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Greystone Alpha

Page 9

by Alyssa Jacobs

  The trail grew rockier and more overgrown until Jason had to slow down and hold back tree branches so they wouldn’t hit Addie in the face.

  “We’re almost there.” He called out over his shoulder.

  A couple hundred feet more and they stopped, seemingly in the middle of nowhere in the forest.

  “Where are we?” Addie asked as she stepped off the four-wheeler on shaky legs. She undid her helmet and tried to smooth down her hair as best as she could. The sun was starting to set and Addie was grateful. Maybe Jason wouldn’t be able to see her helmet hair.

  “My wolf’s favorite spot.” He grabbed her hand and sure-footedly led her through the brush to the underside of a cliff. She stumbled behind him, struggling to see where she was going now that the sun had almost set. “You must know this place really well. I can hardly see where I’m walking.”

  He slowed down. “Oops, I forgot. You know, shifter vision.” He said with a shrug. Great, so he could totally see her helmet hair.

  They approached the cliff side and Addie realized where he was leading her. There was an opening in the cliff face. It was small, dark, and barely visible unless you were right next to it.

  He looked at Addie then ducked through.

  “Um, are you sure this is safe?”

  “Darlin’, this is the safest place in these mountains.” His voice was muffled.

  She took a steadying breath and followed him in.

  Inside was not at all what she expected. It was a small cave, but instead of dark and dank, it was lit by camping lanterns. The ground was covered with a layer of plywood, and on top of that was an old blanket functioning as a rug. In the corner was a wooden crate filled with books and magazines. It was too small to stand up in comfortably, but it was strangely cozy.

  Jason was sitting on the rug, leaning back against the wall, watching Addie.

  “This is your wolf’s favorite spot?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Sorry it’s a little cramped. I picked it when I was a pup. If I had known I’d still be hanging out here as an adult, I would have picked somewhere with more headspace.” He cracked a smile as he reached his hand up to touch the ceiling.

  Addie sat down next to him. “Why is this your wolf’s favorite place?”

  The smile fell from his face a little, and as he took a deep breath, Addie grabbed his hand. This must be a big deal.

  “I found it one day when Ma and Pa were fighting. I guess my wolf craved stability, wanted somewhere safe to go when things went south. I always wanted a treehouse, but Pa wouldn’t ever build me one. So I found this and just pretended.” He paused, twiddling with the frayed edges of the blanket. “I haven’t been here in a while, but I wanted you to see it.”

  She put her hand on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. “I’m glad you showed me. I hate that this place stemmed from your awful father, but I’m glad it offered you a little bit of peace.”

  “Like you do now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My wolf will always be a little fucked up. Just because of the way I was raised. I always came up here when I needed to settle my wolf, when I needed an anchor. Addie, you settle my wolf now. You’re my safe place.”

  She blinked back a tear and kissed him on the cheek. And then she realized why he chose to show her his wolf here.

  Just in case she ran. He felt he needed the extra strength, the good juju that was here.

  “I guess it’s time to show you my wolf.” He said, frowning.

  She rubbed his arm softly, trying to comfort him. “You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.”

  Jason cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. “I need to. You need to see my bad side. I’m madly in love with you, but I don’t want to mislead you. I want you to be with me willingly, monster and all.”

  Addie was speechless. He just said the L-word.

  She knew they were moving fast, and he obviously had strong feelings for her, but she hadn’t thought about using that word yet.

  He looked at her for a moment, and she wanted to say it back. To give him what he’d just given her. But for some reason, her mouth wasn’t working.

  He kissed her again, as if he was afraid it would be the last time. And for the first time, Addie was nervous about meeting his wolf. Would it really be that bad?

  He grabbed a lantern and ducked outside. Addie followed him.

  It was dark now and the stars and moon did little to light up the thick woods. When Jason handed her the lantern, she realized it was more for her than for him.

  He turned away from her.

  “It’s okay.” She said weakly, and she realized her voice was shaking. Did she say that for his benefit, or hers?

  He unbuttoned his flannel shirt and pulled it off along with his jeans. “What are you doing?” she asked as he carefully folded his clothes and hung them on a tree branch. It was then that she noticed the quiet — the forest, always alive with the sounds of a soft breeze, cicadas, and nocturnal critters — was now dead silent, as if it sensed the danger that was near. Her breath quickened and the surrounding air grew thick like cement. With a racing heart, she took a step back, her instincts screaming to run.

  “I won’t hurt you. I promise. Please don’t be afraid.” He said over his shoulder. His words were kind but his voice was different. Thick and growly. Inhuman.

  And then he hunched into himself.

  In an explosion of cracks and pops, loud enough to echo through the woods, fur and fangs appeared.

  She closed her eyes, and when the sounds stopped, she forced herself to open them.

  There, not ten feet in front of her, was a giant wolf. She gasped and took another step back. The wolf didn’t move as it stared at her.

  It was twice as big as any wolf, his face level with Addie’s. Brown with a patch of white on the chest. Huge fangs. Bright green eyes, just like Jason’s.

  Jason. Was this really Jason? Was Jason in control of this animal? Addie was terrified, but nothing about the wolf, outside of its threatening appearance, indicated that it wanted to make Addie its next meal.

  The wolf took a cautious step closer. Addie gulped.

  The eyes were so like Jason’s. She couldn’t look away. She stared at them for a few moments, and he stared back. The wolf let out a little whine.

  Fighting all instinct to run away, she held out a shaky hand for him to sniff, like she would if she were meeting a dog.

  The wolf—erm, Jason—stepped forward again and licked her hand. She let out a quiet laugh at the absurdity of it all.

  The wolf cocked his head, then stepped forward to close the gap between them. He nuzzled her hand, pushing it up his head. She petted his him there, then behind his ears, and he closed his eyes and leaned into it. His fur was thicker and coarser than she thought it would be.

  He was nothing like a dog. He was an apex predator. He was strong and powerful, dangerous in every sense of the word. He hadn’t been lying. He was a monster. But… he was her monster.

  Addie inhaled deeply, then smiled at Jason. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere.”

  He let out a contented growl, then trotted back to the cave.

  Addie followed, finding Jason in his human form leaning forward on his knees, looking at the back wall. She touched his back with the lightest touch of her fingertips to show that she was still there.

  In one swift motion he turned over, leaning back against the cave wall, and pulled her into his lap.

  “You didn’t run.” He said, and his eyes roiled with intensity.

  She nodded and let her answer be a soft, gentle kiss. She pulled away, then wrapped her arms around his neck and studied his face.

  “I love you.” He said for the second time, before pulling her close again and pressing his lips to hers.

  His lips moved down, kissing along her neck and collarbone as he slipped the straps of her tank top off her shoulders. She shivered as he pulled her closer, their chests mashed against each
other. She moaned, loving the feeling of being so close to him.

  He grabbed her tighter, dipping his tongue into her mouth more urgently. Hands working at super speed, he slipped off her tank top and popped the clasp of her bra. She giggled at the frantic look in his eye, like it was essential to their survival that her clothes be removed as soon as possible. She affectionately ran her fingers through his hair as he took one of her nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and licking. She arched her back and rolled her hips, grinding into his lap.

  His lips were everywhere, thoroughly exploring her neck and chest, driving her wild.

  Addie was bucking against him hard now. How was she already so close? He was growling softly and he still faintly smelled of fur, but it was sexy. So sexy.

  He yanked her sweatpants and panties down as gracefully as such an action could be performed, then laid her down on the rug, placing his hand under her head so she wouldn’t hit it on the floor.

  He climbed between her legs and stroked his cock as he gazed at her body like she was the most beautiful woman on Earth. Addie watched intently, equally mesmerized by his beauty and how erotic he looked as he touched himself to the sight of her. His abs rippled as he leaned over, pumping his thick erection while laying a passionate kiss to her lips. She let out a whimper as she reached for his cock — this teasing had to end. The only thing she wanted was for him to be inside her right now.

  He groaned at her touch, then grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the ground. With an evil look in his eye, he turned her on her stomach and pulled her by her hips up on her knees. She spread her legs wide and arched her back, presenting herself for him.

  “Good girl.” He huskily whispered in her ear. He leaned against her back and she felt the tip of his cock against her entrance. He pressed inward and she let out a gasp. He was so big, so thick.

  She moaned as he began pumping. He felt so good inside her, stretching and filling her like only he could. The pressure was building fast. She reached down to rub her clit, but Jason yanked her arm away.

  “No, I’m taking care of you tonight.” He growled in her ear. He reached down between her legs and rubbed her clit as his pace quickened.

  He pounded into her, and she let out a scream as she came harder than she ever had before. She collapsed back onto him, then felt his climax too. He emptied himself into her, filling her with stream after stream of delicious warmth.

  When he was done, he rolled her over onto her back and pulled her into him, stroking her hair. He kissed her forehead and nuzzled into her neck.

  She looked up at him and kissed him softly.

  As they lay there in the dim, flickering light of the lanterns, Addie settled into his arms and wished the moment would never end.

  She sighed. “I love you too.”

  Chapter 11

  Addie rolled over in bed. She stretched lazily, then kicked the blanket and sheets off her feet so they could breathe. Realizing she didn’t hear the usual soft snores to her left, she felt to her side but found an empty bed where she expected Jason. She frowned and opened her eyes.

  Morning sunlight shone through the blinds in Jason’s bedroom. No wonder he wasn’t in bed — it looked to be nearly mid-day. She hadn’t slept in so late since college.

  She plucked her phone off the nightstand and saw the text from Jason.

  Good morning. I went into town but I’ll be back soon.

  And then a second text: Try not to wake up before I get back.

  She giggled as she got out of bed and made her way to the dresser in the corner. Jason had emptied out a drawer for her to put some of her clothes in. Addie had been over the moon for days, though he seemed to think it was the least he could do. She suspected that if she decided to stay in River’s Bend, he’d want her to move in immediately. If that happened, she wouldn’t oppose.

  She grabbed a pair of denim shorts and one of Jason’s tee shirts that said Harvey’s Bar and Grill. It fit like a tent on her, but she tied the bottom up into a knot and it looked kind of cute.

  She quickly brushed her hair and threw it up into a messy bun, then brushed her teeth and put on some mascara. She slipped on her flip flops then stepped outside, hoping that some of Jason’s pack mates would be out there to keep her company while she waited on Jason to get back.

  She made her way down the dirt path toward the fire pit area, as she’d quickly figured out over the last few weeks that that was where the pack tended to congregate. Where she expected to see everyone sitting around and hanging out, she only saw Tanner, and she couldn’t help the wash of disappointment she felt in her stomach.

  Addie stopped in her tracks, wondering if Tanner had heard her approach. If he hadn’t, maybe she could tip-toe back to Jason’s cabin and avoid the awkward small talk she’d have to endure if she sat around the fire pit with Tanner alone.

  She didn’t dislike Tanner. Not at all. However, he was the only pack mate she’d struggled to bond with. Luke was sweet and innocent, like a golden retriever in human form. Rowan was a manly man, always willing to lend a hand when Addie needed something and Jason wasn’t around to help. Zane was outgoing and friendly, someone you could count on for a good joke or interesting conversation.

  But Tanner was a tough cookie to crack. He was quiet and shy and seemed to prefer solitude. The only person he was really close to was Jason.

  Addie sighed, realizing what she needed to do. Tanner was not only Jason’s cousin, he was also his best friend. At some point she was going to have to get to know him.

  He was also the Greystone alpha, so maybe she could talk to him about the stupid rule keeping her and Jason from officially being mates.

  He sat with his back toward the cabins, softly strumming his guitar.

  His ears twitched as he looked back at her over his shoulder. Dang, she had forgotten about the wolf shifter super hearing. It would take her a while to get used to that. He gave her a simple nod, then went back to plucking his guitar.

  He had nodded to her in greeting, which was a promising start.

  She slowly walked to the empty fire pit and sat in a lawn chair across from him.

  “Hey, Tanner. How’s it going?”

  He grunted in reply, and heat spread through her face at the awkward silence. She fidgeted with her hands in her lap, waiting for him to say something. Anything. Because right at that moment, she felt like dipping out.

  Maybe he wasn’t interested in getting to know her. If they were to have any kind of relationship, it had to be a two-way street.

  She racked her brain for something to talk about. She didn’t know him very well, so it was hard to think of something.

  She knew he liked music, but she didn’t really have any particularly interesting things to say about that. He seemed to like drinking and hanging out around the firepit, but so did everyone else in the pack, and that didn’t seem like a good source of conversation, anyway.

  What else did she know about him? Just that he only opened up to Jason.

  She sat up straighter in her chair and cleared her throat. “I want to thank you.”

  That stopped him in his tracks. “For what?” he looked at her quizzically.

  “For being such a good friend to Jason. For trying to protect him.”

  He gently sat the guitar down on the ground beside him. He didn’t say anything, but she had his full attention, so she continued on. “Jason told me about what happened when you were kids. How you’d keep him company and try to distract him when his parents were fighting.” She swallowed back the lump in her throat. “And about how you agreed to become alpha even though it should have been Jason.”

  “He told you that?”

  Addie nodded and Tanner ran his hands through his hair.

  “It’s not like I did any of that out of the goodness of my heart. He’s helped me, too. I’ve never been good with social stuff, even though I tried. Jason was one of the few people, besides my parents, who got it. And once they died, I only had Jason. He’s my cousin, b
ut he’s more like a brother. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably be miserable and living out in the wilderness by myself.”

  Addie was stunned, not only because she’d heard more words come out of Tanner’s mouth in the last minute than she had in the entire month she’d known him, but also because it had never occurred to her that Tanner needed Jason just as much as Jason needed Tanner.

  She paused, gathering her thoughts. “I love him. With everything that I am. So we’re on the same team, you know.”

  He cocked his head. “Do you think I don’t like you or something?”

  “I don’t know. I think you’re keeping me at a distance. Maybe because I’m new around here, but maybe also because you’re protective over Jason. I just want you to know that I would never hurt him.”

  “I know you’d never hurt him intentionally, but it isn’t in your control. You’ll hurt him without even realizing it.”

  Addie stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He didn’t continue. “What do you mean? Are you talking about that rule against humans and wolf shifters mating? Because Jason already explained that to me. I’m okay with us not being official if there’s no way for it to happen.”

  He shrugged.

  “Why don’t you just change the pack law?” she asked quietly. Hopefully.

  “I don’t have the power to do that. Or I would.”

  Now she was just confused. “But Jason said you’re alpha.”

  “No, I’m not really. I’m just a placeholder. It’s obvious to my wolf that Jason is the real alpha. I’m just waiting for him to step up so I can step out of the way.”

  “Your wolf feels that?”

  “My wolf knows that.”

  Addie sighed, defeated and disappointed. She didn’t think Jason would ever be ready to take the position of alpha, and she wouldn’t pressure him just for a commitment to her. Maybe they would never be truly mated, and Addie would never truly be part of the pack, but maybe they could get married someday.

  The only problem was that, now that Addie knew mates were a thing, marriage didn’t feel as powerful or right as mating did.


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