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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 7

by J. Thiele

“Casey, before you say anything. Rick has been following the murders and I think you’ll find we’re all on the same page. I think he’ll be useful.”

  “Who’s running this show Lieutenant? I think I’ll be the judge of that if you don’t mind. Please remember, you’re a uniform, and I’m the lead detective in this room?”

  Ray put his hands up to surrender and took a step backwards.

  Rick stood to defend him. “Pardon me, Detective, but as the first homicide occurred on your investigation while you were on the scene. The second was in close proximity of your home address and the fourth victim was a close acquaintance of yours. It also occurred in close proximity of your residence, dare I suggest you should stand down. As you are far too close to the situation to keep a clear head. Alternatively, you can accept the help I’m offering and we work together as a team. Now let's look at what we do know—this is not your run of the mill serial killer. He has no pattern; No motive. So let’s start from the beginning.”

  Ray smirked at the reprimand. Not a lot of people would dare to stand up to 'The Almighty Casey Marks' and put her in her place; the look on her face was priceless and he had to look away to avoid her catching his expression.

  “Fine, but you take orders from me, is that understood?” she reiterated.

  “As always.” Rick replied.

  Casey moved toward the white board, and began mapping out the victims and their locations. Ray turned his head to observe; suddenly he felt a pull in his neck. His hand flew up in an instant and he began to rub it. “Everything okay Lieutenant?” Casey asked.

  “Everything’s fine, I must have slept crooked; my neck is a bit stiff is all.”

  Casey pulled up all the pictures from the previous cases. “There has to be a connection.” she declared. “Look at these marks found on the bodies from the warehouse, at first they were just seen as injuries from the attack, but at closer inspection they were identified as bite marks, but from what? We don’t know. Similar marks were found on the couple walking home near my place and the brothels victims. And of course….” Casey stopped mid-sentence.

  “Well we haven’t got the report back on Jenifer Lowe yet.” Ray intervened.

  “Right.” Casey confirmed. “We need to get back inside that warehouse. I believe there is something or someone inside there that can help us with our investigations.” Casey put her hands in her pockets, “Any thoughts?” she asked as she fiddled with the chain at the bottom of her pocket. She'd jammed it in there the night before, after she found it lying on the path in the park. She’d carry it every day until the perp’ was brought to justice. A reminder that now she was doing it for Jen, making it personal.

  The three agreed on one suspect for all four cases and would work them as one. The suspect they were chasing was Wes Moresby.

  Casey’s phone rang. “Casey Marks.”

  “Detective Marks?” came an old voice through the receiver.

  “That’s correct.”

  “Detective, its Frank Townsend from down at the railway yard. You asked me to give you a call next time I saw action coming from the old warehouse next door. Do you remember me?” He asked.

  “Yes Mr. Townsend of course.” Casey held her hand up to the men to quiet them so she could better hear the old man.

  “Well ma’am I’ma’ callin ya. I seen people goin in, and comin out one at a time all dazed an' stoned like I was tellin ya.”

  “Thank you Mr. Townsend. We’re on our way, and Mr. Townsend?”

  “Yes ma’am?’

  “Why don’t you take the rest of the night off? I don’t think your boss will mind if we’re on the scene.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Saddle up boys, there’s movement at the station.” Casey said walking toward the door. The two men sat with confused looks on their faces. She looked over her shoulder to see them still sitting in their seats. “Well come on, someone’s inside the warehouse. Do you think we should wait for an invite?”

  They leapt from their seats and promptly followed Casey through the station.

  They had agreed on taking one car, Casey drove.

  On route Ray’s phone rang, he excused himself and answered the call. “Ray here.”

  “Hot shot, I was expecting you to call.” Ray felt himself blush at the awkwardness.

  “I’m working, can I call ya back?”

  “Sure but don’t keep me waiting, I get a little uptight when I get thirsty.” She giggled into the phone. Ray hung up and put his phone on silent before jamming it back into his pocket.

  “Girlfriend?” Casey asked with a raised of her brow.

  “It’s complicated” he answered with a sigh.

  “Complicated?” Casey laughed, “You were single two days ago, how and when did things get ‘complicated?”

  Ray went on to tell them the story about the woman he’d met but couldn’t remember her name, and the embarrassment of not even remembering a single conversation with her. He had no recollection of taking her home, just that when Casey called about Jen, he woke to more than just the phone call, she was there beside him. When he returned later, she’d gone leaving the pills and note on the bench.

  Rick leaned through from the back seat, “Was it sealed buddy, maybe she filled it with Viagra.” He laughed slapping Ray’s shoulder.

  “Fuck you man! I sure as hell know how to keep a woman happy without the help of that shit.”

  “Yeah I’ve heard the stories.” Rick confessed, continuing to goad him.

  They were less than a quarter block away from the warehouse when Casey’s foot landed hard on the brake. Both men taken by surprise at the sudden screeching of the tyres, had to regained their awareness and looked toward the front of the vehicle. Standing in the glow of the headlights was a young woman. She was pale in complexion, and appeared dazed or lost, confused in some manner. Casey flew from behind the wheel to check on the woman’s safety. She was well dressed and Casey couldn’t smell any alcohol on her breath. “Ma’am, are you alright?” the woman looked into Casey’s eyes for a second, then answered. “I’m fine, I just need to get some milk and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Ray! Get the drug and alcohol kit. This woman’s off her tree.”

  Casey could feel there was something strange about this woman’s coherency, but she didn’t know what. “Hurry Ray!”

  A few minutes later Ray responded “Negative on both.” Ray informed her. “Mental health perhaps?” he asked with a shrug.

  “I don’t think so; she’s too well dressed and cared for. Put her in the back seat. My suspicion is she’s just come from where we’re headed.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time they had arrived at the warehouse, everything was quiet, just a small light from inside still glowed in the darkness.

  The woman in the back seat began to fidget.

  “Where am I? Who are you people? Where are you taking me?” she was becoming panicked.

  “Relax ma’am no-one’s going to hurt you. I’m detective…..” Casey didn’t finish her sentence when the woman looked out the windows at their surroundings, and out of nowhere began to scream. “No...No please no! I’ve no more to give. Please don’t make me go back... Pleeeeaase?” the woman began crying hysterically.

  Ma’am, please try to remain calm, no-one is going to make you do anything…” again Casey was cut short as the woman began to scream.

  Casey started the engine and sped off, heading for the General Hospital.

  “Where are you taking me?” the woman asked in her panicked voice.

  To the hospital ma’am, I think we need to have a doctor examine you.” Casey responded. The woman immediately settled and became compliant.

  * * * * *

  From inside the warehouse, Damon heard the sound of the car screech off. He stopped suckling on the woman’s neck. He knew it was Detective Marks that had come to pay him a visit. He looked toward the open door, smiled, then resumed to nuzzle into the females neck.

  * * *
* *

  “Stay with her boys, I’m going to head up to the Captains room to check on him.” Casey instructed when they arrived at the hospital.

  “It’s late, visiting hours are over.” Rick reminded her.

  She flashed her badge “Official police business.” She turned and headed toward the lift.

  Rick and Ray turned to each other shrugging their shoulders, then returned their focus to taking care of their frightened and confused companion.

  Casey entered the Captains ward, half expecting to find him asleep when she got to his room. No matter, she would be happy to just look in on him if that were the case. But as she closed in on his room, she heard muffled conversations and giggling. ‘What’s he doing awake? He must have a roommate. Strange, he was in a private ward, paid for by the government.’ She was surprised when she entered his room and snuck a peek around the curtain to see him sitting up in bed holding the hand of his nurse.

  His face blushed at the intrusion, and their hands quickly retreated from each other’s, “Marks, what you are doing here? Don’t you have a case to solve?”

  “Sorry Sir, I was just down at Emergency and thought I’d pop on up and see how you were feeling. It appears you’re feeling a lot better.”

  “Yes well er, never mind that, emergency? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” The Captains eyes quickly assessing Casey's clothes for any signs of damage.

  “I’m fine Captain, it’s a woman we found wandering the streets on our way to the warehouse. I think there’s a connection but we’ll talk later.” Casey shot a glanced at the nurse as if she were the intruder.

  “It’s alright child, I’m leavin’, but remember, just cos this ole badger is getting out tomorrow, don’t mean he’s completely fightin’ fit, so don’t go getting him all riled up now, ya hear?”

  The nurse brushed past Casey then looked back at Pearce and smiled “Now Tony, don’t keep me waitin’ tomorrow, I’ll be here at 10am sharp to bust you out of here.” Then she was gone.

  Casey looked repulsed. “Tony? And what’s this about you getting out of here? Why didn’t you call? Where’s Rita? Speaking of which what if she’d been the one to waltz on in here to see you cozying up to your Nurse…Overstepping Boundaries from both sides... I'd say?”

  “Keep quiet Casey, this is a hospital not a theatre.” He was quick to hush her. He looked down, “Casey, Rita’s gone. She left over a year ago, said I was married to the job and she felt more like the other woman. She’s been staying with Alex and the kids.”

  “Jesus Captain, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Casey slumped into the chair beside the bed, ashamed that she had no idea of what was going on in his life.

  “How could you, I never told you. Thought she’d calm down after a few days and come back home. But the days turned into weeks, the week’s months. Then Christmas came and went, along with birthdays and anniversaries, then it became abundantly clear to this old brain of mine that Rita was as stubborn as I was and she just wasn’t coming home. Alex called a while ago, said her mother was courtin' a fella and hoped I’d put a stop to it, but like I said, we’re just as stubborn as each other, and I’m not a man to beg. Claire’s just the shot in the arse I need.” He paused for a second, “Anyway, that’s none of your business, what are you doing here anyway? What’s the big emergency? A man’s laid up in a hospital bed half dead and you…..”

  “Relax, I’m not staying, I just came to see how you are.” She stood up and kissed his forehead and headed back down to emergency. Deciding not to tell him about the case, he deserved the break.

  * * * * *

  By the time Casey had made her way back down in the lift, the woman had become coherent, her tox screen was clear of drugs and alcohol and her MRI showed no indication of any head trauma or brain injury. The woman was able to identify herself as ‘Heather Crane’ she was thirty-seven years of age and lived with her husband and teenage children on the south side of town. She had absolutely no recollection of what she was doing in the western suburbs, or how she’d gotten there. She'd gone out to get milk and after a short trip to the local convenience store from there everything became blank.

  The doctor found no injuries on her body, and no reason to keep her in any longer, she was free to go as soon as her husband arrived to take her home.

  The G.P.S tracker on the woman’s car lead them back the general location of the warehouse.

  It was getting past midnight. “Let’s call it a night boys. We’ll head back to the station from here.” Casey decided.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Casey left the station at around 3:00am, she was heading home when she reefed on her hand break and spun the car in the opposite direction. ‘Fuck you Wes Moresby! I want your arse on a platter! Jen’s dead and so help me if you had anything to do with it, I’ll be sending you straight to fucking hell!’ She thought to herself as she headed toward the warehouse.

  It was still dark outside, but Casey could see a glimmer of light coming from inside the abandoned building. She knew Damon Cartwright was inside, and her gut told her he knew Moresby’s whereabouts. Her gut was rarely wrong, and it’s what helped solve many a crime throughout her career.

  She crept around to the back of the building, slipping through the same hole in the fence they had previously made the night Amanda Lewis died. ‘Strange they haven’t fixed that yet’ she thought, but grateful for the small mercy. She’d found the crate that Amanda used to hoist herself up on and she decided to have a peek inside as well.

  Just as she pulled herself up to the window something reefed her from behind, and threw her to the ground. She shook her head to regain her bearings, in an instant she saw Wes pounce on her, growling and snarling at her. He lifted her of the ground and threw her into the wall of the building, her head bounced of the bricks, rendering her unconscious, the last thing she saw was a figure behind Wes, a shadow, a flash, she wasn’t sure, but then it and Was vanished and her head went blank.

  * * * * *

  Casey woke with a pounding headache; she was on a leather couch inside the warehouse. It didn’t resemble anything like what she’d imagined it would. It had been renovated and looked more like something from a rich and famous magazine. A loft had been built in the overheads that she imagined must be sleeping quarters. A stairway spiralled upward to the shadowed area. She went to sit up when her head reminded her again that she’d been thrown to the ground like a paintball into a brick wall.

  “Relax Detective, you are safe here.” said a voice she knew only too well as Damon Cartwright's.

  “What the hell happened?” she asked. Then remembering it was Wes that attacked her. “Where is that little motherfucker?” She demanded to know, as she stood looking around the massive area for any sign of him. “I know he’s here, tell me where he is! Get out here and face me face to face you little shit, let’s see whatcha got.” she shouted.

  “Detective, please there is no-one here, but you and I. I found you around the back unconscious. You seemed to have fallen from a crate. Though I don’t know why you didn’t just come through the door like the rest of us.” he mocked.

  “Fell my arse!” she retorted, Moresby grabbed me from behind and attacked me, I’d be dead if…if.” She didn’t finish her sentence, she didn’t dare.

  “Yes, go on, if what detective?” he asked, waving his hand to encourage her to finish what she was saying.

  “Never mind. I now you’re hiding him. But I don't understand why?” Casey walked around searching all corners, before taking the first step to the loft.

  “What is your interest in this Wes person detective, why is he so important to you?”

  Casey spun around pulling Jen's chain from her pocket, “Because of this!” she snapped as she tossed the sterling silver string at Cartwright.

  He flinched and looked repulsed at the sight of the piece of jewellery, as it bounced of his forearm landing on the floor.

  Casey was amused that she'd startled his so easily, “Oh relax, it’s
just a chain, though not just any chain. It belonged to someone special. Someone that was murdered a few nights ago and I know that Moresby fucker is behind it. So, unless you want to be charged with obstruction, you’ll hand him over to me right now.” Casey demanded.

  “I assure you detective, there is no-one here. But you are free to look around if it will set your mind at ease.” he offered.

  “Thank you, I will.” She said with determination. She found it odd that there were few windows and the ones that were there had been tinted so dark you could barely see through them.

  Though she could tell it was breaking daylight, she looked at her watch. 6:01 am. There was no sign of Wes but she could feel his presence, she knew he was close. But everything was open space there really wasn’t anywhere for him to hide. ‘Where the fuck are you, you little prick?’ she wondered. Her gut still telling her she was close. “Okay, I’m done here.” She concluded, “But remember, Mr. Cartwright, you’re not fooling anybody. If I find just a hint of your involvement, with any or all of the murders I’m investigating, I’ll have you on death row in a heartbeat.”

  He mused at her words, ‘death row, and heart beat’. He guided her to the entrance, a door that led to a small hidden gap between a new wall and the giant roller door. Casey looked at him confused. “What’s with all the cloak and dagger style housing Mr. Cartwright? Hidden doorways, darkened windows. What are you hiding or should I ask, hiding from?”

  “Please detective, call me Damon? Look at where we are situated, and the history of this building. Who would think to break in if it looks like it carries a curse and is still abandoned, and the windows? They are darkened because I am sensitive to the sun’s rays that is all, no secrets, no mystery, just a man trying to live a peaceful life.


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