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His Secretary with Benefits

Page 2

by Fiona Murphy

  “My mother.” She swallowed, fighting to get the words out. “She was the daughter of a preacher and she made it clear to me that a good girl doesn’t like sex. Sex is something that was to be endured and not sought out. So I wanted to be a good girl, and even though I had boyfriends, I couldn’t let my mother’s words go after hearing them for so long. But...” Her eyes slid down his body. She was afraid to continue.

  “But?” His mouth closed over her finger, and his hot mouth sucked the digit deep into his mouth. The velvet of his tongue learning her skin made her wet, and she clenched her thighs together.

  Her tummy curled and her breathing fractured. “But my boyfriends, they didn’t seem to care about what I wanted and what felt good to me, so it wasn’t that hard to be good. I have never been wet with anticipation before. I looked at sex as something I had to do, not something I wanted to do. When my fiancé and I broke up, I was more than content to not be with someone again, but it’s been so long now. It’s becoming so that my vibrator isn’t enough, and I want more.” She leaned into him, greedy for the touch of his body against hers.

  Allowing her finger to fall from his mouth with a soft kiss at the tip, he kept her hand in his. “How long has it been since your last lover—your fiancé, I presume?”

  “Yes, it’s been two years.”

  “How many lovers have you had?”


  “Are you on birth control?”

  “Yes, to even out my periods.”

  His dark eyes studied her intently. “If you agree to this then you need to know that your body, your pussy, belongs to me, and me alone, while this lasts. Everyone but me is off limits. Do you understand that? No one gets close enough to even touch you.”

  His fierce words thrilled her and scared her. “Kelly’s body wasn’t off limits.”

  “Kelly doesn’t make me so hard that I’m about to come without even being inside you.”

  Paul wanted her, badly. It sent a thrill through her, and she nodded. “But it goes both ways.”

  His eyes roamed over her body and slid back up to her face, and he nodded his agreement. “Let me see your body.”

  Laura stood on legs that trembled, but her hands were oddly steady as she unbuttoned the plain white blouse and let it fall to the floor. As she drew the white camisole over her head, she brushed one of her breasts. The slight touch made her already hard nipples edge toward pain within the black silk bra. With a slight movement at the catch of the bra between her breasts, they swung free, heavy with desire. Her areolae, normally a pale pink, were dark with desire, her nipples hard and begging to be sucked. Her hands went to the back of her skirt, and slowly she unzipped it and pushed it down her hips. She let it fall down her legs. Her thong was only a whisper of black silk that barely covered her. She untied the catches at the side and it floated to the floor, leaving her bare but for her heels. His eyes roved over her, missing nothing, not even the juices that slicked the bare lips of her pussy. She could smell herself, and as he sat just inches away from her, she wondered if he could too.

  He motioned to the chair across from him. “Bring the chair closer, and open your legs so that I can see your pussy.” His voice was even deeper now.

  The smooth, cool leather was a shock to her overheated skin. She was embarrassed to feel her juices pool beneath her. Laura spread her legs to him as far as she could within the confines of the chair, but she could tell he wasn’t pleased with the view. Taking a deep breath, she moved one leg and then the other over the arms of the chair, and was now spread wide for him to see.

  “Yesss, that is a good girl. Now I want you to touch yourself until you come.”

  A part of her was shocked, but another part of her gloried in his instructions. Her fingers moved easily inside her dripping wet pussy as she ran one finger lightly over her clit, which was so tight and sensitive that even a light touch almost set her off.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking of. What are you imagining?”

  Her eyes locked with his. “You. I’m imagining you. You’re licking my wet pussy, your tongue on me. Over and over again you lick me deep and suck my clit hard.” Laura slipped two fingers inside her pussy. She wanted to make it last, but knew she was already close to coming, so hot and wet. “And then you turn me over and lean me over your desk. You pull up my skirt and your cock is inside me, filling me up.” Oh God, she wasn’t going to make this last. She was too hot. She tugged at her left breast, twisting the tight bud. “Your hands are hard on my hips, and you are pounding into me, harder and harder.”

  She was there, too close. “More, please more.” She moaned, and then she slid over the edge.

  As she floated back into her body, the room was silent but heavy. Paul’s eyes on her were almost feral with need. It surprised her, but made her feel so good.

  Then she was surprised that Kelly was standing beside him.

  “I told you she was what you needed.” Kelly smiled.

  “What I need right now is for you to take care of this raging, hard dick.” Paul’s eyes didn’t leave hers, and Laura knew it was her mouth he wanted on him. She watched as Kelly went down on her knees in front of him.

  Unsure of what she should do now, Laura found herself unable to look away as she watched Kelly take his gorgeous cock into her mouth. His cock was as stunning as he was, long and hard. Its tip, dripping pre-cum, glistened proudly. Laura’s mouth watered at the sight of him. He wasn’t as large as Jeff, but he was still larger than average, and he looked satisfyingly thick. Without even realizing it, she began to touch herself again, her juices flowing faster than before at the sight in front of her. She looked up and met his gaze. She moved her hand faster, stroking her clit in tight little circles. The slurping sounds drew her once again to Kelly’s ministrations. Laura was impressed at how much Kelly could take of him; again and again his dick moved in and out, as if he were fucking Kelly’s mouth. It sent Laura over the edge again, and she came in short pants. As she came, she watched him spurt into Kelly’s mouth. Kelly seemed to relish his cum, milking him with both hands, her tongue moving over him for every last drop.

  Laura’s pussy ached at the sight before her. She felt empty inside. Drawing her legs from the arms of the chair, she squeezed them tightly. She watched Paul lean down and whisper something to Kelly. Kelly nodded and stood, then turned to Laura with a smile. “Let me help you dress.”

  Standing on legs that felt wooden, she allowed Kelly to help her. Within minutes she was dressed. When she was done, she turned back to see Paul also dressed again and watching her intently.

  “I think this is going to work out very well for the both of us. You start next Monday.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  “One other thing—here’s a credit card. I only want you wearing skirts or dresses in the office, and it’s either a thong or nothing. I want easy access to that pussy and ass of yours.”


  The next Monday, Laura was back, dressed in a simple pink button-down blouse and a short tan skirt that only barely covered her ass. Kelly had offered the information that Paul preferred skirts, for the easy access. Underneath, Laura wore only a delicate light pink bra and no panties. After a morning spent at Kelly’s desk, going through Paul’s calendar and running through various reports that had to be run and how to do them, Laura felt oddly let down. With only a “good morning” from Paul, she had barely talked to him, and only seen him twice. After returning from lunch, her disappointment must have been clear to Kelly.

  “Monday is usually a very busy day for Paul, with meetings to go over the weekly sales reports and projections,” Kelly said. “He doesn’t deal with anyone but the biggest of our clients, so he’ll dole out the prospective clients who come in on their own among our team, and those meetings are always contentious. Our sales team can also have their own prospects they’re working, but they still get cranky if they think prospects aren’t spread equally. So he’s usually too edgy and busy for play on Mondays and Tue
sdays. Have no fear, sweetie—he wants you bad.”

  “Really?” Laura wanted to squirm with embarrassment.

  “Oh yeah. You left here the other day and he practically fucked my brains out. You made him really hot. I also think he was worried you would change your mind. He asked me on Friday if you had called.”

  Soothed by that, Laura was able to better focus as the day continued. Shortly after four, Kelly answered the phone and, after a few minutes of conversation, let loose a stream of profanities that startled Laura. After slamming down the phone, Kelly yelled out for Paul and opened his door. “Paul, I have to go before that stupid florist ruins everything. Laura is finishing the meeting notes and is good for now. Remember, you have that breakfast meeting at the Hyatt at nine, and it should run at least an hour or two. I’m taking advantage of my boss being out of the office and not coming in until lunch. The meeting with the caterer should wrap up by about eleven. Laura will be working on the first draft of your presentation for the meeting on Thursday.” Then, with a wave to Laura, she was gone in a flash.

  It was shortly before five when Laura looked up and found Paul watching her. “Hi. How are you doing?”

  Suddenly, she felt shy. “Good.”

  “Come on into my office.” His voice was low and inviting.

  At his words, liquid heat shot right to her pussy. She heard the ding of the elevators as the exodus out of the building began. She followed him into his office to find him already seated behind his desk. After closing the door behind her with a gentle click, she moved further into the room until she was in front of his desk.

  “Take off your blouse.” The deep rumble of his voice had her nipples stiff and aching. Slowly, thankful she didn’t fumble, she undid her blouse and pulled it from her skirt. Carefully, she laid it over the back of the chair and stood proudly before him.

  “Now your bra.” The catch at the back released immediately, and she drew the bra down her arms, sighing in relief as her breasts swayed freely, swollen and hard.

  “Come here.” At his command, her pussy almost gushed in anticipation. She was slightly unsteady as she came around his desk. Now only a few feet from him, her pussy clenched in eagerness.

  “Now your skirt.” Three large buttons were all that held up the skirt. With the last button he realized she had nothing on beneath, and his eyes darkened. He reached out, and his hands landed on her hips and drew her even closer, into the V of his open legs. The feel of his large hands covering her hips easily made her tremble with need. His hands shifted to the smooth skin of her ass and squeezed lightly, as if he were learning her. A sigh escaped her, and he squeezed once again, harder. She watched him move closer and closer, his face mere inches from her trembling pussy. “I can smell you, and you smell good.” She jumped as he licked the juices that had gathered at the seam of her pussy. “You taste so damned sweet. I love how fucking wet you are.”

  In a motion that surprised her, she was lifted onto his desk, and he parted her legs with only one hand. He smiled as he took in her glistening pussy, her juices all but dripping. “How lovely you are. I could stare at you all day. I could, but I think I would rather eat you.”

  His tongue was soft, starting low, where her juices had pooled. With long, hot strokes, he cleaned her gently, then deeply, opening her wider to him. Over and over his tongue left fire where it touched. Laura had at first been embarrassed by how wet she was, overly conscious of the hard desk beneath her, but as his mouth moved over her, all she thought about was that she never wanted it to end. Kelly hadn’t been exaggerating—he was amazing. His tongue moved deeply inside, tasting, drinking her in, again and again, and if he weren’t groaning about how good she tasted she’d have died of embarrassment at how wet she was for him. He sucked the lips of her pussy softly and then gently; moving back into her pussy, he toyed with her labia until she wanted to scream for him to allow her to come. Then he was finally there—he licked her clit once, twice, long, lazy strokes of his tongue, and then he sucked, hard. She bucked once and then twice as she flew toward her orgasm and it washed over her.

  Gradually, she came back down as she felt him stroking her thighs from the outside. Sitting up, she felt almost shy as she met his gaze.

  “Let me guess: that doesn’t happen to you very often, does it?” he asked with a smile.

  “Only when I’m alone,” she answered before she thought about it and smiled back.

  He laughed and shook his head. “Poor Laura. That is too bad. But that is in the past, and there is more to come. Much more, I promise.”

  She didn’t have to think. “Yes please.”

  He laughed again, and then easily picked her up off the desk and set her down on unsteady legs. As he bent to retrieve her skirt, her eyes were once again drawn to the bulge in his pants. Without thought, she kneeled and reached out to touch him. “But what about you?”

  “I had thought you might want to take this slow.”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to take this slow.”

  While Laura had only ever given a blowjob three or four times in her entire life, remembering Kelly going down on him, her mouth was almost as wet as her pussy had been. He leaned back in the chair and his eyes became heavy. “Well then, what about me?”

  She drew the zipper down and reached inside. He was so hard, she wondered if she would be even to take half of him inside her mouth. He stood, and in seconds his pants and boxers were gone. Need had her back off her knees, greedy to see all of him. Her hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, and he chuckled at her need. He took off his suit jacket, pushed her hands away, and quickly undid his shirt. Then he pulled off the sleeveless undershirt, and her breath left her in a rush. His body was obscenely gorgeous: a fine mat of hair covered a strong, muscular chest and feathered down a stomach that had the most amazing six-pack she had ever seen. Her hands roamed over him, and he stood still as he allowed her to learn him by touch. She heard his intake of breath as her fingers found a hard nipple and she leaned forward to taste him.

  His hand went into her hair to stop her. She moaned her complaint and looked up at him. Shaking his head, he used the handful of hair in his grip and tugged her down. “On your knees. I want your mouth on my dick, not my body. I’m so hard I’m ready to come, and I want to do that in your mouth.”

  Her mouth went dry and then flooded again at his words, his command of her body, her will. She went down on her knees again and his grip loosened in her hair. His cock was beautiful, long, and thick—it looked better than the lifelike vibrator she used at home. “I haven’t done this very often, so I might not be very good.”

  Paul’s only answer was to tighten his grip in her hair and bring her closer to him. Drawn to the glimmer of pre-cum at the tip, she licked once then twice, and with a greedy need sucked the tip of his cock. Her tongue loved the taste of him; swirling over the head of his cock, she was intent on capturing all of his pre-cum. She stroked over him, feeling him, learning him. He was so soft and yet so hard, and shockingly hot to the touch. She heard him groan above her, and smiled. She longed to be able to take all of him in her mouth, but a few inches were all she could manage. Her tongue roamed around those inches lovingly, hungrily, and her hands worked the rest of him that her mouth couldn’t. The back of her hand felt the soft, silky sac of his balls, and she immediately wanted to explore them. Only a few tentative licks were all she could manage before she gave in to the desire to taste them fully. He groaned and pulled her away from him, cursing. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, surprised.

  “No—too right; you did it too well. I’m going to come, and I didn’t want to do it in your hair. Put me back in your mouth.”

  Laura swelled with pride at his words, and took him back into her mouth. As she sucked him as deeply as she could, he began to fuck her mouth, as he had Kelly’s, and his thrusting made her so wet that she was dripping along her inner thighs. Seconds later, he came hard, shooting into her mouth. It surprised her, but she sucked
harder, wanting everything he had to give her. As he grew limp in her mouth, she marveled that she had actually tasted him and still wanted more. It was just as hard to believe how turned on she was at having him in her mouth. She loved it and already was looking forward to it again. Unable to let him go, she moved her mouth over him all over again. Even limp she couldn’t take all of him in her mouth, but she tried. She loved the feel of his hands in her hair as he urged her to continue, and much sooner than she had thought possible, he was hard again.

  She was disappointed as he drew her away from his cock and pulled her onto his lap. “For someone who hasn’t done this very often, you do it very well.”

  He moaned into her mouth as he kissed her hard and deep, tasting every inch of her mouth. She tasted herself on his lips, and is was a turn-on that had her writhing in his arms. His mouth moved lower, taking in one tight nipple and then the other. Normally, she hated the attention paid to her breasts. Jeff had only ever bitten and sucked too hard, and she had actually taken to keeping her bra on, to keep him from them. Paul seemed to worship them, laving gently and then blowing lightly until sucking deeply to soothe. She was begging him to stop and then to not ever stop. Her breath coming in short pants. She was soaking wet and begging for release.

  She was surprised when he set her back on her feet and her legs came close to giving out from under her. He flipped her over his desk, his hands hard, gripping her hips. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? You wanted to be bent over my desk, my dick inside you.”

  “Yes please.” She moaned, and then he was there, sliding inside her. Despite monthly use of her seven-inch vibrator, the feel of him, thicker and hotter and buried deep inside her, had her gasping. His beautiful dick was filling her completely—so much better than her fantasy; so much more than she had thought possible. Her body molded to him and welcomed him deeper inside. He was relentless, his strokes dominating, as he pounded into her. The slapping noise of him moving against her made her hotter, wetter than she ever thought possible. Then his fingers were there, slipping into her. With just a light touch, he flicked her clit once, twice, and sent her over the edge. Only faintly did she hear his shout of release as he followed her over the edge, but she smiled in satisfaction to know she had caused it.


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