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Training Kyle [Hard Hits 10] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Tatum Throne

“We should go,” Kyle said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. Let me give you a ride home.”

  “I drove. That won’t be necessary.”

  They headed out of the theater together, but Mason lingered by Kyle’s side. He did not want to leave him, and he didn’t understand why. “How about coffee?”

  Kyle wouldn’t meet his gaze and that really bothered Mason. It was as though Kyle could talk about anything with everyone but him. He noticed the way he looked and talked with his coworkers when he didn’t know Mason was looking. Mason wanted that same type of relationship with him. For whatever reason when they got together, Kyle clammed up nervously.

  Mason edged in closer. “You want me. I know you do. It’s why you won’t meet my gaze or talk to me. You’re too consumed with heat and passion for what we could have together.”

  “That’s not it,” Kyle said.

  A blush crept up Kyle’s neck and cheeks. Mason knew he had hit home with his words. Bingo. He was right. “What are we going to do about this?”

  Kyle shook his head nervously. “I don’t think so. This isn’t happening between us. I have to go. I’m leaving. Have a nice evening, sir.”

  A chill raced down Mason’s spine as his words lingered on the air. Sir. He really liked the sound of that rolling off of Kyle’s lips. He wanted to hear him say that when he had him tied to the bed with his ass in the air. Mason was tempted to get into his car and follow Kyle home. With time, he hoped he would eventually win his way into Kyle’s heart. He just had to find his currency. He knew there was something that would get Kyle to open himself up to him. It was all a matter of time before he found out what that thing was, and once Mason knew what that was, he was not about to let go of it. He was going to use that against Kyle for all he was worth.

  Maybe then Kyle would admit how he was feeling and stop ignoring what was happening between them. Mason got into his car. He watched as Kyle crossed the parking lot to his Jeep. He thought about the last time they had met in the bar right before he had started as acting police chief. He wondered then what his plans were for the rest of the evening. Would he go home or would he go over to the bar for the night? Mason watched as Kyle’s taillights faded into the darkness.

  After a few minutes of indecision, Mason decided to head to the bar for a drink. He needed a stiff one to get over the fact that Kyle wasn’t about to let him have him at all. He thought about finding somebody else for the evening, but he wasn’t a man who was into casual sex. He liked to find somebody who shared common interests in the lifestyle. Once he had all the things he wanted in place, only then would he take their relationship to the next level.

  Tonight was all about getting a drink to forget the fact that he couldn’t have the man he wanted. Mason drove to a different bar than the one he had run into Kyle at. The country-western bar was crowded. Mason blended in, loving the fact that nobody knew him and everybody was leaving him alone. He knew that he was probably in a foul mood and had that look on his face. Mason went to a booth in the back. He people watched as his waitress sauntered by.

  “What can I get for you, cowboy?”

  “I’ll take anything you got on tap.”

  “Will do.”

  She walked away. Mason started in on the peanuts in the bowl on the table. He was still stuck on the fact that he was actually thinking about having Kyle. It wasn’t smart to get involved with anyone he worked with. They both knew that. So, why was he pushing the issue? What was it about this man that made him want him? Mason knew the answer to that. There was a vulnerability just below that tough exterior. It turned Mason completely on. He wasn’t used to working with someone who could be vulnerable and strong at the same time. The waitress came by with his beer and walked away.

  An hour later and half a beer, Mason looked across the bar and saw Kyle walking inside. A shudder went through Mason’s body as he watched Kyle sit down at the bar. He wanted to just watch and wait to see what he was up to for the evening. He looked as though he were lost in his troubles. Mason did not like the fact that he probably was the one who put those problems at his doorsteps. A man sat down next to Kyle. He looked like he was giving Kyle a hard time, but Kyle was managing the situation.

  Despite whatever words were being exchanged, the man wasn’t moving. A protective instinct shot through Mason’s body, but he checked the urge to run over to Kyle. He did not want to break up whatever situation was going on. He knew that Kyle was a trained professional. He could handle himself in a fight. At least, he hoped he could. Mason watched the scene unfold as the man continued to say words to Kyle, but Kyle wasn’t backing down. Without warning, the guy grabbed Kyle by the front of the shirt and pushed him hard up against the bar. The drink he had ordered splashed over, rolling off the bar and shattering on the floor. Mason knew he had to move.

  * * * *

  Kyle blocked several punches that were thrown at his face. Now it was clear that gays weren’t welcome in this bar and that this redneck SOB was going to make sure he knew that. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mason flying across the room. He grabbed the guy who was attacking him and took him to the ground. He was on top of him before he could even register the move. Kyle stood there blankly watching as the new police chief was attacked from behind by the redneck’s buddy.

  Mason was grabbed around the neck and forced up. Mason’s eyes went wide, but he managed to flip the guy over his shoulder and onto a table, smashing it to the ground. Ladies jumped up and screamed as they backed out of the way before they got caught up in the fight. Kyle jumped in, grabbing the redneck who was now attacking the police chief. They both identified themselves as officers as they tried to subdue the man, but it didn’t work. Mason was tossed against the pool table.

  Distracted, Kyle didn’t see the fist that came flying at his head, knocking him in the temple. He staggered backward several feet, landing against another table. Blood dripped down over Kyle’s temple. Newport police officers rushed inside the bar just as Mason got the upper hand. The police shouted, telling him to freeze. The police chief was pulled off the man he was arresting, and Kyle was yanked aside. He was pushed down against the pool table and cuffed.

  “I’m a Cincinnati police officer,” Kyle said.

  “That explains everything. You boys like to stir up trouble,” the officer said.

  Kyle’s eyes locked with his chief’s as they both were arrested and taken outside for questioning. The two guys on the ground were arrested as well. This was not good. Kyle couldn’t believe that he had gotten his police chief caught up in his fight. How were they going to get out of this without tarnishing either one of their reputations? Kyle knew that he and his chief were walking a precarious line. If this thing got out, they both would be in big trouble with IA. That was the last thing that Kyle needed right now when he was going for his promotion with SWAT. He needed that promotion. He wanted to be a part of that team. An arrest would bring all of that to an end for him. This was the worst possible thing that could happen to him.

  They were taken outside. Kyle was pushed against the side of the police vehicle. He was frisked roughly. His pockets were emptied and everything was set out on the back bumper of the police officer’s vehicle. His wallet was opened and a fold of six condoms was pulled out. Mason’s gaze went from those condoms to his eyes in honest surprise.

  “What happened here?” the officer asked.

  “I was at the bar and the guy was bothering me. He grabbed me and started punching me. It escalated from there. I had to defend myself.”

  The police officer looked as though it were his first day on the job and he didn’t believe him at all.

  “Ask the bartender. She was there. She saw the whole thing,” Kyle said.

  “I plan on it.”

  The bartender was coming out with her arms wrapped around her waist as though she saw her life flash before eyes. Kyle hated the fact that he was the one who had ruined her evening.

  “Hang tight here,” the officer said.

  Kyle’s eyes locked with Mason’s as the cop went to talk to the bartender. She pointed to the guys across the way who had started the fight.

  “They were the ones who attacked the other two.”

  Relief moved through Kyle but he knew that they weren’t in the clear yet though. Across the way, Mason was being frisked and his pockets were being emptied. Blood was seeping down the top of his nose. He looked as though he needed medical attention, but he wasn’t going to go for it anytime soon. Their eyes locked. Kyle knew he needed to apologize. He hated the fact that his chief had gotten caught up in the situation.

  After a long time with the police officers talking with the other two men, Mason was released from his handcuffs and then Kyle was too.

  “You guys are free to go.”

  Shock vibrated through his body. They were really free to go? Kyle shook his head as though he were waking from a nightmare, wondering what else was going to go wrong with the night. He knew he had to go home and get to bed before something else happened. As the police officers drove away with the men who had attacked them, Mason and Kyle stood on the curb.

  “What was that all about?” Mason asked.

  Kyle glanced around him. “Thanks for coming to my rescue. I owe you another one.”

  “Just tell me what that guy was saying to you.”

  “He was just talking trash. They saw my bumper sticker on my Jeep when I was heading inside.”


  “I have a pride flag on there.”

  Mason put his hand protectively on his arm. “Let me take you home.”

  “I’ll be fine. Really.”

  “At least let me follow you home to make sure you’re okay.”

  Kyle looked at Mason. He looked as though he wouldn’t take no for an answer and that was all right by him. He wanted someone to make sure he made it home safely. “Okay then.”

  Light sparked within Mason’s eyes as he came in close as though he were going to kiss him but he held back. Instead, he winked and walked away. Kyle went to his Jeep and waited until Mason pulled up behind him before they took off. He drove across town to his condo. As he shut off his car, Mason got out of his vehicle and came up to him.

  “Invite me inside,” Mason said.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “Why is that?” Mason asked.

  Their eyes locked and something seductive passed between them that Kyle knew was too hot to touch. “You have blood on your nose. Come inside for a few minutes. I can clean you up.”


  Butterflies moved through Kyle’s gut as Mason followed him up the walk. Kyle unlocked the front door and flipped on the light as they went inside. Not expecting company, Kyle was a little embarrassed by the lived-in look in his living room. His running shoes were kicked off by the front door. His gym bag was half-open next to those shoes. There were several overdue library books on his coffee table.

  “Sorry about the mess.”

  “It’s fine.”

  A zip of pleasure worked its way through Kyle’s heart as he watched Mason look around his home. “It was incredibly brave and stupid thing you did for me tonight,” Kyle said.

  “I would do it over and over again if it meant protecting you.”

  Kyle led the way upstairs to his master bathroom and wet a washcloth to clean off Mason’s face. Mason eased back against the counter, watching him closely. Kyle felt tears shimmering through his eyes.

  “Have you ever been a victim of violence like this before?” Mason asked.

  “No, I haven’t. I mean I have all my training, but it’s different when it’s off the job and unexpected.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s different when it’s because you’re gay.”

  “It’s not easy hiding who you are,” Kyle said.

  “It isn’t.”

  Heat moved over Kyle’s cheek as Mason’s hand cupped his chin. He lifted it slowly so that their eyes met.

  “You’re shy around me. I can tell.”

  “I am.”

  “You don’t need to be afraid of me.”

  “You’re my boss. I have good reason to be cautious when I’m with you.”


  Mason dropped his mouth to Kyle’s, brushing his lips back and forth over Kyle’s. Confusion went through Kyle’s heart as he leaned in closer to his boss, pressing his lips fully to his. The kiss was intense and completely sweet. It was seductive, hot and wet. The kiss was full of silent promises. Without warning, Mason flicked his tongue deep into his mouth, licking it passionately. Mason held on tight to him as he kissed him roughly. His hand slid down over his ass cheek, giving it a passionate grip. Kyle groaned, loving the way their cocks filled with heat and bumped against each other. Kyle knew he had fallen hard for a man he couldn’t have. It was wrong to kiss his police chief, but he couldn’t resist the pull any longer. He wondered if the fall would be worth it. He hoped to God that it would.

  Slowly, Mason eased his lips away and their eyes met. What were they going to do next? Kyle hoped that it would be something more like what they had just done. He was not about to ask his boss to cross the line again though. Kyle knew that he had to ask Mason to leave.

  Chapter Five

  Mason was having a hard time framing in this situation. Just because he had a willing person in front of him, didn’t mean that they should be together. He had to make sure that Kyle was on board with what they were thinking about doing.

  “We need to talk,” Mason said.

  “About what?”

  “There’s something you need to know about me before we go further.”

  “Shit. You have a boyfriend, don’t you?”

  “No. It’s not like that.”

  “So tell me what’s it like? Are you guys just fuck buddies on the side?”

  Anger flashed through his body. Mason muscled Kyle up against the bathroom counter. “I’m not into casual sex and never have been. I’m always in a relationship first.”

  There was something about the way Kyle had gotten jealous over the idea that he might have a partner that completely turned Mason on. He’d never had a jealous submissive before. “I’m a Dom. I only take submissives on.”

  “Oh, fuck. You’re into all that kinky stuff.”

  “I am. I need someone who can hand over complete control when we’re together in the bedroom. It takes a strong man to be able to handle me.”

  Kyle ran his hand through his hair and blushed scarlet. “I’ve never experienced this sort of thing. I’ve seen some stuff, you know, and heard some things.”

  “Well, how about you and I get to know each other a little bit better.”

  “How do you suggest that?” Kyle asked.

  There was a sweet innocence about Kyle that Mason wanted to ruin. Mason danced in closer, putting his hands on Kyle’s hips and holding him tight. “It seems to me that you’re nervous when you’re around me. Why is that?”

  Kyle bit his lip and licked it nervously. “I’ve never been with anyone so beautiful before.”

  A shiver went down Mason’s dick as he thought about Kyle’s words. He didn’t consider himself a beautiful man, but he knew others probably did. “How much sexual experience do you have?”

  Kyle shook his head. “Not very much, honestly.”

  “So you haven’t had very much experience at all? I saw that pack of condoms you have in your wallet. What’s that about?”

  “Wishful thinking.” Kyle shook his head. “I can count the number of lovers I’ve had on one hand. They weren’t very long relationships. Is this going to change things between us?”

  Mason gripped his hands tighter on Kyle’s hips. “No, it’s fine. We just need to figure out what you’re comfortable with and what experience level you have. So tell me what you have done.”

  Again, Kyle’s eyes drifted low as he started to speak. His submissiveness really turned Mason on.

  “Well, you know, the usual. Kissi
ng, touching, and anal. I love sucking cock.”

  “So, nothing out of the ordinary then?”

  Kyle shook his head. “I’ve never been tied up or anything like that before.”

  “Would you like to be?”

  Their eyes locked and a shiver went through Kyle’s body that Mason felt all the way down to his toes.

  “I’d love to.”

  There was an innocent quality about the way he was suddenly looking at Mason for direction. “This is how it’s going to go. I give you an order and you obey. If something is uncomfortable or you’ve reached your hard limit, you need to tell me by saying a safe word.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  “Use that safe word only when you want me to stop and I will. There has to be complete trust between us. You have to trust me or this thing will never work.”

  “I got it.”

  “I won’t ever hurt you.”

  “What if I want you to?”

  Mason groaned. “You make me want to forget all about control and dive in without seeing the bottom of the pool.”

  “Kiss me.”

  “Pick a safe word first,” Mason said.


  Mason moved in fast, giving him a passionate kiss. He flicked his tongue deep inside, rolling it around Kyle’s. He let the kiss spin out, not stopping for any reason. He reached his hands down over Kyle’s ass cheeks giving it a possessive squeeze. He spread his ass cheeks wide, massaging him through his jeans. They were both breathing hard by the time Mason broke his lips away. Their cocks were pounding against each other through their pants. Mason reached his hand up, running it through Kyle’s hair.

  “I almost lost you tonight,” Mason said.

  “It won’t ever happen again,” Kyle said.

  “I hope not. You’re not going back to that bar ever again.”

  “I have no plans on it.”

  Kyle turned his cheek into Mason’s palm. Mason felt like he was out of his element. He wasn’t used to not being in this playroom. He always planned sessions out and took time to get to know his sub. Tonight was all about figuring out who Kyle was and what he wanted. He was not about to rush this thing between them. Not when it could jeopardize what they had going on at work. With that thought, work was suddenly on Mason’s mind. He wasn’t about to spoil the moment for himself by thinking about what would happen the next day.


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