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His Secretary with Benefits

Page 3

by Fiona Murphy


  As Laura let herself into her apartment that night, a list of things that needed to be done floated through her head and went right back out. All she wanted to do was lie on the couch and revel in the feel of him and the scent of him on her skin. Only minutes after entering her apartment, the door opened again, with April and Tina grinning like maniacs.

  “So how did it go?” April asked.

  Tina cackled. “Girl, you really got to ask that when you see the look on her face? Damn, girl, was he that good? Details, we want details.”

  Laura couldn’t prevent the laughter that bubbled up. “I am not giving you details, only that he is the best fuck I have ever had.”

  “Spoilsport,” April said, and blew a raspberry as she opened the wine.

  Tina cackled again. “While that isn’t exactly saying a whole lot, considering your limited experience, I can tell it means something.”

  “Oh, it does. It really does,” Laura breathed as she sipped at the glass of wine she was handed.

  Chapter Three

  A Friday three months later, her thoughts hadn’t changed as she watched Paul walk toward her desk. She had only to look at him and she wanted him, and although she was loath to read too much into it, he seemed to feel the same way. Kelly had only stayed on a week after Laura had been hired, after she saw how well Laura had taken to all aspects of the job. Ever since then, it had been day after day of hot and greedy sex. They had fucked in his Jaguar on a road trip to investigate a property in Wisconsin, and had taken it out below the stars on the roof of his building. She had done things she’d read about but never thought she would try, and, like Kelly had said, she loved it. Paul controlled her body utterly, but he also saw to her pleasure. She trusted in him to always take care of her, and he did. He never took an orgasm—always, he gave back to her. She loved that just from looking at him, sheathed in sleek, expensive suit, no one would ever know what a voracious, skilled lover he was. When he bent her over his desk, simply pulling out his cock and pulling her skirt up, both of them covered except where they were joined, it made her weak in the knees.

  She actually no longer looked forward to the weekends, because it meant two days without him and what he did to her. She was embarrassed that she had finally started taking the low-dose pill to keep her periods at bay, the way her gynecologist had long ago suggested. Except she wasn’t doing it because of her period issues—she was doing it so she wouldn’t have to go a week without Paul. Paul had questioned if it was safe, but when he was assured her doctor suggested it, he was happy to find out they wouldn’t have to go without sex for a week. He had been able to entice her into sex once while on her period, but he felt how uncomfortable and inhibited she’d been, and he’d apologized and promised he wouldn’t ask again. Hearing those words, she’d made an appointment with her doctor that day. Now it was just the weekend that they went without, and she hated it.

  Considering the way he had almost attacked her this morning after talking about their respective plans for the weekend, he might be suffering as well. Twice he had fucked her, fast and furious and then a slow, tortuous fuck before he left for a lunch meeting.

  Usually, she loved to start her day by giving him head, loving the taste of him on her lips all day long, and he preferred to put off fucking her until the end of the day. He liked knowing she wore nothing under her short skirts, and enjoyed slipping his hand up her skirt to caress and tease her throughout the day. Yet when he came inside her without a condom, the way they both liked it, he knew that she then needed to put on a thong or sometimes even panties to keep from making a mess, as his cum gradually leaked out of her throughout the day. Both of them were turned on by the knowledge that she was filled with his cum as they went about their day. While normally she preferred the feel of his cum inside her, the three times had filled her so much that the ruffled pink panties she had put on couldn’t contain their combined juices. So she had run down to the gym on her lunch break and made use of the showers to clean up.

  He stopped in front of her desk and took in her rosy complexion and damp hair. “You showered.”

  “Yes.” She felt as if it was an accusation. Her nipples tightened beneath his gaze. It was only three, and he still had another meeting to attend. They both knew they would have to wait.

  “You cleaned your pussy.”

  She blushed. Although his voice was low, she was scared someone might have heard. Also, she was embarrassed that his frank words where anyone could hear made her wet.


  “Are you wearing the panties?”

  “No, I’m not wearing anything.” She held his gaze and loved that his eyes darkened. He looked at his watch. Knowing he had only fifteen minutes until his next meeting, she held her breath as she waited for him to speak.

  “My office, now.” With that, he stalked into his office. She was ashamed at the way she all but ran after him.

  She closed the door and flicked the lock into place. When she turned, he was at his desk, his cock out and hard.

  “You have five minutes to sit on my cock and make me come.” Her pussy clenched at his words. She should have known. It was his favorite position, her riding his cock with her breasts at mouth level. It was her favorite too.

  With a shudder, she sank down on his cock, feeling like she was home, taking him deep inside her. He latched on to her breast through the silk of her blouse and tugged hard. Her head went back. God, what he did to her. Seeming to know she could barely take it, he moved his hands to her hips and set the pace as he stabbed into her. No matter how deep he went, it wasn’t enough. She exploded around him, her convulsions milking his cock and carrying him with her.

  “Three minutes. I haven’t been that quick since I was sixteen. If it weren’t for your wet pussy as proof you came, I’d be fucking embarrassed.”

  She laughed and went back to tasting his neck. “Hmm, I can see you as a sixteen-year-old. I doubt you were that quick for very long.” Her pussy squeezed him.

  “Laura, fucking hell, you are killing me. I’m going to be late for the meeting, and Dan’s going to bitch. Never mind, don’t fucking stop. I don’t know how you can get me hard again so damn quick. One of the things I love about you—you’re so damn efficient.”

  He was late to the meeting.


  Twenty minutes later, as she finished typing a letter, she wound his words around her head. He didn’t mean it. She needed to stop being so literal. It would be stupid to read too much into it, and she would hate to ruin what they had by asking for more. It was just sex—wonderful, mind-blowing sex. It was all she had wanted when she came to work for him. She needed to remember that. To ask for more would be stupid, and could only lead to unneeded pain. She loved his cock—it was his cock she wanted and needed, nothing more.

  With a sigh, she gave up. She knew it wasn’t just what he did to her sexually that had her wondering about something more. It was the whole man that attracted her, drew her in, and made her want all of him. She’d never had a boss like him. While he did spend more hours in the office than at home—and she knew that even at home he was working—he never asked for more from her. When she had indicated she would be happy to stay late, he’d been firm that his ways were his own and not expected from her.

  He asked her opinion about everything from brochures to clients. Sometimes he took her advice, and when he disagreed he stated why. His mind could work at a thousand miles a minute, and sometimes she just loved being around him to watch him work. He complimented her easily and without fanfare. He often made sure she was at his side when he worked with a client, and then would discuss how the meeting went. Knowing that he thought of her as not just a toy but as an actual woman, with thoughts and opinions of her own, had her confidence shooting up.

  It had also made her want to work harder, to please him in every way she could. While she had always enjoyed pretty bras and panties, now she had taken them up a notch. Silky and meant to stir a man’
s cock, all her underwear was bought and worn with Paul in mind, and he knew it and loved it. The first time she had worn the garter belt with stockings, but no panties, that the saleswoman had told her she had to have if she was serious about all the other lingerie she bought, Paul hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her. He’d actually called an end to the day early and taken her back to his place for the afternoon.

  There was a part of her that was still surprised that, even three months in, they still weren’t able to keep their hands off each other. She was sure by now his interest would have waned, but it hadn’t, and she just couldn’t enough of him. But that didn’t mean it was love. She needed to stop thinking along those lines, as it could only ruin everything, and she wasn’t ready for this to end.

  Laura wasn’t sure why, at thirty minutes after five, she was still at her desk. Even though her pussy was sore from repeated fucking already, she hadn’t felt like she could just leave. Paul always fucked her before he left for the day. The meeting he had gone to still hadn’t ended, and he would need to come back to his desk. She felt like she needed to be there when he did. When she saw his eyes light up only minutes later, she knew she had done the right thing.

  He held open the door for her and closed it with a soft click behind her. Before she lost her nerve, before he touched her, she knew she needed to warn him. “Paul, I’m sore—too sore, I think.”

  He stopped to consider her words, and then drew her to him. “Hmm, it has been quite a few times today. How many?”

  She swayed against him, and he nibbled at her neck. “Five, but I think it was this morning’s two in a row that really did it.”

  He nodded, as he found his way to her ear. “Yes, I was a little rough this morning, wasn’t I? My apologies. I smell you and, knowing how much you want me, it makes me fucking needy and damned near savage at the thought of being inside you. I love it when I fill you with my cum, and how you said you loved the feel of it inside you. Knowing that you’re walking around with me inside you makes me hard at the thought of it. It pissed me off when you cleaned your pussy earlier.” His fingers brushed over and then slipped inside her pussy, finding her slick and wet. “Is this me from earlier?”

  “Not all of it, no.” She breathed hard and then moaned her objection as his fingers left her.

  “I love that you’re sore but you’re still wet, and you still want me?” He laughed as his mouth covered hers.

  “Of course.” She groaned her agony, not finding it the least bit funny.

  “Then come here.”

  Paul moved to his desk and she trailed after him, not sure what he had in mind. He lifted her onto his desk as he had so many times before, and his eyes lit up as he raised her skirt and saw she was bare and dripping for him. Bringing her to almost the very edge of the desk, he parted her wide for him. Trailing first one and then another finger through the folds of her pussy, he followed to where her juices pooled at the entry to her ass. Without any warning, he parted the globes of her ass and sank a damp finger deep inside.

  “Paul!” she yelped, surprised.

  “Shhh, sweetheart. This will be so good for you, I promise,” he crooned as he lapped at her pussy.

  “But won’t it hurt?” She had never once even considered anal.

  “Don’t you want my cock inside you?” He fucked her with his finger inside her, as much her tight muscles would allow.

  “I want your cock. I want you.” She was just as needy for him as he was for her. If this was the only way she could take him and satisfy him, then she would gladly accept it. Her hands were up, tearing off her blouse and bra, pulling at her hard, tight nipples, seeking relief.

  “Then trust me and relax.” His smile was pure satisfaction as he felt her relax around his finger. He pulled out and thrust in again, once, twice. Feeling the desire build, he moved back to her wet pussy and, taking more juices for lubrication, he entered with two fingers. Eager for more, she relaxed to take him deeper.

  “Yes, I can take more. Please give me more.”

  “Can you? Let’s try.” Briefly he pushed inside her pussy, and in seconds he was out again, pushing into her ass with an inexorable push. No, she thought, it was too much, and she strained against him. Pressure and pain mingled as he pushed inside her. Laura wanted to beg him to stop, and then he was there, buried deep inside her. He was too big, too thick, her body warned her as he lay there inside her. She had no idea she had spoken aloud until he replied.

  “But I’m not too big. I fit just right, don’t you think? You feel so good that I think I could come just from staring at you. Your gorgeous breasts with your pretty pink-tipped nipples hard just for me; your face red and rosy; your lips are soft and full. And your pussy—I can smell your pussy from here, soaking wet for me. It’s what helped me move inside you. How wet you get for me. Your ass is so hot, so tight. I want to move, but will you let me back inside you if I do?”

  She could only nod, and then he moved. Slowly, very slowly, he moved out just a few inches, and then he was back again, and the pleasure/pain of it made her whisper his name. He moved out a few more inches then was much slower as he stroked into her. He pulled out until just the tip of his cock was inside. Then he surged inside again, and the pleasure rolled through her. Seeing her pleasure, he moved again in and out, his pace speeding up. The waves were washing over her so intensely that she felt nothing but him, saw nothing but him, her whole focus on the pleasure he was giving her. His control slipped and he was pounding; the slapping of his body into hers filled the room and mingled with her moans of pleasure. Without warning, he came inside her and buried himself deep, spurting endlessly into her. She came then with a shout of joy, of shock, it was so consuming.


  Saturday morning shone far too brightly as far as she was concerned, and her head felt stuffy. Doing her best to shake it off, she ran a few errands, but by the afternoon she was home again and back in bed, with a fever. Sunday she was worse, and by that evening she knew she would be calling in on Monday. Deciding it would be best to give Paul a call that night—but worried, as she had never called him outside of work before—she breathed deeply and made the call.

  He answered on only the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Paul, I just wanted to let you know that it seems I’ve come down with something, the flu, probably, and feel awful and won’t be in tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure it’s the flu? Are you going to the doctor tomorrow?” He sounded concerned.

  “I’m pretty sure. It has been going through my apartment building, and it seems like it’s my turn.” She ended with a cough.

  “You sound awful. You need to go to the doctor tomorrow.” He was stern.

  “Paul, there’s no cure for the flu. I just have to let it run its course.” The few words started another bout of coughing. “I’ll call you later,” she said as she hung up.


  She lay there struggling to catch her breath, and prayed she would fall back to sleep. Less than an hour later, she was sure she hadn’t fallen asleep, but was sure she was dreaming at the sight of Paul in her bedroom, tousled in jeans and a Northwestern tee shirt.

  “I can’t believe you leave your door unlocked. Don’t you know this city is extremely unsafe for a beautiful young woman like you? Don’t you have any sense?”

  Okay, so it wasn’t a dream.

  “What are you doing here?” was the only response she could get out.

  “You call me sounding like you are hacking up a lung and you expect me to just go back to watching the game? Do you have anything more decent to wear than that shirt? I don’t want Frank seeing you like that.” He began to rummage through her closet, and came out with an old top to a pair of flannel pajamas she used to wear. “Sit up, sweetheart.”

  Not quite sure who Frank was and even why she was sitting up, she did her best to try, but was so weak that Paul did all the work. He pulled her up, took the shirt she wore off, and stuffed her into the flannel top. He yelled f
or Frank, and only a moment later, a man only a few years older than Paul, with light blue eyes and a gentle grin, came into the room. After attempting to order Paul from the room and then giving up, Frank’s diagnosis was almost immediate. No, she didn’t have the flu—she actually had bronchitis.

  “Bronchitis? You were just going to stay in bed and not go to the doctor because you thought you had the flu. Again, do you have any sense?”

  Frank shushed Paul and turned his attention back to Laura. “Laura, because of how quickly this came on and how badly you seem to be struggling, I want to go ahead and give you a shot. It will move this along and then you will only need another week of the antibiotic. Is that all right?”

  She nodded, and moments later she felt the prick of the needle. All of the commotion was too much for her, and she drifted back to sleep.


  Several hours later, she came awake with a start and a need to pee. She made her way to the bathroom on weak and trembling legs. A few minutes later, she opened the door to the bathroom to find Paul leaning against the wall, obviously waiting for her. “Paul?”

  “Are you feeling okay?” He picked her up and walked her back to bed.

  “You’re still here?” She was shocked as he gently tucked her into bed.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. How long has it been since you had something to eat? I have some fresh chicken soup, or maybe tea and toast. Frank said you wouldn’t be up for much, but I can get you anything you want.” While surprised to see him there, she was more startled when her stomach growled loudly.

  “Soup it is. I’ll be right back.”

  Laura’s shock lasted the whole night as he fed her soup, helped her to the bathroom to brush her teeth, and then, at her small-voiced request, settled down with her for the night and held her while she slept.


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