. Now, he knew that it was Mason who had saved him. Kyle thought about adding that detail to his report and telling the truth about Mason being the one who had rescued him, but he couldn’t. He liked the idea of everybody not knowing and that his hero would remain anonymous.

  After a long time at work, Kyle headed out for the night. He went home to his lonely house to feed the cat. He wanted something more, but he couldn’t have it with the chief of his district. It just wasn’t going to happen. Nervous energy pumped through Kyle’s body as he distracted himself by doing chores that needed to be done. Kyle felt like going out to a bar for a few minutes. In all honesty, he wanted to catch some sight of Mason again. Kyle shook his head. He was thinking stupidly again. He shouldn’t go out to the bar at all tonight. He had to go someplace else—anywhere. Someplace where nobody would know him. He decided then that he was going to go kill a few hours by going out to see the latest action flick. Kyle grabbed his keys and locked up behind him.

  The credits were just starting to roll as Kyle found a seat down toward the middle of the mostly empty theater. Kyle eased down into the seat and watched the movie. It felt good to be out and get his mind off of Mason for a little while. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught Kyle’s attention as someone sat down next to him. With the number of seats that were open, Kyle was surprised that the man had sat down next to him. He realized it was Mason. What the hell was he doing here? How had he found him?

  Mason leaned over. “I was sitting over there.”

  “So you thought you would come down here.”

  “Maybe I want to watch the movie with a friend.”

  Their eyes locked. “So, we’re friends now?”

  “Yeah, is that okay?”

  Kyle felt himself relax. He liked the idea of being Mason’s friend. At least if they were friends that meant that nothing would happen between them anymore.

  “Sure. Only friends.”

  “Good. I like that.”

  Mason sat back into his seat, spreading his thick thighs wide. Kyle loved the way his knee brushed against his. He wondered if Mason knew what he was doing or if had been an accident. Kyle wasn’t about to find out though. He was going to watch the movie and ignore the fact that Mason was at his side. He was going to try to, anyway. Kyle’s heart hammered despite not wanting to notice Mason. He felt his cock contract hard. Pre-cum dripped from his tip. He was dumbfounded at how twisted up he was for a man who he would never have again.

  There would be no more secret kisses and no more stolen moments at work. Kyle felt lost and a little bit sad about the situation. As the movie played, Kyle wondered if Mason felt the same way. He glanced over at Mason and their eyes locked.

  “What?” Mason asked.


  Mason leaned in close to his ear and whispered. “It’s so obvious that you want me.”

  “How can you tell?”

  Mason chuckled. “Because your dick is so fucking hard that it popped out the top of your pants.”

  Kyle groaned, shoving his prick back into his pants with more force than necessary. He just wanted to watch the movie and get the hell out of there before he shot come in
to his pants. For some reason he knew that Mason wouldn’t let him get away that easily.

  Chapter Four

  As the theater cleared out, Mason sat there looking at Kyle. Their eyes clashed as though neither one was ready to make the next move. Mason was so tempted to make a move on Kyle, but he didn’t. He knew it would be a mistake to cross that line again. Temptation had him licking his lips and wondering what the hell Kyle tasted like tonight. Mason purposely stretched his legs wide, loving the way that his knee brushed up against Kyle’s. Tension coiled through Kyle’s body as the movie came to an end. He eased forward in the movie theater seat, but Mason didn’t move. He wasn’t ready to get up and leave the theater yet.

  “Don’t look at me that way,” Kyle said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Laughter echoed from Kyle’s lips. He shook his head. “We are not doing this.”

  Mason did not like the fact that Kyle was putting the brakes on something that he wanted control over. Mason leaned in close, lowering his voice so that only Kyle could hear. “Perhaps I was wrong about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kyle licked his lips nervously. Mason watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. For the briefest of seconds, he wanted to taste that piece of flesh with his tongue as it slid up and down. Kyle swallowed hard again, making his Adam’s apple move. That thought had Mason’s cock filling fast and hard. Pre-cum leaked from his tip as heat moved through his cock. He was so amazed that he was getting so twisted up for one of his subordinates. It was a mistake. Maybe, just maybe it was one worth making.

  “I know I was wrong about us.”

  Mason could see that Kyle wanted to get up and leave, but he was not ready to. The lights came up as the movie ended. Ushers started coming in and cleaning the floor.


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